Chapter 1: Prolog im Himmel

: I was in middle school when *that* happened.

: Back when I was still living in Aomori Prefecture, with my parents. On a particular night, *they* spoke to me.

: "If you go on stage, you will become a Daistar. I will bet my life on it".

: It came out of the blue to me, I had not even thought about the idea, no doubt this was God's doing.

: And so I replied.

: Oh God, I will definitely become a Daistar. So, please wait for me.

: That pledge has since been my driving force up until today.

Tsubomi: gasp!

Tsubomi: Haven't had that dream in a while... I wonder how many years its been since then...

Tsubomi: ...

Tsubomi: Oh God of Acting, I will definitely become a Daistar. I have never forgotten that pledge...

Tsubomi: That's right. That is my reason for being here. Now's not the time to forget that.

Teacher: Alright, take your seats~. I'll already mentioned it before, but there will be mock exams this weekend.

Student: Huh- No way.

Teacher: This mock exam is vital for your future career path, so make sure you take it seriously.

Tsubomi: Mock exams...

Teacher: If your results or your future prospects aren't good enough, then we might have to call your parents to discuss possible courses of action~.

Tsubomi: Calling my parents...

Tsubomi: I wouldn't want them to come all the way from Aomori to Tokyo, but I also don't to make them.

Tsubomi: Alright, let's do this.

Iroha: So Kaname-san was asking about the next play, I wonder what the next play will be.

Mito: "Alice in Wonderland" was a big hit thanks to Towa-chan, so maybe it'll be "Through the Looking Glass"?

Towa: Eh-, I've already put all my effort into one play, doing it twice is impossible~. No thanks. I'll pass.

Kamira: Ahaha, but I can't imagine anyone else but Towa to play Alice, if it does happen, you just gotta do it.

Towa: N-o t-h-a-n-k-s. Have it be an audition for Alice's role like it was last time~.

Mito: A-auditions made me nervous...! And also, it'll be filling in Towa-chan's shoes...!

Iroha: Towa-chan is basically Denki's Alice anyways, so it's alright for her to always play Alice...

Kamira: In that case, we'll just have to force Towa to take the audition.

Towa: Eh-. Then there's no point in even holding auditions-.

Tsubomi: ...

Kaname: Sorry I'm late. Alright, quiet down everyone. I get everyones excited, but quiet down.

Kaname: I'm think you all know already, but the reason we're gathered here is to talk about our next eprformance.

Machiko: As you all know, we've recently finished our performnace of "ALice in Wonderland", and our popularoty is on the rise. Good work everyone.

Machiko: The "Alice" stories are highly regarded among the theatre and critic communities, and I'm sure you all know from the fans reactions.

Machiko: So now the critics, fans and the theatre community all have their eyes on us with high expectations for the next play. I'm sure you all get the picture now?

Iroha: ...1

Mito: Does that mean...?

Kamira: It'll be bad if we mess up the next performance...?

Towa: Ehh~...

Kaname: Come now, look on the bright side, this is the chance to get our name out there! This is the Denki of fun, isnt it!?
Iroha: That's right! This is the chance to have everyone's eyes on us! There's a big wave in front of us! Let's go and ride it!

Tsubomi: (Chance to get our name out there...)

Towa: So whats our next play?

Machiko: Ah. Kaname, go and tell them.

Kaname: Right.

Kaname: I'll get straight to the point, it's going to be "Faust".

Kamira: "Faust"?

Towa: One of Goethe's works, and a super classic one at that. Isn't that a bad choice for Denki?

Kamira: Is that so?

Kaname: It is if we leave it as is.

Kaname: But don't worry, we'll rework it so it's more Denki-like, of course.

Kaname: But thats not the reason we've gathered you here today.

Mito: Eh...?

Kaname: As the boss said, there's a huge expectation for the next play. And so, we will be relying on the lead to be able to put their best into the role.
Kamira: So that means...

Machiko: We will be holding auditions for the lead role of Faust.

Towa: Hah?

Towa: Haaaaaahh~!?!?

Towa: T-that's not what Denki's about! Denki's all about taking things easy and having fun, right!? Oi, Kaname!

Kaname: Taking it easy is good in moderation. And also "A Little Princess" also had auditions too, didn't it? And of course, we won't be forcing to take the auditions.

Kaname: Those of you who want the role, can take the audition. You don't have to make up your mind right now, take your time--

Iroha: I'll take it!

Mito: I-Iroha-chan!?

Iroha: I will take the audition!

Mito: Eh, Eeeehh!?

Iroha: I will definitely put on a good performance!

Iroha: Mito-chan, did you want to challenge me for the lead role?

Mito: Mito thinks... Umm...

Towa: I'll pass.

Towa: I worked hard with "Alice" so I'm gonna go hibernate.

Kamira: I think that with the timing of this, the pressure is too much...

Mito: Mito thinks...

Mito: (To share the stage with Mito-chan and the other members... And on such an anticipated play...)

Kaname: Come now, it can't just be Iroha who wants to take the audition. Is there anyone else who wants to take the audition?


Kaname: Of course, I don't mind if you put your name down for it later--

Tsubomi: I will!

Kamira': Senpai1?

Tsubomi: I will take the audition as well.

Kaname: Alright. Got it.

Kaname: Is there anyone else that wants to put their name down?

Kaname: ...Doesn't look like it.

Kaname: Alright, That's it for today. We'll contact you later with details about the audition.

Pub: 20 May 2024 06:58 UTC
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