You were Anon
An average, if young human male who seemingly despised anthro women
You however, secretly found them very appealing, it was the whole domination thing they had going on that twisted your innards into knots
Most human boys would have anthros crawling all over them. Some were there solely for lust, others genuinely loved human boys.
You were ignored and left alone by the vast majority of the anthro girls you knew
This did not come without a price however, you were left alone because a sounder of boar anthros had ‘claimed’ you for themselves
They were crude and lecherous in their behavior towards you. Constantly asking if you wanted to ‘pull some pork’, or if you’d let them ‘teach you how to squeal’. The worst line came from a particularly tall, broad and muscled sow who asked if you would ‘glaze her haunches’.
They weren’t forceful, but it was clear they were a bunch of horny sows who wanted nothing more than to have a shared ‘humie’ that they all desired

Most of them were older than you, but not by much. With the oldest only being 5 years older than you
You yourself were 18, having just graduated highschool and been thrust out in the wide-open world
Your parents, who were not kind or generous in any sense, had kicked you out of the home. You expected as much, given that they had only ‘been there’ for most of you life
You were working a dead-end job, and living inside what amounted to a closet-space advertised as a apartment
Without a ton of money, you took up hiking as a hobby since you lived in the middle of the southeastern boondocks. You were several hours away from everywhere else, a geographical anomaly
There were a lot of lakes around the area, and to keep your water-bill down you had taken up skinny-dipping to cool-off and keep clean

Today was an average day, you had the day off and had taken a hike through the landscape and worked up a sweat. You had even begun taking a log of interesting plants, fungi or animals you encountered
With sweat dripping down your forehead, you descended down to a small lake and stripped. Leaving your clothes upon some rocks to dry
You swam out and enjoyed yourself, before paddling to a small, sheltered alcove that you could clean yourself in peace at
When you came back to swim ashore and find your clothes. You found that they were missing. Ice ran through your veins as you heard barely-suppressed giggling and snorting

”Well! Lookie here girls! Th’ hunk just up and disappeared on us, only to wash up naked in our waterin’ hole!” A husky tone yelled from the tree-line. That would be Lee, or Eileen if you were to use her actual name. She was the leader of the sounder, as far as you could tell. She stepped out from the trees, revealing that she was stark naked. She was extremely strong and well-built, but covered with a layer of fat that gave her plenty of jiggle and a curved belly. She was covered with a thin layer of shaggy fur, and possessed two, massive breasts that rested lightly on her belly. Her hair was a reddish-brown, almost rust colored that gave way to a tawny brown pelt. Her privates were obscured by her thick pubic-fur. The hairs around her slit were short and out of the way, but the ones that ran up her belly were longer and drooping from sweat.

”Looks like he already got the memo on proper swimmin’ attire!” Called out a high, almost squealing-voice. That was April, the youngest of the boars. She was a great deal smaller than her compatriots, roughly your height. Her small frame didn’t have much in the way of pudge for a boar. Allowing you to see the rippling muscle that was normally obscured by it. Her hair was straw-blonde and long. Currently hanging free without a hint of styling. She too was naked, infact, all of the boars were naked. This was looking like the start to a porno shoot.

Several more emerge from the brush. In total, six boars stand between you and dry land
You make out the charcoal-furred Mary with her short-cut hair and distinctive ‘razorback’, along with untrimmed tusks. She’s massive compared to the others. 100% strongfat, the muscle managing to show beneath her padding.
There’s piebald June, splotches of brown disturbing her otherwise pristine white coat. She’s a bit fuzzier than the others, with a fuzzy mop of hair on her head that comically drapes over her eyes and makes it seem as though she’s blind.
Penny is the next one over with grey, spotted fur and a lack of noticeable headfur. A patch was slung over one of her eyes, having always been there. She was rather average in build for a boar, much like June. Thickset, chubby and muscled
Lastly you spot flat-chested and ruddy-furred Becky. Her tits are rather small for a boar, but as if to compensate she has a pair of amazonian thighs and rear-end. Almost giving her a rabbit-like appearance from a distance

