Chapter 5: Silver Shoes
Koyomi: ...
Troupe Member A: Ahh. But thats just a rumour. She still doesn't have a Sense, and she's the complete opposite to her sister.
Senju's Mother: Koyomi? What's wrong? Tired from always practicing awt home?
Koyomi: Ah, no...
Senju's Grandmother: Koyomi-san, how is practice in the adult division? It must be on a different level to the children's one.
Koyomi: Indeed. I'm learning a lot from everyone's performance.
Senju's Grandmother: Don't let that get you down. One day, you'll lead them all, just keep your guard up.
Koyomi: ....Understood.
Senju's Mother: It's almost time for Iroha's "The Wizard of OZ" too, right? I'm looking forward to her performance of DOrothy.
IRoha: Thank you very much! I'm also learning a lot everyday too.
Senju's Grandmother: It's not just about learning. Even in the childrens' division, you must lead as the representative of the Senju family.
Iroha: Ahh, um... right.
Iroha: I'll work with everyone and work hard to create a wonderful play.
Senju's Mother: Very good. Even if you're not Koyomi, you're still part of the Senju family. I'm sure you'll play a wonderful Dorothy.
Senju's Mother: And if you do get your Sense, you will surely be able to perform in GIngaza. I look forward to that day.
Senju's Grandmother: The question is when you will get it. DO you have practice after this? Make sure you don't waste any of the precious practice time.
Iroha: ...Understood.
Iroha: "My name is Dorothy. Oh Wizard of Oz, I came here to ask for your help."
Koyomi: Iroha?
Iroha: Ah, Onee-chan. Did you want to use the practice area? I'll pack my things.
Koyomi: No, that's not it. I was wondering if we could practice together.
Iroha: Together?
Koyomi: Yes. You're going to play the lead in "The Wizard of Oz" aren't you?
Koyomi: I have played in it before, so I think I could help you out a bit.
Iroha: ! IS that alright?
Koyomi: OF course. I'll help wherever I can. That scene just now was when she first meets the wizard of Oz, right?
Koyomi: So then--
Koyomi: "I am the great and revered wizard, Oz. Who are you? Why have you come to see me?"
Iroha: "My name is Dorothy. Oh Wizard of Oz, I came here to ask for your help."
Koyomi: "Where did you get those silver shoes from?"
Iroha: "I got it when The Wicked Withc of the East was crushed by my house."
Koyomi: Iroha, can you please show more awareness with your gestures? If you do that, you will be able to convey the meaning of your words.
Iroha: Understood.
Koyomi: In "The Wizard of Oz", Dorothy is a positive character that always charges forward even when things get scary.
Koyomi: She's trying to return back to her Aunt in Kansas, so try imagining a girl who's working up her courage?
Koyomi: When she approaches the Wizard of Oz, how would you gesture with your hands, open or closed?
Iroha: Um... she's quite nervous so, I think she might closed her fists.
Koyomi: Indeed. I think she would close her fists too due to nervousness. So when you say her lines, follow the feelings, not the words on the script.
Iroha: Follow the feelings...
Koyomi: Yes. Now, from the top.
Iroha: "My name is Dorothy. Oh Wizard of Oz, I came here to ask for your help."
Koyomi: "Where did you get those silver shoes from?"
Iroha: "I got it when The Wicked Withc of the East was crushed by my house."
Iroha: How was that?
Koyomi: Hm, I think that you're stepping into Dorothy's shoes now.
Iroha: ...! Yay! Thank you very much, Onee-chan!
Koyomi: I should be thanking you. I'm glad I could be of help.
Iroha: You're really good and explaining things.
Iroha: I want to be able to use a Sense just like you.
Koyomi: Fufu. But what I just said was just something from a book I read the other day.
Iroha: Eh? Is that so?
Iroha: Books, huh...
Iroha: Maybe, reading more will help my improvement?
Iroha: But I get tired when there are too many words on the page...
Iroha: Ahhh, it would be great if I could use magic. Just like how DOrothy has her witches hat and silver shoes.
Koyomi: You don't need a Sense or magic to be better than anyone else. Even the Wizard of Oz was just a normal person at the end of the day.
Koyomi: And even you if you can't act like me, you can do things your own way. You can play the Dorothy that you want.
Iroha: Hmm....
Iroha: Haaah.
Iroha: And so, the curtains rose for "The Wizard of Oz".
Iroha: Not to mention... the reputation.
Iroha: There were nosilver shoes presented in front of me.
Senju's Mother: Good work on "The Wizard of Oz", Iroha. I'll treat you to something for the performance.
Senju's Mother: Dad was a bit concerned since you don't have your Sense, but he said you were a wonderfully cute Dorothy.
Iroha: Eh! Really? I'm so glad!
Senju's Grandmother: Iroha-san.
Iroha: Ah... I'm sorry, I got all excited.
Senju's Grandmother: Indeed. This Dorothy was quite imperfect. YOu understand that, right?
IRoha: ...Yes.
Senju's Grandmother: It's alright to be praised int he children's division, but theater is not about the praise and charm.
Senju's Grandmother: Last year, no one said that Koyomi was "wonderfully cute". Think about that for a bit.
IRoha: ...
Iroha: I'm... sorry.
Koyomi: Iroha, raise your head. That performance you put on when we were practice was wonderful.
Iroha: ...Ehehe, Thank you very much, Onee-chan. The director also praised me a lot too.
Iroha: I'll do my best to catch up to you. IF I don't that, then surely my Sense will...
Iroha: Mother, Grandmother, I'll do my best, please look forward to me joining Gingaza.
Senju's Mother: Sounds good. Do your best. I'm sorry Iroha, for this celebration to get carried away.
Senju's Mother: Lets take this meal to be a time to reflect.
Senju's Mother: Oh right, how are you, Koyomi? You're going to be with the travelling theater right?
Koyomi: Ah,. yes.
Iroha: ...