"Mrnf, mumf," mumbled Shinji, eating his way through a cake. It rested on his huge belly. He was naked, lounging on the sofa, eating television, and eating a cake. He'd eaten an entire pie not long ago. Now it was cake time.

His beady blue eyes gazed lovingly on his sweet treat. Shinji was so fat. These days he weighed 294 kilograms. An absolute hog of a boy. And watching him tuck into the cake, it wasn't hard to see why. He ate his way through more than half of the cake in less than twenty minutes. His big, flabby jowls rippled as he chewed. His three chins oozed and flexed. His big, bloated boy boobs drooped and sagged down his front, down his mammoth belly, which lazed fatly in front of him, sagging off the front of the couch.


His gigantic ass farted. His colossal butt was more than 1.5 meters wide. Soon Shinji would fatten himself up to a 2 meter wide ass. It was only a matter of time.


"Urrp," he belched lowly. His chocolate-stained face looked up at Kaworu as he approached. He forked more cake into his mouth. "Kaworu-san, what is it?"

"We have a special guest, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu. "Finish your cake, and then I will help you get to the bedroom. We are going to have some fun."

This was all the impetus Shinji needed. He ate faster than ever. Crumbs and icing rolled and spattered down his vast, naked form as he gorged more quickly, eating and eating and eating. it was easy to eat the entire other half of the cake. He was such a fat boy that polishing off a whole cake was nothing for him. Shinji had grown and fattened himself past eating a whole cake months ago.

So he finished the cake.

"BUUURRP," he belched, smacking his chocolate-stained lips. And his brain, clogged by gluttony and lust, did bother to ponder what Kaworu had said. "Ah, Kaworu-san," he softly said, "what did you mean by 'guest'?"

"I invited someone over to visit, Shinji-kun. I think you'll like her. You've met her before."

Her? Now this was really interesting.

"Let's clean you up..." Kaworu gently took some wet cloths and wiped Shinji's mouth. Then he wiped Shinji's bloated, blubbery front. Then he wiped Shinji's hands. "And come on, now, let's get you going." He grabbed Shinji by the wrists.

"Ohh, hff, pff, thank you, ngh, Kaworu-san," groaned Shinji as Kaworu helped him to his feet. "It's just. uff, a lot of work to get off the couch, these days." His belly sagged past his knees, his ass jutted out more than half a foot behind him. His huge fat thighs were dimpled with cellulite. He was a huge boy and his lumbering waddle was ponderous. "Ooof, mmm, all that cake and pie..."


"Come along, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, guiding Shinji towards the bedroom.

Ambling along, Shinji did idly wonder who had come. Kaworu had said it was a woman. As he came into the bedroom, his belly leading the way, Shinji wondered who--

"Oh, my, Third Child." Green eyes met his blue eyes, bright and alert, so different from his beady, greedy pair. A pale hand rubbed a somewhat square chin. "My... look at you."

Shinji's hard-pumping heart faltered, and he put a fat hand on his chest to steady himself. "Doctor... Doctor Akagi?"

"That's right," said Ritsuko, sauntering forward a bit. NERV's chief scientist stood in the dimly lit room, clad in a black bra and panties, and thigh-high black stockings. She walked forward slowly, softly. She came upon Shinji, who was still somewhat shorter than her. She pressed her soft fingers gently into his soft belly. "Oh, my, Shinji... look at what you've become."

"I... I... ohh, Dr. Akagi," Shinji was breathing hard. "Hff, pff, hff, pff, ohh, uff," he put a hand on his chest as he puffed for breath.

Ritsuko pursed her full lips. "Ohh, poor baby. Out of shape?"

"He's not usually used to standing this long," said Kaworu.

"I can see that, Nagisa," said Ritsuko. With gentle fingers, like a touch of silk, she put a hand on Shinji's shoulder and a hand on his huge left buttock. "Come along, Shinji, let's get you settled over here." Carefully, gently, tenderly, she guided Shinji to the bed. A huge pile of pillows had been set up at the bed's end, a throne of softness. "Easy does it," she whispered, slowly turning Shinji's huge body around. She guided him backwards, oozing him back onto the bed. Shinji leaned back, lounging against the pillows. He was breathing hard, his massive belly heaving in and out. He had a huge erection. He was very turned on right now.

