
[15:58] Bell's gesture did not change. It did not show anger or frustration. Only a plain coldness, as if every step he took would bring with it a chill in the air. As if every stride bore behind it a glacier. "Gear. This day is yours. You have decided to devote yourself to an unshakable and wonderful cause. You are one of those who might bring about the light and faith to the wretched who know it not. You have chosen to live body and soul for Athelios, the one true Primordial."

"Do you wish to be baptized, today?"

Bell walked without a change in his pace between each row of pews as if they would part before his steps. "Phoenix. My god-daughter, my stolen pride and undeserved joy. You have not erred, as you believe. Not in this, or any other situation I am privy to. You have upheld kindness, and strength both. And tonight you will be given the position you have earned."

"Have you the strength to assist me, this night?"

Bell raised a hand as he walked the pitch-black carpets, with its back held to the sky. A perch, welcoming for his student. A gesture for her to come and stand atop it so he could address her. But for the moment he addressed his daughter, instead. "Sycamonia. There is nobody in Aphros affected more by the mistakes I have made. There is nobody his erratic behavior has hurt more. So you are hurt. Perhaps you are angry with me. Will you let this cloud your heart? Or will you hone it to something better?"

"Tonight is the night you become Reverendo. Are you prepared?"

Bell continued his stride. He did not stop for anything. He only waited to address she who deserved it the most. Waited for her to come toward his upheld hand, and waited for the response from those three behind him.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[15:58] Phoenix Altan whispers to Meadow: We will see what is to come.
[15:58] Phoenix Altan whispers to Meadow: Now let us begin little Meadow
[16:01] A moment's confusion, before Meadow nods, her eyes dry now, and flutters forwards onto his hand, taking perch. She knows to stay silent for the moment.

She doesn't have bird talons or anything, so to stay perched does require steadiness on Bell's part, but she finds this from him. Honestly, he's a little scary with the coldness he shows right now, but she knows it's nothing for her to be afraid of.

[16:02] Sycamonia follows after her Father, her Cousin, Gear, and Meadow. Allowing her Father to speak, and thinking over his words before she goes to speak.

"I will put it aside for now, Father. We can talk about it after."

That said, she moves up, moving deeper inside the church.

"I am ready Father. For tonight. Simply tell me what to do and where I should stand. I find myself unsure of how to begin. From there, I will foloow your, and Phoenix's lead."
(Sycamonia Montelione)

[16:04] *Nods to affirm himself. Bell could not see it as he was walking towards the front of the church.


A firm answer from the young man.
(Gear Saiya'Jin)

[16:04] It seemed the Ceremonies were starting to commence, so for now he'd push aside all other thoughts as he prepared to watch the baptisms of Gear and Meadow. Sad that he didn't see Xena, nor were the pews full of others attending. Not only were baptisms ongoing but it seemed as if even Syca and Phi were getting some sort of commendations too.

So as it would be proper to do so he would take off his helmet to gaze onto those heading to the front of the church with a rather relaxed smile. One that wasn't forced by any means like his usual awkwardness. The baptism for Gear and Meadow certainly came as a surprise for him, but he'd show genuine happiness at the accomplishments being made by the two.

[16:23] Floated to the front of the church and would let out a small sigh before she would give her uncle a nod.

"I can uncle yes, it is why I am here and gave my blessing to another who went to the battle. I felt this was to important to miss."

The kitsune holding a regret in mind for this but she knew that taking charge of her section of the church was a task that could not be put off.

"We have much to speak on, but this is not a time for that. For now we are going to welcome Meadow and Gear into our ranks. I will make sure to baptize Xena tomorrow I wished today but something came up."

Bringing her hands up she would rest them together in her sleeves as she slowly began to descend to the ground.

"Now, remove your weapons on this hallowed ground and us begin this long overdue ceremony."

(Phoenix Altan)

[16:24] Gear Saiya'Jin removes his shades
(Gear Saiya'Jin)

[16:27] Meadow kneels on his hand. She doesn't have any weapons--in fact, all her clothing appears to be quite spartan. She doesn't even have shoes, partly so she perches easier like this.

Her eyes are a darker chrome than Bell would remember, though, and it's no longer just her irises, having stained the sclera as well. Her weapons consist purely of her otherworldly energy, which is internal, and rather subject to change.

She still does not speak. It is a holy ceremony, and she will wait until spoken to.

[16:29] Gear Saiya'Jin says, "Oh and Meadow its because i was a corbin earlier. Saiya'jin was the name i spawned in with till Angelo adopted me."
[16:37] Step. Step. Step.

Bell continued his paced stride down the hallowed halls of Aspera. As step led after step, his student noticed his call. Astoundingly Bell's hand was a rather capable perch for the little Fae. Though his fingers and palm were thin, they were stable and strong.

