On serenity arena, the movement of people finnaly reveals what all this were about, the materials were the most common used on construction of structures, and from the workes there varitating from: carpenters, mason, leather workers, armorers, miners, and etc, a man was standing on middle checking and guiding people arround.
"Oh, i see, welcome folks, and thanks for anwser captain serenity call for assistance, at the current momment he finds himself unable to coordinate this so im covering him up" He says carrinh a clipboard with several thicc layers of papers.
"As no surprise ths is a trainning ground being custom made for trainning the troops, you can choose help with it, or help in the creation of the artifacts, is up to you how you wish help, if you choose the second option?" He says unrolling the large paper with assitance of 2 other non magi there to hold.
He takes a stick and begins hit the paper slightly.
"There are the Defensor spears." He says,
Large stakes like structures, yet portable during war, to be stung on ground, they goal is redirect any lightings that may come with their copper and orichalum structure, providing a better chance against assults of ligthing sending back to earth, the adamantite strucutre allow endure several blows and head from the impact.
"Our reports show the enemy have control over leather and a swarm of occultic lighting, to we plan brings these deployable to the fields to act as a defense layer." He then moves to the other.
"The doom cubes."
Box like strucures, then activated they begin drain the mana arround them, causing magic that involve control of field much harder, planned to be used as ammo for catapults to be send on field against strong enemies.or generals of the demon king
"Reports also showed massive magic that control areas, this is basically ammo for be tossed at the generals, attempting mess their magic even if a bit, planned be used on catapults." He finishes.
"We gotta lots of ore to begin grind, if anyone got questions let me hear." He says with a smile.
Meanwhile the large groups were already working cutting wood in logs and griding ores on bowls, sounds of hammers being put down are heard, and small structures are beginning show as frames.
Choose assist on trainning field or with the deployables.
(Flown Akatsuki)
[14:15] Pittwald asks, "Hm. I see. These so-called doom cubes, I imagine they utilise Tyrium, however, is there another mechnism to them i should be aware of?"
[14:19] Flown Akatsuki says, "Indeed, we plan add some mana absolption runes alongside the tryium on his inside mechanicsm to create a drainning area field when he is activated."
[14:21] Pittwald says, "A simple and functional idea. I do believe I can do you one better, however. Tyrium may absorb magic, but why stop at that when that mana can then be utilised to activate an additional sequence that disrupts manaflows of magi in the area. Granted, this would most likely be an annoyance at best to a kaor or beyond, but it could leave lesser demons weak enough to be slain by even nonmagi"
[14:23] Flown Akatsuki says, "Im all open to ideias, after all im no artificer."
[14:24] While Jango was busy working on his own various preparations for the oncoming invasion of Serenity...
That didn't mean he wouldn't pop his head out from time to time to see how the others were doing! Especially if it meant helping beef up Serenity's own security. Offering everyone here a small smile, he pretty much gets to work almost immediately, intent on giving this his all.
"Let me add some pizzazz to this training field...!"
Although he plans on severing his connection to Earth and Metal very soon, he has to admit, that it comes in handy for many things that didn't involve fighting.
Raising his hand and clenching it into a fist, several structures that shape themselves into the form of demons of various different evolutionary stages start to litter the training grounds.
"...Now, this idea is only in its preliminary stages of course, but I was thinking why not program some golems to mimic the attacking patterns of various types of demons so our troops can get a better understanding of how to fight demons. Their behaviors, their weak spots, how you should handle 'em… everything in between!"
(Jango D. Bogard)
[14:25] Pittwald says, "Artificer is one title I can claim. Leave these doom cubes to me, in that case. I reckon I can make them...well, a little more nasty than the original idea"
[14:25] Flown Akatsuki says, "Spendid"
[14:25] Pittwald says, "I shall be off to work, then. Good luck to the rest of you all"
[14:25] Flown Akatsuki says, "Pitt "
[14:25] Pittwald asks, "Hm?"
[14:25] Flown Akatsuki says, "We doing the frames for the cubes and spears anyways"
[14:25] Flown Akatsuki says, "So you will be able modifie them"
[14:26] Flown Akatsuki thumbs up
(Flown Akatsuki)
[14:26] Pittwald says, "Yes, that shall save some time"
[14:27] Flown Akatsuki says, "I also liked the ideia jango."
