be tech intern at Cover
you do various troubleshooting and IT for the support staff
you rarely, if ever, see the actual talents of Hololive
'maybe it's for the best', you think
you had to sign a bunch of paperwork you didn't really read, NDAs and stuff, to get hired
today, though, is one of those days
nothing works, every chance at a break is interrupted by something stupid, you're tired
you've been watching the clock in the office
watching the minute hand creep through the last hour of your shift
you really just want to grab your shit and clock out
as you finish trying to figure out how a staffer's 4080 rig runs like it's from 2013, you take a look at the clock
15 minutes before shift end
good enough for you, time to grab your stuff out of the lockers in the back and GTFO
you hustle to the backroom at the fastest speedwalk you can manage without looking like you're rushing
you get to your locker
it usually just has a place to hang your uniform jacket, nametag, and any valuables you want to keep safe during the shift
you usually just use it for hanging your uniform jacket, personally
but today, you take one look at the combination lock on the door; you take a step back
were you so tired this morning you forgot to lock your locker?
the lock is in the door, but not actually locked
thankfully you didn't have anything valuable in there, but that's weir-
"i-is someone there...? Could you open the door...?"
you petrify mid-reach towards the lock
you recognize it
you easily recognize it
it's not just your boss, it's your boss's boss
Your head whirls around, looking for the origin of the voice
you don't see her, but you look around you one more time
what door did she need you to open? you want to go home, like right the fuck now
what could she possibly need from you at this time in the shift anyway?"
"Hello...? The locker door plEEAse?!"
that sharp rise in her voice followed by a rapid-fire 'fuck!' told you something was up
but more than that, it told you something weirder
it came from your locker
steeling yourself for whatever you might see, you open your locker
the immediate smell of sweat wafts out
you're staring right at a dark expanse of fabric, with the Cover triangle plastered right in the center
a t-shirt
"G-Get me down, get me down, please"
you are mesmerized
following that, you look up to see A-chan's firetruck red face, drenched in sweat
she's looking down at you, literally - but how? she's not taller than you.
she shuffles in the half-second you try to process it all
her hands are against the tiny, rectangular locker's walls
her t-shirt is riding up, you can see her belly button
you can see a V-shape of fabric rising up and out of her jeans, even in front
the grey elastic follows a very worn and unflattering canvas of faded red strawberries against a backdrop of off-white
A-chan's panties
your eyes dart up her back, following the left band you can see more of those strawberries
up, up, up and then disappearing behind A-chan's back
exactly on the spot you know usually hosts the twin hooks for your jacket
A-chan is strung up in your locker by her goddamn panties
her toes, clad in loafers, are dusting the floor of the locker, at best
pops of fabric, creaking under weight
"A-Anon, this hurts, come on...!"
her voice is sharp but also a whisper
fair, she doesn't want to draw attention to herself hanging by her panties like it's highschool all over again
you're tired, you're not touching anything close to upper-management's panties
you are not getting fired 10 minutes before your shift for sexual harassment
"Look, Suicha- Suisei put me up here, just unsnag the-"
more groans from the panties are followed by groans from her
her ass is burning, the sweat on her face isn't just from humiliation
it's all the effort she's spent trying not to squeal
"Just unsnag them from behind me... b-before they ri-rihp..."
she wants you to touch them, at least for the purpose of saving her from tasting those strawberries in the back of her throat
"I don't want to touch your..."
she knows what you mean, you know what you mean
her eyes wide, she scrambles harder to get your help than she is to gain her footing in the locker
"you can, you can, it's fine. these aren't one of my nice pairs!"
