One Day of Heaven

Despite all that had happened in those 3 days, it still wasn't enough and though the cycle was broken it wasn't in the way he had hoped
A splatter was heard, followed soon by screams
A soul was lifted from it's body, the last things in it's vision being the site of it's friend's horrified, teary eyed faces.
Beside him two, men dressed in white whose faces were filled with worry

The boy had been taken to a realm filled with clouds, both orange and purple like an enteral sunset
To his left were the men in white whom had brought him to this realm
To his right was a man similar to those prior, however his skin was pitch black and his eye a deep and piercing red holding a large book written in a language he could not understand
And finally standing in front of him was a man glowing brighter than the sun, face impossible to see through the light. The light made his skin feel warm, it was comforting but the warmth made his core feel like it was burning. The man began to speak
"Sunny Suzuki!" The man spoke with a perfect balance of softness and power. "You have been taken from the Kingdom of Earth and now face the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven!" Sunny began to shake at the power of his voice "For this, you shall be judged! For every word and deed, every action and inaction and every intent both of good and malice. To your right be the angel of darkness, holding knowledge of all sins you have committed! And to your left be your guardian angel along with the angel of another who shall argue for you, for they had all times care of your person!"

Sunny had heard everything he had ever done, said or thought including the one he hoped to never heard
"For all which you have done, you will not enter the Kingdom, rather be cast to the devil and his angels!"
Tears began to run down his face as the men in white came to comfort him
"However, at the request of someone in the kingdom, you shall have one day and night to spend with her"
Sunny's tears stopped, questioning who requested this
"I am the Lord your God, I am the master of all things, and I shall meet with you again at the last judgement of all of humanity!"
The moment he ended his words the clouds of sunset parted and before him stood a set of large golden gates, with a man in white standing at a podium before it and two creatures, multi faced, flaming and winged guarding it's entrance
The gates opened as Sunny approached them, flashing a bright white light forcing him to turn away
Sunny stepped past the gates, them closing behind him
Sunny's eyes gazed upon the heaven he saw in the cartoons and movies, a cloudy paradise full of men and women in white before feeling a pair of arms wrapping around and holding him tight
"I missed you so much Sunny!" A familiar voice exclaimed
Sunny looked over his should to see his older sister Mari hugging him from behind
Sunny felt the tears from earlier return to his eyes
"Mari... I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything."
"Mari began to pat Sunny on the shoulder "I know Sunny, I know.."

Mari led Sunny through the clouds, running and skipping the whole time
She had no trouble with her knee here, maybe she wanted to show that off or maybe she really was just that happy to be with her brother again
Mari brought Sunny to a patch of grass atop which stood a familiar treehouse and swing set not too far away
"I know you're older but I hope not too old to be swung by your big sister again"
Sunny began to shake seeing the tree house again
Mari grabbed onto to his shoulder "I know the last 3 days have been hard for you Sunny.. But remember that you have nothing to worry about, your big sister is here for you!"
Sunny's worries faded away feeling Mari's comforting hand on his shoulder
"So wanna take me up on the swing offer, I just want to swing you like I use too"
Sunny grew a smile and nodded
Sunny felts the air hitting his legs as Mari pushed him on the swing, his breathe staying completely calm and steady with Mari pushing him
Mari was laughing every time Sunny went up in the air
Both felt the warm sun beaming down on their faces
"Alright, Sunny I think we should do something else"
Sunny, despite being 16, almost wanted to tell her to keep going. He felt so comfortable with her just pushing him, bringing back old memories of going to the park with Mari, Kel, Hero..Aubrey... and Basil
Sunny felt the weight of everything start to pull at him when Mari stopped.
Sunny felt his breathe picking up with his heart sinking deeper and deeper into his core
"Hey how about we play some games in the old tree house?"
Sunny snapped out of his trance hearing her voice again nodding his head

Mari was the first to climb into the tree house Sunny close behind her
Sunny got up and looked around the tree house, looking just like it did 4 years ago
"So what do you want to play?"
He looked around, seeing only a deck of cards, Mr.Plantegg and a TV which he knew didn't work, a confused look now growing on his face
"Oh right forgot to mention we can play basically any board game, so feel free to choose any!"
Sunny still had a face of confusion trying to figure out the perfect board game for the two of them
A stream of "Uhhhhs" leaked from his mouth
"How about Mouse trap? We loved playing that when we were younger right? You always loved to see the whole thing go off!" Sunny replied with a short "Sure" before the game materialized in front of them

Sunny and Mari had been playing for a while now, bored actually playing the game
"Hey Sunny? Do you just wanna just let the mouse trap go?" Sunny nodded quickly forgetting that they never actually played the game
The mouse trap went off as fun as ever
"Hey Sunny are you hungry at all?"
Sunny wasn't but nodded anyway
"Well how about we bake some cookies? Never had a chance to bake with you before!"
Mari got up and started jogging to to the ladder, Sunny following close
Sunny saw their old house not far from them, wondering if it had always been there
Sunny reached the bottom Mari waiting there, her arm extended towards him beckoning to walk hand in hand to their home
Sunny took up her offer and grabbed her hand, feeling her gently squeezing it