You gulp down the bile in your throat, and suppress the fear-boner that’s threatening to rise out of you
”Did you so-. Did you take the clothes I had sunning out on these here rocks!?” You question in an accusing tone.
Lee is quick to fire back. “No sir, not our fault if you can't keep track of where you leave your rags when going for a dip!”
You stay in the water as the sounder of sows grows closer to you, until they’re right up on the shore.
”Course, I think you should be more worried about tresspassin’ on our property. Rather than worrying about being naked. The latter ain’t a crime, even if it does cost you some of that ‘pure Human dignity’.” Lee teases as she draws even closer, taking a seat on the rocks in front of you and spreading her legs. Letting you get an eyeful of her moist cunt.
Your boner flares to life underneath the waves, thankfully the water isn’t that clear this time of year.
”Never understood that. Your all’s obsession with clothes, seems like it would be more comfortable to go buff like us in this weather. Rather than sweating and getting your clothes all dirty.” She remarks, idly scratching her thighs.
”So, why don’t you come on up out of the water and tell us why you was skulkin’ around on our property and we might just let you walk on out of here Anon.” She hastily adds, patting the rocks near her.

Naturally, you refuse to do so, and before you can even blink. Mary is already charging, tearing through the water towards you and scooping you up. Her height allowed her to stride along the bottom while you struggled to tread water.
She carries you out of the water and sets you down, with surprising gentleness, next to Lee.
You’re shaking from a mixture of fear, arousal and cold from having been submerged in the lakewater
Your boner throbs achingly in the warm air, having been weeks since you felt the urge to ‘clean your pipes’. It had given you plenty of time to inconveniently be backed up for this moment
All of the sows are staring at you, making you very uncomfortable under their gaze. You shiver even more, and then you feel Lee wrap an arm around you and hold you close. Likely an attempt to help warm you up. You’d normally shove her off, but, you kind of like the sensation.

”Anon. T. Nymous. And you’re not getting pissy about me touching you naked? Who the hell are you and what did you do with him?” The sow guffaws. “I’m just messin’ with you about the trespassing thing. We do own the land, but it’s not marked well and we don’t care so long as no one litters.” She clears her throat. “So why the change in heart, normally you’d have shoved me away and called me a ‘fat pig’ by now.”
You were a bit of an asshole while you were younger, and while you weren’t very comfortable with anthro women still. You were a saint compared to your vicious, younger self that got black-eyes and harassed by the anthro schoolgirls.
”I’m cold.” You reply, trying to keep your voice monotone to avoid giving away any emotion. But your voice cracks for a moment, and soon Lee has you sitting within her lap. Breasts pressed against your back and arms wrapped around your shoulders.
Normally you would protest, but the naked sow was blissfully warm against your naked skin, and her embrace just felt good
You didn’t know why just being held by her felt this good, but you had been missing this sort of thing your whole life.

You’ve been utterly alone for the past couple of months, whereas before you at least had some contact with your parents. They’d listen, even if they never showed you any affection.
”I-I’ve not been doing well.” You reply honestly to Lee’s question. You feel her draw you in closer, and the sounder of sows draw in tighter around you
”My shitty parents who never cared for me kicked me, and now I’m living in a closet, working a dead-end job. Is that what you wanted to know? The speciest human’s all fucked up and living like shit.” You snarl at her.
Her embrace around you grows tighter, confusing you greatly. You thought she’d get vindictive and mean, they were your former bullies after all.
”No Anon, that’s fuckin’ awful and if you told us that we’d have helped ya, or at the least not ribbed you as much.” She replies.
”Bullshit! You all just fuckin’ catcalled and mad-” You’re silenced by her raising a hand to your mouth

”Anon, we was all a bunch of horny, young sows. And we still are. All that teasing we did? It’s because we were attracted to ya.”
You try to free your mouth to give another scathing reply, but she holds firm. “You’re a really good guy Anon, beneath your miles of parent and affection issues. We know you really don’t hate us, otherwise.” She reaches out and grabs a hold of your boner, which is still standing strong. You’re over-sensitive and can’t help but buck your hips instinctually from the sensation.
”You wouldn’t be sporting a boner that could drill diamond.” She leans in close to your ear and whispers something that makes your blood run cold. “We know you like U.F.B.”
”How the F-!” You attempt to question, only for your muffled voice to end in a squawk as she gently squeezes your cock. It angrily fires a strand of pre into the warm, summer air.

