Patience & Time

Part 1

The whispering rumble of people moving and talking outside the small room was cast over by syncopated mechanical clicks.
An aging keyboard linked to an aging computer, worked by the tired hands of a clock slower and less rhythmic than its internal gearbox would like.
'Unfixable' would be an exaggeration, meant to garner sympathy. She was not any more or less valuable than any of the other
cogs in this system. And although her inner workings had their issues, there was no real issue as long as she delivered.
Accomplish what is expected of you. A touchdown is still a touchdown, and whether the player runs it back 100 yards, or simply rams it through the defense at the 1 yard line is irrelevant.

'If that is the case, why have I worked here for so many years?'
She wondered to herself.
Pausing for a moment, she leaned back, and looked over at the nameplate on her desk. Reaching over, she picked it up and turned it around.
A gift from one of her old friends from university.
Ouro Kronii,
It read.

Her train of thought was broken by a loud, rhythmic knocking on her door.
It startled her a bit, brought back to the present.
'Come in,' her voice resonated in an even, professional tone that possessed a tinge of sympathy.
Opening the door, a short figure entered. Bright pink eyes peered at her.
Immediate eye contact, basically staring at her. For most people, it would have been a little uncomfortable.
"Hi, hi! Yeah, I just wanted to come in and talk about- ahhh- uhhm, post-secondary and all that-'
Upon entering she seemed to possess a bit of a nervous demeanor, though this was almost instantly pushed aside by her
bright smile and loud voice.

'One moment, let me just pull up your information...'
Looking over at her screen as she spoke, she skimmed over her file;
Gigi Murin
Grade 12..
Below average grades...
Diagnosed with ADHD at age 12...
Has some difficulty focusing during class...
Had difficulty making friends/interacting with others during elementary school...

She isn't going to read all of that.
Hundreds of kids with the same issues coming in for the same reasons.
It isn't that she doesn't care. If she didn't, she would have simply done something else.
But giving her preferential treatment- special attention- over other students is out of the question. And entirely pointless.
'What does every autistic kid want? to be normal. And being normal- means being like me.' She thought to herself.

There was more information there, however she's going to keep this short. And be as direct and to-the-point as possible.
If not for Gigi's sake, then for her own. Getting too attached to a single student's case is a recipe for disaster. It's happened to her before.

'So, do you have anything in mind? anywhere in mind...?
She smiled softly, the tone of her voice like fine cashmere.

Pub: 06 Jan 2025 18:05 UTC
Edit: 06 Jan 2025 18:09 UTC
Views: 67