Moris Managed Meticulously
/morig/'s 2023 Birthday Project

Posts from the dev
(1/23) >>41576947

In other news, I just finished bug fixing the level editor for the Mori organizing game we were talking about making for her birthday
Now any anon itt can make levels easily to contribute to this birthday project. I went ahead and recreated levels 1-10 of the game and put them in this build already to demonstrate how easy it will be to add everyone's levels. I'll also post a json of level 23, which I made before, so that everyone can test the import feature:

What we need now is art. I made a mega folder with all the pieces used here:
Two versions of each piece is needed, one idle pose, and one when it's being carried. Other art needed will be a logo, some back ground art, and something to use as an obstacle, I was thinking a deadbeat skull since its easy and would fit with the modularity of the level builder.

The only thing I don't have is a way to collect everybody's levels and art, so I'm relying on you guys to post them here. I think there might also be a way to set that up in a mega, but I don't really wanna do that.

Anyway, if the person who makes these >>41558854 anchor posts can include these links in there then that would be great

due: before 4/4

Pub: 23 Jan 2023 20:06 UTC
Views: 918