Towards a Beautiful Future
Former Theatre Member A: ......I'll ask you again. Was Macbeth like that?
Chief Director: We did the best we could in accordance with tradition. It was the result of the member’s efforts in accordance with the direction.
Former Theatre Member B: It seems different from the Lady Macbeth I played. For someone who has been directing for so long, you don't seem to have a very good understanding of tradition.
Chief Director: Your thoughts are quite reasonable. However, it was a necessary decision to protect our authority......
Former Theatre Member C: Oh? I don't remember calling someone.
Former Theatre Member A: Who is it?
Former Theatre Member B: Oh, Lord of Glamis and Cawdor. I don’t think this is your scene.
Koyomi: I have come to speak to you all, although I know it is rude of me to do so. Please read this.
Koyomi: This is the latest edition of the Saint-Claud Guide, which goes on sale tomorrow. Three theatre companies have been selected from Japan: Olympus, the Tamba Acting Troupe-
Koyomi: -and us, Gingaza.
Former Theatre Member A: Even if we can't look down on the others, I commend you for maintaining the star status. ......But it seems that you were lagging behind your wife in terms of acting.
Former Theatre Member B: Your Macbeth was wonderful, with a sense of tradition and stability. But it seems that all the praise was going to your wife?
Koyomi: ......I'm ashamed to admit it, but you're right.
Former Theatre Member C: Tell me frankly. Why did the unusual performance attract more attention than the tradition?
Chief Director: That was my instruction......
Koyomi: As you say, it's undeniable that we were trying to be original. But without a deep understanding and acting ability, you can't be original.
Koyomi: Lilja-san met the high demands this time. The results are as the guide I brought with me commented.
Former Theatre Member A: ......’Gingaza, the lighthouse of the theatre world that continues to uphold its profound traditions.’ The quality of the critics has gone down too.
Koyomi: In order to protect its reputation, the actors and the stagehands alike worked hard to achieve their goals, despite the many challenges they faced.
Former Theatre Member C: You're starting to look like your mother. Then again, she wasn’t considered inferior to her wife.
Former Theatre Member B: Yes. If you were going to carry on the tradition of Gingaza, you had to be more highly regarded than anyone else.
Koyomi: You're right.
Chief Director: Senju showed us a performance worthy of the leader of the troupe. This time, it was entirely my fault.
Koyomi: No. Despite the great support I received from everyone, it is true that I was unable to measure up to Lady Macbeth.
Koyomi: It was due to my lack of ability. I will use this regret as fuel to work even harder in my training.
Former Theatre Member A: If you know that, then go ahead and work hard. As the centre of the galaxy, become a giant star that attracts the world.
Koyomi: Of course I know that. I have no intention of giving up Gingaza, or of being it’s poster child.
Chief Director: ......Thank you, Senju.
Rinko: Phew, I finally got tickets after going to three places! I knew about it from early release information, but I have to see it with my own eyes!
Rinko: This is it. Gingaza, the lighthouse of the theatre world that continues to uphold its profound traditions!
Rinko: As expected. You worked hard, Ramona.
Rinko: I'll do my best too. Yeah!
Ramona: ......Look. This feature article is also about Lilja!
Ramona: 'You can't take your eyes off the beautiful and terrifying Lady Macbeth'. Yeah!
Xue: No way......there's not even one article about me......!?
Xue: Is there nothing, like King Duncan's beautiful end!?
Koyomi: It's a traditional Macbeth, close to the original. Why not let him fall beautifully in the imaginations of the audience?
Hikari: Oh, I found a photo of Xue. Look, look.
Xue: Good job!
Xue:But I’m out of focus! Koyomi-san and Finland are the main focus here!
Ramona: It's a great photo. It perfectly captures Koyomi being distraught at the sight of the ghost of King Duncan, and Lilja being confused by it.
Koyomi: When I see this beauty, I can't help but agree…...
Lilja: I'm home.
