Chapter 4: Give it a Shot Yourself
Lecturer: Alright, now lets have everyone do some improvisation in pairs. Everyone, please pair up with those around you.
Kathrina: What are going to do? One of us is going to be by ourselves.
Chisa: I'll go and pair up with someone else. This is a good opportunity after all.
Shizuka: Thanks Sasuga.
Shizuka: I guess that just leaves us two together.
Kathrina: Yeah.
Lecturer: Has everyone paired up with someone? In that case, we'll move on to the next prompt.
Lecturer: The prompt will be "A married couple fighting about something". As for why they're fighting, I'll leave that to your imagination.
Lecturer: And also, I'll leave the characters up to you too. They can be any age, any occupation or in any world, it's all up to you.
Kathrina: Up to us...!?
Lecturer: It looks like everyone has a more active imagination than I initially thought. Hahaha. Now show that to me.
Kathrina: ... Are they expecting more now because of Sasuga's performance...?
Shizuka: Hmm, Sounds like fun.
Kathrina: Why are you so happy about this? If anything goes, then I have no idea what the right answer is...
Shizuka: Is that what you're worried about? The lecturer already said that it's alright if you're not able to do this well.
Lecturer: Ah right, you can decide who's going to play the husband and wife, but discussing anything else will not be allowed.
Lecturer: Do you best to convey the setting to your partner while delivering your performance.
Shizuka: Wow, this really is the purest form of improvisation. In that case, I would like to play the husband.
Kathrina: That's alright... As long as you don't involve aliens or bizarre stuff like that.
Shizuka: That sounds like fun. How about we do it?
Kathrina: Hold on a second....!
Shizuka: Ahaha, I'm just kidding.
Kathrina: Gosh...
Lecturer: Alright, lets go in order. you two over there, come up on stage.
Lecturer: Next up will be Shizuka-san and Kathrina-san. Kathrina-san, you showed us a lovely performance earlier, I look forward to this one too.
Kathrina: Thank you very much.
Shizuka: Good for you.
Lecturer: I'm sure you've all noticed by now, but with improvisation etudes, conveying the setting to your fellow actors and avoiding clashing with other is key to the performance.
Lecturer: However, be careful and don't let that limit your acting range. With that said, begin.
Kathrina: "..."
Kathrina: "He's late today too. He still hasn't come back..."
Shizuka: (So Kathrina is setting up a husband who's laste to come home.)
Shizuka: (In that case, I'll cautiously knock and act out turning the door knob and convey that I've returned--)
SHizuka: "Hey, it's been a while"
Kathrina: "You...!"
Shizuka: "I'm really sorry. It's been a few months since I've last seen your face."
Kathrina: (A few months... I have no idea what Shizuka is trying to convey, maybe a long work trip?)
Kathrina: "Cut it out. It's always been about work with you, you never ever think about me."
Shizuka: "That's not it...! I'm sorry I couldn't return your calls. There's just a lot going on."
Kathrina: You haven't even contacted me once, what are you even doing? Surely, you're hiding something from me."
Shizuka: "Thats..."
Shizuka: "I'm sorry, I can't talk about work. But I don't want to break up with you."
Kathrina: (So you want to keep them together... In that case)
KAthrina: "Didn't I tell you last week about our distribution of property?"
Shizuka: "Hold on, we don't have to rush this!"
KAthrina: "I've had enough. Do you know how much I've suffered? You're always leaving me by myself, and you never acknowledge me at all..."
Kathrina: !?
Shizuka: "I'm sorry."
Kathrina: "S-stop.... Let go of me...!"
Shizuka: "I know that you're mad and that I've made you sad. SO I want to give you another chance to talk."
KAthrina: "Why are we even together? I have no idea what you're even thinking."
Shizuka: "..."
Shizuka: "Maybe it's time that I tell you."
Kathrina: "Huh?"
Shizuka: "My job is actually working in secret service."
Kathrina: "Huh? Secret service... As in spies?"
Shizuka: "Yeah. This is something that I couldn't originally tell you about... But I'm thinking of leaving the organisation. I can't bear the thought of losing you."
Kathrina: "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about? What about the people who are after your life..."
Shizuka: Who knows... But right here, right now, I don't want to lie to you ever again, it causes me pain much more than death."
Kathrina: "Darling..."
Shizuka: "It's time."
KAthrina: "You're going to leave again?:"
Shizuka: "I'm sorry we couldn't be together. But I'll explain the detail to you someday, so I want you to wait for me."
Shizuka: Next time, I'll be a changed man so I can be by your side."
KAthrina: Thats... I..."
Lecturer: Let's leave that there.
Lecturer: Ahaha, that really went off the rails with the husband line of work! The back and forth between you two really exceeded my expectations.
Shizuka: Hahaha. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Kathrina: Hold on...! Don't suddenly change the script like that! It's troubling for me!
Shizuka: Hmmm? The lecturer did say we could do as please though?
Chisa: Kathrina, good job with the retorts. And acting all confused.
Kathrina: I'm the one who's confused...!
Shizuka: Hahaha, sorry, sorry. BUt for you to play along like that, that was really fun.
Shizuka: It reminded me of the good old days, I just went with the flow. Thanks for that.
Kathrina: The good old days...?
Kathrina: Oh well, at least thats over now...