To Phoenix's words, Bell would lift his left-most hand in a slow wave mirroring his right. His stave, one forged by Evangeline Montelione of old, raised slowly from his back via an unseeable force. It floated upright by his side, some feet away from his reach. "As she says. None are to carry arms in this sacred place. Remove your adornments as well. Thou art in the hall of He Who Bears Duality."

As his left hand lowered, his right was met with company. One who had been through much... One who was hurt deeply by recent events. And with her presence, Bell would soften his features. A soft smile, was turned her way. "Tonight you have grown. You have experienced hardship, something which threatens humanity from birth to demise. If you are too hurt to proceed, 'tis so. But if you will turn that pain into strength, and forge ahead? I will gladly guide you through it, dear. Whilst you go through this troubling time, and all which come thereafter..."

The stave would twist, and turn. Pulled by a simple combination of gravitational manipulations until it sat on it side atop a nearby pew. Utter trust, and simple respect that none will require him to use this stave, tonight.

"Lean on me. Do not be afraid to. For I will ensure you are taken care of, my student. Trust that."

He did not mean to imply anything more than what was said. But as an Acolyte under him and a student he devoted much of his time to... He would ensure that promise goes fulfilled, if it kills him.

Bell stepped each step up the pulpit, raising fromthe ground level towards the altar... not quite turning as he did. The hand was outstretched behind him, offering that Meadow might return to the pews now. For her time was soon... but not yet. "First, there are two announcements for us to make. Sycamonia Montelione. Phoenix Altan. My two silver-borne treasures. Step forward."
(Bell A. Montelione)

[16:40] Nem'Alak went to scooch a few pews closer so he could hear everything even better. Scooch, scooch scooch.

[16:40] Her name called, Sycamonia approaches her Father. Turning to face those others within the church. Bowing her head and kneeling upon the stone floor.

"Tonight, while chaotic. Is the beginning of new chapters for all of us."

Not having anything else to say, she falls quiet. Awaiting instruction from her Father.
(Sycamonia Montelione)

[16:41] Meadow nods, driven by his encouragement. The girl only requires a modicum of kindness to be brought back from the brink of despair, it seems, but only provided that kindness comes from one she trusts and respects as much as she does Bell Montelione. Her face should note her determination, even as she stays yet longer silent.

And she begins to realize what she can dedicate herself to protecting. It will not be a person.

She returns to the pews and awaits her time.

[16:52] Stepped forward as she was called slowly moving up the stone steps of the hollowed halls. Small pale hands would hide under her robes as she stood, looking at her uncle from the side. Her tail swaying behind her from side to side, her gaze split between Syca and Bel.

"That is correct Syca, but I feel learning from such can help improve upon one's self in the end. To not give in and falter when times are at their lowest."

A soft gentle smile was seen, her sapphire gaze then moving to view all those who had gathered to bear witness and to the new additions to the church of Aspera. Her gaze finally coming to rest onto Meadow.

"This hardship and all those to come, we can not let them sway us from our path. For the one we walk is that to instill hope into those that have lost it. These times are hard pressed, Demon's and witch's pray upon innocents and darkness reigns free. As we speak the accumulated forces of light are fighting back... Soon we of Aphros will join in this war, not as a person but as a collective. We will end the reign of witchs and demons upon us and bring out a true golden age of balance."

Her wish's and more laid out before those that had gathered, the woman speaking openly from her heart and soul.
(Phoenix Altan)

[17:00] His place taken atop the pulpit's center, the Cardeal would turn 'round. His eyes gazed over each and every one of those present. Somehow, even given the situation which had nearly disrupted the baptism? Some had arrived, here to witness a night of rebirth and sin renewed.

Those present had sinned. Each one, Bell knew well, had made mistakes. He knew that none were innocent, and that none were perfect. Bell knew this about everyone. But he did not glare upon any one of them. He did not show disdain, for he did not hold it. No matter what rumors one might have heard, or what sins had simply occurred.

All sin can be washed away. It is the Cardeal's job to ensure that is remembered.

"Hear me, Sinners." Bell began, as eyes turned between the two young girls before him. A cold, cruel word to begin with. But one he stated plainly upon his lips without hesitation. "Thou art mine pride and joy."

Eyes turned to his right. "Sycamonia Montelione. My daughter. In every way I love you. In all you have done you have made me proud. You have the potential to be somebody truly great. Somebody special, even among Magi. One of those ways you make me proud is your dedication to Athelios."

"Ever since I was baptized under my love's kind hand, I have lived the life of His faithful. So I have seen many, many men and women who pledge their hearts to Him. But you have shown a dedication to him unlike many."

