Sunny and Kel shared a look through the rear view mirror of Hero's little 5 seater civic, ecstatic that they talked everyone into a beach trip on his next visit
And here they find themselves, Sunny in Kel's lap in the backseat in their trunks, sitting next to Kim and Aubrey in their respective bathing suits
Not ideal, but they had to sacrifice the front seat to Basil of they were to be discrete about this
Sunny winked his bum eye at Kel through the rear view as they waited for the second phase of their plan
The bumpy road to the beach was coming up soon, and these two hormonal idiots were waiting to oogle the jiggly bits of the pretty girls next to them
Well as jiggly as they can get, both girls aren't exactly blessed with big booba
No matter, here it comes, the first section of bumpy road
Kel and Sunny were shooting the shit about captain spaceboy, hoping to keep their intentions masked as Kim and Aubrey chatted on, oblivious
"Hang on guys, it's gonna get a little turbulent!" Hero playfully mentioned
The car began to shift up and down as they rode on, both the boys eyes discretely shifting to the side
Oh sweet bliss
The turbulent road allowed the boys to catch an eye-full of the girls' modest breasts bouncing ever so slightly, their arms coming up to cover their bits as they shook
Sunny looked back ahead content, slightly flushed and light headed as his simple lizard brain got the image he needed for his overactive imagination to run wild
As he looked back at the rear view to confirm with Kel that they both saw it
Kel's face was one of stoney dread, his eyes pleading forgiveness at Sunny
'I'm sorry' He saw him mouth out
Sorry for wha-
Oh no
Their was a hot, growing friction on Sunny's ass, the thin material of Kel's trunks allowing for maximum nut to butt surface area
Sunny looked back at him in horror, face burning in embarrassment as the bumpy ride kept brushing his butt against Kel's crotch
"Dude, turn it off!" He whispered as quietly as he could
"I can't help it! The roads keep...grinding us together!" Kel replied just as quietly
"Just...hold me up or something dude!"
Kel complied, his large hands gripping Sunny at his thin waist to help elevate him off of Kel's groin
It felt...weird. Kel's big hands were almost able to wrap around the smaller boy's waist entirely
Better than the alternative
Until a rather large pothole made the whole car bounce
Sunny was driven right back down on Kel's arousal, Kel gripping him tightly to his lap so he didn't move anymore
"Sorry guys, were almost there though!" Hero reminded them, chipper as ever
"Thank god...I mean why the hell are we paying taxes if they don't fix shit like this!" Kim added, knowing damn well she doesn't work yet and has only ever paid sales tax
Sunny and Kel remained deadly quiet, opting not to comment on their local governments care of infrastructure
Also Sunny had to deal with a dick still growing against his ass so that might take precedent
Why is it still getting harder? Neither boy even so much as snuck a glance at the girls since this disaster began...
As soon as they reached the beach Kel bolted from the vehicle, Sunny held like a suitcase in tow as Kel spouted some non-sense about needing to use the restroom
"O-oh..okay we'll get set up then!" Basil yelled at their retreating forms, Kel giving a quick thumbs up as he sprinted
"Weirdos." Aubrey said as she grabbed her beach towel and bag from the trunk
"Basil, c'mon! They'll catch up soon! And you need to get your sunscreen on quickly, don't want you to burn!" Hero placed a hand on Basil's shoulder as he led him to the beachfront
"He's calling you pasty there flower boy."
"A-Aubrey, if you were any paler you'd blind us..."
Basil didn't think his little jab would give everyone pause, Kim, Hero and Aubrey looked at him in surprise
"Sorry, didn't mean t-to..."
"Don't apologize Basil, it's good you're sticking up for yourself!" Aubrey said with a small grin, approaching the boy and grabbing his arm
"C'mon, we DO need sunscreen, and I'll help you if you help me~" Aubrey teased as she slung her arm over the boy's shoulders
Kel set Sunny down once he reached the restrooms, breathing slightly harder than normal as he rested against the sinks
"It was the friction." Kel interrupted the portable boy, face more serious than Sunny had ever seen
"That...was an admittedly poorly thought out plan on my part. But Seriously Kel? A little cleavage is all it takes?"
"DUDE, you were grinding me like half the car ride! And you're one to talk! Look at you!"
Kel pointed out that Sunny was, in fact, hard as well
Both of their trunks didn't help hide anything at all
"Okay, lets wait it out then. Shouldn't take too long." Sunny advised, earning a nod from Kel
They waited for about 2 minutes straight before they realized this shit wasn't working
"Dude Hero is gonna check on us soon, we gotta do something else."
"Well I'll be weird but we each take a stall know.." Sunny trailed off
".....No? What?" Kel asked innocently
No. Fucking. Way.
