Iruru 4* Side Story

Whether One Fulfilled Their First Love - Part 2

(A Rescue Which Directed to Her)

Iruru: Phew... Feeling tired from today’s lesson as well...

Shigure: Compared to few days ago, Nikako-senpai seems really tired this time~
Must have forced yourself too much since you have to play an unfamiliar main character role?

Iruru: Now, now. You shouldn’t talk like a high-degree senior.

But yeah, can’t deny how our exhaustions are now piling up.
The lesson was done earlier this time. Being honest, perhaps that becomes a relief.

Nikako: Ren-san seems to be busy with the final “Salome” preparation.
She also went to the theater as soon as the lesson was done..

Shigure: Which means she’s really in the spirits for this, isn’t she?

Iruru: Yeah, you’re right...

Daikoku: ... Hey, Iruru-san.

Iruru: What’s wrong?

Daikoku: It’s been a while since I had anmitsu... I want you to go there and eat those with me today...

Iruru: Eh?

Daikoku: Do you know how they said that sweets are good to replenish your stamina...?
A, and now that we’re here― I was wondering if I could ask you to go together...

O, or... Is now not the right time to ask?

Iruru: No not at all, really! It’s perfectly fine!

Shigure: Aha~! Really unusual.
Seeing a person like Daikoku-senpai initiates to invite someone over, what a surprise~!

Nikako: It does seem unusual...

Daikoku: Shut it...!
I’m also familiar with this kind of stuff...!

As for the place, I’ve found a suitable place to eat.
Iruru-san, you’re okay with that?

Iruru: Yeah..! Looking forward onto it♪

Nikako: I also want to eat anmitsu!
Count Shigure-chan too! Can the both of us go as well?

Shigure: Eh, Shigure’s not feeling herself to go or anything like it..

Nikako: C’mon, don’t be like that! Let’s all eat there together!

Daikoku: Um... I, I’m sorry...
To tell you the truth, I already reserved the seats, and it’s only for 2 people...

Nikako: I see... Can’t be helped then...
Oh, but what if we ask the waiter now―

Shigure: Aha~♪ Nikako-senpaai, Shigure thinks it's best to not bother them now.
This is all only since that extreme loser Daikoku-senpai bothered to make a resto reservation~

And then, once the table got mixed with us,
She’ll panic and the worst outcome could happen out of nowhere, you see~?

Daikoku: You brat... It must be hard for you to actually understand someone...!!

Shigure: Waah, scary!!
To not bother even longer, let us go somewhere else, Nikako-senpai!

Nikako: Alright. Let’s do so!
We should go and eat something too!

Shigure: Huh? What Shigure meant by that is to do more lessons..!
There is a scene in particular which she wants to polish to perfection~

Nikako: Eh!?

Iruru: This restaurant has the vibes!
I think I’ve never been here before.

Daikoku: I also feel glad if you are...!

Iruru: I feel bad for Nikako though,
She was really insisting to go.

Daikoku: Next time, I’ll also ask Nikacchi to go.
As for the brat... Do I have to...

Iruru: Now don’t say that, you should include Shigure as well.
She seems to be aware of her surroundings, after all.

Daikoku: If you say so, Iruru-san...

Iruru: (But now I wonder, why is it just me...?
Is she having something to vent about?)

Daikoku: ... It’s okay. I’m not here to vent about anything.
It’s just that I’ll feel a bit embarrassed to eat by myself.

Iruru: ... Was that shown on my face?

Daikoku: It’s easy to tell if someone feels worried.

Iruru: Mmh... I still need to learn.

Daikoku: Since we’re giving it all during the theater lesson,
At least for now, I think we should loosen ourselves for a bit.

Even for someone like My Lord. Despite her business, My Lord is always going by her pace during breaktime.

Just like a hawk who dances her wings in the sky... How fascinating...

Iruru: Sounds about right... Even with the troubles, that side of hers is admirable,

Daikoku: Perhaps since it’s useless when aiming for something while forcing the way out...
My Lord is the greatest existence and beyond. And I think it’s not easy to stand in the same position with her.

Then related to that... Even if you’re not aiming to become someone,
If you focus on yourself the most, I’m sure that you will become a great actress, Iruru-san.

Iruru: How strange, you seem to casually give some compliments today?

Daikoku: I’m just letting out these words as I think.

Iruru: *blushes* ...! I see...

Daikoku: You also seem to abruptly smile a bit more today.

Iruru: Heheh. Seems because there’s something that now I feel happy about.

Daikoku: I see...

Iruru: Aah~, I ate a lot! This Iruru-san feels very satisfied!

Daikoku: You were asking for some extra portions as well.

Iruru: It was really delish.
I’m glad to get another good restaurant recommendation.

Thanks a lot for today, Daikoku.
I feel like being more relieved than ever.

Daikoku: It was not much. I was also the one who asked you to come along.

Iruru: For the next one, maybe I’ll be the one who asks for your companion?
There’s a Japanese sweets cafe that I would really recommend♪

Daikoku: Hehe... I’ll look forward to it.

Iruru: You’ll definitely be in for a treat!

... Oh, hey. Since my home is this way, I’ll make my way back. See you tomorrow!

Daikoku: ... I’m glad. She seems to feel better...

With me talking to her, I wonder if I managed to become her strength...

Iruru: Today was fun~
Daikoku initiated to talk more, it’s unusual coming from her.

... You must have been worried about me.
I’m sorry, Daikoku...

Even after all of that, I still can’t confess about a thing...

(I’m really sorry... For being such a useless senpai.)

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Pub: 18 Oct 2024 04:52 UTC
Edit: 18 Oct 2024 05:03 UTC
Views: 314