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⚠️ Use an adblocker like uBlock Origin before visiting any of the linked sites.

⚠️ First and foremost, stay away from The Pirate Bay. Reason: malware-filled shithole. Read the section at the bottom for more info.


► Introduction

  • Check the FAQ page for some frequently-asked game-related questions
  • EMPRESS releases to 1337x
  • The sites described below as having Scene releases will contain releases from the Scene groups CODEX, CPY, SKIDROW, HOODLUM, RELOADED, SiMPLEX, DARKSiDERS, PLAZA, etc. What is "The Scene"?
  • The sites labeled REPACKS are for releases that have been repacked from the original (pirated) release (whether it is a Scene, P2P, or GOG release). The intent of a repack is to provide one-click, pre-cracked installations as well as smaller filesizes, and in many cases, also provide DLCs included in the installation as an All-In-One package. Not to be confused with The Scene's definition of REPACK
  • To check if a game has been cracked by the Scene, jump to the Scene Tracer section on the Megathread's Tools page. For a general overview of Scene game releases: https://predb.ovh/?q=%40cat%20games
  • Cracked game downloads will always have a readme *.txt or *.nfo file containing instructions. If you need further assistance, visit /r/CrackSupport
  • For more news of game releases (Scene as well as P2P), visit /r/CrackWatch. For more subreddits, such as Console hacking, ROM piracy, etc, visit the Related Subreddits page


► Relevant Software/Tools

Download Managers

These are useful for DDL sites. Download managers such as these are meant to help to speed up downloads, typically by increasing the number of connections to the server or attempting to split the download into chunks. They are also especially handy when grabbing multiple links at once, which is typical with DDL sites, where they'll split up large downloads into multiple small .rar parts, as well as bypassing captchas and eliminating the risks of clicking on the wrong download button on various file hosts. They also help with resuming paused or timed out downloads which your browser may not be able to do in some cases.

  • JDownloader2 - Download manager that supports downloading from a variety of file-hosts. Supports downloading video from many websites.
  • Internet Download Manager (IDM) - Paid download manager that supports downloading from a variety of file-hosts. Supports downloading video from many websites. Use the free trial, then when the trial is nearing its end, simply reset the trial with this. Alternative method here.
  • XTREME download manager - Another very nice download manager
  • pyLoad - Lightweight download manager written in python. Managed through a WEB UI.
  • aria2 - Commandline-based download utility.

Steam Tools

EPIC Tools

  • ScreamAPI - Legit DLC Unlocker for Epic Online Services. Works only for games you own. Features like multiplayer, achievements, etc. remain fully functional.

More tools at cs.rin.ru's Releases subforum

Game Launchers

  • Playnite - Universal game launcher for Windows
  • GOG Galaxy - Universal game launcher for Windows/MacOS
  • Lutris - Universal game launcher for linux


► Torrent sites

⚠️ Depending on your country, you might want to use a VPN to avoid getting copyright notices

  • rarbg.to - Scene releases. GOG games. No need to worry if it re-directs you to another proxy, it's just load balancing.
  • rustorka.com - Popular Russian torrent tracker and board for games. Scene releases, Steam / GOG / Origin rips. Offers ROMs as well.
  • rutor.info - Game repacks site
  • gamestorrents.nu
  • gnarly-repacks.site - Console/Emulator-based game repacks
  • [Repacks] fitgirl-repacks.site - Popular website for highly compressed game repacks -- games can take several hours to install. Recommended if you have very slow or data-capped internet.
  • [Repacks] dodi-repacks.site - Pre-cracked games
  • [Repacks] kaoskrew.org - Pre-cracked games
  • rutracker - One of the best public trackers for games. Need an account before you can search. Use Chrome to auto-translate the sign-up page
  • Archive.org - Classic PC games - (from their own description) "The files available in this collection consist primarily of PC demos, freeware, and shareware." This also includes abandonware
  • 1337x.to - Scene and GOG games are reposted here, as well as repacks from several popular repack groups, such as FitGirl, ElAmigos, Darck, R.G. Mechanics, Xatab, DODI, etc.
    Note: Be careful of Crackingpatching, links - 1 || 2 (/r/PiratedGames megathread)
    (Also check Do Not Use section at the bottom of this page for uploaders to avoid)