[14:27] Flown Akatsuki says, "I got plans for you, to train our medical units with shooting with their guns"
[14:27] Jango D. Bogard exclaims, "Heck yeah, I can pull that off no problem!"
[14:36] Back to the grind.
Among the bustling crowd artisans working on overtime to prepare for the coming months, Abilis slips through the gathering to find a good spot to listen for further instruction. He didn't envy Flown's job in it all. A stack that thick and managing this many people was an endeavor few could even wrap their heads around.
More impressive was that Flown was managing it all mostly by himself.
Unfortunately, Abilis was not an artificer. Nor a tradesman by any means. Their strengths were literal physicality - so that is what they decided to do. Non-magi did not have the luxury of easy strength, so their primary focus would be on doing bulk lifting. Taking ores and finished product from one site to another therein increasing the workflow of the manaless individuals.
While they had offered some minor help to those working on the deployable weaponry, the Felinae was merely a heavy-lifter. So their main focus, for better or worse, was onthe upgrades to the training field. The movement of materials. Heavy lifting of major constructs that would normally require the attention of multiple non-magi to accomplish.
It was good to be helpful. But there was a piece of Abilis that wished they could do more...
To bad that, other than physical labor? He was soil-tier at everything else.
[14:39] {Item} You drop Captain Serenity Actions Ideas.
[14:43] Flown Akatsuki says, "Thanks a lot "
[14:43] {Item} You picked up Viridium x20. Dropped by Pittwald.
[14:43] {Item} You picked up Adamantite x300. Dropped by Pittwald.
[14:43] {Item} You picked up Tyrium x60. Dropped by Pittwald.
[14:43] Flown Akatsuki says, "Pit can i leave to you as well the medical gun project"
[14:43] Pittwald says, "It is no issue. better this is used"
[14:43] Flown Akatsuki shows the diagrams
(Flown Akatsuki)
[14:43] Pittwald says, "Leave to me whatever you wish. I shall do everything in my power to maximize the materials afforded to me"
[14:43] Flown Akatsuki says, "Thanks, i will find a way to compensate."
[14:53] {Item} You picked up Captain Serenity Actions Ideas. Dropped by Pittwald..
"Very well questions take announces made, lets do it then." He says.
"Excuse me, transporters! bring the ores from the spears and the cubes please." He says waving them with a hand, in a few momments 3 to four workers pull a large minecart with several orers inside of it, one for each ore:
The first fully with cooper, then other two smaller carts filled with adamantite and orichalum flown moves closer them assisting with one brinning them to the wheat stones area, other helpes begin fill each one with large bowls inside, and take frames that are 3 times the size of a person
The first one seems have a cylinder with a hollow part inside, The other frame a large bar, And the third minor several parts..
A single figure seem to show up with a protective gear.
'Alright volunteers thanks for show up! however wish help lets start we gotta some trenches to cave, mana donete devices and other jobs arround that need be done, specially with weight carry.'
A look would turn to abilis while he does so.
'We got one already nice' he moved to him
'we need cave more on the ground below.' he gave him a large hoe while hold his own and begun cave, there was a path marked with white pain to show where the lines needed be made.
Flown explanins to the ones that choosed helped on the deployables.
"The large ones shall be for adamantite, then for cooper then for the orichalum." He waves a bit.
"Who wish assist with the deployables follow my lead, and lets grind these ores into powder, any assistance you need ask the workers arround, we need fill that frames." He says.
"Who wishes assist with the trainnin field follow the workers closer the center and they will assign tasks!" the man takes a pile of adamantite ores and the noise of ore to grind spark with lights, he smiles staring it with very patience.
"Im afraid the guns are still being made clerus if you could give a hand on the field or here is nice too." He smiles.
The noises a construction site usually carry begin pop arround the arena reverberating.
Reek Reek Reek Reek goes several logs veing sawed off then turned into all variataios as frames planks and pillars of wood, the noise is made as well from captetners polishing the smaller parts of wood, and wrapping them arround cyliun ,Thud Thud ThuD goes hammer down hot ores of admantite iron cooper spreaed to form stronger sustentation parts. ,Rlool roool roll goes the carts arround as well voices.