”Ssssh. Just let us take care of you. If you want Anon, you can stay with us at our place. We’ve got room, you’ll have plenty of people who know what it’s like to have shitty parents, and all the boar pussy you can eat.”
The offer is incredibly tempting, but on the flip-side you don’t know if they’re being wholly sincere or not.
”Don’t expect you to have an answer right now. Tell you what, you let us know after we’re all done here~” She remarks in a sultry tone, before standing up and carrying you with her. You don’t bother fighting.
You’re set down within a clear patch of dirt, the loamy soil warm and slightly moist against your skin.
Lee is quick to clamber over top of you, breasts dangling down in front of you while she straddles your shaft. Her hips angle forward to grind her puffy lips against your shaft, and a whorish moan escapes your mouth from the contact
You blush furiously, much to the amusement of your partners.

”Safeword is ‘Ohl-lee-garchy’. Cry that out if we’re getting too rough, or if you’re uncomfortable darlin’.” Lee states, betraying her eastern kentucky accent.
Mary circles around and gets down on her knees over your head, and suddenly your world is darkened by a pair of charcoal thighs that could crack skulls, and a massive, drooling pussy. The smell is overwhelming and you feel your cock attempting in vain to grow even harder.
”Course, gonna have to scream it for us to hear you underneath all that boar-puss you’re about to swallow~” Lee adds, before rotating around on your hips, hooking your cock with the entrance of her pussy and slamming herself to the hilt in one fluid motion
As she does this, Mary kneels forward, pressing her crotch against your face. Your entire world becomes sow, with two, massive thighs cradling your head and blocking out sound. A face-full of boar pussy fills your mouth, blocks your nose and you can see nothing but her pubic-fur and the curve of her belly.
Your dick is enveloped inside a hot, silken chamber. With a light, undulating pressure that’s squeezing your cock and forcing the velvet-like texture of her walls to grind against your sensitive rod
A spasm rocks your hips as you instinctively buck upwards and into that wonderful snatch, the pleasure is too much for you to handle and you let a low, throaty moan escape into the slit enveloping your mouth

Lee’s slit and the musky boar-pussy currently lodged in your face is currently working you up into a sexual frenzy
You grasp ahold of the thick thighs straddling your head and press your mouth into the boar-pussy coating your mouth
Your thick tongue emerges, licking and probing her depths, the sow above you squealing softly and twitching her legs. She tastes slightly sweet and earthy, almost herbal strangely enough
You nibble on her fat, peaking clit with your teeth, soliciting more excited squeaks and squeals from Mary. She’s leaking arousal all over you, it’s all you can smell and taste at this point.
Meanwhile, Lee is pistoning herself on your cock, her thick thighs and rear impact against your wet body with wet, lewd smacks.
You resist the urge to grit your teeth and instead howl your pleasure into the pork obscuring your face, pressing yourself deeper into it as you thrust and buck your hips as much as you can. The sensation of her walls physically pulling you as she bounces is making you feral horny
Soon enough you begin to feel lee tighten around you, her thrusts are becoming shorter, keeping more and more of you inside her until finally she stops. Her pussy clamps down and explodes on your shaft, the muscled walls tugging and milking your shaft
You let out a primal snarl into the pig coochie as you thrust your hips as far in as they’ll go. Bumping into a small dimple upon a hard surface. You then explode into her, jamming your cock against it as you unload rope after rope of thick jism into her
You’re cumming so hard you feel as though you’re suffocating and that your balls have pulled themselves up and into your pelvis.
It’s then that Mary decides to let out a deep, booming squeal as her pussy spasms before a tide of liquid suddenly splashes over your face and fills your mouth.

