You noticed something was up when you saw the two of them skulking outside the girl's restroom.
You recognized their short skirts and unbuttoned bluses, their dyed hair and regulation violating fashion.
Shirakami Fubuki and Ookami Mio, members of the the school's resident sukeban clique.
You approach them with confidence. They were feared by the general student population. You were not a part of that population.
They were about to get testy with you as they saw you walk up, realizing quickly who you were. You didn't even need the disciplinary committee armband on your shoulder. You've dealt with theme long enough for them to know not to mess with you.
"Where is she?" You didn't bother with the pleasantries, you had some business with their leader.
They're silent for a time, their only way of expressing their defiance towards you. It was petty and childish.
"She's inside." It was Mio who backed down, lowering her eyes to the floor and sheepishly giving the answer you were waiting for.
You wasted no time and barged through them, opening the door to witness a familiar scene.
Two girls were laughing evilly, flanking another who was on the floor and shivering.
You see Inugami Korone, the big dog, pouring a plastic bottle of water over their victim's head. She was wearing a flowing overcoat and her torso was covered only by sarashi. It was against school code of course.
Next to her was her number 2, Nekomata Okayu, the Queen of Gyaru. Her purple hair with blonde highlights framed her ample chest which was bulging out and barely covered by a tiger print bra. She was the one who noticed you.
"Senpai." Okayu whispers seriously, pointing at you with a manicured finger.
Korone turns, her earlier jovial attitude turning morose and measured.
Your attention was focused on the girl on the floor, she looked upwards. Her drenched bangs covering her glasses. She smiled in relief.
"A-Anon-senpai!" She recognized you.
Ouro Kronii, she was a 1st year, a quiet and lonely girl. She quickly became a target because of her passive nature and due to the male student body being mesmerized by her massive breasts.
You walk towards them, unheeding of the fact you're a boy in the girl's restroom.
Korone smiles, she walks towards you in a casual way, wrapping an arm around your neck.
You stop, your eyes narrow at this 'friendly' gesture.
Her hand slips something into your breast pocket, she taps on it.
"3000 Yen, my weekly collection." She says mockingly in a formal manner.
You unfurl your arm, taking out the money. It was three 1000 Yen bills, a little wet but still useable.
Kronii's earlier look of hope slowly crumbles down into one of despair.
"S-Senpai?" She whispers out, unbelieving of what she was seeing.
You only offer her a cold gaze.
"Are you done with her?" You ask Korone, your tentative partner in crime.
Korone just gives one glance at Okayu, who promptly kicks Kronii on the ribs. She cries out in pain as she falls on her side.
"Yeah we're done." She gestures towards Okayu, they were about to leave when you grip her on the shoulder, you tighten your fingers.
"Learn restraint Korone, the teachers are starting to notice." She merely grabs your hand, pushing it away violently.
"Don't worry senapi~, my girls and I can handle themselves." She snarls at you.
The loud banging of the door signals her departure. The only other sound in the restroom was the poor cries of Kronii.
You walk over towards her.
She shrinks at your footsteps, she knows what kind of person you were now.
You believed you were a superior kind of being compared to most people, intelligent and capable of self-restraint.
Yet seeing her soaked blouse, the fabric clinging to the shapeliness of her amazing mammaries. You could understand now why so many of the male students found her attractive even if she was such a quiet wallflower.
"Looks like you're in a pickle." You crouch down, taking out a handkerchief from your pocket, offering it as if that was enough to dry her out.
She remains silent.
"You want an out?" You get to the point.
"Senpai...I respected you." She mewled out, like a kicked kitten.
You sigh.
You look up at the ceiling, thinking about what to say.
"The world is a harsh place Kronii-chan, your situation should help you realize that." You say slowly and methodically, never butchering your words.
"I do not know what compelled Korone-san to target you, but the reason doesn't matter. You're in her sights now, all that you can do is minimize the damage." It was harsh advice, especially to someone who had respected you.
She powers through the pain, sitting up and looking at you with accusing eyes.
"Aren't you in the disciplinary committee!? It's your job to stop this!" She screams out, her tears intermixing with the water that was poured on her.
You pinched the bridge of your nose.
What to do?
"You deserved it." She freezes, her eyes widening at your words.
You stand up.
"You deserved the bullying." Trying to be friendly was not going to be an option, you needed to shift gears.
"If you tell anyone about me they won't believe you. No one will believe you. You're all alone Kronii. The girls hate you out of jealously, the boys only see you as a sex object. The teachers think you're a shy quiet girl who doesn't get into trouble." Every word was like a stab wound, Kronii became smaller and smaller until she was a a sobbing mess, her hands on her ears as she tried to drown out your words.
You grab her by the shoulder, forcing her to stand. Her eyeglasses are foggy, and yet you can see her pale beautiful blue eyes stare at you in despair and terror.
"Only I can save you." You hold her by the chin.
You were a devil, a demon. Korone and her gang were just mere thugs.
You were the real monster of Hololive High.

Pub: 23 Sep 2021 23:15 UTC
Views: 300