(Flown Akatsuki)
[15:07] The workers fixes their protective gear and eyes jango comming with his metal and earth strucutre, they quickly speed your their paces to follow them, the hammer down, other ores inside of them as to secure the sustentation as well using cylon to wrap.
The demon dummies made golem are as well moved by them to allow space for others walk and are properly stored on the areas arround the stored materials, when done so some artificers begin implant, some circuits inside the golem.
More carts are moves with hot ore for blacksmiths hammer them down them placed again to supply those artificers, they are implanting a simple orichalum and iron circuits to allow mana roam freely inside the golems provide by jango.
(Flown Akatsuki)
[15:09] firing mana disruptors at enemies using catapults was certainly an unorthodox idea, but then again, unorthodox was perhaps the thing the owldrake could be considered the best with.
Thus, he got to work.
His magic was, and had always been, something not entirelly efficient in combat, ill-suited to breaking past the tough defences of other magi. However, here he was handling mere metal. and, his opponent so to speak, was the occult. Something he´d faced countless times over the years, in the forms of curses upon his patients and attacks against himself alike. It wa almost exciting to get to make the first move for once.
dozens of the finished and half-finished frames for the doom cubes were simultaneously pulled into the air with his gravity magic. Then dozens of tons of various materials joined them.
each cube would begin with a central core. Essentially a hollow sphere with a chunk of tyrium ore placed inside, several runic sequences were engraved on both the inside and outside of the steel sphere, as well as the tyrium itself.
for the tyrium, they were sequences of absorbtion and release both, along with amplification, ensuring that the metal would function essentially as a battery, and by extension, that the absorbing effect of the overall device would not diminish as the metal reached its peak capacity. Under normal ciscumstances, not creating a safety measure for something like that would be problematic at best and downright catastrophic at worst, but here, that was only the first step at the end of the day.
Next, utilising orichalcum-braced briarwood, the owldrake constructed conduction collumns, inscribed with runes of [detect], [flow], [retrieval] and [beginning. A sequence that ensured these collumns would draw mana from the tyrium core and distribute it back outwards.
For there, in yet another layer of the device, would be its most vicious secret.
Taking inspiration from the vicious effect of his own bite, the owldrake inlaid the thick, multi-layered outer shell made of massive steel plates interlocking with thinner bluesteel plates with shards of viridium, the already naturally mana disruptive metal´s mana dispersion effect amplified massively, and then further refined with runes of [detect], [shine], [direct], [foreign], an interlocked duo of [flow] and [ruination], [consume], [beginning] and [amplify]. Where normally, the metal would disperse small amounts of mana upon being touched, now the doom cubes would, upon absorbing any sizeable amount of mana, project outwards a large field of negatively charged mana, crippling weaker magi and their equivalent in lesser demons, and making complex, wide reaching spolls all but impossible to maintain for all but the mightiest of magi.
yet, he was not done yet, for one more sequence had been carved into the tyrium core. an interlocked pair of [sight] and [light], [consume], [percussion] and [wave].
Thus, should the inner steel core be ruptured, and should light shine upon the tyriumn within, all the mana that had been locked inside would violently rupture outwards in the form of a violent percussive force, not unlike the gravity magic´s telekinesis spell. Worse yet for whomever would destroy a doom cube, this would send the overcharged viridium shards flying violently in all irections at supersonic speeds, creating nothing short of a storm of mana-disrupting shrapnel.
Finally, as each cube was assembled, the owldrake carefully carved a dull, uncharged rune on the outer casing. [awaken]. That was the activation rune. Until this singular rune was fed mana, the cubes would remain merely that, very heavy blocks made up of an eclecting mixture of several metals. however, when that rune was activated, all the runic enchantments would activate at once, beginning the cube´s cruel effect.
[15:24] While everyone assisted with the golems, Jango feels like he could move his focus towards other areas that they more than likely needed assistance with. After all, he is no craftsman; it only makes sense that he uses his superhuman strength to speed up the work of the hard labor.
"Alright, let's get these ores grinded!" He exclaims happily, using his metal magic to form a hammer that he'd then use to grind the ores into a fine powder that would be used for the deployables. "Heave... HOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Just because he was amazing at handling guns didn't mean he lacked expertise in other weapons, after all.
