aktynui priv account

main rentry

its 7. any pronouns no promises
this is my priv acc this acc is mostly silly yapping. i'm usually not serious. no screenshots, if u wanna ss something then ask i'll probably say no though...

if we're oomfs on main then feel free to req but i'm selective sometimes. i might not let u in its nothing personal i just have paranoia issues.

i yap about anything here, i love akitou ofc and will talk about that but i genuinely ramble lmao. i might also talk about other interests like bnha and stuff...im just being silly, really don't expect anything. i talk more here than my main though. please feel free to frq if you want to be friends!!

some specific particulars

  • don't mention fem izuku to me (specifically tddk with m!todo f!izuku. wlw dktddk is fine. specific reason for this, i won't go into detail, if you wanna know ask but its important so don't go against that. its ok to enjoy it just don't tell me about it).
  • if you're friends with magpie mambapools, ten cabinetbunny, charles akitoyatxt, or lorenz samurmaykrs i might not let you in. mainly paranoia reasons
  • don't leak anything even if you don't screenshot, if you want to just ask me and i'll see. no matter whats happening, i'm always fine. it doesn't matter who asks or why they ask always say it's fine unless i specifically say to tell people
  • if you want me to tag smth tell me what to tag and how to tag it i just wont always remember
  • its ok if u interact with ur main account if you have alts you wanna follow with then let me know its u i cant always put it together
  • if i frq you always feel free to req back. if i sb (rarely happens) you can req again


  • obslove (about me not characters it's an issue it's freaky don't bother me about it) i don't like those communities and all my venting is on dpriv, but i mention it now & then
  • i subtweet sometimes but i have a hater priv for that
  • sometimes i mention health or mental issues but they're mild. youre allowed to be worried and ask questions or whatever but usually im ok. again this happens rarely
  • i sometimes qrt or mention nsfw content but usually in a joking or non serious context nothing here is really nsfw and if it does get mentioned or qrted i tag it

i have a vent priv and i have an art/rambles acc where i make content based on my venting, dm and i'll give u the @ AS LONG AS you read my dpriv rentry and alt rentry and understand it. don't share it around dont tell people its me no matter what anyone says or asks. im fine and sane and normal and nothing is wrong, ever, no matter who asks or why.

i have a deeper priv for haterisms, that one's a lot more selective, you can ask for it but i only let certain people in, sorry.

less serious cws

  • m/f vbs hate
  • proship discourse (i qrt often)
  • discourse in general
  • just hate of my landmines, i'm never truly mad unless it's something serious like complaints about proshippers etc
  • a lottt of complaints about pairing dynamics especially aktu vs toak i also complain a lot about fandoms im in and characterization and everything im SUPER critical so im really sorry if it hits home i have nothing against you
  • if you try to make my talk of ship dynamics sound weird im going to hit you with a rock fuck off

lately i miss aoyagi toya.

Pub: 08 Oct 2023 02:19 UTC
Edit: 19 Jun 2024 19:24 UTC
Views: 845