" off? C'mon Kel stop messing around, this is weird as it is."
"I'm not joking! I mean, normally it just goes down by itself I've never done anything else..." Kel shrugged
"I don't believe you." Sunny said deadpan
" me then! I bet i could learn really quickly!" Kel smiled at Sunny in earnest
"Nope. Just...grab your junk and...I don't know, stroke it till you're done?" Sunny quickly said in embarrassment, bailing into the nearest stall.
"How do I know-"
"You'll know." Sunny didn't let Kel finish the thought
Sunny tried to keep it down as he "managed" himself, although his small gasps and short breaths were still very much audible to Kel
Who was unbelievably hard as he heard Sunny next to him
A short while later Sunny emerged feeling lighter, washing his hands and waiting for Kel to uh...finish
"Man are you sure about this Sunny? I'm not feeling anything at all..."
"KEL IT ISN'T THAT HARD!" Sunny exclaimed, fed up with the boy's antics
"Seems pretty hard to me..."
Was that a fucking joke?
Kel used annoy
Sunny stormed over to Kel's stall, which wasn't even locked, and pushed through
One, Kel was packing. This isn't gay to point out it's just an observation.
Two, his hand placement is garbage, amateur at best
"Splay out your hand." Sunny said with the reddest face he's ever had
Kel complied, taking his hand off his dick to present it to Sunny
"Spit on it."
"Don't argue Kel, it's the best we got." Sunny chided him
Kel made a face of disgust as he slicked his hand with spit
"Okay now grip it like a bottle..."
With Sunny's simple tutelage Kel's stroke game was immediately leveled up!
But it was still not enough, time awkwardly passing as Kel jerked it in front of Sunny
It was starting to feel a little gay
Sunny looked at Kel, face red and hot as Kel grabbed Sunny's hand, leading it closer to his cock
"KEL WHAT ARE YOU DOING." Sunny whisper screamed at him as he tried to pry out of Kel's...dick hand grip
Not happening, Kel was simply too strong
"Sunny we've been in here for like 7 minutes, Hero is gonna come check on us any time now and I don't want to explain to him why we're in the same stall! Just do to me whatever you did to yourself!"
Sunny's soul almost left his body, Kel does know what he's asking for right?
Although he does have a point, they can't waste any more time
Fuck it
Sunny reaches towards Kel's still spit slicked cock and took it in a good grip, or as good as he could grip it
Knowing he almost couldn't wrap around it was...a little emasculating
Great, now this is gay AND disheartening
He started pumping Kel's cock with the deft technique of someone who stayed inside by himself for 4 years, and it was showing
Kel slowly started to huff and moan, Sunny allowing his fingers to slide over his tip, brushing past his glans
"OH, fuck man.." Kel groaned, leaning further back, spreading his legs further
Hearing Kel curse was a small thrill in and of itself, the fact that Sunny was what caused it was...flattering?
After a couple more minutes Kel was getting closer and closer, breathing sharper and more frequent
"Sunny...I think I feel it..."
Sunny thought better than to stand in front, clearing the way for Kel's dick to shoot over the floor, or the door
The entrance to the bathroom swung open
Kel acted quickly, grabbing Sunny and planting him, once again, on his lap to hide the fact that there were two people in the stall
He couldn't hold it back, cum shooting along Sunny's ass, the warmth of fluid penetrating his flimsy trunks
Kel tried to control his breathing as he came down, pulling an unresponsive Sunny into his chest as he listened for his brother
"Hey Kel, did Sunny already walk out?" Hero asked innocently
"Dunno bro, you know him! Might have wandered off somewhere..."
That was true on two fronts, Sunny might've been laying on Kel right now but his one good eye was glazed over, like he wasn't present
"Yeahh. Just hurry up Kel! You gotta bail Basil out of this Volleyball match the girls got into!" Hero said as he left the two alone, walking back outside the restroom
Kel calmed down finally, leaning forward while holding Sunny close to his chest
"Hey man...HEY! C'mon Sunny we gotta get cleaned up quick! Now they'll be REALLY suspicious if we don't show up soon!"
Sunny slowly shuffled off of Kel before he seemingly snapped back to reality
"kel...what are we going to do about my trunks?" Sunny asked
"Waaay ahead of you." Kel answered quickly, cupping his hands under the sink, slowly throwing water all over Sunny's cum covered backside
It mostly blended in
" you're really good at that! We gotta do it again sometime!"
"Kel. Don't tell anyone about this."
"Oh don't worry I-"
"...I got it, don't worry!"


Basil volunteered to put sunscreen Sunny after they both appeared
"Oh sunny, looks like you already had a little on your back! What grade is this though, looks really clear..."

Pub: 22 May 2022 12:13 UTC
Views: 584