(Jango D. Bogard)
[15:32] Seeing as they were in the same boat, Abilis finds themselves following Jango to help out. Sans any sort of talent in craft their magical advantage in the realm of physical strength would also add to the grinding of the ores.
Yet, he had no metal magic to conjure a hammer! What a curious predicament to be in... Oh right.
He had the power of the stars.
An ore is placed onto the ground not unlike the others on the line for smashing. Yet the Felinae raises a foot wreathed in stardust and-- STOMPS right onto the metal, shattering it similar to Jango's hammering technique.
Though without such a hammer this method was significantly less efficient. So he stomps a few more times to break up the ore into a more fine texture. Similar enough to what Jango produced to work.
Though there would have been a few... Larger chunks in his output.
[15:40] Other workers follow flown lead griding the ores down, more and more poweder begins fill the bowls in a fast pace, touka teached that to him, and he is using his learnings for serenity good.
The cubes frames were previously being made by the non magis, and were brought towards pitt, that took them to improve flown ideia, he liked a lot pitt creativity.
While pitt seems working with his runes process, flown peeks for a momment and let a smile on it, he is glad people anwsered his call for assistance, he thinkks in ways to compensate them later, focusing back to work, he only needed worry about the spears while pitt did the rest of work.
jango smashes the ores down into powder really fast, he is amazed how much he can be creative as well, soon a large ammount of powdered is made, and soon brought towards the portable ovens they spend several minutes inside.
"Careful now folks lets bring them to the frames." He says with jango bringing the content with assistant of tools, several others as well doing until the frames are placed, helpers with buckets of water begin toss on the below part of the frame to give the temperature shock and give a consistent form.
They begin drop those red like spears frames from the cooper adamantite and iron on the carts, ready to be sent to the blacksmites, they hammer them down firmly until they are completely ready.
"Alright the spears are almost ready, jango please move to the higher strucures, there are some tyrium parts there, i want you donate some of your mana there." He points to smaller towers close the middle one.
His eyes turned to daliah and oshun for a momment with a wave given before focus back to work.
"Xiao your alchemy assistance is good for pills later." He says
"Abilis now assist with digging trenches follow the white lines." he say as the lines formed a path arround the arena similar of a lap run.
Meanwhile on field the structure of a improvise observation tower is formed in middle of arena arround the square of it, slowly the form of the obstacle were being formed with the tower im middle of a square form, would be the spot for observation of tropps.
Flown pulls the ready frames and parts of the spears closer pitt they were stored on a cart.
"Please folllow all pit instructions for the craft of the medical guns give any ore he needs or follow his instructions." He says to the people arround, other common workers, They shall assist with all you need.
"I wanted ask if you cam come with a system inside the spears as well that will trigger a defense mechamism i forgot add that on the diagrams but rued suggested add holy mana as well, i can donate it." He says asking it to pitt ready to assist him.
(Flown Akatsuki)
[15:43] Pittwald says, "You´d seek for these devices to posess the ability to directly counter occult mana with your holy mana? That is...well, I believe it is possible. I´ve an idea that might work. It may be possible for me to create a circuit that utilises holy mana to counter occult mana, and channels the excess neutrally charged mana back outside harmlessly. Give me some time, and I´ll see if I can make it work "
[15:43] Flown Akatsuki nods
(Flown Akatsuki)
[15:44] Pittwald says, "Very well, then"
[15:45] Flown Akatsuki says, "Also what you thought of the medic gun design, i got inpired by the mana ripple spell."
[15:45] Flown Akatsuki says, "A device that can feed on their mana to not need amo for shoot"
[15:45] Flown Akatsuki says, "At leat the shooting mechanicsm"
[15:45] Flown Akatsuki says, "The ammo still the darts."
[15:47] Pittwald says, "It is an entirely practical design, however, it feels as though you´ve taken too much inspiration from regulkar mana-rifles. If you wish for a weapon suitable for footsoldiers, you want to maximize the power without relying on the varying skills of its wielders. My suggestion would be to utilise air or even explosion magic as the concussive launching force"
[15:47] Where the help is needed, he would go.