► DDL sites (direct download)

  • cs.rin.ru / Steam Underground - Dedicated game piracy forum. Check their FAQ to get the best usage out of the site. Best parts are the discussion and the different types of tools especially the multiplayer ones. Game links aren't always provided (especially for scene releases; they recommend some external sites in their FAQ) but when they are, they are on free file hosting services like zippyshare so that's another plus. Also includes early access games. You can request clean steam files as a means of getting the latest update for non-DRMed games (excludes SteamStub DRM, which can be removed).
  • myabandonware.com - Old / retro / "abandoned" games
  • scnlog.me - Scene releases. Offers Linux and Mac scene releases.
  • gload.cc - Scene releases. German site. Reposts ElAmigos repacks (multi-language repacks) and GOG games
  • rlsbb.ru > PC Games - Scene releases
  • gog-games.com - Untouched GOG games. No cracks needed
  • gnarly-repacks.site - Console/emulator-based game repacks
  • online-fix.me - Download games with multiplayer/Steamworks fixes to play with friends. Covers steam and epic games
  • Archive.org - Classic PC games - (from their own description) "The files available in this collection consist primarily of PC demos, freeware, and shareware." This also includes abandonware




► Linux

  • rutracker - Best source for Linux games. Need an account before you can search. Use Chrome to auto-translate the sign-up page

► Console Emulators

Emulators allow you to play console games on the PC. You can find resources for ROMs (copies of the games) in the next section below. Check the Emulation Gametechwiki for an expanded list of emulators.

⚠️ There are currently no existing Xbox One emulators. Check this wiki page for any future developments.


► Private trackers

Check the private trackers guide for abbreviations and information on how to join the following trackers

  • Gazellegames.net (GGn) - Best source for games for enthusiasts. Carries games from basically any console.
  • PixelCove - Another pretty great source of games for the enthusiast crowd.
  • TorrentLeech - One of the largest general private trackers
  • alpharatio.cc - A general private tracker focused on scene releases. Inferior in content compared to other general trackers like IPT, TL, FL etc but has a very strong request section. Great for requests for which personalised trackers don't exist or aren't good enough. Can be joined through MAM and RED during AR's global invites period, keep an eye out
  • Filelist - One of the largest general private trackers. Romanian tracker, but media content will typically include dual language audio (English and Romanian).
  • IPTorrents - The largest general private tracker


► Multiplayer

  • Steamworks fix - Applied to game's files so that you can use Steam to play games that you do not own with other people that also do not own the game. Go to online-fix.me. Also go to cs.rin.ru if you have anything to discuss

► Mobile games (Android/iOS/Windows etc)

► ROMs

Visit emulation.gametechwiki.com for extra resources for ROMs (eg. emulator files/BIOS files, etc)

Jump to Related & Alternative Subreddits to view Console oriented subs and ROM-sharing subs

