A Cartellino of Memories (Part 2)

A Bloom Time-Lapse Event Side Story

A Cartellino of Memories_01

A Cartellino of Memories_02

The Usual Scenes of Daily Life

Panda: Ah, the day is finally over…

Chisa: Phew… The bath with sakura petals was so nice. Oh, I have an idea.

Panda: Sassu, not now. I don’t have any energy left for this…

Chisa: You do look tired.

Panda: Haaaaaaaah~… To think I fell asleep in front of everyone. And you all saw the side of me I never intended to show…

Chisa: Just shows how much effort you’ve put into preparing for the party.

Panda: …Well, seems like everyone had a good time. No point in worrying about small things.

Chisa: You stayed up all night, editing that video.

Panda: Yeah, when working on videos, there’s always room for improvement. I’m satisfied with the result, but not happy with some of the decisions.

Chisa: Ow, the struggles of a true pro.

Panda: Panda’s a streamer, so you can call her a pro… But, well. Thanks to our collective brainstorming with Koko-chan, we somehow managed, so it’s all good.

Panda: Now then, what about you?

Chisa: I’m really curious about that bath full of gobies you dreamed of. You can probably patent that idea…

Panda: That’s not what I meant! I’m asking how it was with Kathrin and Oshizu-chan while we were editing!

Chisa: Ah, that. It was kinda fun.

Panda: Really now? And what were you doing?

Chisa: Hmm, at first we went to make a midnight snack…

Kathrina: Looks like Kokona and Panda will be staying up late, so I thought it would be nice if we cooked something for them.

Shizuka: Should be something you can quickly eat while working then. Or what you can eat on a short break, maybe?

Kathrina: Let’s see, we have bread, some vegetables… some ham, too. Well then…

Chisa: Somen noodles it is then.

Kathrina: Right, let’s make somen noodles… wait. That’s nonsense! How are you going to use bread for that?!

Chisa: Fufufu. Let me teach you my culinary secret. The truth is, toasts… are great with mentsuyu.

Kathrina: …You won’t fool me.

Chisa: If you don’t believe me, just try it. Well, I’ll boil the noodles then. And you’ll handle mentsuyu.

Kathrina: …are bonito flakes really sufficient for a broth?

Chisa: They’re perfect.

Shizuka: No, no, no! Nothing perfect about any of that! Kathrina, weren’t you going to make sandwiches?

Kathrina: No way! Sasuga managed to trick me into wanting to cook somen noodles?!

Shizuka: Sasuga, you too, take water off the stove!

Chisa: Please, don’t try to stop me. There are times when you just have to act.

Kathrina: I’ll stop you!

Shizuka: …If things go on like this, we’ll only cause more trouble for Kokona and Panda.

Chisa: …so, it got kind of messy. In the end, I couldn’t cook somen noodles.

Panda: Since you mentioned making a snack, but we never got to have it, I was wondering what happened… Don’t cause trouble for the girls like that.

Panda: …I hope the rest of the night was rather uneventful?

Chisa: Well, after that we decided to go to bed, since we’d have to get up early…

Shizuka: Well then, I’m turning off the lights.

Kathrina: Good night, girls.

Chisa: Night-night.

Shizuka: Good night.

Shizuka and Kathrina: …

Kathrina: Shizuka, did you forget to close the window?

Shizuka: That’s weird. I’m pretty sure I closed it tight… Yeah, it’s closed alright.

Kathrina: Huh, that weird noise is getting louder?

Shizuka: Hold up, it doesn’t really seem like the sound of the wind.

Kathrina: …H-huh? What is it then?

Shizuka: It can’t be…

Kathrina: W-what can’t…

Shizuka: There’s a rumor about a ghost of a girl who messed up her bangs. She was so embarrassed that she’s been practicing cutting the wigs every night ever since…

Kathrina: H-hey, stop that. How long do you think we’ve been living in this room?

Kathrina: Besides, how do you even cut something with such a mouth-watering sound… Wait! This really is weird!

Shizuka: Just what on earth… Wait, could it be… Sasuga?

Chisa: What’s up?

Kathrina: Your phone… That sound’s coming from there!

Chisa: Huh? Ah, it’s nice, isn’t it? That’s an ASMR recording. I’ve been listening to them lately. Thought it might help me sleep better, since they are said to have a calming effect.

Kathrina: There’s nothing calming about it!

Panda: You were really being a nuisance, you know?!

Chisa: …Oh, sorry… That’s because I’m used to sleeping in the same room with you.

Panda: Huh? Care to explain?

Chisa: I just wanted to do the usual thing…

Panda: …Oh well~

Panda: Didn’t know you had such a sensitive mentality.

Panda: Just why should it be ASMR recordings, though?

Chisa: …Panda, did it bother you too?

Panda: Well…

Panda: …gosh~

Panda: (Getting used to it is frightening.)

Chisa: So it really did, right?..

Panda: Don’t mind it, let’s go to sleep, Sassu…

Chisa: P-pandaa…

Panda: Come on, good night.

Panda: (…huh, it’s unusual to see Sassu worry about such things. Guess, I’ll just keep silence for the time being.)

Previous part

Pub: 04 Oct 2024 00:05 UTC
Edit: 04 Oct 2024 10:16 UTC
Views: 79