Serenity has been his home for countless years, and no matter the troubles in his own personal life, or any obstacle stopping him, he would always be there in support of his nation.
It's the least he could do for all the help they've offered him in his life.
Moving up to the Tyrium parts of the structure, he channels his mana energy and releases it in a stream, aiming to enhance its properties thanks to his understanding of both Earth and Metals to make it more efficient and durable than before.
"A medic gun, huh...? Damn, that's a good idea. Sounds like one of those weapons I read in my comic books!"
(Jango D. Bogard)
[15:48] Xiao Amamiya asks, "Wait, pills?"
[15:53] Instruction given, instruction followed.
A shovel would be retrieved from the various tools that now scattered the area. Giving a cursory check of the condition, they then proceed to find the white line and takes an initial lap around the marked perimeter.
During this lap the shovel would be tapped at the dirt. Regular spots in the soil - as well as softer areas - would be left unmarked. They would prove no difficulty. It was the harder, compacted spots of the desert sands that would be marked with deep cut to their outer shells.
Those spots would hold up the process in a linear fashion. So instead of trying to tackle them initially, they would be marked and the first to be dug out of the trench.
Striking the weaker parts of the harder dirt, they begin the slow process of removing such compacts and tearing them out from the earth. Tossing chunks of hardened earth and straight stone out of the ground at each marked spot.
Eventually, each of those spots with difficult to work with sands would be random holes in the line. But it was important work so that the regular digging would go rather smoothly. Striking into the sands-
They begin to dig.
A rather tedious process. But Abilis was a man attuned to tedium. Inch by inch the trench would be dug out. And thankfully with their idea of pre-planning, it would go rather smoothly.
It took time. But the Felinae would see it through.
[15:54] Flown Akatsuki says, "Yes xiao physical body encahnt pills and defense against occult ones."
[15:54] {Item} You drop Captain Serenity Actions Ideas.
[15:54] Flown Akatsuki says, "Suplements"
[15:54] {Item} You picked up Captain Serenity Actions Ideas. Dropped by Flown Akatsuki..
[15:54] {Item} You drop Captain Serenity Actions Ideas.
[15:55] Flown Akatsuki says, "The physical ones are the combat medics ace in whole to survival and the occuld provide defense for a bout a day is my plan"
[15:55] Flown Akatsuki says, "To be produced in large scale only lasting for a fight."
[15:58] Xiao Amamiya says, "Those crystals will be a pain, but-"
[15:58] Xiao Amamiya says, "It's possible."
[16:05] Flown Akatsuki says, "We have all the resources unless you mean the pain fo work with large ammounts"
[16:05] {Item} You picked up Captain Serenity Actions Ideas. Dropped by Xiao Amamiya..
[16:05] Xiao Amamiya asks, "Hm?"
[16:05] Xiao Amamiya says, "Oh no, the plan would be simple."
[16:05] Xiao Amamiya says, "If we have the materials already- then perfect."
[16:06] Flown Akatsuki says, "Yes the collaborative effort of donators gathered as well my stocks made that possible."
[16:06] Flown Akatsuki says, "I been wokring all year gathering those "
[16:22] The owldrake had, thanks to the many changes he´d made to his own mind, very, very talented at dividing his attention. In fact, at this point, several semicorporeal projections of the owldrake were ambling about the expansive construction site, each obsessively focusing on a singular task, creating complete devices in perfect tandem with one another. In truth, it seemed as though the owldrake himself wa barely aware of this being the case.
Still, between working on the doom cubes, answering questions from Flown and this new project, were it not for the nonmagi preforming the job of crafting and assembling the lightning rods, he´d still be slowed down quite significantly.
However, he´d be able to focus on his part in the crafting process here.
Drilling a few small holes into the outer casing of the lightning rods, the owldrake began by connecting an additional mechanism to several of the lightning rods at once, focusing on those that had already been assembled.
thin orichalcum rods, jutting out the sides of the massive lightning rods formed a structure akin to the spokes of a wheel. The similarity only contiinued as he continued, connecting all the rods with a fairly thick plate of orichalcum. Next, he grounded it. Using copper to connect countless wires back to the main body of the stake, wherein the electrical energy would be sent into the ground to be harmlessly dispersed. Naturally, it would be helped with the interlocked runes of [guide] and [lightning], ensuring electricity would not flow through the orichalcum.