  • /r/Roms - Has a ROMs megathread and allows requests for specific game titles
  • squid-proxy.xyz - Large ROM collection for various platforms
  • Vimm's Lair - Large ROM collection for various platforms
  • emulator.games - Large ROM collection for various platforms
  • emuparadise.me - Large ROM collection for a large list of different platforms. Use this script to reinstate the download links
  • romhustler.org - Large ROM collection for various platforms
  • romulation.net - Large ROM collection for various platforms
  • romnation.net - Large ROM collection for various platforms
  • r/pleasuredome - Large retro ROM collection
  • gamulator.com - Retro ROM collection
  • gamesmega.net - PS Vita, PS4, Switch, 3DS, PSP,
  • ziperto.com - PS2, PSP, PS VITA, 3DS, Switch, GBA, GAMECUBE, NDS, N64, SNES, WII, WII U
  • CDRomance - Formally NicoBlog. PS1, PS2, PSP, Gamecube, DS, GBA, etc
  • nanoroms.com (formally romstorage) - PS Vita, 3DS, Switch, Gameboy, Gameboy Colors, Nintendo 64, NES, SNES, etc
  • gload.cc - PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii
  • gamestorrents.nu - Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, PS2, WII, PSP, NDS
  • nxbrew.com - Switch Games: NSPs, XCIs, Homebrews, & CFWs
  • nsw2u.xyz (formally switch-xci) - Switch NSPs and XCIs


► Tabletop RPGs / TTRPG / RPG rulebooks

  • /r/thetrove - Read the sticky there

► Virtual Reality (VR) games

cs.rin.ru - The best source for VR games. You can make requests for any title that's missing

► Miscellaneous

  • pcgamingwiki.com - Solutions wiki for many issues that arise with PC games
  • gamecopyworld.com - PC Game Trainers, Cheats, No-CD / No-DVD PlayFixes and Patches, standalone cracks, etc
  • gameburnworld.com - Cheats, Patches, Game Fixes, Trainers, No-CD Patches, etc
  • megagames.com - Game Trainers, Cheats, Mods, Fixes, etc


► Do Not Use ⚠️

Untrusted sites, release groups & repackers

  • The Pirate Bay / TPB - Do not use the pirate bay or any of its mirrors to download games/software. High malware risk, even from skulled users
  • Kickass Torrents / KAT - Kat went down in 2016. Don't rely on any supposed mirrors floating around.
  • BBRepacks - BlackBox Repacks impersonator. Malware in the Doom Eternal repack posted on TPB and 1337x
  • Qoob / Seyter - Qoob is the name that Seyter switched to after having been caught adding a bitcoin miner to his JC3 repack. More info on Qoob
  • CorePack - Malware in a long list of their releases. Some background. Their official statement
  • Ocean Of Games - Malware risk and past history of coin miners included in their installers
  • NosTEAM - Shitty blog site with shoddy ads. Torrent downloads are handled by an intermediary ~3 MiB executable file: the epitome of shady behavior.
  • igg-games.com / pcgamestorrents.com / gamestorrent.co - These are not recommended on this subreddit as trusted sites for various reasons, but the main reasons why igg-games is not recommended is due to their history of shady behavior, such as including their own form of DRM into their .dll files, another one (some extra background info), and overall dickish behavior by the owner/admins.
  • Any website using the name of a Scene group (such as CODEX, CPY, SKIDROW, HOODLUM, RELOADED, SiMPLEX, DARKSiDERS, PLAZA, etc.). Scene groups do not have public websites. If you find a site using the name of a scene group, they are impersonators. Beware of these sites as they tend to package their releases with malware (3 notable exceptions are skidrowreloaded.com, skidrowrepacks.com, and skidrowcodex.net, which are fine to use, though they are still impostor sites). What is "The Scene"?
  • Any site you find on Google by searching for "free game downloads", "cracked games", etc. Google de-lists piracy websites from its search results, which means that fake / impostor / malware-spreading sites will float to the top of the search results.
  • Any "cracked games" site or download you find on Youtube
  • Any aggregator site like snowfl or DHT crawler like btdb, btdig, etc. Not because the sites intend to infect you with malware, but because their intent is to aggregate as many publicly available torrents as possible into one place. This can include torrents that have been posted to TPB or otherwise spread publicly via the DHT network. You should only grab games from sites that take a personal hand in adding content (excludes sites that auto-post scene releases, in which case they would need to be vetted to make sure that their posts are real scene releases) rather than automatically aggregating from hundreds of unknown sites.
Pub: 01 Mar 2023 03:41 UTC
Views: 54307