From Dungeons to the Castle it would seem that they traversed every aspect of Meranthe before finally settling upon the place which would allow for the deconstruction of the weaponry in order to infuse and bolster its form beyond the measure and confines of what existed as the proclaimed blessings granted by the mortal collective.

An aged weapon, that which has been infested by the protections of Ymir would be one they needed to shatter in order to cultivate its prowess beyond the meaningless form it currently maintained without having to break it apart entirely.

"Alright Deixis, we're going to disable the blessings from the weaponry I've granted you. The process will actively require your participation to render down the blessings of Ymirian Apostles as we must cut the threads holding together their protections for the infestation of our power to work in place of such."

Reaching through a Rift he would pluck free an old tome which was capable of aiding their venture as he would refresh his mind on occultic rituals which may aid in the disabling of these protections.

"Your manipulation of the Occult will come in quite handily here, I'll have you do a lot of the legwork in regard to this project but once we're finished we should have this looking far superior."

Setting the book aside he would gesture toward the vast stone table before them.

"Settle the weapon down, we may begin after I finish refreshing here."

It was a long way all around Meranthe, but the undead had no qualms about such. They needed the exercise after all and it was for the dungeons that the group decided to pilfer.

They follow their master throughout the castle leading to the dungeon for what was to come. Those celestial hues staring all about the area, still intrigued by all the doo-dads about.

The mechanical arm of Deixis whirring as it raises to fold with the opposing, listening to what Xarxes had to say with a nod. They'd never had to do something like this, so listening intently was impertinent.

"This seems like it'd be a complicated endeavor. What is it that I'll need to do?"

The question posed as the staff is removed from their back and placed on the stone table in front of the two.

"I've never heard of tearing down a blessing on well.. anything.."

The thought trails off as they stand, waiting for furtherinstruction.
(Deixis Hel Myst)

As the Nephairy was studying the tome which had been set to the side, he cultivated a proper idea toward the disenchantment of the current blessings which maintained its protections over the Nebula Staff.

"In truth it's not as complicated as one might imagine, we simply need to derive a consistent mitigation toward the blessings of Ymir. Effectively with this tome derived of Vdalion, we can construct the appropriate runic amalgamations in order to effectively remove the blessing." he flipped a page and began to pull the book a little closer so Deixis could learn what he meant.

"I can create the symbols with basic energies, akin to Runecasting as we manifest them within the air itself. However they must pertain toward the principals of Occult geometry."

A gesture was made toward the page which transcribed a list persisting of four factors which would become the runic scripture. "We're utilizing the essence of Purpose which will be disabling the protections, Success, stability, and ambition. Once these are effectively completed and the energies persisting upon the weapon degrade we can then curse this device with our own form of unholy blessing."

The implantation of Nyctorre via minor tinkering of the weapons general design but not something that will break its integrity.

"What I'll need you to do is manipulate your energies to sustain the runes, utilize the occultic capabilities which you've grown to understand with your time spent among the Demons as I transcribe the rituals and implant them across the weaponry. Once we're finished with that I will rework the head of the staff with Nyctorre."

As this was said he began to transcribe the runes among the air, a four part system deriving from the key factors mentioned prior.

Purpose, Success, Stability, Ambition.

The thoughts of the ritual not being all too complicated seemed unlikely to Deixis at first. Up until Xarxes began to explain further just what would have needed to be done. The removal of the blessing by essentially corrupting it?

The understanding of what would need to be done was pending. Deixis learning some things from Wolfgang specifically since Grisha was always busy. But.. familiarity of the occult was well within their grasp.

"I believe I understand. I'll try to the best of my ability."

The words emitted through the stardust that surrounded the risen as they watch Xarxes began the transcriptions. The first of four started as mana fueled by occult seeped into the corresponding rune.

Purpose. From Deixis this was fueled by the need to be stronger. From being the weakest to clawing their way from the depths into their current place in the hierarchy. There was still the need for more. The need to excel, to breach the limitations that previously held them back. Their purpose is strength.

Then to the next, success.

What was success for Deixis? For starters, doing all they could for their master. Becoming a champion and furthering the projects that Xarxes' wished to complete. To make the mortals cower beneath their feet while reaching the apex of their attuned magics.

Their success is the grasping of their potential.