Hikari: Lilja-san, welcome back!
Hikari: Where did you go for your walk today?
Lilja: The maid cafe in Akihabara. I took a photo with Iroha, so I'll give it to Koyomi.
Koyomi: This is an autograph......!
Koyomi: ......Ahem. No, no. Why did you take a photo?
Lilja: I heard from that artist that photos can be beautiful too.
Ramona: You've received another letter? That contemporary artist seems to be quite obsessed with Lilja…...
Lilja: It's natural, because I'm beautiful.
Hikari: I'm crazy about Lilja-san too!
Hikari: Look, Lady Macbeth’s photos are so beautiful!
Lilja: ......Yeah. I think they’re beautiful.
Ramona: I never thought I'd hear Lilja praise a photo......
Ramona: She never commented on any of the photos I took......
Lilja: I've come to understand the beauty of a well taken photo. Seeing it with your own eyes is still the best way, though.
Xue: What is this? It's the same old Finland after all…... I thought you'd changed…...
Hikari: ......Let's have a photography workshop next time, Ramo-san.
Ramona: Yeah, let’s do it. This time I've got to impress Lilja!
Lilja: I'll take you on.
Lilja: ......Now that I think of it, I remember. The workshop. Koyomi, yawn. I want to steal your beautiful yawn.
Koyomi: yawn ......I'm not sleepy, so I can’t do it properly......
Xue: Alright, it's time for my part time job! Now I can earn money without any worries!
Ramona: Now then. I'll go and check out how my rivals are doing.
Hikari: I'm coming too!
Koyomi: ......People are changing, aren't they?
Lilja: Sometimes change is a good thing. What do you think, Koyomi?
Koyomi: ......I don't know.
Koyomi: But maybe it's not a bad thing.
Koyomi: Things that change, things that don't change, and things you don't want to change. When they all mix together, we can shine even more brightly.
Lilja: Yes. The future of Gingaza will surely be beautiful.
Koyomi: Good morning, Hikawa-san.
Hikawa: Good morning, Koyomi ojou-sama.
Hikawa: I'm sure you're looking forward to seeing them, aren't you......?
Koyomi: Yes, I have to burn it into the back of my eyelids.
Koyomi: I'm off then.
Hikawa: Be careful on your way.
Hikawa: ......It seems you've been sleeping well recently. I'm glad you're doing well, Koyomi ojou-sama.
Tourist A: Hey, isn't the Gingaza Theatre this way? Have you got lost again?
Tourist B: That's because the map is upside down. The Saint-Claud Guide is going to cry.
Koyomi: ......
Lilja: ~♪
Shopper A: Ah, I found it! The script for the Gingaza version of ‘Macbeth’. Even though it's a classic that's been performed many times, it's still really interesting.
Shopper B: That's right, I'm really glad I saw it! Lady Macbeth was scary!
Lilja: ......I feel like seeing the sea today. I’ll go for a long walk.
Lilja: ......It feels good. A beautiful sound that you want to listen to forever.
Businessman on the Phone: Yes, we would like to ask Gingaza, which is also listed in the guide, to support our theatre appreciation tours......
Street Vision News: It seems that three theatre companies from Japan will be selected. There is a lot of attention on the future of the listed theatre companies.
Koyomi: Yes, please look forward to the future of Gingaza.
Koyomi: Heh heh......
Lilja: ......
Lilja: ......Ah, I fell asleep.
Lilja: ......The sunset is beautiful.
Town Announcement Speaker: It's 5 o'clock. All you good children, please be careful not to get into traffic accidents on your way home.
Lilja: .....It's already this late. If I don't go home, everyone will be worried.
Lilja: ......
Lilja: 'On stage, you were uglier than anyone, and more beautiful than anyone. I hope that one day we can explore beauty together.’
Lilja: ......Nice letter. Heh heh.
Lilja: I understand now. I am beautiful. But beauty is not just about being pretty.
Lilja: The world is full of so many beautiful things.