From Bell's back, he would procure a simple bundle of fabrics. Fabrics woven in a manner skillful and deft. A grey robe bearing the Asperan cross, matching his and Phoenix's both.

"This faith has been noticed. So I am proud to present you with this cloak. Sycamonia, you are henceforth a Reverendo of the Asperan Church. You will remember your responsibilities, and you will show kindness and respect to even those who do notdeserve this. You will act in Athelios' name, and set an example to those who do not know Him. Do you accept this role?"

Eyes turned to his left. A slight smile was offered to the Kitsune he treasured so very much. "Phoenix Altan. My God-daughter. You are as much a daughter to me as is Sycamonia. You have been by my side for a long time now, and I have watched you grow. And I must say... I am deeply proud of you."

"You have shouldered the church to great heights even in mine wife's absence. You have done more for this church than many, perhaps even myself. You have shown coldness yet also kindness in equal measure."

"Regardless of your mistakes, you are moving beyond the role of Reverendo. Henceforth, you are the church's sole Inquisidore. Where I am responsible for the clergy, you are responsible for the Soldiers. You will look after those who fight in our name. You will ensure they do not stray from their justcause. Lean on me, my friend, for now we are equals... Henceforth. We will look after Aspera together."

Eyes turned to the pews. Those who were to be baptized and those who came to observe. Each were valuable citizens of Aphros, or atleast those who showed a respect for the Primordial they worshipped. "Those who have come to witness tonight's ceremony, I thank you. To welcome both Sycamonia and Phoenix to their new roles, I ask that each of you lends us a prayer in your own words. Be it for the current state of Aphros, or for those who stand before you. All of you, show your dedication to Athelios and pray."
(Bell A. Montelione)

[17:11] Nem'Alak would listen to the ceremony, so now Syca was a Reverando, and Phi was an Inquisidore, responsible for all of the holy warriors then like Adrian. He couldn't believe he was here to witness this. He honestly felt at this moment like he was part of the community of Aphros, or at the very least apart of the faith of the church.

He'd listen in on Bell speak praises of both of them, praises well deserved of both from what he's known of either so far. Well, soon it would be the stage too for Meadow and Gear. And so at hearing the words of showing dedication he'd bring his hands up to clap- wait did Bell just say pray? Aborting action mid clap he'd instead quickly clasp his hands together in the most energetic prayer clasp possible, all because he mistakenly was about to clap.

Though when it came to prayer he needed to think as he'd speak quietly to himself. He wasn't one to speak aloud if he had no reason to after all, his prayer's staying silent whispers as he only though of the enemies within and without the fair state. A prayer for justice to those without reason, and mercy for those that currently have no other path.

Simple prayers he'd speak quietly to himself to the Lord of Duality. Though each one still had heart poured into them.

[17:16] A few small nods were given and a quiet clap as Syca was promoted to the rank of Reverendo, when Bell would turn to the kitsune a smile came to her face as she was now officially promoted. "I thank you uncle, I will do all I can to carry on the will of Athelios in the future and live by his teachings."

A small bow of her head was given before she would then close her eyes and bring her hands up in prayer. The woman remaining quiet for now as she would wait for the ceremony to continue.
(Phoenix Altan)

[17:20] Rising to her feet, she takes the offered uniform and nods her head.

"My Cardeal, I am ready to embark upon this new path. And I shall do my best not to disappoint."

Bowing to the Cardeal, mask firmly metaphorically donned.

Taking the new clothes and moving to a room with a door nearby to change into the new uniform.

Stepping out only once she is done changing. Returning to her original spot and position.

Clasping her hands together, closing her eyes, and bowing her head in prayer.

"Oh Lord of Duality,

Hallowed by thy name.

Thy will be done in Meranthe.

Let us fall not into temptation,

Instead, I beg for us to be guided to Thine Embrace when our times come.

Guide us in the Shadows,

That our enemies may not find us until we are ready for them.

Guide us in the Light,

That we may be living examples of Your Will, and Your Grace.

Walk beside us on our paths, that we may be sheltered by Your Grace.

In Thine Holy Name I Pray,


Her prayer done, Sycamonia falls silent, looking to Phoenix and her own promotion.

Looking right at Gear and giving him a nod, then looking over to Phoenix and clapping for her.
(Sycamonia Montelione)

[17:21] Gears hands clasped together layed on top his knees. Sitting up straight he leans his head slightly down and closes his eyes for a prayer.

" Athelios, Please guide us on our paths as we take our steps through the light and the darkness in these trying times... I pray that Each and everyone one of us Will avoid tainting our souls and make it safely to your side on the Citadel Upon the Edge, and for when my time comes, I am able to pass on proudly to your side knowing I Fought with my every being to defend the people and lived my life Justly in thy name."