The tainted influence ushered into the specified runes, the aim to charge them with the feelings and emotions from Deixis. Siphoning off of them to do what was asked.
(Deixis Hel Myst)

As the runes began to embody a charge would Xarxes persist to copying and transcribing duplications of these manifested symbols, the necessary core structure for the dispersion of the blessing was coming about and though he would need to continue doing a few different things at the same instance.

The flames of the forge behind them were ignited, an aetheric blaze conjuring an emerald flame hosted the presence of Xarxes. The energies which were manifested within his very existence spread across the device as he conjured a rift on his left which invited the collection of a few materials from a room on the other side of the Castle.

"Once you're finished charging the runes I will apply them upon the weapon which will disperse the protections of Ymir. Then we will tamper with the original design by infusing this..."

Alongside Nyctorre there was a skull removed from the Rift before it was closed with a swirling pop, placing down the depraved metal and the humanoid skull he was returning his mind toward the runic symbols which were being imbued with the Occultic energies which would openly invite the blessings to leave.

"Finish with the rest of these, I've prepared the rest. Then we will venture toward the enhancement and ensure this is properly condemned. For you will know nothing if not the power which comes under my service, the ability to grow beyond the confines you currently wield.

As this is but the start."

For the most part, Deixis focuses on what they needed to do. The feelings needed for the appropriate runes.. not having quite thought about these specific things much left them confuzzled briefly.

For the brief moment of fleeting time, Deixis' gaze shifts to what Xarxes begins to do as the sound of a portal ripping open is heard. A questioning brow raised as they watch Xarxes pull a skull and others tools from such. Opting not to ask.



The tainted ethereal magics beginning to shift to the runes that still remained. Stability and Ambition.

To the former. Akin to the undead's loyalty. The resolve to become ever greater. The steadfast wall that was the testament of unshakable will that this one possesses. Even with injury after injury wracked up, they move in the name of their master. In the pursuit of goals left untouched. Their stability was in their unwillingness to keep progressing in all ways.


There were aims that this one held. To pursue knowledge akin to what Nah'ria holds.. even to surpass such as one with both knowledge as well as power is more than formidable. Secondly, they wish to toughen up the mortals that come their way. From what they've seen thus far were nothing but cowards and less than battle-hardened youths that have yet to evolve.

What is needed is a true and proper show of strength to rattle the proverbial tree. To shake something loose from those with potential to craft warriors that were ready to give proper battles.. ones that were worthy.

Their ambition lie with the knowledge and honing of power. Deixis wishes for only the strongest.

And with that, the remaining runes begin to be fueled by the fel arts. Wisps of occult slipping into the runes and powering them as Deixis prepares for the next stage in the process.
(Deixis Hel Myst)

As the runes were intwerwoven with the Occultic empowerment he would carry out actions akin to that which he had witnessed Aubrey perform, invoking a motion through the air with the Runes causing them to spread across the Nebula Staff. As these runes settled across the handle of the scepter they could visibly see the wispy golden threads of Ymir's blessings start to fall away as he chanted.

"As Ymir has split, let us split them again, to tear asunder the blessings left behind by the remnants of their forsaken people. Shattered be the name of this God, as will your blessing be torn asunder from this plane."

A hand gently cascaded over the tool, feeling the divine protections starting to slip away... Though rather than allowing it to degrade, to falter, he would apply his own blessings. Stasis runes, that which would maintain the physical presence of the device while also ensuring it did not succumb to a horrendous influx of decay.

"From here we will simply weave the final pieces together, this weapon is a slight step from perfection and will suffice properly as your first true atrocity."

Plucking free the scepter from the table he would thrust the head into the Aetheric flame before also collecting the Nyctorre and doing the same. Though the Nyctorre would be settled within a crucible, that which would allow it to heat and become far more malleable.

"Watch carefully now, if you ever wish to invest yourself into the acts of creature in the future we must ensure you are aware of how to do so. We utilize flame as a manner to make metals malleable, though we cannot always destroy them entirely. Nyctorre especially requires a strict heat, too much and we destroy the precious vitae you have collected."

A snap of his fingers conjured a jade field of Chronomantic energies which began to cascade an acceleration across the flames. Heat infused through metal at a pace far beyond what should be capable, swiftly compacting hours of effort into mere seconds.