Then, the mechanism proper. Thick, corded bundles of orichalcum wire diverging from the connecting plate of the channelling mechanism. A fairly large hollow orichalcum sphere, suitably sized for a man to lay their palms upon it at the end of those bundles.
Then, the runes.
[pathway], [ambivalence], [magic], [negativity] for the orichalcum, to ensure its ability to channel mana both inward and outward.
then, for the sphere on the end of the orichalcum bundles, [permeate], [purity] and [power] interlocked, [retainment], [horror] and [cylone] as well as [intake] linked with [divine], and finally [detect]. The spehere would thus divert occult mana into itself and contain it. Then, if someone would place their hands upon the sphere and push holy mana into it, they could freely neutralize it with minimal risk to themselves. conversely, if one were to push their mana into it without occult mana trapped inside, the mechanism would channel their holy mana back into the main lightning stake.
and, to that stake would the final modification be made. Peeling away the outer armor plating, he inscribed [outward], [shine] and [contradict] upon the inner structure before returning the outer plating into place. This was to make it so that if someone were to send a large amount of mana into the mechanism and it were to pass through the sphere and into the stake proper, it would disperse it outside the stake and encode it to clash with mana of an opposite alignment. For instance, if one were to feed holy mana into it, it would disrupt specifically occult mana all around the lightning stake with great effect, though doing this would, if preformed for any length of time would be verz draining for the donor.
[16:32] Yuri Misho says, "Gonna hit up the anvil."
[17:00] The tyrium structures would be used to the train using the spears in future, the treenches used for difficultat the troops movements, soon other obstacles and custom devices would be placed, when the the skeleton of the obstacle field show up.
"Indeed jango, giving range to medics to allow themselves assist without need get close, i believe is a legit improvement on the combat medics plan."
Abili efforts impact the speed of the building as well.
"Well done that eart and sand will also be used later for produce darts, and mix with other construction materials." He said the large trenches done, are slowly filled with the workers that fill them with , mud, obviously to make harder the movement inside.
Soon the middle structure is finished with the work of the non magi, and most of the field areas as well, over the weeks they would build walls to make a proper temporaly 'building'
"Time to work." He says laying his hands on the modificated spears pitt just adjusted, his mana flow intensifies inside of them as flown fills his minds with his motivations that spread around his holy source, protect the honor of martial arts an the weak.
He sweats while his energy is dranned, but he continues until he no longer can, or until the mechanics were filled.
A large sound of siren is sounded, as triggers the end of the workers dutie, they all seem looke at it and smile with releif sights.
"Time to rest folks nice job today" says one of the workers that is on dutie of check the progess, the ammounts of people seems be spreading arround leaving arena.
On the other hands a few troops seems be getting inside, to guard the area while the workers are gone.
(Flown Akatsuki)
[17:02] Pittwald gradually returns to looking solid as the various spectral projections of him disappear
[17:04] Flown Akatsuki says, "Hmmm air or explosion... he also gotta make sure wont harm the people being treated with darts."
[17:05] Pittwald says, "Adjusting the power of such a spell is an elementary matter"
[17:06] Flown Akatsuki says, "I see, lets follow your plan then, when we finish the guns we call it a day, and tomorrow the trainning of unit still will occur"
[17:06] Flown Akatsuki says, "After all they need be fast in reload"
[17:06] Flown Akatsuki says, "And shoot"
[17:06] Flown Akatsuki says, "Not mention precision"
[17:07] Flown Akatsuki sights... falling on ground from mana donate excess...
(Flown Akatsuki)
[17:07] Pittwald says, "That is probably for the best. Preforming the atemporal state method I´ve been doing is quite hard on me as well...However, I am not quite out of reserves yet"
[17:08] Flown Akatsuki coughs a bit blood while is on ground.
(Flown Akatsuki)
[17:09] Flown Akatsuki says, "Let me-- assist pt"
[17:09] Flown Akatsuki says, "Pit"
[17:09] Pittwald , taking note of the other, drained magi, presses one foot on his back gently, inverting the charge of his mana, so that he can begin replenishing his reserves bz absorbing mana from his surroundngs
[17:10] Pittwald says, "In time. if you drain yourself to death, you will become an impediment"
[17:10] "Mhr."