(Gear Saiya'Jin)

[17:24] Meadow closes her eyes where she kneels--difficult even to see next to Gear--and does as she is bidden. She speaks with no aim to broadcast her voice, but nor does she attempt to quiet herself. Her volume does not matter for her prayer to be heard.

"I ask Athelios to grant us His mercy in these trying times. I realize now that we are each sinners, and we are wont to commit acts of passion, as we are mere mortals, and this cannot be quelled. The only solution is to aim our passions towards the good of the Church, and the good of our great city.

So I ask Athelios, please, to forgive us our selfish ways and our impassioned mistakes, and to allow us to make amends by turning our unchecked emotions to acts of good."

She feels her own emotions rise--it's clear she's not simply thinking of those in this room, but neither just her friend who she wishes to see saved. She sees this as an endemic problem in Aphros right now, and so she dedicates her prayer to her city.

"I thank you for all your guiding light, Athelios, as all our journeys wind in unpredictable directions.

Please, keep safe your disciples who now stand before you, at the fore of this holy chamber, and lead them to the greatness they are sure to earn.


It is rather less concise, or poetic, than Sycamonia's prayer, but such is far from her forte at this youthful age.

For fae, praying is quite strange, and it does not surprise her that so few do it. She does not feel her thoughts being sent quite like she does with her telepathy. That distinction surely leads many to think it does nothing.

But she knows that her thoughts are received all the same.

[17:31] Kurou smiles only to stand and approach the door

"excuse me"

[17:32] When Sycamonia stepped away for a short time, Bell would glance about the pews for those who prayed in her absence. Eyes would gaze between each who prayed in Athelios' name. None were ignored, and all were appreciated. A smile writ over Bell's lips, as he observed those around show both faith and... even an understanding of Athelios' history. A slow nod was even given to Nem'Alak. Perhaps it was as if Bell had read his mind... or perhaps his eye for people simply understood the intent behind Nem'Alak's prayer.

Eventually Sycamonia came back, dressed in the garbs her aunt had prepared her with love. Bell could barely contain the adoration of how the young woman looked, and the shocked expression upon seeing how wonderful it suited her. "Wah-! Erm, yes! You will..." He cleared his throat.

"You will, young ones. I have every faith in you." The head-priest would assure with a soft smile towards his daughter and god-daughter. And another smile was offered towards those in the pews, who brought more faith to the man's heart than ever. Aphros was growing... and it was good.

Two slow nods were offered. One toward either of the angels who stood by the Cardeal's side in black and in white garment; grounded now from their heavenly flight by reverence for true divinity. Their instructions were clear. "Sycamonia, dear. Retrieve the silver chalice for me hm? Phoenix. Will you bring the golden?"

The Cardeal reached a hand lazily forward. It aimed for the two who would be cleansed and reborn. Those who tonight would be dedicated toward. Those who were likely filled with nerves and butterflies both if Bell's own experience was anything to go by. "Meadow. Gear. Come forth. We will now begin the rite of your baptism."
(Bell A. Montelione)

[17:33] Meadow is filled with butterflies, but is, in fact, more of a moth. She flutters forth.

[17:33] Gear Saiya'Jin gear nods his head at his teacher in all her grace adonning the new outfit for her position
(Gear Saiya'Jin)

[17:34] Nem'Alak watching Gear and Meadow step up to the altar he'd give a thumbs up and smile of reassurance for both of them.

[17:34] "Yes, My Cardeal."

A bow and then Sycamonia moves off, fetching the silver chalice.

Returning only with a full, silver chalice.

One that is held until such a time as Bell gestures for it.

(Sycamonia Montelione)

[17:34] Gear Saiya'Jin Takes a bow before kneeling before the Three
(Gear Saiya'Jin)

[17:43] The kitsune would walk in toe behind Syca to retrieve the golden chalice. The kitsune offering a bottle of wine to Syca once they were in the back room. Carrying one bottle in her left hand and the golden chalice in her right. Setting them onto the alter at the head of the church upon her return.

"Both the golden and silver chalice have been brought, two bottles of wine though... We will not need it all but for ceremony. I also have the oil for the golden Chalice."

The woman setting the bottle of wine and the clear liquid onto the Alter.
(Phoenix Altan)

[17:53] Step. Step.

"So, thou Sinners wish to live life renewed. Thou wish to bear His name and find purpose as His faithful. To be washed from your sins and be something more than you ever were. Thou wish to live like me. A deeply fulfilling path." Bell stepped forward, and raised a hand which held a bottle of clear liquid. Pilfered from the altar moments after the Inquisidore had returned. The bottle was thrust rightward, and poured slowly as Bell walked into the chalice. Eyes, remained forward. Toward the two who now were before him. "Thou will be blessed under the name of Athelios, Lord of Duality."

