Chpater 7: Verweile Doch
Iroha: Ummm...?
Mito: L-let me put the ice-cream in the freezer...
Kamira: What's wrong, Motosu, suddenly buying ice-cream and telling us to come to senpai's house. Did you ask her for permission~?
Towa: Of course I did. She was right next to me when I texted you.
Tsubomi: Hold on, well... I guess I did give permission, how do I put it...
Kamira: Irocchi and senpai have the audition tomorrow, aren't you disturbing them?
Towa: I know about that~.
Towa: What about you guys, what's going on?
Iroha: What do you mean...?
Mito: ...
Kamira: Ahh-,...
Towa: I'm talking about this atmosphere. You guys are usually always together chatting away, it's clear that somethings wrong here.
Iroha: Ah-, well....
Iroha: Well, Tsubomi-san and I have the audition tomorrow, so Mito-chan and the others are just being considerate...
Towa: Still, something's wrong. It's all uneasy.
Mito: Ummm...Tahts...
Mito: ...
Kamira: Alright!
Mito: Kamira-chan!?
Kamira: I'll speak up! Mitorin, sorry for getting you caught up in this!
Kamira: Irocchi, Towa, sorry for hiding this from you! And sorry to you too, senpai!
Tsubomi: Umm, you haven't done anything to me-
Kamira: we knew about everything! All of it!
Tsubomi: Huh...?
Kamira: You had mock exams today right? And your studies and audition practice were always clashing right?
Kamira: The other day, Irocchi was worried about you so Mitorin and I went to the 3rd year classrooms to find you, only to find out you had went to the infirmary.
Kamira: You've been pushing yourself too hard, haven't you?
Kamira: And we knew about it, sorry for not saying anything.
Mito: Mito's also sorry...
Tsubomi: That... Even when I didn't say anything about it...
Kamira: No, that's my bad! Sorry Irocchi! I'm sure you figured out that we're hiding something from you, right?
Iroha: N-no! I didn't notice-, we I did but,
Iroha: If you didn't want to speak with me about it, then I didn't want to force you to say anything--
Mito: Mito's sorry too! For keeping quiet and not have the courage to speak up... And making Kamira-chan carry the burden... And Iroha-chan-
Towa: Hold up, slow down, slow down, everyone's apologising and all, but what's the situation?
Kamira: Like I said, umm, it's all my fault...
Mito: T-that's not it...!
Towa: Aarrrgh. Forget about whoever's to blame.
Towa: Tsubomi, explain. No apologising.
Tsubomi: Ah, alright...
Tsubomi: Basically, I hid the fact that mock exams and the audition were clashing with each other, and by chance Akiru and Shiromaru found out.
Tsubomi: Since I hid it from them, they also couldn't bring up their worries, and it would be wrong to bring it up with Senju so they hid it from her too.
Tsubomi: Senju also noticed that Akiru was hiding something from her, so she started to tread carefully.
Tsubomi: Is that everything?
Kamira: Yep. Senpai, you hit the nail on its head...
Kamira: Anyways, I'm not the type to hide stuff from people so I guess I was a bit sloppy with this...
Towa: So what you're saying is, Tsubomi was trying to hide something, Kamira and Mito was then concerned and then trying to hide something, and by chance, Iroha was also then concerned as a result?
Iroha: That's what it comes down to...
Towa: Aaaaaarrgghh~~~~, what a pain!
Towa: You were all suddenly concerned with each other, which is why you were all suddenly acting awkwardly with each other!?
Iroha: Hehe... I am truly ashamed...
Towa: in any case, Tsubomi, was there even any need to hide all this? If you just spoke to Kaname, surely she could've figured something out.
Tsubomi: ...Well, I made a pledge to the God of Acting...
Towa: God of Acting? Whaat?
Tsubomi: One must forge ahead with their studies and acting, to be prepared for any attack that may come from the Dark Organisation.
Kamira: Ummm, so, you made a pledge that you would do your best in the mock exam and the audition?
Tsubomi: Yeah.
Towa: Isn't that putting the cart before the horse? Making your kouhai worry like that?
Tsubomi: Sorry about that...
Tsubomi: And sorry about everything that happened recently.
Kamira: No-no, you just didn't want us to worry, yeah?
Kamira: So, how did you go with the mock exam?
Tsubomi: The results aren't back yet, but there will surely be no problems with it.
Iroha: So cool...
Iroha: I'll never be able to flourish like that academically... Hehe...
Mito: Mito thinks thats really amazing too...!
Towa: That's not what we're here to talk about.
Towa: Well, at least this wasn't a big deal~.
Towa: Don't put more things on your plate, especially when you're doing things you're not suited for like auditioning~.
Towa: Anyways, can we stop with the awkward atmosphere already? The pizza's here
Kamira: ...If it's alright with senpai
Towa: God, I just said, stop being concerned. Tsubomi, you're fine with this right?
Tsubomi: Yeah, mock exams are done, so there's nothing for me to be concerned about.
Towa: In that case, lets put this all to rest.
Towa: While we're here, lets put on a DVD for a stream or something. Tsubomi, you got anything?
Tsubomi: I've got a couple of comedies, if thats fine.
Towa: Niice, lets go with that.
Mito: Is that OK...? Iroha-chan and Tsubomi-san have the audition tomorrow...
Towa: The two of them have the audition tomorrow, and both are here lazing around. So neither of them will be at a disadvantage. It's all fair.
Mito: B-but...
Iroha: I'll be fine! Mito-chan has helped a bunch with crafting the role, and you went out of your way to buy ice-cream and pizza for us!
Iroha: Ah, but if tsubomi-san wants to do some more practicew then I'm perfectly fine with that...!
Tsubomi: Fufu, don't worry about that.
Tsubomi: Akiru's helped me with creating the characters, so there's no problem here.
Iroha: Ehehe, that's good to hear!
Iroha: In that case, let's start the Comedy Pizza Party!