screenreader accessible version of the drbmix triple m dot page:

hi, we're synthesys (pronounced sin-thi-sis), also known as rei (pronounced ray, spelt r-e-i screenreaders read this weird) or leo!
we're a system of about eighteen, we have otherwise-specified-dissociative-disorder type 1b (osdd1b), we're neurodivergent and are 15!
we're ablebodied and are trans-misogyny exempt. we're mixed white + asian and live in australia, we're learning korean.

ruby's about me:
hi, i’m ruby! i heart newjeans, mygo!!!!!, instagram posting and stationary! i love making new friends so feel free to say hi! i don’t bite.. i want to travel the world and learn html/css! i collect cute pens. please refer to me with fem terms! (she/her)

rei's about me:
hi im rei (ray) im evil volatile and have horrendous thoughts about kazui mukuhara
im opinionated and biased about all of my interests and i love character analysis and design more than my own soul
web designer? i hardly know er!
i cant make a cute site for the life of me. what is an aesthetic. it they he bot rot pronouns. u can also call me feng or idia

aya's about me:
Hi, I’m Aya. (Eye-Ya)
I’m known round these parts as the guy who listened to like one Dixon Dallas song and ended up with a hyperfixation on cowboys and a southern drawl. Get me out of here.
I used to use the weed emoji (🍃) as a signoff and now one of our friends calls me the weed man. My stepmother yelled at me for manspreadin' in the back seat of the car, and I think Ghost from Call Of Duty is fine as hell (I don't even play Call Of Duty).
I love talkin’ to people! Feel free to say hi

kk's about me:
30 • 10 • 23 – KK's letter ★彡
hi, i'm KK and i like to think that i'm pretty cool
i like pochacco, collecting things (e.g. stickers, web stamps), parappa the rapper, minori and airi from more more jump!, swimming and dogs.
i LIVE for summertime, and since i'm australian, i'd say i'm winning pretty hard! i don't believe in caligraphy or pretty school notes and i love food!
my favourite things to do are
browse cool websites
collect digital stamps
force bots to write me shitty diss tracks so i can put them over bad trap beats and harass my friends!
i do not like:
being told i'm wrong
cold weather in summer
occasionally i dabble in the arts (i draw stupid pictures of myself) and i'm running out of things to say!

Pub: 14 Nov 2023 19:47 UTC
Views: 26