Once the contents of the bottle were emptied, it was offered to Phoenix. And Bell thrust his hand into the chalice in Sycamonia's hands. "Meadow. Gear. When you bear the Asperan Cross, you will be born anew."

"You will be Leigo, and you will be given three choices. Will you serve us as simple Leigo, with no direction or one unique to you? Or will you take the path of clergy as an Acolyte under my watch? Will you take the path of a Soldier, instead, under the eyes of our new Inquisidore? The choice is yours. Speak now."

Bell's hand now dripped slowly onto the blackened carpet, covered and drenched in the clear oil which he had poured into the chalice. His hand was akin to a brand. One which would devote those before him to a life long and fulfilled under Athelios' whims. This was their last chance to deny it.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[18:02] Meadow has done well to reduce her own impatience. She has trained, desperately, as of late to be more disciplined. More like a woman of the cloth.

Less like a fairy.

It is maddening to wait as her mind turns, but she has learned that there is seldom reason not to think things through.

She knows that she has an ability to do combat that others have much praised. But she knows that the duties of soldiers are not to her taste. Hers should include more passive responsibilities, more along the lines of helping than... well, hurting.

So what of remaining a Legio? Available to fight, but not beholden to it? Is that her calling?

No. She knew, and still knows, where she belongs--having a skill never means you must use it. And in all the most critical moments of her life where combat was possible, avoiding it has brought the best outcomes.

"I aim to be an Acolyte, Cardeal Bell," she replies, using his title--this is formal, right? Using titles is formal?

"I have learned much under your guidance, and aim to learn more. I am always impressed by how you handle things, your expertise, and your temperament. I would love nothing more than to continue to grow through your teachings, and the time I spend with you is always a joy to me."

[18:03] Gear looks glancing at Syca, Bell, Phi and then back to Bell and nods.
This was an easy choice for him as he had believed all his life that His gift for fighting was to protect those who did not have the strength to do so themselves.

"I choose to walk the path of a Holy warrior under Our Inquisidore, Father"

(Gear Saiya'Jin)

[18:05] Phoenix Altan whispers to Bell A. Montelione: Xena is here now, shall we get her done as well
[18:09] Virtu Equisol says, "Ad astra per aspera."
[18:10] Meadow glances back to see Virtu, someone she has been meaning to talk to! She smiles, before her attention is drawn firmly back to the ceremony.

[18:13] Bell extended his hand, and reached it out towards Gear. "Then swear this oath, one thou will never break. Swear to me that you will fight only for Athelios, and His holy city. Swear that thou will always obey the Pontifice and Oracle both, but know that their will is only His. Bear your sword to smite the heretics yet bear your shield to protect His flock."

Bell's index and middle finger would rest against the young man's temple. And those conjoined fingers would glide across his forehead, leaving behind a trailing mark of transparent liquid. Another line was formed across, forming the combined symbol of the Asperan Cross.

Meadow's words brought about a faint smile upon his lips. The Cardeal turned to Meadow, and... He hummed. Somehow he hadn't really considered how this was going to work... She was... so very small.

He reached out a pinky finger... and adorned her in the sameway with a gentler touch. A line across, and through. "You will swear an oath yourself. Swear that henceforth you will hear out all those who need an ear and offer your guidance in His name. Swear that you will pray for all those who fight our battles as a priestess of the faith. Swear that you will live your life for He and He alone, Meadow."

A nod was given to Sycamonia. "Sycamonia, dear. Will you offer them both the golden chalice of blood? Remember that this is a cleansing of their person. A rebirth in Athelios' name."
(Bell A. Montelione)

[18:13] Virtu Equisol says, "I bring tidings from the battle."
[18:13] Virtu Equisol says, "Humanity has lost."
[18:15] Nods her head, offering the chalice first to Meadow. Allowing Meadow to drink from it first, while she holds the weight of the chalice within both hands.

Once Meadow is done however, she turns to Gear.

Smiling softly at him, a proud gleam in her eyes.

A blink of acknowledgement, from Teacher, to Student.

Then Gear too, is offered the chalice to drink from.
(Sycamonia Montelione)

[18:15] Nem'Alak shuddered at the mention of a golden chalice of blood. were they about to drink that?

[18:19] Meadow nods.

"I swear it, Father, with all that I am. I swear upon the mana I am made of that my life is dedicated solely to He, that I will provide an unconditional ear and voice to those who need it, that I will pray for each and every soldier that does His will, and that the guidance I offer, today and forever, will be in the name of Athelios.

I will make you and He proud. I shall do all that is asked, and more."

Bold words from the young lass! But there is no chance, none in the world, that she will provide any less than the effort she promises.

[18:21] Gear gently takes the chalice from Sycamonia with a slight feint smile only she cold see and nodding his head in her acknowledgement.

