[03:49] Balrith says, "Huh"
[03:49] Balrith says, "Who are you."
[03:49] Ugar Wofvir says, "A random person"
[03:49] Balrith says, "What is a random person doing here. "
[03:49] Ugar Wofvir says, "Looking for them gators"
[03:49] Balrith says, "..."
[03:49] Balrith asks, "You realize. This is Abendrot correct?"
[03:49] Ugar Wofvir says, "Nope, but now i do I am leaving"
[03:50] Balrith says, "You really think.... one may just walk into abendrot.... not belonging to it..."
[03:50] Balrith asks, "And leave?"
[03:50] Ugar Wofvir says, "I would hope so since it wasnt on purpose"
[03:51] Balrith says, "I am in no mood for hunting at this time.... So instead pay a toll. "
[03:51] Balrith says, "Plus, you do not look like you have much mana to feast on to begin with."
[03:51] Ugar Wofvir says, "I dont have money I am 12"
[03:52] Ugar Wofvir says, "Oh I know this might work."
[03:52] Passes them a taco thingy they had been given.
(Ugar Wofvir)

[03:52] Ugar Wofvir asks, "Will that work?"
[03:53] {Item} You drop Taco.
[03:55] Demons do not eat food. And Balrith was no exception. Only eating Mortal flesh or those rich in Mana.

"No. No it will not." And so the Demon's plague like Miasma began to surround it.

"You know... I was running low on Slaves recently..." And so the Demon stood there blocking the path of the Child. Though perhaps it could try to run. Though the Demon was known for being fast on his feet. Even in his current injured state.

"I shall give you two choices. One. You may either come with me Willingly. Or two. I tear you apart and bring you with me by force."

One does not simple walk into Abendrot unscathed. That was quite clear. After all, they are quite literally Demons that own and control the area.

And Balrith, a Demon Notorious for capturing, stealing, and enslaving others.

[03:56] Ugar Wofvir says, "I would prefer neither."
[03:56] {Item} You picked up Taco. Dropped by Ugar Wofvir..
[03:56] Ugar Wofvir says, "Fine fine...... coin it is."
[03:57] Balrith says, "Too late. "
[03:57] Ugar Wofvir asks, "So you go around capturing kids?"
[03:58] Balrith says, "Yeah. Pretty much. Fel Khan requires more servants. Willing or not. "
[03:58] Ugar Wofvir says, "I would rather not be taken captive."
[03:59] Ugar Wofvir says, "Welp today sucks."
[03:59] Balrith says, "You..... walk into a town full of demons...... "
[03:59] Ugar Wofvir says, "I didnt mean to."
[03:59] Ugar Wofvir says, "You expect a kid to know everything."
[03:59] Balrith says, "Not really my problem now."
[04:00] Ugar Wofvir says, "I mean it is your problem now since you will have to provide food, shelter education."
[04:00] Balrith exclaims, "Joke is on you. We have an orphanage built for just that!"
[04:00] Ugar Wofvir says, "Nope, since your capturing me thats equivalent to forcefully adopting me."
[04:01] Ugar Wofvir says, "Kids are exspensive man."
[04:01] Balrith says, "Ok, i tire of talk. Im just going to take you by force now."
[04:01] Ugar Wofvir says, "So your also going to damage the good got it."
[04:01] Ugar Wofvir says, "So medical exspenses to that list."
[04:05] The demon just ignores the rest of the conversation. Fully jumping straight towards the boy to attempt to grab him. Be it if the child attempts to escape or not during such is another thing.

After all, he was a demon. Why did he need to even speak in the first place to the child?

And so his plague like miasma spread around him further. Rotting flesh all over his body mushing around. Puss and other disgusting fluids dripping from the cracks.

The Demon had his task given to him by the Fel Khan. And so he was going to carry it out as per usual.


[04:07] Wanted to atleast attempt to flee given he didnt think it wise to get caught right now it would only add problems onto his friends.
(Ugar Wofvir)

[04:08] Attempted to flee and the large demon was bearing down trying to grab him. He knew if he got caught he would likely be stuck for a long time causing a lot more problem for folks back home.
(Ugar Wofvir)

[04:09] Would run towards Ugar, using pestilence to his advantage to catch up.

[04:13] {Lost Aggressive RPB against Balrith}
[04:13] Balrith has inflicted an injury upon Ugar Wofvir. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "")
[04:19] The slightly matured demon looks at the fight and watch his kin destroy the human only with little no effort and wondered what was really going on he felt so uneasy.

[04:19] And so the Demon would charge forth towards the young Boy. His plague miasma surrounding him. Simple even being close to the abomination of a demon would easily make one slowly become sicker and sicker.

Those who lacked the mana to create an immunity to his diseases surely had it much worse.

"One does not simple just walk into Abendrot boy." The Demon growled as it continued its approach. Running at the boy and attempting to his the back of his hand swipe at the child.

It was apparent. Abendrot was very much so a dangerous place for anyone to wander into. They had been afterall, the enemy of the entire world.

The Demon would get close now to the young boy. Using the back of his hand to attempt to knock the boy down so he could grab him...… yet....

It had opposite affect. The boy.... with how much stronger the demon was... would get smacked way further then originally intended. Flying through the air.

"Oh..... Perhaps... I itit too hard...…" The boy could easily escape the demons grasp now.


[04:22] Would get hurt by his toxic miamasa causing a rot to grow on his face. He would wince in pain heavily looking at the demon before quickly realising it grasp on him had loosened.

He would kick off and out of the demons hands and create ice to skate away on since he knew he had to move faster then the demon or it could get messy.
(Ugar Wofvir)


[04:31] Runs into the town and collapses with rot on his face from a clear ultication. He was stable just reeling in pain from it.
(Ugar Wofvir)

[04:33] Zane asks, "You good, kid?"
[04:33] Ugar Wofvir exclaims, "Nope!"
[04:33] Zane says, "At least you're honest."
[04:33] Ugar Wofvir says, "A demon fucked me up."
[04:34] Zane asks, "A demon?"
[04:35] Ugar Wofvir says, "Yp, it tried to capture me said something about needing slaves"
[04:35] Zane says, "I see."
[04:36] Ugar Wofvir says, "Escaped by the skin of my teeth."
[04:36] Zane says, "Well, there aren't any medics around sadly."
[04:36] Ugar Wofvir says, "It will heal it just fucking hurts...."
[04:37] Ugar Wofvir says, "It tried to grab me and knock me out with its rot aura thing but I somehow got lose of its gripped so made some ice and skated away."
[04:38] Zane says, "Well, you're a brave kid."
[04:38] Ugar Wofvir says, "I dont call it brave, I call it nearly being turned into a slave."
[04:39] Ugar Wofvir says, "Being weak sucks....."
[04:40] Zane says, "You will grow out of it."
[04:40] Zane says, "Call it growing pains."
[04:40] Ugar Wofvir says, "I hope so, I just hope i can make my ice magic strong enough to protect myself."
[04:41] Zane says, "You can try to join the militia found here."
[04:41] Lila says, "The Elzara, mhm."
[04:41] Ugar Wofvir says, "I was told they invite people not a case of asking to join"

Pub: 15 Feb 2023 12:43 UTC
Views: 24