/pyon/ VTL5 Poll Results and Roster Changes

Poll Results

Ok, I think we've kept this open long enough and got enough votes to get a decent idea of where people's preferences lie. Here is how people voted on the current roster:

Current roster

And here are the votes as far as the new additions go:

New additions (individual)

New additions (favorites)

Finally, we have of course obtained this very important data point:

Kiki love

Roster Changes

So, from the above data I think the following players don't have a lot of support to keep them in and may as well be removed:

  • Sewer Boy
  • Wallet Poster
  • Skippy the Kangaroo
  • Kiki's Kiki
  • Yoshi Loves Peppers
  • Calhoun
  • Fellow Champyon
  • Ryan Goosling
  • Bobomb Champy

This gives us 9 slots to fill. We could potentially discuss this more, but looking at overall approval as well as thread favorites I think these additions would make sense:

  • SpringKiki
  • Crouton Champ
  • Tomato Champ
  • Wallchamp
  • Baddest Biker Kiki
  • Bunday
  • Skull Champy

As discussed previously, Forklift Certified and Hod Dog Sogig (hereafter referred to as Hod Dogig) have already been confirmed and submitted to the aesthetics team for implementation

Now, for the final slot, I'm a bit conflicted. Personally, I like China Dress Kiki/Used to be Chinese, and it also got a decent number of votes, but I'm not too sure about filling up our slots with "Kiki in X outfit" type players, and we're already adding Baddest Biker Kiki who will play alongside Clunny and of course the main Kiki. If you guys think this isn't as much of an issue then maybe I'll put her in anyway, otherwise I was thinking maybe Hidekazu Yukawa/Mr. Sega would be a good choice. He didn't get a big amount of support in the individual voting, but a surprising amount of champs chose him as a favorite so maybe he could get a slot.

As an alternative we could just make the last slot rabba's choice and let Kiki pick whichever she likes (of those not already confirmed in) and put that player in.


After shifting things around a bit to accommodate the new players (and benching a few older ones to give some of the new faces a chance to shine) I came up with a lineup that looks like this:

Proposed lineup

Since wallchamp would make sense to use as a goalkeeper I put Champyon on the field, I gave him a gold slot along with Kiki (which previously belonged to Little Man, now demoted to silver) but if you'd prefer I keep him as a silver and let Little Man stay gold or something, or change things around some other way let me know. (Also I haven't bothered messing with portraits and stuff yet.)

edit: Other champs have expressed some concerns about Champyon taking Little Man's spot so this probably needs more consideration, any suggestions in thread would be appreciated.

edit 2: Other suggestion from thread: I say put Kiki Bread in defence and Champyon and Wallchamp as goalies. Wall or not, Champa is in charge here.

edit 3: This lineup was suggested in thread and seems better:

Updated lineup

Yeah... that's all for now, please give any feedback in thread and hopefully Kiki can give her thoughts later as well.

Pub: 07 Aug 2023 23:44 UTC
Edit: 08 Aug 2023 02:00 UTC
Views: 73