"I swear an oath to you Father, To Only fight for Athelios, and his holy city. Thou shall always obey the Pontifice and Oracle both, as their will is His. My fists will be used to smite the heretics and my body a shield to protect His flock."

Gear finishes everything left in the Chalice and hands it back to Sycamonia proudly.
(Gear Saiya'Jin)

[18:29] Virtu's sudden outburst of words was met with a rather negative reaction from the Cardeal. Partly because it was grim news... But also because unless there was a good reason it was hurried like such? It was blatantly disrespectful to the church and ritual both to interject with news of a disappointing failed advance. And in such a fear-mongering way as to say humanity has lost. A simple gesture of the Cardeal's head would gesture for him to bring his tidings, elsewhere or at another time.

As oaths were given, Meadow and Gear brought about their new lives into words. Lives which would lead Aspera to the stars as was promised long ago. From nothing, to the stars themselves. "Ad Astra Per Aspera! We have come so far... Thanks to people like you, Meadow. Gear. And to have you in our ranks?" Another, swifter cross was adorned to their foreheads, one by one with the hand steeped in oil.

"Thou will serve us well. May thou live body and soul for Athelios, now and forevermore! So that one day thou will meet Him at the Citadel Upon the Edge. But long before then..." Eyes turned to Virtu once more. "This generation will bring with it great strides. We must, to overcome what is to come."

He then turned his eyes to Phoenix, who would conclude the baptism and end this long and harrowing day...
(Bell A. Montelione)

[18:40] Gear Saiya'Jin says, "Ah "
[18:48] The kitsune would move to the alter and then pick up a bottle of wine, uncorking it and then pouring it into the silver chalice. The red blood wine of the church of Aspera. Known to have a slightly ashy taste and to warm one's insides. The golden chalice full to the brim the semi clear red tinted liquid about to spill over the chalice brim. The kitsune setting the bottle down onto the alter next to the full one, and thus moving her hands over the chalice.

"Drinking the blood of Athelios show's thy commitment to the cause, to be one of our faith is a way of life. There will be trial's and hardships we will face, ones who will aim to stand in the way of what is right and those who's hope has been lost. Here today we take a first in many more steps to cleanse the world of the darkness that plagues it."

The kitsune lifted the chalice and would slowly walk to Gear looking the over the boy that once belonged to house Corbin.

"Gear,you have faced personal strife. You have chosen to pursue a different path then from what your originally set out upon. I have faith you will rise up in my ranks and show your heart and resolve to the one that has come to disagree with your way of thinking. I hope in time that things for you will prosper and that you find peace in this new age I hope to bring about."

The kitsune would then wave him forward to step forth as she took the center stage.

"If you accept this oath and swear to serve Athelios with your life and being, drink this."

This kitsune then moving to offer the pink haired man the chalice.
(Phoenix Altan)

[18:52] Phoenix Altan says, "Shits aint cheap0"
[18:58] Gear stands up and nods towards Phoenix. He responds.

"I Accept this Oath."

Gear gently takes the chalice and drinks the from it, A similar feeling to when he generated a sphere of holy magic in front of Sycamonia during training.

He passes it back to Phoenix with a serious and grateful tone in his demeanor.
(Gear Saiya'Jin)

[19:00] With the chalice being returned to her the woman moved back to the alter, placing it back and then moving to grab the other bottle of wine. Uncorking it much like before and pouring it into the chalice. Knowing fully well the small fae was not going to be able to finish the chalice full of red wine.

"Meadow, do not.. Feel obligated to drink every drop. As for your size we realize there are some things that yourself can not do. But do not despair. You have shown the willingness to always find the good in ones soul, to show that they are still worth of redemption. A true shining quality of Athelios, even if one does not accept it you are already doing your part and believing in forgiveness. In times we will see the ones we love fall, into the darkness or to return to the life stream."

Holding the chalice in both of her hands once more she took her spot on the center stage. Holding the chalice forth. Offering the fae a drink of the blood of Athelios.

"Do you accept the blood of Athelios? To live by his Dogmata and life as a priestess in his name. To do your part to breath faith into other's and heal the weary souls of people?"

The kitsune offered the chalice forth to the fae.
(Phoenix Altan)

[19:05] Meadow nods, her face serious--a bit coldly serious, even!--and declares her acceptance.

"I accept this oath."

She leans forwards to drink as much as she can manage to.

Several gulps. Its ashy flavor is bitter in her mouth, so beyond just her size, it's quite unpleasant for her to taste it at all. But she isn't drinking it for taste, and the warmth does help offset her feelings about it.

What she managed was approximately equal to what a typical human would have drank. It certainly isn't for lack of trying!

