Einaer's phone rang in the middle of the night. The little hamster creature woke up from his slumber and picked up the phone with a weary expression. "Wha- What ddyu ww who??" "It's me T****, you need to help me with the divegrass team." It was Twain. Einaer and Twain had been working together for the /yah/ football team. "The models you sent me are not properly UV unwrapped, you just projected from view. You forgot to enable dynamic topology halfway through the sculpting and probably tried to cover it up with a subdivision modifier and now there are too many triangles and decimating won't work. They aren't rigged either blah blah blah" Einaer wasn't going to have any of Twain's bullshit this late at night, he hung up immediately and went back to sleep. "This brat... He needs correction..."
BANG BANG BANG. Einaer immediately woke up upon hearing the loud slamming on his door. "What the fduck ??" Twain was on the other side, staring at the little hamster creature with eyes full of fury. "You shitty rrat. We lost because of you. I fucking told you that the dakimakura was a bad idea." Einaer had taken time out of working on the models and sleep to spend on making a promo for divegrass instead. Which ended up with him getting nothing done, falling asleep at 5 AM and missing the match. "Oh is that so..." He was quite disappointed upon hearing that /yah/ lost as all his efforts were now in vain, just like that time when Bea didn't play Yakuza after he spent all that time updating the mod what a fucking bitch holy shit like i spent 4 fucking hours updating the mod for you and you don't even care god damn n2s: delete this part before posting "Sorry... How is it my fault though?" Twain's expression held the anger of a million Scotsmen, and he was about to burst with profanity fitting his look. "Look here you little shit. I'm a highly respected manager of a soccer team which once held a cup alright? I can't let my team get humiliated like this, we barely scored one fucking goal and it wasn't even from Chihiro." Einaer was intimidated by Twain, he obviously deeply cared about the league. "B-but isn't... Isn't it all based on luck? How could I possib-" Twain's palpable anger was shifting the ambient, Einaer's little hamster instincts were telling him to run away. "S-sorry... I-I'll f-fix the m-models... I-I bet w-we'll do better next time." Einaer tried to close the door and go back to bed but Twain grabbed him by the neck and pulled the tiny mammal up to his face. "Make sure /yah/ wins next time, emergency onahole." Twain let Einaer go, he made a soft squishy sound as he bounced off the floor. He quickly closed the door and ran to hide under the blankets.
After having a couple drinks and calming down, Twain came to regret his actions. "Ah... I shouldn't have been so hard on him... He works very hard after all..." Unable to find a way to make up, Twain decided to ask for help instead.
Tachi cradled Eko's tender body as his gaze roamed on his smooth skin that flushed upon the contact of flesh. Tachi's cock approached Eko's pink rectum as his legs wrapped around Tachi's back. Entrusting his entire being to his lover, a quiet moan escaped Eko's lips as Tachi gently penetrated him. Hugging each other tightly, their bodies came closer with passionate motions as they held unbreakable eye contact. Tachi and Eko's lips came within half an inch of each other as Tachi's cock pressed on Eko's prostate, alas their love making was rudely interrupted by the doorbell. They thought to ignore it at first but the persistence of the ringing proved that would not be possible. Annoyed, Tachi grabbed a towel and opened the door. Twain's face went pink as he wasn't expecting to see Tachi clad only with a towel that barely clung to his waist. As the hotel rooms consisted only of one bedroom and a bathroom, Twain could see Eko in bed, covered only with the blanket. Flushed skin of the dads clearly showed what was going on inside. "E-eh w-were you guys... Um I-I'll come back another time." Twain's first instinct was to do a 360 and walk away but after doing a quick autistic spin in place he decided it's best to tell Tachi to meet him for a talk sooner than later. "Yeah sure." Tachi closed the door and went back to business. "So... Dad love IS real..." Twain's dick was rock hard.
"Hey, what did you wanna talk about?" Tachi sat next to Twain who was waiting for him on a park bench "So you're basically kind of an expert on relationships by now right? Well I got into a fight with a dad because I couldn't control my anger and I don't know how to make things right again." Twain was averting his gaze and fidgeting, clearly, he deeply regretted the way he treated Einaer. "Well I don't know the details but if you were definitely in the wrong then you should apologize and maybe gift him something. I'm sure he'll forgive you." That sounded all too simple to Twain, of course he knew that he had to apologize. What he truly wanted to know was how to get close to him instead. Twain and Einaer had been DMing for a while as they were working together on the team but Twain kept pushing him away, he simply couldn't show his appreciation for the things Einaer did no matter how much he wanted to. "Oh also, just be yourself :)" Tachi could read Twain's desires from his face and gave him the most useful advice of all. Instead of getting angry at this utterly pointless piece of advice, Twain sighed and said "What if I'm not a very nice person?" Tachi smiled "Of course you're a nice person, the first step is being nice to yourself. Also... Maybe you're a tsundere hehe." Twain jumped off the bench upon hearing this "No way! I don't LOVE him I just want to... Ugh whatever! Thanks for the advice Tachi, I gottagonowbye!" Twain jogged out of the park. Tachi smiled as he sensed the familiar vibe of dad love blooming.
Twain was lost in thought as he wandered in the toy aisle looking for a cute plush Einaer would like. "What if he hates me now? He has always been so sweet and I did nothing but push him away..." Looking at the cute hamster plushies, Twain almost wanted to buy one for himself "Ah! This one's perfect!" He found a plushie wearing an eye patch that also had "Ai" in kanji tattooed on its back. "Eh... Doesn't this mean... Well there is no other yakuza hamster and he probably can't read moonrunes anyway so it should be fine." Twain bought the toy and had it wrapped up to make a cute gift.
