Shinji lounged on the balcony of the apartment, lying on a massive bed, as fat as a hog in a sty. He was eating his way through a huge bag of Reese's peanut butter cups, unwrapping and gobbling them down with methodical efficiency.

He felt a pressure on his bladder. "Hmm," he hummed, and relaxed.


Shinji easily and lazily peed himself, wetting himself completely. The urine swelled out into his giant diaper, which swaddled his enormous ass and pelvic area, and made him resemble some kind of comically overgrown infant. He did not stop eating as he urinated.

The pee came out from the folds and crevices of Shinji's inner fupa and the cocoon of thigh and pelvic and belly fat that the fupa itself was buried in. Beneath all of that, down deep, was his penis. It really was undersized. Shinji had an exceptionally tiny penis; it barely reached three inches when fully erect. And it was so buried in fat these days that it had lost almost all of its masculine functionality. He'd had to start sitting down on the toilet to pee more than 150 kilograms ago. Of course, these days, he just emptied his bladder into his diaper, barely even thinking about it when he did.

Shinji had almost no masculine functionality in general. Weighing almost 350 kilograms, well over 760 standard pounds, he was a soft, formless blob, exceptionally pale with skin like milk. His huge amounts of adipose tissue ensured that he produced very little testosterone these days, while his estrogen production was very high for a teenage boy. He had a feminine shape, complete with his colossal fat boobs, their enormous dark nipples soft and sensitive. He grew very little hair these days, even on his face; his short-cut brown hair on top of his head was almost the full extent of his body hair. His voice was soft and breathy, and still very high-pitched. His massive butt spread from almost one side of the huge lounger to the other. His gigantic bariatric diaper was covered in cute cartoon teddy bears.

He finished the bag of peanut butter cups and reached for another candy bag, this one full of bite-sized Snickers. Kaworu had parked him on the balcony with an enormous box full of bags of candy and told him to enjoy himself while he ran a few errands. Shinji greedily stuffed more bite-sized bits of candy into his mouth. He was driven by a powerful appetite these days, especially for sweet things. There was never any point when he was awake that he didn't feel at least a little desire for something to eat. And once he started, he felt the soft, gentle comfort of consuming and glutting himself, and he could do it for hours.

He took a swig of his Coke. Kaworu had also set him out here with a refrigerator filled with enormous bottles of soda, and Shinji had already drunk three of them. Hence the fact that he'd already had to pee a few times in the last two hours.

He felt a twitch down there, deep in his fat folds. His tiny penis was a bit erect. He felt a surge of arousal; his blubbery nipples stiffened some. If Kaworu was around he could have jerked him off. Of course Shinji couldn't do it himself any more; his penis was so incredibly small, and his blubber so incredibly vast, that he'd lost the ability to reach it some time ago. He'd sometimes watched videos on the internet of fat men who could press on their fattened pelvic areas to stimulate their erections. He wondered if he could do that.

In between bites of candy, he idly jerked one of his own nipples. He tugged and massaged it, making it harder, stiffer. It was doing at least a little work. He was feeling a bit more erect, a bit more aroused. It wasn't going to do the job on its own, though. He pouted, whimpering in frustration. There was nothing for it. He was just going to have to wait until Kaworu came home and jerked him off. That, or they would just have sex. Shinji's fat face blushed some at the thought of Kaworu's cock deep inside him. Kaworu had a nice, big, fat penis, almost three times the size of Shinji's own. It was so amazing to be fucked by him. Shinji moaned a little at the thought, his third chin rippling as he made an 'o' face.


His loose, wide anus easily emptied a soupy flow of feces into his diaper. Shinji's anus and sphincter were extremely loose these days and it had rendered him incontinent. Kaworu had sometimes suggested that he should eat more fiber, so as to produce more solid turds. But Shinji didn't like fiber. Shinji liked his sweets and treats. As such, his poop was rarely solid.

"Ohh," he mumbled, "poo poo..."

More pooping, and the feel of the flow through his anus did actually increase his arousal. It was like being fucked in reverse. He set the bag of candy down on his colossal belly, and began to tug at both his nipples, mumbling, fantasizing. He imagined Kaworu. He imagined Kaworu having sex with him. Imagined that giant cock filling him up. His own tiny cock was getting harder and harder. He was breathing harder. He imagined Kaworu feeding him cake. Food and sex were intertwined in his mind; when he fantasized about one, he often turned it into a fantasy involving the other.


He was taking a huge shit, last night's big dinner coming out of him in a beefy flow of turds. It was working. He was getting more and more aroused, less and less coherent. He gurgled deep in his fat chest. Taking the bag of candy back up he began to eat faster, the chocolate on his lips acting as a stimulant to his sexuality.


He glanced over his shoulder. Kaworu was standing there. "Ohhh," he moaned, his fat, hoggish face flushed red. "K-Kaworu-san...."

"Don't stop on my account, darling," said Kaworu. He stroked Shinji's cheek. "Let me help you, even."

Kaworu leaned down and began to suck on one of Shinji's nipples. Shinji was breathing hotter, faster, more shallow. With a free hand Kaworu tugged on the other nipple.

"What a special boy you are, Shinji-kun."

Shinji's eyes rolled back into his head.

And that did it: his tiny penis exploded, shooting sticky sperm deep within the folds and crevices of his fat.


His ejaculation was accompanied by a fat burst from his anus. His diaper bulged backwards as Shinji pooped himself immensely, the fat boy feeling the emptying of all that waste deep in his innards.

"Ohh, Kaworu-san," said Shinji, his mind hazy in post-orgasm glow. "I love you."

"I know you do, my pet," said Kaworu. "You are so beautiful, Shinji-kun."

"Mmm," hummed Shinji, smiling, wallowing on the seat, feeling the mush of the poop soak and sap around his anus and buttocks. He smiled gleefully. "I'm so... so beautiful... you always tell me so."

"You are the loveliest, most radiant boy in the world," said Kaworu.

Shinji blushed. His undersized penis got a bit stiff again. "I love it when you praise me, Kaworu-san."

"You are a beautiful prize pig, Shinji-kun. You are so special. Everything about you is perfect. You are the finest boy to ever exist."

Shinji smiled giddily, chubby hands resting on his gigantic belly. He giggled, sounding girlish. "I'm so happy, Kaworu-san."

"And a prize pig needs... sweets," said Kaworu, and set down a tray with a cake on it. Shinji smacked his lips and began to drool. Kaworu handed him a fork, and winked a red eye. "Beautiful boy, it's time for more eating."

"Ohgm," mumbled Shinji as he forked a big bite of cake into his mouth, feeling the radiant sweet taste on his tongue.


He wet himself again, yet more urine emptying out of his incredibly small penis.

Pub: 27 Aug 2023 05:41 UTC
Views: 916