They made it to their home, it looking as clean as it was when the realtor's came to take pictures
Mari opened the door Sunny already seeing light peeking through due to the fireplace
Sunny walked in, feeling it was just as warm as it would be on Christmas morning
Everything was there, in it's own perfect spot, like it was before the move started
Sunny started thinking about mom, how she's probably already gotten a call from the police about his-
Sunny's thoughts were cut off by Mari grabbing his hand and leading him to the kitchen

Mari had put on her old apron, despite Sunny being sure her clothes couldn't get dirty, and grabbed measuring cups, two bowls and a baking sheet taking everything like she knew exactly where it was
Sunny was asked to get eggs, chocolate chips, flour and milk. Sunny got them all like he knew exactly where they were
He followed her instructions to the tee, everything going so well
Flour, eggs, milk and sugar all mixed perfectly
It didn't take long for the dough to be ready and Sunny to be snacking of some from beater, Mari giggling seeing her little brother licking it almost like a cat
Sunny couldn't help it, the dough tasted just like it always did
The dough was shaped into balls and put into the oven
Mari smiled seeing her creation beginning to take shape, Sunny squatting to see the dough begin to shape in the oven until Mari felt a tap on her should
She turned, Sunny following suit, seeing the man in white Sunny saw from earlier looking worried
"Mari could I speak with you for a moment"
Mari stepped away to speak, Sunny noticing her face gaining a frown
Sunny wasn't sure what was said but knew it wasn't good news Mari nodding her head when he stopped speaking
The man gave her a hug, Sunny reading "I'm sorry" on his lips
Mari walked back to Sunny asking if they could just lie on the couch for a little while
Sunny agreed following her as she dragged herself to the couch

They laid facing the window both watching a beautiful sunset streaming through
Sunny was lying on top of Mari with her arms around him, feeling her comforting breathing and her heartbeat
He felt himself starting to drift off, almost making it to sleep before his drift into slumber was interrupted by him feeling her breathe start to stutter
Sunny looked up to see his sister with tears running down her cheeks, struggling to get air in as her breathe was mixed with whimpers
"What's wrong" he asked somehow forgetting their situation
Mari looked down at her baby brother staring up with concern in his eyes only causing her crying to get worse
"It's just that I.. I want to spend more time with you and when.. when" Mari struggled to hold it back before looking into his eyes again
"I don't get to see my baby brother ever again!" Mari burst out being followed by an ocean of tears and wails
Her words reminded Sunny that all of this was under a timer: all the anxiety he felt at the judgement seat, the sadness he felt when he was alone with his thoughts and the fear he felt we he first saw her hit the bottom of the stairs
He couldn't hold it, seeing her weep like everything was being taken from her because to her it was
Sunny felt his breathing stutter, his eyes filling with water and heart sink into his chest
Sunny started crying, harder than he had ever, not because of his fate but seeing his sister crying like her life was ending
Both felt tears staining their clothes and the couch
Both felt their chest convulse as they struggled to get air into their lungs
Both didn't know when or if they could stop crying
The sun had set letting the room be taken over completely by the warm glow of the fireplace
Sunny was the first to notice, realizing they didn't have much time left
Sunny tried his hardest to stop crying, he knew that this shouldn't be their last moments together
"Mari? Mari!" Sunny yelled
Mari stopped and swallowed the lump in her throat to try and get herself to calm down
"What is it?"
"The sun's set" he said not keeping his eyes off her
Mari began to calm down seeing the window no longer shining in purples and oranges
"Oh, it has" she said with sniff between her words
"Guess that means we should be heading to bed soon?"
Sunny nodded