[19:24] A content nod was given first to Gear. Then to Meadow. And Bell would look out through the peers. A long day, it had been in every respect. A day without end, it seemed, but a day which now would come to a close. How disappointing a day it would be, if it did not close. If it ended with nothing but a simple farewell. So Bell stepped forward, the man of words he is, and gazed out to the few watching from the pews.

"...And so we have it. Two new have joined our flock. A wonderful thing, which fills my heart with joy." Bell said with a soft smile. One tinged with its opposite, a sadness seeping through. Eyes, turned to where Virtu had waited. It must have been an even longer day for her.

"...but joy finds it hard to take root, tonight. You heard the girl. Tonight our battle, our advance. Was a failure. Humanity is still failing. Again. And again. And again." For the moment... Bell's gaze turned cold. And his words were without kindness. Without joy. "Are we going to continue to lose? Nay... Henceforth these priests will send our knights into battle. Our Bastion will grow strong, and forge heroes."

His arms outstretched. And his voice suddenly boomed throughout Athelios' halls.

"We will lose no more!"

"Gear, Phoenix. You will cull those insolent curs of demonkind from the face of Meranthe. One by one, weed out those scum who fight against us as they took Zohloh from us. Show no mercy and make them bleed and make them scream until their souls are snuffed out from existence. If you do not this world will be damned."

"Sycamonia, Meadow. You will aid to bring kindness and stability in this dark time. This world requires as such. You are the compassion which will bring the light to the midnight hour. You will clear the ashes even when they blot out our sky once more. In Umbra, in Astra. Aspera will embody what it must! We are not the Bastion... We are Aspera."

"And we will serve Him in body and soul. So let us pray, as that is what we do. Close your eyes. Bow your heads. And pray for this world. It needs it."

Bell closed his eyes. He bowed his head, and his hands clasped together tightly. His prayer was spoken aloud, and from his figure he would begin to glow a shining and radiant light. If he did not pray with all he had then he was nothing and this world would not need him. So he prayed. Oh he prayed.

"Athelios, Son of Ymir, Warden of Hel. Bearer of the Duality of Man.

We have lost even under your guidance,

when victory was needed most.

We still squander this second chance You have given us.

We are not strong enough.

So bless the Bastion, that they might fight sin.

Bless our priests, who stand here and now.

Bless the Oracle, who brought us where we are today."

Bell clasped his hands tightly, as fingers squeezed their opposites. And the glow around him grew, reaching every last one in the room in his pleas. His blessing, was not for one. It was for all. And he would make that so.

"Look upon the two before me.

A Fae, who will pray for You.

A man, who will swing Your sword.

Smile upon them, for they are the generation we have been speaking of.

They are the ones who will usher this era into its future.

In the name of Athelios I pray,


The light dimmed... And Bell's hands parted from one another. His eyes opened. And he looked around. "Thank you all for coming. You are dismissed. If any need me before I retire for the night, tell me now."
(Bell A. Montelione)

[19:26] Phoenix Altan asks, "Do you do clothing icons!!?!?"
[19:28] Meadow clasps her hands together and nods. She closes her eyes and prays with him, silently, listening.

"Thank you, so, so much, Bell. And Phi. I'm so happy today.

I look forward to our next Holy lesson, Bell. I've been practicing... a lot. I think you'll be happy with my progress."

She smiles. The girl seems to cry a lot these days as her eyes appear watery, but this time with joy.

She has found a purpose among humans. Her loneliness has been abolished.

She feels like her long life will be worth something, after all.

[19:29] *closing his eyes and bowed his eyes, hands together. A feeling of a new era in his life having just turned 18 yesterday so much was already changing around him. He looked forward to leaving his past and moving to make the world a safer place. To find Joys and a family that was not made by empty words and feelings.

After Bell finishing his prayer

(Gear Saiya'Jin)

[19:29] As the sermon began to conclude and the bolstering booming prayers of Bell were being recited, Nem would once more clasp his hands together in prayer. This time not for dedication to justice and mercy, but this time for the success of both Meadow and Gear.

Both of them were on their initial steps into the church of Athelios' now, and as such it only made sense for more voices to be lended for the blessings of Athelios' to aid them. Quiet though his prayers again might be.

As things wrapped up he would then state quietly.
Such a tiny voice to be used for this.

After he would relax his position to look to Gear and Meadow and give both of them a respectful nod with a genuine smile. Though after the nod, he would then soon don his helmet again to hide his face from the world once more.

[19:30] Gear Saiya'Jin says, "* i didnt mean bow my eys omg lol i cant type today"
[19:31] As the sermon began to conclude and the bolstering booming prayers of Bell were being recited, Nem would once more clasp his hands together in prayer. This time not for dedication to justice and mercy, but this time for the success of both Meadow and Gear.