BANG BANG BANG. Einaer quickly hid his yakuza male fitness magazines under his pillow and got out of bed to open the door. He got startled when he saw Twain, expecting another rant. "Hey Einaer-chama... Umm... I wanted to... Apologize to you." Einaer was pleasantly surprised by this, Twain's tone seemed genuine so he had nothing to fear. He invited Twain in. "Sorry for being so mean. I didn't mean to hurt or scare you... Also sorry for calling you an onahole." Twain's heartfelt apology brought a wide smile on Einaer's face. "Oh, I got you this by the way. Figured you'd like it." Twain handed Einaer the package. "T-Twain! You didn't have to... You're too nice." Einaer instinctively gave the plushie a hug. "I love it! Thank you so much." He carried the toy ,which was almost as big as him, to his bed and placed it next to his stuffed shark toy and took a moment to admire the cuteness of his slowly growing collection of plushies. Twain almost gagged at how adorable Einaer is, simply watching this creature for a few seconds was like eating a spoonful of sugar. "Let's work on the models together sometime, we can take it easy as we're not gonna be playing for a while." Einaer nodded happily, his mochi had been rebaited.
Einaer and Twain gradually got closer and closer as business DM sex turned into chit chat DM sex and then into almost actual DM sex. Visiting each other's rooms didn't stop after they polished the divegrass models beyond necessary, they realized that they really liked each other's company. Rrats started spreading in the risuna threads after their first collab where they both used their custom Risuna avatars, these streams turned into regular occurrences which led to most dads gossiping about how they must be having sex all the time. What could until then be played off as bromance or banter changed after their drunk karaoke where they got a bit "too familiar" by dueting to love songs and not saying no homo.
Einaer got a phone call from Twain "Moshi moshi" Einaer picked up the phone cheerfully. "Hi Ei-tan~ Umm... I was wondering if you would like to... Grab some McDonald's or something..." Twain's voice was less confident than usual. "Like a date?" Einaer replied. "Of course not! Retard! I mean... I guess it's kinda like a date maybe... D-don't get the wrong idea!" Einaer was giggling uncontrollably like a JK "W-what's so funny?! You little tenga egg you need some correction!" Einaer could no longer hold back his laughter "PffffHAHAhaha y yeah I'd like to grab some grub." he said, wheezing.
As he devoured his double McChicken in awkward silence, Twain realized that maybe McDonald's wasn't the most romantic location for a confession. Einaer knew him all too well by now, he knew what was coming. To him, Twain's autism just made everything cuter and more soulful. Twain could no longer bear the silence and finally gathered his courage after swallowing another bite from his burger. "Ei-chama... I... Lo- Like you... Even more than these tendies." Einaer's sides went into orbit, after rolling all over the floor laughing he finally regained his composure "I pfffHAHA love uh like you too Twaink" Twain's spaghetti had flooded the entire restaurant. "S-so... Are we dating now?" the little hamster creature bounced up and gave Twain a kiss on the cheek "Yes~"
Einaer and Twain were cuddling in bed together, watching /vt/ league 3, waiting for /yah/'s game. "I've got a good feeling. I think we are gonna make it this time." said Einaer. "Remember what Beatani said last time?" said Twain, cheekily. "Y-you mean... J-jerk off before the game?" Twain shrugged "It can't be helped right? We need post nut clarity for the game after all." he unzipped his dick, unleashing the behemoth that was almost as big as Einaer's entire body. "Won't you help me Ei-chama~?" Einaer was intimidated by the gigantic cock he suddenly found himself facing. "W-well... I-if it's with you... Then I guess it's okay..." he grabbed Twain's cock with both of his hands and jerked it off as best as he could. Warm, soft fur rubbing on his dick turned Twain on even more. Precum leaked all over Einaer's tiny body, it was becoming more and more clear that he would not be able to get out of this sticky situation without getting Twain's cock jammed inside him. "I-it's too big... There's no way for that thing to fit inside me, Twain!" being a seasoned manager, Twain was always ready for anything. He quickly pulled out his trusty lube bottle out of his pocket. "Don't worry my sweet honey angel, I'll be gentle~" Twain made sure to apply very generous amounts of lube as his dick was sure to stretch Einaer wider than a goatse. He slowly pushed his dick into Einaer, trying his best to not split him into two. "T-that's enough, p-please go no further." Seeing this helpless little creature struggle and beg for mercy under him awakened a Twain's primal, beastly desires, he pushed his cock as far as he could inside the poor little hamster. Starting slow at first, Twain accelerated his movement with every stroke, giving into his instincts and fucking Einaer like an onahole. "T-T-Twa..in... P-pl..please... C-correct me!" Einaer's mind melted as Twain hammered his tiny boypussy, giving him a concussion-inducing mating session. Twain's cock was pulsating as he pumped load after load into Einaer, inflating him like a balloon. Waves of cum spilled out of him as Twain pulled out his cock. Einaer laid limp on the bed with hot semen flowing out of him like a soggy cum sock. "Haa... S-sorry for being a bit too aggressive Ei-chama..." Einaer couldn't feel his bottom half "I-it's ogey..." he replied, with a muffled voice as his face was planted into the bed. "Oh no! We're missing the game!" Twain quickly tuned into the stream to see that /yah/ was winning 2-0. "I guess Bea was right, cumming before the game really does work. Maybe we should do this regularly, right Ei-chama?" "Y-yeah sure..." Twain picked up Einaer who looked like a freshly glazed donut and made him sit on his lap, they snuggled as they watch /yah/ dominate the competition then went to sleep after the game was over as two happy parents proud of their daughter.

Pub: 19 Apr 2022 14:05 UTC
Views: 395