"Dr. Akagi has decided to move to San Diego, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, putting his hands in his pockets. "When she found out we were living here as well, she reached out to me. I knew I had to invite her over. I knew she'd love to see you."

"And I certainly do," said Ritsuko, coming close. She leaned against the bed, and began to run her silken fingers through Shinji's soft, buttery belly. Her fingers sank deep into his pale, milklike flab. "Oh, Shinji, why didn't Nagisa tell me sooner? Tell me he'd fattened you up. What a soft, splendid boy you are."

"Ohh," moaned Shinji, his erection getting even bigger. Her touch was so soft, so gentle. His fat face twisted towards her. "Doctor... Doctor Akagi... I..."

"Shh," shushed Ritsuko. She sank into him as she leaned against him. Shinji met her gaze. She leaned in, and her lips met his. Shinji moaned in delight as Ritsuko kissed him, all while she played with his big brown nipples. She could feel his heart hammering in his chest. He was so out of shape, even being extremely sexually aroused was enough to get his heart racing.

"Mmmrnm," mumbled Shinji, his lips still full of hers.

"Ohh, that was marvelous," said Ritsuko as she pulled away. She stroked a hand through Shinji's short brown hair. "What a good boy you are, Shinji. What a good boy. And such a big boy, too."

She was flicking his nipples. They were rock hard. Shinji's toes were curling as he lounged on the pillows.

"Ohhh, mmm, Doctor Akagi..." Shinji moaned, almost slurring his speech.

"A big boy needs... pastries," said Ritsuko, placing a white box on the bed next to them. She opened the lid. There were several pastries of varying sorts: eclairs, strawberry tarts, cream puffs, filled doughnuts, all of them covered in whipped cream and icing. Ritsuko picked up one. She held it up for Shinji to see. "Doesn't that look good?"

Shinji licked his lips. "Mmm, mmm," he hummed, his arousal fueling a renewed appetite.

Ritsuko swiped a dollop of whipped cream off the pastry. She brought her cream covered finger to his lips. Shinji opened his mouth, and like a baby at a nipple, he sucked the cream off of Ritsuko's finger.

"Good boy," said Ritsuko. She stroked his hair again. "Nagisa has made you such a good boy. But... you were always a good boy, weren't you? Even back then... before. When we were in Tokyo-3. You were such a good boy then, too. Always doing what you were told."

"Ohhh," moaned Shinji. He leaned back further into the pillows. "Dr. Akagi, you... you were always... so good to me..."

Ritsuko brought the pastry to his lips. She began to feed him, and Shinji eagerly ate what she held. She was kind, gentle, tender. The pastry gradually disappeared into Shinji's mouth. Then Ritsuko reached for another pastry. This, too, she brought to Shinji's lips.

She fed him, and played with him as she did. She tugged at his nipples. She stroked his hair. Halfway through the third pastry, she began to reach beneath his enormous belly, into the sweaty, sticky innards of fat that surrounded his pelvic area. She ran her long fingernails around his fupa. Around his balls. Shinji moaned.


"Ohgm," mumbled Shinji, mouth full of pastry and cream. "I... mrmf... I didn't, smack, mean..."

"It's all right, darling," said Ritsuko, stroking his belly with her newly free hand. Then she reached that hand back towards the box, and grabbed another pastry. "A big boy makes a big fart, from time to time."

"Ohmgn," mumbled Shinji as his mouth was filled with pastry again.

"And... a big poop, right? Nagisa has told me you're quite the mess maker, these days."

"M-Maybe," mumbled Shinji, a stray tear trailing down his cheek as he chewed more pastry.

"But that's just fine. You're a fine, good boy. That's just fine."

She was on the last pastry. With an idle fancy, Ritsuko swiped up a dollop of icing and traced it along the huge slope of Shinji's belly. She gave the belly a slap. It jiggled and jostled.


"Oooh, so stinky," said Ritsuko, playfully fanning a hand in front of her nose. "What a smelly farter you are, Shinji-kun."