Once it was at a satisfactory level he would pluck free both the staff and metal, suspending them further into a stasis which would lock the heat and malleability while also allowing for him to personally manipulate it as a being mastering the control of Time itself.

A special hammer was produced, one imbued with a small portion of his Chronomantic blessings which could act as the tool to drive home his desire. Such danced across the metal, reshaping the peak of the staff and Nyctorre as he would soon attempt to marry both scepter and accursed ore.

Carefully he collected the skull, implanting it over the Scepter as Nyctorre soon was set awash around its form to layer and empower the device with an oppressive exhaustion of mana manipulating the physical form of this tainted material. "Two ways we can weave Nyctorre, physical force. Magical prowess and Necromancy." sweat was visibly dripping from the Nephairy as his hands spewed a horrendous surge of mana into the black metal.

Molding it, reshaping it around the skull and throughout the Scepters very core... Arcanium and Undeath merging together as it was always meant to be, the burning passion of the damned embodying this device with a new height of devastating power.

And soon it was complete. Nyctorre finally enforced across the head of the Nebula staff with the infusion of this skull to serve as a sign of what would inevitably come.

"What once was adorned the calling of the Nebula staff... Now will forevermore host the name Repulsion. The wicked and vile, the abomination that humanity hates so fiercely. Do not lose this weapon. Utilize it to the best of your ability."

With this completed, he removed the stasis. Allowing time to play its part and for all to cool.

Deixis pushes themselves to ensure that the runes have a sufficient charge. Being sure that their emotions prior were still in check as the channeled taint finally empower each and every rune provided.

From there, Deixis watched the rest of what was done. Seeing the runes be applied to the handle of the scepter.. as their efforts weren't for naught- peeping the blessing finally being removed. Seems Xarxes was right.. it wasn't the most complex thing to do, but it was still interesting to say the least.

The Nephairy's chanting caused the undead to raise a brow. The words here seemed rather important for all of this. Perhaps they would opt to remember all of those in case they indeed wished to learn the crafts.

the heating process of both the head of the scepter was watched carefully a their master permits. This was a lesson in artifice. Something that Deixis initially had no intention of learning.. however.. this in particular had piqued their interest. Could.. they maybe learn how to d0 that as well.

"You say strict heat.. but I wonder how much is required."

Asked while Chronomancy is used to speed up the process. It certainly had to be very useful to be so inclined to do such. The rest of the process is watched rather intently, attempts to try and understand anything else that's happened to go along. This moment needed to remembered in the case that Deixis wants to learn right now.

"Magical prowess and.. necromancy? What.. ?"

Unfinished questions are most asked. Though they are curious about this, they opt to watch the rest as the master does what needs to the bunch. As it's molded and shaped and after a while, Celestial orbs stare upon the newest weapon..


They repeat, awe apparent in their voice.

"This is a monstrosity.. do you just up and make things like this regularly? I.. thank you, master Xarxes. I'll do you proud."

They hoped that was true. A bow given to Xarxes as Dei afterwards turns to the staff as it cools off. They just couldn't wait until it was finished. They'd slay many fleshies this day.
(Deixis Hel Myst)

Amusement filtered through the Nephairy as his gaze fell across the weapon which was planted before them. The despair and call of what it would do in the future was such a delightful resounding manifestation of torment.

"Necromancy allows me to manipulate Undeath, as this material is infused with the very essence you reap from Mortals I can bend the metal to my will." with an abhorrent amount of mana to persist atop this of course.

"As for doing this type of thing regularly? This is the... Malice, Aegir, yours, Pyrmethian." the head was scratched for a moment as he started to consider the other projects he's worked on in the past. "Grisha received two... So around six or seven pieces on par with this device or rather most are better in terms of raw capabilities."

The bitter truth was that he didn't provide them with the best possible piece of equipment. Though it was due to the expensive nature of these materials which was the only reason he didn't drop millions into their construction.

"I've made a lot of pieces, some of my best work however was done for the Imperfects. Alas, this will settle for now. We can venture back to Skarnfel and return for the weapon when its finished."

Thus another portal would be breached, taking them to the Shadowlands once more.

Pub: 25 Jun 2023 03:48 UTC
Views: 22