The Republic's main consumption is potatoes and meat. The potatoes were found in the hills the land and mass farmed to assist the logistical difficulties that the Republic faced in its early wars, the potato managed to keep starvation away thanks to the ease of planting in any terrain, large yield results, and its high nutritional value.
Meat on the other hand remained a harder to produce product, as the wars didn't allow for much cattle to be farmed or imported. After the wars thought, both potato and meat production were focused on and increased in order to properly feed the population, the preferred meat is cattle and goats, these two animals can easily survive in the hilly terrain of the lands, although goats are a lot more free-range than the cattle is. The export of meat to other states aside from those directly neighbouring the Republic only recently took off due to the difficulties in maintaining it cool on long trips be it across sea travel or through the land.

Other crops aside from potatoes do exist to a lesser degree, mainly wheat which is used for bread baking, small amounts of sugar beet for local sugar production, gathering berries is often done as a communal activity by many of the Republic's rural areas. Experiments with cash crops generally failed due to climate and terrain concerns.
Due to a relative shortage of wheat(sicne most wheat farms are state-owned and yields stockpiled in strategic reserves), urban bakers and rural farmers use boiled potatoes or potato flour to stretch out the wheat flour. Although potato bread doesn't last as long as wheat bread, due to its moist and fluffy texture it's one of the national food of the Republic, a staple besides the usual beef and potatoes. Bakers working in the joint /nasa/-/who/ industrial bakery also make potato rolls for the republic's burger chains. The airy buns are perfect for hamburgers due to their pillowy texture, sweet flavour and crispy crusts when toasted.
Greenhouses near urban centres cultivate crops that don't grow as well in the republic's climate such as exotic fruits like pineapple, they are limited in number and only serve the demand of wealthier citizens.

The Republic does not hold the need to import food, it is the exporting nation for its neighbours, although rarer foods and crops are often brought by the richer citizens that wish to try more exotic food and by researchers that are looking to study and improve the agricultural production of the nation. The diet for the average citizen of the Republic is healthy and varied enough to avoid any malnutrition problems.

The cuisines of the Republic are divided by climate and geographical lines. In the West, the food reflects the diverse agriculture and food source afforded by the region's warmer, sunnier climate and coastline. Fish and other bounties of the sea are widely available even in areas further inland(albeit in a still limited radius) thanks to improvements in transportation methods. Fruits like peppers, olives and tomatoes are featured heavily in the cuisines of the Western lowlands. A wide variety of culinary fruits like citruses are planted in the West as well, so their presence in dishes is notable, though not as common in desserts. The importation of rice from nations like /morig/ and limited farming in the west aided the spread of rice consumption, but it's still far behind potatoes and wheat. The cuisine in the East appears more rustic, mostly consisting of soups and stews. Since most Eastern arable land is used for grazing and potatoes, hardier vegetable crops are grown. Freshwater fishing and hunting are important supplemental protein sources for people living in this area, although the continued industrial exploitation of resources saw a moderate decline in such activity.

Due to the material shortages during the founding war and the general nature of the people, the cuisine is quite simple. You wouldn't find any half suckling pigs stitched with half a hen in the country. Dishes are mostly no-frills with basic or no garnish. And chefs try to let the natural flavors of the ingredients come out, so milder, warming spices preferred like nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon. The Republic's food is generally low in spices but perhaps contradictingly, its citizens do enjoy heat a lot. Every dining table isn't complete without a bottle of hot sauce. Originally made as a hobby by an officer garrisoning a Naval fortification in the West, The vinegary Tobias sauce is popular among both soldiers and civilians.

Typical etiquette for eating is considered informal and flexible, as long as you eat the right stuff and don't make a mess no one will tell you anything, often workers will have mid-work lunches so that they can re-energize in the middle of the day. This also traduces itself to the political upper class, as most will simply sit down along with friends or family and eat what they've prepared without paying much attention to proper etiquette. It is to be mentioned however that most people will not speak at all during their meals.
Host to a growing working class, both in number and income, cities in the republic have developed a restaurant culture. Bistros serve more well-off workers(often white-collar) looking for meals that are closer to home-cooked and high-end establishments serve the wealthy and middle-class citizens. Though most still workers fill their stomachs in canteens of their respective factories.

Some notable dishes:

Fried rice: Medium grain rice is fried together with sour, pickled leafy vegetables, onions, garlic and egg. Seasoned with fermented chilli sauce and chilli powder, diced chicken or seafood are added as well. It's typically made with leftover rice, when one has cooked too much.

Seafood pasta: Popular among visiting tourists, sauces range from cream, tomato to simple garlic and olive oil. You would suddenly get a craving for it.

Pepper salad: Sweet peppers, onions, perfectly cooked, juicy chicken and other fresh vegetables, covered in a refreshing vinaigrette, what's not to love? Just remember to not undercook the chicken.

Tuna salad: Can be made with either raw or canned tuna, it is mixed with finely chopped red onions and celery(perferably in a blue bowl). Dressed with mayonnaise and mustard, it's served either in lettuce leaves or a small loaf of bread.

Meat and potatoes: Classic among classics, it IS the staple no matter where you are from. Beef and mutton are the most common type of meat used. Common seasoning includes warm spices like black pepper and mace, vinegar and mustard.

Poorman's pasta: Said to be the creation of impoverished students in the country's school towns, the cooked noodle is added to fried garlic and shallots, mixed with canned seafood. It is then lathered in Tobias sauce.

Vegetable soup: Might not be filling to the stomach but it will fill your heart. Served with potato bread, the childhood food of every citizen alongside meat and potatoes.

Cheese and bread: Large amount of cattle also means a large amount of cheese. Literally just cheese and bread. But who would eat like a peasant?

Pizzas: Another favourite of tourists, also children. Although only limited to red sauce, there is a large variety of toppings available, including the famous sun-dried tomato pizza. Remember, the crust the the best part.

Coffee cake: Contains no coffee! But as the name implies, it goes well with a cup of hot joe. Just don't eat too much lest you get a sugar high.

Fruit yoghurt: Either flavoured with preserves made with berries, topped with real fruits or both. Makes for a nice summer treat in the West or a light dessert after a filling meal in the East.

Fruit compot: Made with berries or other kinds of fruit. It's either drunk as a sweet soup or thickened with starches. Can be served hot or cold.

Ice cream: It's ice cream! What's not to love? Generally flavoured with fruits and spices. It's sold almost everywhere in the country, though in villages, it's limited during occasions. And the cost of making them means it's mostly considered a delicacy.

Long pig: ???

Pub: 01 Jun 2022 13:54 UTC
Edit: 01 Jun 2022 17:46 UTC
Views: 95