
This is a story about a pair of twins. Sunny, and Harumi.
These two had everything. A wealthy family, a loving mother and father, friends that they cherished, and a big sister they loved with all their hearts. Mari liked to spoil the two, and they leaned on her. The three of them were happy as could be, having picnics with their friends, one who filled a photo album with all of their memories. The two of them were happy.
Until one day, disaster struck. Sunny broke the violin and Mari started screaming at him. Sunny pushed Mari, and she died. Haru watched from the doorway to their room. Basil saw it, and wanted to protect Sunny. His idea was that if Mari looked like she had died some other way, nobody would blame Sunny. The two of them carried her to the backyard. Haru watched from the sliding glass door.
And all three saw SOMETHING. Staring back at them.
It started with a kiss. It was only a month after Mari died and Sunny was nearly bedridden, only getting out to go to the bathroom. One day, Haru had an idea. All those old fairy tales showed that a kiss could rouse someone from a deep sleep. So, she tried it. She pressed her lips on his the way she remembered Mari doing with Hero, and tried to kiss him. It certainly sparked a reaction out of Sunny, and even got him to sit up.
One day, Haru was a sobbing mess. They were home alone and Sunny didn't know what to do. Until he remembered what Haru did, and he kissed her. She almost pulled back, but she didn't. Ever since that day, they started kissing every once in a while. Haru would kiss him to wake him up, and he did when she cried. Soon they were doing it every morning, when they were alone. Eventually those kisses started to become a bit...dirty. They knew it was wrong, but they kept doing it.

Sunny and Haru were always together. Hands locked together, almost shoulder to shoulder at times. They'd press their chairs together at dinner time, something mom had long since given up on stopping after the 40th time.
They even started going to the bathroom together, and even taking baths together. It was embarrassing to see the other without any clothes on, and pretty cumbersome for them to be in the same bathtub, but they hated being alone. Being separate. The two were practically locked against each other. Hands, arms, shoulders, legs...and mouths.

Mom noticed some of this. She didn't have the heart to separate them, not after they were separated from their sister. But she did try to encourage them to visit their friends. Maybe they were this attached because they only had each other. But nothing she said got through to them. They kept spiraling, and getting closer and closer. It started to really worry her.
"Sunny, Haru...we're moving away."
They didn't really process the news. They couldn't really process it. Moving...away? It was sad to think about, but they'd still have each other.
Knock knock knock knock
"Do you remember me? It's your old friend, Kel!"
"So, I...uh...I noticed the “For Sale” sign in front of your house...and I...err...heard from my mom that you were moving away soon."
"I was wondering...if you wanted to hang out one more time before you go...or whatever...for old time's sake, y'know?"
"Hellloooooooo? Are you there?"
They didn't know what to do. They didn't know how to answer. They just clinged to each other, and stayed quiet.
Two days later, and all the chores had been done. The floors were clean, the dishes were washed, and their things were sorted.
The two of them lied in their bed, hands interlocked against the other, bodies touching the other, and faces pressed nose to nose. Haru was happy to be this close to her brother, and Sunny was happy to be this close to his sister.
"Sunny, I love you so, so much..."
"I...love you too...Haru..."
Haru had an idea. An act. Proof that they would be together forever.
Haru pulled a hand away from his. He looked at her, confused. Haru reached an arm below, and slid down her skirt, and soon with it her panties. Sunny's eyes widened, realizing what she wanted. "W-wait, Haru. We shouldn't..." He tried to reason, knowing what a mistake this would be. But Haru reached her head forward and kissed him. After a moment she pulled back to say "I know...but I don't want to...ever..."
Sunny pulled down his shorts and underwear, taking them off. He climbed on top of her, and paused to give them both one last chance to stop this. After a moments hesitation, Sunny plunged into her. Haru yet out a pained yelp as she was pushed against the pillow, and Sunny almost pulled away hearing it before she clung to him tighter; "Pleasedon'tleavemepleasedon'tleavemepleasedon'tleaveme-" He pulled back in to her to reunite with her lips. They needed this. They needed the comfort of the others presence. They needed the safety of the others touch. They needed the bliss of the others love. They needed each other. They needed to be together. They just had to.
The twins had no idea how to do this. All they knew to do was to cling to each other desperately, to relish in the other. They pressed their tongues as deeply into the others mouth as they could, breathing each others air. It was suffocating, but they didn't dare pull away. It felt like they were drowning on the others saliva, but that didn't deter them. They couldn't bear to be separate for even a second anymore.
It was ecstasy. Haru felt her whole body tremble with each sensation coming from within her. This felt better than anything she had felt in her life, and looking up at Sunny's face filled her with such joy, to know she was doing this with the only person she ever loved.
Sunny felt overwhelmed at the sensations filling his mind. Being so connected with her, his tongue around hers, his arms around her back, the melting heat coming from each spot they were connected, he could barely process anything that wasn't her, the most important person in his life.
And at last, it happened. The sensations inside them came to a head as Sunny let something out inside her, and Haru's eyes widened as she felt warmth seep into her. It was too warm, the room, the blankets, the sweat, the warmth, each other. They relished in it. Sunny collapsed on top of her as they sunk into the blankets and mattress, feeling their labored breathing against the others body.
They wouldn't lose the other. They couldn't. They hated being alone more than anything. They'd never have to be alone. They'd always be together, a part of each other's lives, until the day they died. Until the day they got to see Mari again, hand in hand.
It only got worse after that. They got even more clingy, more openly close, the one time mom forced them to be separate they both broke down and cried for hours. They couldn't ever be separate, they wouldn't ever be separate, it would kill them.
But worst of all, they kept doing it. They pressed further, exploring each others body, never wanting to give the other up. Countless times she took him in and countless times Sunny filled her. It was want, it was need, they needed this, they needed the other, they had to have this, they couldn't lose the other, they couldn't afford to, they didn't want to be alone, they didn't want to...
Fear unlike anything she had experienced filled Haru one morning.
A possibility.
One both chose to ignore.
One both of them thought of, but never really considered it.
One both of them were deathly afraid of, but kept going in spite of.
Haru...she noticed...her...
Haru's belly started to swell.
The twins looked at each other.
They knew their faces were mirrors of each other.
The two of them clinged to each other, their only source of comfort anymore, their only support.
What...could they do...?

Pub: 02 Aug 2022 14:03 UTC
Views: 672