!! about me :D !!



heyya !! my names are Donnie & Brain :] i use They/He/It/Xe/Tech/Brain pronouns and I am Non-Binary , Donniegender (rottmnt ) , Braingender (patb) , Transmasc , Asexual , Panromantic , & Polyamorous !! i am a huge rottmnt Donnie kinnie & also patb The Brain kinnie

interests / hobbies

cartoons, drawing, animating, crafts, horseback riding ^^


i have kinda big anxiety problems, so i apologize if i do not talk a lot :'] , i like to space out punctuation n stuff like that when i type or text ( example !! ) , i use word abbreviations a LOT , i sometimes type in all caps if / when im excited , sometimes i randomly replace the letter "s" with "z" in words too ^^

home DNI comforts other socials

Pub: 20 Dec 2022 01:19 UTC
Edit: 18 Feb 2023 03:02 UTC
Views: 348