New Norma(l)

"Okay" the she-wolf you recently learned was called Norma instructed as she led you to your new home, "The rules are pretty simple."
"First and foremost: you have the freedom to do whatever you want, but obviously things that break the law or trying to run away are a no-go."
The heavy wooden door creaked open to reveal the modest interior of a rural single-story home
"Second rule: I won't ask you to do much, just keep the place neat and tidy while I'm at work. Maybe set up some coffee in the morning if you're up before me."
The place was cozy, with signs of life everywhere.
It also reeked of wolf, but that was to be expected.
"Lastly, and this is the important one, if you EVER need help with anything, feel free to call me. I 'm your wife now, and it's my duty to help you as it's your duty to do the same."
And with that, she took the rest of the afternoon showing you around. A single large area that made up both the living room, with a door to the left leading to the kitchen. A hall in the back led to what you assumed your shared room would be, along with the other amenities.
With that in mind, you asked where the bedroom was, so that you could move your stuff.
"Oh right, I forgot to ask: did you want to sleep together or separate?"
Your brain fizzled out for a second?
This isn't how you assumed it was going to go at all.
You had, for good reason, expected to be held down and raped, then bitten as a show of dominance.
Now, if you were understanding this correctly, you didn't so much get given a wife as you did find a new roommate.
You told her you'd rather have some privacy, and she nodded sagely.
"Good idea. Don't want to rush things, right Hubby?"
As she led you to your room, which was on the opposite side of the hall from her's, you settled in and spent a couple of hours getting your place just how you liked it
Suddenly Norma called you from where you guessed the kitchen should be
You were basically done with your room, settling on the organized chaos it was left in, and made your way to the kitchen
There you saw your wolf-wife in an apron that was comically girly compared to her tomboyish looks
"Actually, do you mind helping me cook? It's been a long day and I assume you're pretty hungry too."
You had to admit you were fucking starved. The stress leading up to today had sneaked behind your appetite and assassinated it early on
But the vast amount of meat on the counter rekindled your body's need to feed
You nodded a little too eagerly and Norma smiled
"Good. Now put this on, wash your hands, and get over here. We're making stew."
You were tossed another bubblegum cloth horror and washed your hands as told
"Just chop those veggies up. Should be a knife nearby. Meat's almost done and just needs to be added back in with the veggies."
You nodded, and grabbed the knife, only to immediately drop it
What was this thing made of?
It felt dense, and heavy, and your grip wasn't anywhere near firm enough to lift it
It stuck in the cutting board point-down
You looked to Norma, who was brandishing a similar blade with finesse as she made quick work of potatoes
You didn't want to be outdone, so you grabbed the cutlery and went at it again
By the type the carrots were rendered into small-enough chunks, you felt a burn in your forearms
A bit of sweat was on your brow, and your fingers felt stiff
You put down the knife apparently forged in the heart of a star and asked Norma about the blade
"Oh yeah. It's no big deal, just prefer things that are built to last. It's nice, right?"
You nod, figuring you must have been more tired than you realized
"Here, Hugh, have a seat and I'll get the rest set up. Gotta watch the pot and make sure our precious beef doesn't burn."
You decided that wouldn't be so bad of an idea, and plopped onto the large leather couch, grabbing the quilt
The material was heavy
Not "thickly woven" but physically heavier than any quilt you'd seen before
It weighed down on you with an oppressive sort of heat and snugness that might be comfortable if you weren't completely surprised by it
You could only last five or so minutes underneath it before you were fighting to get it off of you
Your arms were feeling the burn again as you hefted the thing back to the side of the couch were it belonged
At least the cushions were soft
A dozen minutes of idle watching later and you were called both by Norma and the scent of stew that was begging to be consumed
You practically leapt over the back of the couch to rejoin her in the kitchen
She had set up two huge bowls with the stuff, some rolls, sides you weren't aware of beforehand, and enough utensils that you wondered if she came from old money
"I have to admit, I outdid myself this time. Everything is perfect and you're to thank for part of it!" she said, raising a glass of champagne as you took a seat across from her
"To us, and our life together!"
