8yo DD masturbating

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I know it's normal, I know it's fine to explore her body and all that but my DD seems to be a little bit obsessed with putting her hands in her pants and rubbing frantically. I've told her it's OK to do it but it should be done in private but she still sits in front of the telly doing it. She's not embarrassed if I'm in the room yet I don't want her to feel ashamed. It's just the two of us at home so no-one else would see her and she doesn't do anything inappropriate in front of others, she just really likes masturbating as she says it feels so good. OK, I'm a bit embarrassed by it but I want her to have a healthy view of her body so don't want it to seem shameful. Should I be having some sort of conversation with her about this? We do talk about her body changing and growing up but this issue is um. awkward.
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29/06/2014 at 10:46 pm
8 is sooooooooooo young, isn't it?? have you like googled a rough age they start??
dont mean to be rude but id be quite concerned as to how she learnt this..
but if it is completely normal at the age and there are no concerns, then i understand what you mean about not wanting her to be ashamed but id def tell her not to do that in front room and that is something that must be kept to herself in her bedroom. and id definitely tell her not to be doing this with anyone else yet. its just something to do in private by herself.. is it worth telling her not to be doing this with friends etc.
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30/06/2014 at 5:43 pm
I googled a bit and only found info about toddlers and preschoolers doing this so it seems to be normal but maybe other kids stop doing it when they are this age? I don't know. She just laughs and says it feels nice so why not? She sleeps in my bed so it's awkward at bedtime as she gets 'aroused' when we get changed for bed. I did tell her last night I'd have to stop her doing it if she didn't calm down and she just laughed and said 'How can you stop me touching my own body?'
I've noticed there's another thread on here with a similar 'problem' so maybe I shouldn't worry. She certainly didn't learn it from seeing anything inappropriate (I'm single and she only watches children's TV before 7pm). She's just found something that feels nice. But she doesn't seem able to stop herself doing it in the living room. I guess she gets more 'on her own time' there than anywhere else so maybe that's why.
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30/06/2014 at 6:11 pm
Hi, my daughter is 6 and I have caught her a few times with her hands down her pants but not a lot. I either ignore it or I say don't be rude. However, what's your daughter says back to you when you question or mention it is rather cocky. I certainly would put a stop to sharing the bed with her. And I'd maybe ring a H.V for some advice f she's that obsessed.
30/06/2014 at 6:19 pm
Is this a fairly resent interest? It could be like all new things, the novelty will wear off. I think in the mean time, I would just keep on reminding her that it is something she should only be doing in private. Tell her you are not stopping her touching her own body, you are just telling her where she can and can't do it.
30/06/2014 at 6:25 pm
Hi, my daughter is 6 and I have caught her a few times with her hands down her pants but not a lot. I either ignore it or I say don't be rude. However, what's your daughter says back to you when you question or mention it is rather cocky. I certainly would put a stop to sharing the bed with her. And I'd maybe ring a H.V for some advice f she's that obsessed.
My DD has shared my bed for years (her daddy moved out when she was 3) but we have talked about making her room more appealing for her to sleep there. I bought her a great bed - with a slide! - and she never sleeps in it so thinking of getting a better set up for friends to sleepover so she can enjoy her room more.
I agree, she's quite cocky but she's totally 'testing her limits' with me these days. Plus, I think she's becoming hormonal as she's grumpy one minute and happy the next. I always tell her I love her however grumpy she gets and she soon comes over for a hug if left but won't let me make the first move to be friends again. I expect I have many more of these 'joys' to come over the next few years.

Pub: 17 Sep 2023 21:20 UTC
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