A momentary glance finds themselves looking at the siren. There was still a bit more that could be done, but if the artisans were intent on leaving there really was nothing more Abilis could do.
At least without risking the entire operation.
Lacking skill was getting more hurtful by the moment. But there was always tomorrow. More preparations were happening elsewhere too. So he waves to Flown--
At the same time that he spits some blood. Yikes.
"Could jus' pump ya' full of Star mana to get ya' goin' again too... Don't overwork ya'self, mister Flown."
[17:40] to begin with, the owldrake creates a single prototype, remaining in a single body. In truth, the owldrake had exhausted his impressive reserves of mana very long ago, he´d been running on a mix of absorbing mana from his surroundings and vastly downsizing and streamlining his efforts. Even so, his feathers lay flat against his body, and four of his five eyes remained closed now, as his physical movements had been reduced to a minimum to conserve energy. yet, he continued working at a constant pace, his willpower refusing to yeld before his work was done.
A simple, rugged yet efficient and sleek design, all wood and iron on the outside, but using orichalcum and mythril for the barrel and chamber mechanism, along with tyrium for the powersource.
the elementary [acceptance], [retainment] and [freedom] runes were the backbone to the tyrium, allowing it to preform its function as a battery.
The true magic, literally in this case, was happening in a tiny orichalcum mechanism hidden deep in the center of the weapon.
Upon it was a series of runes. [retrieve] to pull mana from the tyrium battery and then, [compress], [stillness], [direction], [limitation], interlinked [detect] and [release] and finally [revolution]. This sequence was what turned the gun from a bizzare casting focus to a geniuine weapon. [compress], [stillness] and [direction] were the forming runes for the firing spell, a tiny, yet intense blast of pressurised air. [limit], in turn, ensured that the weapon would not fire with such force as to rupture.
[detect] and [release] were keyed to the trigger. In this case an actual trigger that set the [awaken] off, activating the release of the firing spell.
[revolution was a simple encoding to ensure that after firing, the firing spell immideately began reforming, a process that took less than a second given the comparativelz miniscule amount of mana used in it.
finally, a means to load the weapon. In this case, a charging handle, that would allow its wielder to access the firing chamber and load a piece of ammunition into the weapon, with the added bonus that touching the charging handle also worked to refill the weapon´s reserves, as the charging handle was connected to the tyrium battery.
The overall creation was about a meter long and weighed about three kilograms, was quite well balanced and fit reasonably well into the shoulder of a human.
As he finished with the first, the owldrake was already splitting into several astral projections f himself, and began producing these guns with the efficiency of an industrial factory belt.
At last though, after several hundred specimens were finished, the owldrake´s projections collapsed into themselves almost simultaneously, the owldrake himself nearly collapsing, stopping even his own breathing for a moment before his complex network of runic enhancements stabilised again with an intake of converted mana from his surroundings.
"It is done. but, I cannot do very much more. the framework has been strained, it isn´t meant to sustain the atemporal state for that long, and I am beginning to be forced to pay the toll for making it do as much"
[18:00] {Item} You drop Captain Serenity Actions Ideas.
[18:07] Pitt small donation is enough to make flown recover himself as he got up he waves is hands for abilis after pitt already helping.
"Is fine abilis pitt did already, thanks for the hard work today,i havent forgot the promise of giving the credits." He says, he stands nearby seeing pitt work.
He begun feel bad for seeing pitt working more than the healty limits provide, he was fine doing so, but letting others, was not something he wanted, but if pitt was willingly he could not refuse.
A few non magi that were nearby to help him gathered the productions he was made and begun properly put on the carts for transportation, was the least they could do. he rushes closer him after he collapsed to check if he was fine.
"Is okay pitt, you did maybe even more than i did for all, your kindness and hardwork wont be forgot, from none of those that assisted today..."
"I can attempt heal ya... but seems a complex wound... if you asssit me with your heal process i can attemp.t" he says.
He turns to alibis.
"We going have trainning for medical units tomorrow alibis, for today we set, thanks for the help!" he smiles.
(Flown Akatsuki)