You can’t actually breath now. Spitting it out just meant it went right back into your mouth, so you swallowed all of it and took in deep, shuddering breaths.
Mary shakily pulls herself off your head, allowing you to taste the cool and comparably cool summer air once more.
There’s maybe five seconds of rest before April steps into view, biting her lip as she saunters over to Lee
”Quit hogging the humie-dick to yourself Lee!” She shouts, before hip-checking the sow you’re currently embedded in
She goes tumbling off to the side in the dirt, leaving your dick throbbing, wet and painfully cold.
April stands at your feet, before squatting down and grasping them. She then moves forward, moving your legs further and further back until they’re practically next to your head. Your manhood proudly jaunts out from the bottom of your thighs.
”Oh good, he’s just as flexible as always. Gonna have to get some gymnastic clothes for you, like you wore back in high-school.” The muscled boar comments, before squatting down on you pussy-first.
Her pussy is different compared to Lees. Hers is coarser and texture, and the rippling muscles that line her canal are much stronger. Instantly contracting to form an even tighter fight than Lee. Feeling like you’re being grasped by a gloved hand, rather than fucking a sensual tunnel
Still, you groan like the man-whore you are as you’re mating-pressed into the dirt
You’re so into April you don’t even notice June had gotten onto her hands and knees, and was backing up
Only when you see her fuzzy backside, and her dripping folds over your face do you realize she’s there
You jerk for a moment, only for her to sit down on your head. Unlike Mary she wasn’t as heavy and didn’t have to worry about your health
Your face is pressed into a pair of fat, furry cheeks. It’s hard to breathe, but the overpowering smell of sow arousal is already making it bearable
The two are pressed against one another’s chest and pinning you in place as they sloppily make out. You can feel their drool or some other liquid dribbling down and onto your belly. Both of them are pinning you in place so badly you can’t so much as move. The only way you can express your pleasure is by moaning as you devour June’s pussy, or angrily flex your cock in April’s vice-like folds

The sow pressing you begins to grind her hips in a circle, willingly flexing her muscles to grasp and jerk your cock. Your curl your toes and squint your eyes shut, unable to handle the pleasure as you flex your cock in vain
June has begun to grind her pussy against your face, the sopping, furry folds coating your entire head in her juices. It’s filling your mouth, nose and you can feel it escaping into your hair.
It’s hot as fuck and you can’t help but extend your tongue and hold it in place as she uses your face like a cheap toy
Your amazonian dominator decides to change her position once again, and now your cock feels like it’s being gripped even tighter. Your entire shaft is rubbing against something soft and pink compared to the rest of her, and judging by the guttural squeals she’s releasing. She enjoys it as much as you are
Her ‘jerks’ are much shorter now, properly milking your cock as her cheeks meet yours in thunderous slaps.
You feel a bit thirsty, so you begin to suck on June’s pussy. The pig moans whorishly at this development, pressing herself hard against your mouth as you suction the arousal right out of her.
This is followed up by your tongue rasping against the ‘top’ of her canal, and soon enough you’re properly rewarded.
Another flood of boar-arousal is dumped onto you. So much so that it’s hard to get enough into your mouth to gulp down.
After what feels like a minute of June pouring a water-hose on your face, she pulls off and collapses in the dirt nearby. Breathing heavily, but happily.
April takes advantage and leans down from her perch. Grasping both of your legs and forcing them to the dirt by your head.
Feeling begins to return to them as the blood rushes down their length.
The sow is now staring directly into your eyes as she savagely ruts you. Her fat, porcine pussy is gripping your cock so tightly now it almost hurts.
The pleasure is getting overwhelming, your whole body twitching as you try in vain to delay your oncoming orgasm to prolong the sensations
”That’s it. Cum for me human, show me who owns this dick!”
You throw your head back and let a feral, lusty moan loose as you unload more of your creamy ball-batter into April
Your voice however is overshadowed by a deep, almost masculine bellow from April as her own cunt clamps down on your. Physically pulling you to rest against her womb as you blast ropes.
Phosphorescent lights dance in your vision, and you struggle to accurately comprehend or explain what happens in the next few seconds
All you can recall is tightness, April orgasming, and you passing out for a few moments.