One bite of pastry left. Ritsuko stroked Shinji's hair. She playfully rubbed his belly. Then she tenderly, sensually fed him the last bite. She leaned against him. Shinji could feel her breasts sagging onto his own huge boy boobs. He was beyond excited. This was the closest he'd ever gotten with a woman.

"Hff, pff, mff, ungh, burrrp, hfff, pff," mumbled Shinji. "Uhhh," he groaned, his hoggish face flushed red.

"Now... I think it's time for the big boy to have his pleasure," said Ritsuko. She felt the heat of his porky cheek. "By the looks of things, you're ready to pop."

She reached her arm, her hand, deep beneath his belly. Deep into the dark, smelly folds. The puffy pastry blubber of his fupa.

"Oh, Shinji," she said softly, "your penis is almost totally sunk in, isn't it? It would take some work to get it into my vagina."

"Ohhh," he moaned. He felt her sharp fingernails dragging along his balls. Around the stubby, stiff, rock hard shaft of his undersized penis.

"Fortunately, I think for now we can pleasure you with just my fingers. Would you like that?"

She smiled. Shinji gurgled.

"Of course you would."

She groped him. She fondled him. Shinji groaned and moaned as Ritsuko molested him, her hard-edged fingernails abusing his balls and penis. And he loved it more, more, more...

"Uhhhh," he groaned as he exploded.

"There we go," said Ritsuko as Shinji emptied his balls into her hand, her perfect skin getting covered in the fat boy's sticky white cum. She kept groping him until he was finished, milking every last drop of semen out of Shinji. At last, she pulled her hand out. It was covered in goop. With a naughty gleam in her eyes, she licked some of it off her fingers. "So sweet!" she said with a smile. A smile down at Shinji, who was breathing hard. "You must eat a lot of desserts, big boy, for your cum to be this sugary."

"I... I... ngh..." groaned Shinji.

His eyelids started to droop.

"Shhh," Ritsuko shushed. She reached for a pillow close to his leg and put it under his head. She stroked his belly.


"You've had such a busy day. You're such a good boy, Shinji. Such a good boy, and such a big boy." She leaned in, and kissed him again on the lips. Shinji gurgled fatly in his throat. "Now," said Ritsuko, pulling away, "now... you need your rest."

"Doctor... Doctor Akagi..." mumbled Shinji, slurring his speech, drool seeping out of his mouth. "I don't... I... I love..."

Then his eyes slid closed. Shinji began to breathe, then breathe more heavily. And then he was snoring away.

"My, that was delightful to watch," said Kaworu, coming up next to Ritsuko as she pulled away.

"Oh, the pleasure was all mine," said Ritsuko, her own cheeks now flushed. "He's such a marvelous specimen. I'm amazed at how big you've gotten him, even without my help. Gosh, he's even bigger than my boyfriend in college."

"It was a pleasant surprise to learn we have similar taste in pets."

"Ha! Well, he's a better feedee than his father, that's for sure." She pouted. "Gendo never ate the desserts I made him..."

"Where the father fails, the son succeeds," said Kaworu, grinning at her.

Shinji snored away. He farted loudly in his sleep.

"So, do you intend to stick around?" asked Kaworu.

"Oh, absolutely," said Ritsuko. "Knowing there's a boy this big and fat for me to play with? That's enticement enough for me to stay. Not to mention things aren't exactly... stable, in Tokyo-3 at the moment."

"I'd imagine not."

"You can't just abduct the pilot of Unit-01 and expect things to go well in the aftermath. It's better for me to lay low for a while. And..." she bit her lip, "what better place than here? What a fun toy you've given me to play with, Nagisa."

"I'll see about you having sex with him. He's a bit hard to maneuver these days, as you yourself have discovered. Especially for vaginal sex. My own lovemaking is easier for him."

"Yes, that's an awfully big ass he has, I'm sure it's easy to put your cock into it." Ritsuko chuckled. "What fun this will be." Her dark green eyes gleamed.

Pub: 12 Sep 2022 04:41 UTC
Views: 574