no kidding, strawberry butt
you have no out now, you want to go home anyway
you step one foot into the locker, immediately correcting the height discrepancy
but now you are close enough to recognize her size
she's flat, she's slender, you could manhandle her if you wanted right now
the smell of her stale sweat, all trapped in the heat of the locker, wafts to you
you're maybe half-an-inch from having your crotch brush against her thigh
she's squirming even as you try to look behind her to find the origin of the wedgie
you look past her shoulder
that half-inch of clearance between your pants and her leg suddenly gets much less
you can see her ass crack, split evenly by strawberry panties as you look down
pale cheeks half hanging-out of her jeans, all visible to you
you were not mentally prepared for all this sensory overload
your now-clammy hands reach past A-chan's right shoulder, over and back towards the taut bulb of panties wrapped over the hooks
'A-chan' on the center-middle of that unsexy waistband
but that's not her na-
the panties give another serious inch
the newfound slack in the elastic and fabric bounces A-chan
a girly squeal
the wedgie bounces her directly against your chest, hers against yours, her leg against your crotch
it's time to go
you are not getting fired because you popped a boner trying to save A-chan from a hanging wedgie
you frantically pick at the hooks, not really thinking as you pull up and away from the hooks
"Oooh, fuck!"
the hook is no longer giving her a wedgie, you are
you are holding A-chan up by her panties
those fat asscheeks are at your mercy, her sweaty panties are seeping their heat and dampness into your palms
and A-chan is pinned against your own chest by the angle you hold her
you still have to clear the hooks to free her though
you're pretty sure you hear the nerd moan for 'mommy' as you wrench the underwear past the hooks
you get a peek of her whole ass as the back of her jeans is pulled away by the column of panties during this process
cute, plump cheeks; no doubt plush from the hours of sitting on them
you get A-chan free of the hooks and let go instantly
the elastic snaps back like a worn-out rubber band
the snap draws one more coo from A-chan against your body
and now reality sets in
A-chan is sweaty, her underwear half out of her pants, against you
her leg against your unadjusted member
you step back and out of the locker, nearly eating shit in the rush
A-chan is probably about to fire you here and now
you look at the floor
you wait
you wait a second longer
"I'm going to get her so bad... uuughhh..."
you look up sheepishly
A-chan is double-handed down the front of her jeans
you don't need to see to know she's fixing the rocket cameltoe that ordeal gave her
she catches you staring but...
"I- thanks? That won't happen again..."
she's drenched in sweat
she's trying to stuff her mangled nerd-panties back into her jeans
you say something stupid to break the ice
"those are probably ruined"
"oh, I think I'm going commando the rest of the week."
she says that to you as if it was casual work-place talk
she realizes instantly from your wide-eyed look that she shouldn't have said that to a male co-worker
"I-I have to get back to work...! Yeah, that."
you look at the clock in the locker room
26 minutes past shift end
her eyes follow yours and she instantly understands
"Oh, you can have double-time for those"
you look at her, giving her 'the look'
"F-Fine, the whole last hour"
she's still trying to return her underwear back into underwear, not overwear
"Should I report this to Ms. Hoshimachi?"
that makes her react like a deer in headlights
"Could you turn around, Anon? I need to..."
oh shit
you turn around
you hear a low, womanly moan
followed by a dual sound; fwoosh of fabric, clank of metal
some shuffling, A-chan huffing
The sound of fabric and metal again but in reverse
"You can turn around now, Anon"
you do so
"I'll give you... overtime for the whole day, just don't..."
she trails off as she stuffs something deep into the trash can
"I appreciate it. Thank you."
you got what you wanted and all it took was a thinly-veiled threat and your boss's sore ass
A-chan nods and walks - waddles really- away
but you can see her ass crack peeking out between her low-ride jeans and her riding-up shirt
what happened to her-?
oh fuck
the moment the door closes on the locker room, you sprint to the trash can
yep, the fear of Suisei made A-chan do exactly what you thought she would never ever do
at the bottom of the trash is those familiar strawberries
you know there's no camera in the locker room
you reach in, grabbing the still-warm garment
'A-chan' on the waistband greets you again
you snatch them out of the trash like a goddamn raccoon, stuffing them in your pocket
maybe today was a good day after all

Pub: 09 Nov 2023 14:55 UTC
Views: 255