April pulls away from you, your dick pulling free after some considerable effort
It makes a soft ‘plap’ when it collides against your stomach. Spent and completely saturated with boar femcum
You can see Becky padding over as you get onto your hands and knees, sucking in gulps of air now that you were free from cumming your brains out, or swallowing pork-juice
She pats you on the head, before lying down in the dirt before you. Spreading her legs wide open. A hand pats her sopping pussy, letting you know what she wants and where she wants it.
”You’ve all broke ‘im in good.” She hollars. “But you need to be gentle when wranglin’ a humie stud, don’t want to choke ‘im out, or tucker him out before he’s done got a feel for everyone~” She comments in a thick drawl, accentuating her Rs.
You’re not sure how, but you still have enough in you left to get hard
Grabbing handfuls of earth, you propel yourself until you’re lazily situated atop Becky, your head laying on her chest as your grind against her fat, lips. Enjoying the slick, tickling sensation before you plunge into her proper
You don’t feel like making too much noise, so you just grunt your satisfaction. Compared to the overwhelming vice that was April. Becky is nice, loose and soft. Mirroring the overall state of her bottom half.
It’s perfect and sensual compared to the milking that you’ve just received, subtle but not overwhelming.
Thrusting into her, your balls and hips smack loudly against her fat rear as you hook your arms underneath her legs and get into a kneeling position. Leaning forward into a press of your own, but mostly so you could support yourself with her legs
Yours were still numb from April’s powerfucking after all
As you’re easing off the last of your lust. Penny decides to get some action herself, stepping over and above Becky. Her crotch loomed in front of you, just the perfect height for you to eat her out while you mated with the plump-thighed sow beneath you
You leaned forward, once again taking a mouthful of boar-pussy. This time however, you weren’t being facefucked, this was a willing tongue-fucking
You lap at her labia, gently parting her clitoral hood with your tongue and flicking the pink nub hidden within.
She gently cups your head with her hands, holding you steady and massaging your scalp with her hard, hoovish fingers
Becky lets out soft, girlish squeals of contentment as you hump her in deep, hard thrusts. Enjoying just how soft she is, and the solid core of muscle that lays underneath that thick subcutaneous layer
She shifts her thighs, and before you know it her calves are hooked behind your shoulder blades
You couldn’t pull out far now, not that you were going to anyways.
It’s a reminder, that even though she’s letting you on top. She’s the one in charge, and damned if she’ll let that fine dick get too far out of her now
Thrusting and sex doesn’t seem as appealing as it used to be. You were still going to finish these two off of course, but you weren’t as horny as you once were. The repeated milkings have sapped your strength and will

Another broad lick from your tongue solicits Penny to lean her hips forward, pushing your mouth into her pussy
Lapping as normal, you grind the rougher base of your tongue against her wettened clit
This sets her off, her hips bucking softly. Grinding her clit against the muscle in question
A sharp squeal warns you of her oncoming orgasm, and you wisely close most of your mouth. The fluids of her climax rolling down your face, coating your chest, stomach and dribbling down to combine with Becky’s
The one-eyed sow steps back, freeing you up to deal with Becky
You lean down, coiling your arms around her and pushing your head into her soft and relatively flat chest
Your cock flares wildly inside her depths as you shorten your thrusts even further, the ungraceful sounds of your meeting flesh are like a jackhammer
You’re too desensitized to top yourself off any other way
Becky similarly has wrapped herself around you, choked snorts and grunts coming from her puzzle as she draws close to her own edge as well
Slamming your hips home, you hold them there as you surrender the last vestiges of your seed to the boar.
In tandem with your own, you feel Becky climaxing around you. Though you feel her legs squeezing you more than you do her snatch. Hopefully she didn’t break anything with how hard her legs squeezed your chest
You don’t feel any pain while breathing or moving, so that’s good
You feel really good in fact, and this sow is the perfect bed
You decide to nod off, embedded within Becky.

When you awaken, you are still naked. However, you’re no longer balls-deep within a sow. Rather, you’re surrounded by all of them, and laying in what looks to be some large bed
There are no sheets covering you, but given it’s summer-time and you’re surrounded by big, naked boar women you don’t feel the slightest bit cold
You guess they took you home with them after you passed out from train-fucking all of them
Your mind goes back to that lakeside encounter
You think you’ll take them up on that offer. Guess you’ll have to get used to smelling like horny-sow.

Pub: 17 Oct 2024 02:22 UTC
Views: 503