Luknight here from a few threads ago, I've been waging mostly but I always have new ideas for the thread. Wanted to put this one down since I thought it would make for a great faction to fight against without actually needing to step on some toes.
When thread gets more lively, I wanna know the threads thoughts on this. I've been thinking about chuubanite refinement and wondered if and how it would be possible for a schizo to refine chuubanite if they are able to at all. As in, a chuubanite refined or reworked from its chuuba alignment towards a schizo's alignment
Maybe it can only be refined if normal chuubanite goes critical as is the case of a graduation or maybe it could only be refined during Yabs by a schizo who can make it critical through the refinement. Yabs usually dont last forever in the generals no matter how large and lasting they are (unless its a graduation) so any chuubanite refined by a schizo is going to burn out relatively fast with each u with no almpifying force on it or become so volatile that not even a schizo can handle it without death, sever debilitation, or a similar disability. Chuubanite such as this would need a consistent flow of power in order to keep it viable, sacrifice of the self and sacrifice of the many. Schizonium was the first thing to come to mind when I thought about the name, perhaps another radioactive metal naming convention would suffice?

Sacrifical Schizonium:

Sacrificial Schizonium Refinement occurs when a schizo makes a certain sacrifical act for the sake of their oshi. The unholy act of the akasupa is the most common, a volatile and bloody act where a donation is written in blood to their oshi, discerned by scribes to be the blood ritual of the Red Akasupa. This ritual requires the fresh blood of a victim. The type of blood seems to vary from victim to victim however due to the frantic and unhinged confusion of a schizo, none but the mad have been able to tell what this might be. Once a large amount of warm blood is gathered by the schizo they will often write out lengthy messages in the blood before staining the message with their own blood as a, "proper donation" these donos are said to reach the eyes of the goddesses and should they see it fit, they will speak out the name of the schizo and speak in the divine tongue, empowering the Schizonium core with pure divine energy (or so it is said). The Red Akasupa is not the only sacrificial refining method, just the most common. Schizos often empower their chuubanite from other acts such as the consumption of large amounts of pyschedelics or intense self harm, while the Red Akasupa uses blood in order to filter the divine energy of the chuuba, these methods use the individual schizo themselves as the filter. These types of schizonium refinements will eventually lead to the schizos death however it is said to invigorate and strengthen them as well as their schizonium.

Hecatomb Schizonium:

Hecatomb Schizonium Refinement is totally reliant on the staying power of a yab and is dependant on creating more schizos while empowering the Schizonium at the same time. These Schizo vagabonds often form large travelling bands of crazed schizonites that attack small villages and abduct their populations, dragging them back to their main forces and forcefully converting them into schizophrenics through the unholy revelations they spout. A large amount of individuals are unreceptive to this and end up being killed however those that are then add to the amount of power the Schizonium core can draw from and increases the energy it releases in turn. Just like Sacrificial Schizonium, this is not likely to end well for any involved as eventually the the schizos of the hecatomb will be unable to support the energy demanded by the core, leading to their deaths as they topple over from exhaustion and die in a large group suicide that can range from five or six to several dozens of individuals.
While both of these refinement processes result in the death of the schizo, in the process many people still lose their lives and the destructive energy of the schizo is sometimes so powerful that it invites the might wrath of the Mods themselves.
Schizo artifacts are rare and often found in the long forgotten ruins of graduated oshis, refined as a last ditch effort to save their chuubanite and culture in whatever volatile form it may take. These items, while immensely dangerous, are also highly valued for their power and adventorous tomb raiders can make quite the profit from brining certain artifacts back to sell to interested parties.

Pub: 05 Jun 2022 19:29 UTC
Views: 94