Jimmy your Ghoul

Panicking isn't gonna help me right now.

Just... take a deep breath. In, hold it in, and out.

First things first, I have to try to remember everything that's happened so far. Yesterday wasn't anything special as far as I can remember. It was a sunny, average Sunday, and I spent the entire day inside, playing some random videogames in my steam backlog. Then, because I had work early in the morning, I shut everything off, and went to sleep. And right as I wake up and open my eyes again, everything was dark.

Breathe in, hold it in, and out.

At first, it seemed like there was a blackout or something similar, and I woke up in the middle of the night. But something felt... off. Instead of my very comfortable bed and blanket, all I could feel under me was hard, cold metal. So, my brain immediately conjured up the second most obvious solution: I had been kidnapped.

...probably not. I'm nowhere near important enough to be kidnapped. The only other answer I can think of is that I'm just dreaming. Or, having a nightmare more like, since I'm not a big fan of dark, enclosed spaces like the one I'm inside of right now. Trying to slap myself doesn't seem to help in waking me up, so I tried to lay back down, close my eyes, and see if I can fall back asleep again. After failing to return to sleep, I sighed. This was starting to feel more and more real, too real to be a dream. I need to get out of here and see where am I.

I managed to stand up, and tried to walk around, arms extended forward in order to find a wall, and hopefully a door, or anything that could help me understand where I was right now. And as soon as I felt something against my hands, I pushed, hard.

...and whatever I was inside of immediately began moving and rolling, my body slamming against the hard walls every few seconds, until it stopped. The only good thing that came out of this was that whatever box I was inside of opened against the ground, revealing some of the greenest grass I'd ever seen in my life.

Breathe in, hold it in, and out.

I carefully pushed the box open from the inside and stepped out into the grass. With the sun shining down on the land, I could now see more clearly, and I decided to take a look at myself, just to check for any injuries. Instead of my normal, human arms, I had a pair of... gray powerpuff girl arms, is the best way I can think of describing them. Very concerned by this, I quickly rushed over towards a nearby small pond to stare at my reflection on the water. Only to find out I'd somehow became a Pokémon myself. A Gimmighoul, at that.

Breathe in, hold it in, and... scream to the top of my lungs.

Because out of all the more than one thousand Pokémon that exist, of course I just had to become one of the most useless and ugly ones.

Fucking Gimmighoul.

...if I hear one Reddit gold joke, I'm going to scream my lungs out. Again.

I suppose I could have been worse off, and become something like a Magikarp, or god forbid, Lopunny or Gardevoir.

The mere thought sends shivers down my spine. I shook my head and took a step away from the pond, deciding to return to my chest, which I could guess is the thing I woke up in. I carefully managed to push it back up, and pry the lid open. I then grabbed the small coin I had on my back, and with a careful throw, tossed it inside for safekeeping.

Now I just had nine hundred and ninety eight to go, if I wanted to become something more useful. Though on that topic, how would I go about getting the rest?

I should first find out on what kind of world I've woken up in, normal pokémon world or mystery dungeon world. If it's the first, I'll have to find a way to avoid trainers for the rest of my life because I do not want to be caught by some ten year old. In the case of the latter, I guess my best shot at evolution is finding other Gimmighouls and beating the chest out of them so I can steal every coin they're carrying.

As I looked around, there seems to be what looks like a town in the distance, which should probably be my new destination. With my new goal in mind, I got back into my chest, and began trying to hop away.

How do you drive a chest again? No matter how hard I tried to jump, the chest wasn't moving with me. I tried to stomp around, and still nothing. The only thing I did was almost trip on my own coin. I sighed to myself as I hopped back out and gently grabbed onto the chest's front tail. Looks like I'll have to drag this thing with me until I figure out how to use it properly.

...I didn't think I'd ever say something like this, but I miss my old nine to five. Sure, it meant having to deal with a boss who yells at me for every little mistake, but I didn't have to drag a goddamn hunk of metal with me everywhere I went. Slowly, but surely, I kept going, making progress as I took step by step.

The only positive thing in my mind was thinking I could at least use the chest as a portable house to sleep in.

Pub: 10 Apr 2023 18:39 UTC
Edit: 11 Apr 2023 15:57 UTC
Views: 590