"sure but for what" is likee kind of a lot different than "sure, for what"
like i'd think a lot of people use thw first one simply because who tf uses commas in casual conversation right
"people" being kids our age
as other ages do tend to use commas
in casual conversation
the "but" implies you must tell me
like on a pretttyyy serious level.
"suer but for what" -> "you don't need to say i fyou don't want"
well it still sounds like you do doesn't it
because by starting with the "but for what" i've made clear i'd like to know
so you'd feel more inclined to tell me anyway
although i gyuess "for what" sounds a bit odd too. because they should be seperate.
"sure. for what" is better. the best.
or rather
"for what"
sounds the most casual yet not demanding.
im going to go wash my hair very quick
i thinkkk. iagree with u. um
i have nothing to say. i agrree with u.
like knowing how they get married and stuff and how their relationship goes. they realllyyy seem so young. man
i want to add that knowing they spend the rest of their life in a completely different location is nice. and also that the conflict of this movie is how sajou is going to move away. but then they end up moving together anyway. like fuck me thats so sweet and puts so much emphasis on likeee how youngt hey are here fuck me
like even. i got kind of used to. rihito and hikaru
lol and yet rihito that made me cringe lol and yet sajou was the one getting hit on
ok im a bit. sorry. i was going to say something but i feel less inclined to now that we are ike i dont want it to be on this scnee whatever anyway i hope u watch this knowing he's so me like he's me fr and he's not evennnn. actualy that me. like. when u look at him. i am in fac not smart nor like introverted relaly at all btu he's so me dude he's lit me he's lit me and i suppose more so i hope you know that when iii watch this (mostly with you) that i am thinking about how real and me fr he is
when i personally talk to people online like texting or whatever or anything whatever i like a) knowing what they look like even if its like an old ass photo they showed me once ^ just realized thats u. but thats not about you. anyway b) i like knowing what their room looks like c)anddd. what they're doin. what theyre up to. i like knowing it cuz like. i dont know. it matters to me i tihnk about it it doesnt matter i guess but i have an image for no particular reason i don tknow. i dont know why but i have an image ok and it sucks nottt like being able to picture anything. not that i need to or have any reason to or that anything happens if/when i do or whatver. ok.
but why would that matter to you. like. i assumed you (as i do with everyone but it never comes up) do the same thing like as if u gaf about what im thinking while watching the movie. it felt odd to say without explaining it. because it kind of sounds like i'd prefer you be thinking about me than the movie. but that isn't true. its just for me
this is driving me insane sory. for the record i Do actually think about how u characters are. like umm. when u mentioned chidi being u fr. i thought about that everytime i saw him. same with WHA TH FUCK IS H ivan. same iwth ivan now. i saw a post and was like "awwww callie. thats liekc allie". and i do think the same thing everytime we watch this movie. that makes me happy thank u
ok sorry unrelated (only barely) but lik i wouldve said this and ahhh i wouldve said this in the likeurl bar not here but im saying it here dude funf act i am preetty positive i only concluded for realzis "he is me" when first watching this at this scene
ok so obviousssslyyy obviously you would not fucking know ok but like i have had to explain twice now once to andri and once to feelie now. now very recently that like while i know everyone is like ticklish or whatever dude is wear to fucking god the side of my ribs make me insane i cant even lik :( due :( like i cant wear umm well not like i would anyway but i can't wear waist belts bceaus it druves me so insane its so bad liike so bad. cuz whyc an u feel my fucjking bones thats sooooo gross and bad and bad and ticklish. that was the rtime in concluded. he wa sm
ahhhh dudeeee :( his family house :( the one they stay in together :( can someone sedate me
dude thats so. no he wasnt that lonely at all. like he was the one :( with :( with friends dude like aw :( nad hika fawwwk fawk fakw and kusakabe was the one who ended up going there like fawk fawk fawk dude fawk
hoe is one of my leaft savourite urls and i was going to redo it like. tonight. i wa please save it i will not porbably but. I dont know. maybe. a screenshot on /deryl. dudeeee its my favourite pleasee please please