To Make an Excessively Well-Rounded Actor

Yushima: Miss Koyomi, it is Yushima.

Koyomi: Come in.

Yushima: My apologies for interrupting while you are resting.
A gift has arrived, so I came to deliver it.

Koyomi: It took some time.
This is quite the gaudy paulownia box. Who is it from?

Yushima: Looking at the delivery label, it says it is from the Gingaza OG members.

Koyomi: A gift from them, is it.
Now then, what are they testing, I wonder...

Yushima: It could contain any message, after all.
Though there is an anecdote about a "bag of adzuki beans" from the Sengoku era.

Koyomi: That there is no path of retreat? They are certainly the type who enjoys such witticisms, but surely they did not truly send us adzuki beans, no?

Yushima: Upon opening it, it turned out to be an assortment of meats.
From domestically produced beef to pork, poultry, lamb, and horse, it has quite the variety.

Koyomi: Meat again, is it...

Koyomi: ... Well, let us take it to mean that they are paying attention to us.
It would be rude to suspect their kindness, even if they had particular intent.

Koyomi: I believe I shall write a thank you letter later.
Thank you, Yushima-san.

Yushima: Oh dear, you do not seem enthused. For someone of your age, I had the impression you could put away 2 or 3 one-pound steaks with ease.

Koyomi: That is exactly the problem...
Why do they just, pile on the meat like this, I wonder...

Yushima: Indeed. Yesterday was the one addressed to the madame, and the day before was the one addressed to the lady of the house.
Last week was the greeting from Theater Group Tanba's representative.

Koyomi: I am glad for their consideration, but it is difficult to say if this can be wholly consumed...

Yushima: Chef Hayashi was happy to have a chance to show off her skills.
Perhaps she wishes to turn the young ladies into fine, well-rounded actors.

Koyomi: It seems we will end up unnecessarily well-rounded...

Koyomi: ... Would you please share it amongst yourselves?
I am fine with just receiving a small portion.

Yushima: That is not a suggestion I can comply with.
This is an honor granted to you, Miss Koyomi, and it is not something that we should receive.

Koyomi: Ummm...
Even if I asked you to please eat it?

Yushima: If it is your wish to have a maid with a plump, bursting figure, I, as well as the rest of the Senju family servants, am resolved.

Koyomi: There is no need for you to risk yourselves so much...

Koyomi: Haah... More than usual, these expectations weigh heavily on my stomach...
There is no one who could eat this much—

Koyomi: — Ah.

Koyomi: (I was not seen, was I? No one is following, either...)

Koyomi: (If it's a gift from the dignitaries, there is no problem with having Gingaza eat it.
However, it can not be known that it is something received from the dignitaries...)

Koyomi: *sneaking*

Koyomi: (If anyone knew we diverted the goods we received elsewhere, it would affect our reputation.
Not a word to anyone. The person I entrust it to must be tight-lipped...)

Koyomi: (... The true battle begins here.
I must share this meat without anyone realizing...)

Koyomi: (I could entrust it to Hikari-san... Perhaps.
But she would certainly be unable to keep her mouth shut and end up talking...)

Koyomi: (Xue-san would be able to cook it, but she would be suspicious.
If she realizes it is a gift from the dignitaries, it would be the end of the line...)

Koyomi: (... Perhaps I should go with Ramona-san, who has good judgement, after all.
Furthermore, domestically produced meat has a "Japanese" feel. She should have enough interest in that for me to gloss over it.)

Koyomi: (Indeed, giving it to Lilja-san, who is vegetarian and doesn't eat much, might be too mean.
That means there is no one other than Ramona-san to leave it—)

Lilja: A suspicious person is here.

Koyomi: Eek!? Lilja-san!?
Would you please not surprise me like that!?

Lilja: You were being a flustered joulu tonttu.

Koyomi: Joulu... No, I'm not Santa Claus or anything...

Lilja: Then, what's that box?

Koyomi: Uhm, this is for everyone in Gingaza...

Lilja: A present? Even though you won't get along with us. Strange.

Koyomi: Ah...

Koyomi: (— I completely overlooked that)

Koyomi: (Would someone who so often claims she won't get along with everyone personally bring a present for everyone...?)

Lilja: It's strange for Koyomi to bring a gift.

Koyomi: (Is there nowhere to run...!?)

Next Chapter

Pub: 26 Jan 2025 03:49 UTC
Edit: 26 Jan 2025 03:58 UTC
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