You lifted the flute, thankful that at least this wasn't deceptively heavy, and clinked it against hers
The two of you made quick work of dinner, and you tactfully ignored how the utensils were also weightier than you were expecting
The rest of the night was spent letting the 'itis kick in and lounging on the couch
The smother-quilt from before came back, but thankfully a lot of its bulk was off of you
This show was pretty go-
It was morning.
You weren't sure when you fell asleep, but you woke up nearly covered by the assassination-comforter, tucked in neatly
You spent a few moments fighting for your life as you used all four limbs to eject your self from its embrace
There was a note on the coffee table
"Hubby, sorry to leave you alone, but I had to go in and you looked so cute snuggled up like that. Help yourself to whatever, and take care of the laundry for me.
Love, your wonderful wife"
Her handwriting was also remarkably flowery
She used pink ink
It'd be hard to believe the hulking wolf woman would be behind the overwhelmingly girly things if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes before
Oh well, do chores then slack off until she gets back.
Somehow you should have seen it coming
Norma seemed to favor things that were thick and heavy
It started with the realization that nearly every comforter in the house was the same dense material as the one from the couch, and every door seemed to be twice fortified or at least made of the most sturdy wood you've ever seen
The dishes from last knight were also the same as the knives used, unsurprisingly
You barely made it down stairs to the laundry room without giving in to the mass of the laundry basket itself knocking your balance off
And it kept happening
Heavy plates seemingly carved from stone
Possibly the most industrial-looking vacuum you've ever used
An actual weight set (in hot-pink) that you somehow hadn't noticed before when checking out the living room
The (pretty nice) shower's pressure practically flattening you from all sides
The full-body fur-dryer you tried on a whim almost knocking you off of your feet
was powerful!
And you had only spent a few hours on it.
You weren't sure when Norma was going to get home, or even where she worked, but you were feeling peckish
Time for a late lunch
You didn't feel like leftover stew...or dealing with the borderline cauldron of a pot she had placed it in
So you decided on a sandwich
Nice and simple
You nabbed some bread from the fridge, some mayo, and all the fixings you needed to put a certain mystery-solving pre-war sleuth to shame
Oh yeah. It's all coming together
All you needed now were the pickles
There was no fucking way, right?
You eyed the jar in the fridge with a kind of trepidation
The sort borne from knowledge of old sitcom tropes
You gripped the jar
Then the lid, and
The lid wasn't moving a millimeter!
You wiped the jar down to remove condensation, and made sure your hands were free of any potential lubricant
Still the lid refused to budge
You smacked the bottom, tapped the edges with a knife, and even ran the whole thing under water again
Still the green deliciousness was denied
Your pride as a man was also taking damage
Norma lived this life normally (heh) and you couldn't hack it
Still you tried, and tried, and tried until once again you found your brow getting moist and your arms shook
"I had almost forgotten."
You practically jolted when Norma's voice sighed from behind you
To your credit you didn't drop the jar
"I had forgotten something important again...."
She leaned over you, and her arms slid along yours
You could feel the muscles flexing with every little turn
"You humans are always so prideful. You are rare to ever ask for help."
Her finger ran over your hands, grey fur lacing themselves between yours
"Even if you don't think you need it. Especially when you really need it."
Her head laid on your shoulder, and you found that you were both gripping the jar now
"It can lead to problems, Hugh. There's no shame in asking for help, even when the situation isn't life or death."
Her fingers grip intensified
"You know that, right?"
You gripped it along with her
You could feel her arms flex again
You nodded.
"Good. While we're together under an...unusual premise, were together all the same."
Sher turned her hand, and yours with it
And, soon, the lid along with them
"We can help each other so much without even realizing it."
The scent of brine filled your nose
"Because we're a team."
She nuzzled against you, and you enjoyed the feeling before she pulled off
"By the way, I love how neat everything is. Thank you, sweetie."
Normal walked off, patting your ass as she left your area
You looked at the now liberated pickles
Then to your wife's ass as she left
Y-You too.

Pub: 19 Oct 2022 03:16 UTC
Views: 973