Sister's First Ritual

7 months. 7 months of gathering resources, personnel, willpower, and a worthy lab rat has all come to this. A cloaked female lights the candles. Robed 'Clasesei' brace for their first chants. The Blind One is carefully positioned, and braced for the coming ritual.

High 'Pasarni' Mari, enters the ritual site, occult writings in hand. She sets the writings on a lectern, waiting for all the others to finish up. When everyone else finishes up, she speaks.

"Sisters! After months and months of preparation and guidance from Grand Masal, Praise be upon her, we have finally come here, to bestow knowledge on one of those blind to our Cause! Now, let us begin!"

A cloaked member dips her hand in Salekh, and proceeds to graze the Blind One's body. Another cloaked member sensually touches the Blind One's face. The 'Clasesei' begin to chant. Two other members sway their ritual chimes.

Mari, as part of the Ritual, starts a chant of her own.

O, Masal handia, laudorio izan zaitez
O, Masal handia, laudorio izan zaitez
Ez al duzu argituko arima lotsagabe hau?
Ez al duzu arima hau erabateko gaitzespenetik libratuko?

In the middle of Mari's repeated chantings, black smoke starts appearing from the candles. All of the ritual performers look at the smoke with concerned faces. The smoke coalesces above The Blind One, eventually diving into the Blind One's mouth.

The Blind One writhes and groans as the black smoke enters him. "SUNNY!!" Mari screams, as she bolts over to him, attempting to make sense of what's going on. "SUNNY, ARE YOU IN PAI- Mari shouts at Sunny's body. The black smoke has now completely entered Sunny's body, gaining control of it.

Sunny's body manages to free itself from it's restraints, and eventually stands up. The ritual group shakes in fear, not knowing wether to flee, or to fight. Sunny's body tilts towards Mari, a lifeless expression on it's face.

Mari tries to speak, but only a hush voice comes out.


Pub: 29 Dec 2021 05:12 UTC
Views: 604