Both of them were on their initial steps into the church of Athelios' now, and as such it only made sense for more voices to be lended for the blessings of Athelios' to aid them. Quiet though his prayers again might be.

As things wrapped up he would then state quietly.
Such a tiny voice to be used for this.

After he would relax his position to look to Gear and Meadow and give both of them a respectful nod with a genuine smile. Though after the nod, he would then soon don his helmet again to hide his face from the world once more.

[Repost to fix formatting]

[19:34] Gear Saiya'Jin gear nods with a smile back at Nem happy to see him here in support
(Gear Saiya'Jin)

[19:46] The kitsune would look to the new initiates of the church and then smile, her hands moving into her robes as she would descend down the steps.

"Now, I have one more thing to say and teach you before we set off for the night. I wish for you two to invoke a prayer for one another. This is in order to cultivate a bond between our clergy and soldiers. For I wish for us to work in pairs if able, things are not official yet but.."

Her gaze looking to Meadow.

"You will be working with Sierra when you rise to the rank of priestess Meadow. It will be part of your duty to over see Sierra's prayer's and yearly blessing in order to bolster her ability to combat demons. To pray is rather simple you simply speak from thy heart. Spill forth what your soul wants to say."

Her hands would come together as she stepped forward, rays of light shinning onto the stained glass of the windows of the church. An array of colors plastering the walls asa steady calm could be felt in the room. The kitsunes form dipping her head and then closing her eyes, a deep breath being taken in.

"In these times of darkness I feel these words shall come to help us all in times of doubt."

"If you are feeling disheartened, That you are somehow now enough."

"Set your heart Ablaze."

"Dry your eyes and look ahead, you may feel like you are dragging your heels in, but the flow of time waits for no one."

"It will not stand by patiently as we grieve."

A small breath let out from her figure.

"Athelios, son of Ymir."

"Great warden of Helheim."

"See on this day that two children join our ranks, in hopes to bring peace and balance to the world through thy will."

"Lord of duality we shall live by your Dogmata and cleanse our world in hopes to cleans the beyond."

"Grant your blessing onto these two brave souls as they enter your house and are born anew, endow them with a connection to the life stream should they so seek it to empower them with your light. Or your darkness should they so choose it oh lord of Duality."

"For in your name we pray."


her hands breaking forth and her figure finally moved as she waved for the two to give a prayer of their own should they desire to.

(Phoenix Altan)

[19:50] As the ceremony itself had concluded, as the two new initiated prayed their prayers Bell would make for Virtu's side, and speak to the girl in a quieter tone.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[19:50] Sits quietly trying not to interrupt, her wings folded neatly against her back as she sits primly and demurely.
(Bastei Corbin)

[19:50] Nem'Alak seeing as the ceremony has concluded, and it was now teaching for the new faithful, he would get up to make his leave.

[19:50] Bastei Corbin whispers something.
[19:51] Bastei Corbin whispers something.
[19:54] Meadow nods. She must get to know Sierra better, then.

She turns towards Gear.

She actually remembers some of the prayer she received a year before.

"Athelios, Son of Ymir;

Lord of Duality;

He who sees our dead to their rightful fate;

Blessed be thy name, and eternal be thy rule.

I ask that you bless my Asperan compatriot, Gear Saiya'Jin, newfound soldier of the Witch Hunters, and show him light and strength where'er he needs it.

I ask that you grant him the protection he needs to find his fullest potential in the ranks he now joins.

I ask that you grant him apt teachings and hesitate none to temper him strong, as each we ought each be done, regardless of rank or role.

The world today is cruel and dark. It is up to us, your disciples, to grant it back its balance.


[19:56] Bell A. Montelione says, "Phoenix. Can you handle the news? I've another matter to take care of tonight."
[19:57] Phoenix Altan asks, "Hmm?"
[19:57] Bell gestured toward Virtu with a nod of his head. As to what he wanted her to handle.
(Bell A. Montelione)

[19:57] Phoenix Altan says, "Ah right."
"Athelios, son of Ymir"

"Please bless this fae with the strength to endure the darkness and the many hardships that is yet to come. "

"Watch over us as we work together to rid this world of Witches and Demons."

"And I pray we do not lose our selves in complete darkness to the hardships and sadness that is likely to occur in this life time."

"To let our selves enjoy life to the fullest while continuing to serve your will"


(Gear Saiya'Jin)

[19:57] Bell A. Montelione says, "Very good. I've no qualms with either prayer, you two will do just fine."
[19:57] Bell A. Montelione says, "It seems Phoenix has instilled you with a solid understanding on Asperan ideology. I am glad."
[19:58] Meadow smiles to him. That praise lifts her heart in a way she sorely needed.

Pub: 21 Jun 2023 07:32 UTC
Views: 175