Deafening silence was her only ambience as Kronii carefully built the most perfect burger.
She was left all alone in the kitchen, doing her tasks like any normal crewmate.
She fidgeted, the tightness of her latex pressure suit that contorted to her body caused her no end of itches and uncomfort. She was soaking in her own sweat underneath.
"WAH!" Kronii bolts upright while shouting out a large GWAK, her spine threatening to jump out of her body.
She looks to her right, seeing Ina in her own purple skin tight pressure suit. A halo over her head and a wry smile behind the visor.
"Oh Ina, didn't see you there." Kronii says muffled through the surgical mask she wore under the visor, she was quite anal about her hygiene.
"Whatcha doin?" Ina tilts her head, looking at the burger on the table.
"What do you think? Doing tasks." Kronii says nervously, her suspicions flaring up.
"Hey Ina, don't kill me okay." Kronii says half-jokingly noticing that they were the only two in the kitchen.
"Okay." Ina says simply, standing there with that grin never straying from her face.
Kronii awkwardly returns to her task, Ina couldn't possibly be the imposter right?
It was then she felt something wrap around her ankles. Kronii looks down, seeing large writing dark tentacles slithering around her legs.
She couldn't even let off a scream when she was suddenly trust in the air, four eldritch appendages constricted her legs and arms. A fifth entangling itself around her neck, preventing her from breathing.
Kronii's terror stricken eyes look down from her lifted up perspective. The entity that took the shape of Ina pulsating and shifting it's maddeningly space defying flesh. Kronii pissed herself out of fear.
More smaller tentacles lash out, Kronii could only gasp out in pain as their suckers tear into the pressure suit, stripping away the advanced plastics and materials that gave her protection, exposing her naked skin and flesh to the unwanted touch of the Ina-entity.
Kronii's body started squirming, her nipples and pussy molested and intruded upon by slimy and mucus laden not-meat that pressed and squeezed into her orifices.
Not-Ina smiled as she saw the mixture of urine and cum that was now dripping down on the tentacle that had invaded her lovely bushy cunt.
Kronii inhaled a deep breath as the tentacle that had her throat in a vice released itself, only to choke even more as it tore her mask off and shoved itself down her mouth and deep into her throat.
She could feel it's sticky and oozing texture as it crashed against the wall of her inner throat, causing it to bulge out. She wanted to gag and vomit out but the tentacle would not allow her.
All the while the creature-that-was-not-Ina shivered and trembled, as if it took a perverse joy from violating poor lonely Kronii.
The tentacle recedes out, Kronii sputters and coughs in desperate hunger for air, her head dropping down in weak submission. Her body still wracked in orgasmic pleasure.
The tentacle responsible for her mouth rape, lifts her chin up gently. Allowing the dignity of a weakened Kronii the chance of seeing her own demise.
Not-Ina's mouth was wide open like a bear-trap. A long, dark and spear like prehensile tongue slithering out.
It was quick, whipping forward like a bullet and piercing Kronii dead center in the forehead. Kronii could only widen her eyes in surprise before her head dropped inanimately, her body still and quiet.
She was dead.
Inaposter let Kronii's poor body crash into the kitchen floor, her bouncy and bruised breasts shaking as she landed.
NotIna surveyed her first kill, Kronii's limbs were contorted over each other, her naked torso freed of the oppressive suit. Showing the creature the discoloring purple skin that dotted her breasts stomach and groin.
She was drenched, covered in a mixture of Kronii's sweat and the unnatural mucus like substance that were excreted by notIna
The creature straddles the corpse, it's gloved hands caressing the soft still wet lips of her fallen prey.
She stare's into Kronii's beautiful but empty blue eyes that stared at the ceiling, A perfectly round hole in the middle of her forehead, all neat and pretty like. ImposterIna brushing away Kronii's bangs to see it clearly.
NotIna gives a final insult, planting a deep and loving kiss into Kronii's mouth. Her now normal fingers, pressing on her breasts and inserting into her still wet and warm vagina. Having a final pleasurable encounter before moving on to the others.
Unbeknownst to her, Kronii's spirit stood beside her. Looking at the desecration of her corporeal form.
"I knew it" She says in an emotionless and deadpanned voice.

Pub: 24 Oct 2021 11:51 UTC
Views: 263