Mari walked up the stairs, struggling occasionally with some of them, with Sunny following closely behind
She opened the door the bedroom, her clothes instantly becoming her pajamas when she stepping within
Sunny followed, the same happening to him
He saw the room had two beds like normal though bigger than usual and looking a lot more comfortable than he could have imagined
"Sunny.. I know you'd usually do this only when you had a nightmare, but could we share a bed tonight? I wanna be as close as possible this time."
Sunny nodded trying to hold back another wave of tears
Mari got into bed first, Sunny following suit
Mari carefully placed the blanket over them before pulling Sunny into a hug
He felt warm in her embrace, feeling the fear of what's to come washing away
Mari tried her best not to cry, she wanted to so badly but she knew this was their last moments together. She would have her time to cry soon enough
Both felt their anxiety melt away as they closed their eyes
They felt... Happy and though they couldn't shake off the melancholy tint of everything that had happened, in this final moment they felt at peace
Sunny was the first to wake up, waking up to a hazy vision of his sis still fast asleep.
Sunny carefully turned, trying his best not to wake her as he saw the same man in white again observing them
The man had a face of worry and defeat "I didn't want to wake you since you both looked so peaceful"
"I'm sorry to say but it's time"
Sunny carefully got himself out of his sister's grasp, debating whether or not to wake her, looking at the man again and seeing he didn't have an answer either
"Don't be scared, even in death all is not lost. I'm sure that you two will meet again, even if take thousands of years"
The man sighed before extending his hand out for him to take
Sunny looked back at his sister, sighing, before taking his hand
Mari's eyes began to open, her noticing her brother's absence even in her haze
Mari began to pant, her eyes jolting around before seeing him
"Please you can't take him from me! I can't lose him again!" She yelled already beginning to cry
"I'm sorry we've tried but,"
"Please just let us have another day together! You were able to get us this, why can't we just have one more day?!"
"His angel has been trying to get in contact but the Seraphim haven't been listening!"
Mari stared at the angel before breaking down once again, gritting her teeth and sinking her face into her hands
"Please don't cry, I can maybe let him stay while we try to get a request in, I'm sure he'll allow an extension!"
The Angel started to pant as well, trying to figure out a way to help them
"No it's fine," Sunny said "I'll go, this one day was already a lot, and like you said" Sunny turned to Mari forcing a smile "I'm sure we'll meet again"
Mari stared trying to hold back her tears
"I'm sorry Mari again, for everything but remember I still love you"
Mari crawled off the bed to give him another hug
Sunny grasped the Angel's hand once again
"You can give him one final goodbye right before we bring him down if you'd like?"
Sunny, Mari, and the Angel had reached the edge facing down into the Kingdom of Lucifer and his Angels
Mari had walked holding Sunny close to her the entire time
"Well this is the end.. If you wish to have one final goodbye now is the time."
Mari stood shaking, unable to speak with tears starting to build up again
Sunny went and hugged her, pulling her in and tight as he could
Mari returned the favor and did the same
They remained in each other's embrace for almost 5 minutes, each not wanting to pull away from the other. Sunny however accepted what needed to happen and pulled away from her
Sunny walked to the edge seeing nothing but a spiraling black mist in the depths below
He looked back realizing neither had the heart to bring him down themselves
Sunny took a deep breath, facing them before doing what he did before: closing his eyes and falling backward into the depths

Sunny no longer felt himself falling opening his eyes to see Mari's hand grabbing on to his
"I'm not letting you go! I can't lose you again!" Mari said, bending down to the point of almost falling herself
Mari struggled to pull him up, feeling the gravity of the depths trying it's best to pull him down
Her legs shook as she felt herself getting pulled more and more until..

Mari made it only 2 inches down before her Angel grabbed her legs
"I can't let you both go!" The Angel said through gritted teeth struggling to pull them up to safety
"I can't carry both of you! It took two of us to get him here in the first place!"
Mari looked back down at her baby brother, debating whether or not she want the Angel to just let them go
Sunny looked down once again at the depths, now attempting to gain 2 more victims for itself
Sunny sighed once again
"Mari, I love you and I'm sorry.." Sunny closed his eyes and let his hand slip from hers
The last thing Sunny saw was his sister wailing out to him, while struggling trying to get the Angel to let her fall down
Mari was pulled up, some how crying even harder than she did the night before.
"Let me go! I don't want to be here without him!" She exclaimed as her Angel held her close to protect her
She looked down one last time, only seeing her brother being enveloped by the black mist
She grit her teeth, pounding at the ground realizing she would never see her baby brother again
Her angel simple held her back, knowing he could do nothing to comfort her


Sunny breathed in, remembering all the good he had in his life. Not just with his sister but with everyone he loved.
Sunny felt content, accepting his life's joys even if it was cut short.
Sunny once again no longer felt himself falling however, did not open his eyes to anyone
Sunny felt a warmth as he saw his sister grow closer and closer
He made it back to the edge, being greeted by a hug from his big sister
Sunny was relieved, seeing over his sister's shoulder the angel with a face a shock looking at something behind them
Sunny tilted his head to see a bearded man in red and blue robes looking at both of them
Sunny got up from Mari's embrace
"Why am I back here?"
"My child, don't you remember? Even in death all is not lost" The man said with a calming voice
"I was informed by your guardian angel that you had shown no attempts to go beyond was given to you. You accepted your fate, it's clear to me that you have grown beyond what I saw the judgment seat"
Mari got up "W-was this kind of test for him?!" she asked annoyed but relieved she had her brother back
"No no. Anyone can repent of what they have done when they are down there, however most do it only due to the punishment not due to genuine repentance"
"You however clearly have repented, willing to suffer if it meant your sister would not"
"You may be a part of the Kingdom, my child."


Pub: 03 Apr 2022 08:10 UTC
Views: 666