Battle For Aurorai: A Guide


The War of the Dark Aurorai

B A T T L E ==== F O R ==== A U R O R A I


Aurorai started life as a proposed story to a very different fangame which the author was part of the writing team. The head honchos however, deemed his work too dark for the game. Humbled, he accepts the judgment, but thought that his draft would be a waste if he just trashed it. Then one day, he had an epiphany. Why not make a Fire Emblem mod with the story, he said. And so that day, the Aurorai we know is born. In this guide, I shall guide you to everything there is to know about Aurorai.

With that, enjoy!

The Celestium and Aurorai's Creation

The Celestium is a council of four deities who got together to create and keep watch over Aurorai. The continent is named Aurorai, after the auroras that dance around the night skies as the sign of favor of The Celestium. Born from a great shift in the infinite seas, there arose a new and promising land full of potential. All four can take on any appearance they please, but they all have their true forms and can wield various weapons, according to their domain.


Strong and just, all mortals of Aurorai owe their genealogy to him, even if its furthest removed. He is responsible for fathering the myriad kinds of mortals that inhabit Aurorai today, much to the chagrin of his true love and compatriot. He leads the deity quartet and his doctrine stands to this day as the prevailing moral guide amongst the land. His duties include going through the general state of Aurorai from the reports of his colleagues and his own observations. With such information, he formulates plans of action for Aurorai's greatest good. His true form is a hulking, absolutely sculpted man with immaculate golden hair arranged in a neat manner. His face is chiseled like fine marble, with eyes made of white fire. He is wearing a cape attached to a small chestpiece, and bracers and leg armor colored white with a gold trim adorned with a divine design and triangles. He wears a crown on his head with yet another triangle and wield the Polaris Blade, a sword shaped after the popular depiction of the North Star.


A nurturing woman, Auroia is essentially the mother of Aurorai. She is the one who named the land, after herself. She is responsible for releasing auroras into the night sky as a sign that The Celestium watches over them. She is Covernius' true love and never leaves him, despite the many dalliances his lover had. She governs the skies above Aurorai and the day-night cycle. Her true appearance reflects the beauty of the night skies: black hair that streaks into blue and violet that sparkles with actual stars within, a motherly feminine figure and pale skin smoother than finest silk, topped off with a gentle face that has eyes change color on emotion. The auroras themselves manifest as her clothing, the dancing colors rippling across her bosom and her rear all the way to her legs. Her bracers are colored like dusk on the trim and dawn on the main. They emanate radiance whenver she moves her hands.


The wise one of the group. He is credited with originating all the spoken language of Aurorai and is charged with receiving all prayers and rituals from the mortals. He is also credited for fostering culture across Aurorai, making sure such cultures are just and cannot harm without reason. His true form is less buff than Covernius' with short, messy hair colored similarly to that of a bird-feather quill, brown and black streaking across the dull white, coupled with a longer, worked face that has dull yellow eyes. He is adorned with a robe and sash adorned with the praise of all languages in Aurorai, and carries a scroll with him that carries every language's wordbase that he draws fighting power from.


The bold and stoic one of the group. He ensures that justice flows naturally and the mortals are rewarded or punished for their deeds. He is credited with inspiring most, if not all of Aurorai's legal constitutions and penal codes. His true form rivals that of Covernius in musculature, but his hair is a bold shade of red instead of his gold. He stands in armor consisting of heavy pauldrons flowing into a battle worn cape and similarly heavy looking bracers and leg armor. Where Covernius has flowing designs, he has rough ones, to convey the hard justice that can befall a mortal. He wields a huge steel gavel that can be used as a warhammer or a magical sceptre.

Aurorai's History

(aaa: same year)

0: The Great Sea shifts to reveal a landmass
40: Covernius and Auroia fall in love
71: Covernius visits the landmass
aa: Auroia visits the landmass
aa: Nijongis visits, Rojoris visits
85: All 4 visit together, form The Celestium.
144: Covernius and Auroia sire the first inhabitants of Aurorai: the auroras and the lesser deities (including Omega and Irys)
200: Covernius sires the mortals from different lands and women
350: Argument between Covernius and Auroia ensues after Auroia found out about the former's dalliances, they split off.
400: Split between Covernius and Auroia ends, all of Covernius' children agreed to be housed in Aurorai
512: The earliest mortals arrive in Aurorai.
865: Mortals and The Celestium meet on the central lake of Aurorai to seal a covenant between mortals and The Celestium, promising a safety measure if any of them goes rogue.
866: The newly-settled mortals fan out for places to settle.
902: Mortals start domesticating land for living.
1000: End of the Celes years, new era designated as Holomini. Lake where the first mortals and The Celestium met is named Lake of the Covenant.

1H: Polaria is established.
a H Blancopolis is established.
2H : Savan is established.
a H: Jour De Nuit is established.
a H: Atlantis is established.
7 H: Negazion is established.
16 H: The Neronian Secession happens after opposing groups of shamans argued about developing possibly dangerous spells.
aa H: Nero Eterna is formed
17 H: The Blue Anaconda tribe wins the Snake Wars
aa H: After more than a decade of tribal war, the tribes unite under Blue Anaconda's chieftess Kondia, who names the new nation Anakondia, after herself and her tribe.
40H: Explorers from Polaria discover a new unexplored territory. Cita Azur is formed after being granted autonomy from Polaria months later.
56H: Jour De Nuit renames to Diarnuit for ease of writing documents; The Divide is enacted, assigning elves, angels, fairies and similar to the eastern part, while dwarves, goblins, hobbits and other similar races were assigned to the western part.
57H: The Sky Council in Diarnuit is formally founded and with it, designate their first Sky Regent through a vote amongst the Council.
62 H: The Avian Uprising happens when the Shishiro faction and Takane faction clash over territory, when the latter felt cheated by the former.
70 H: Ganachi Takane forcefully becomes the first non-Shishiro to rule Savan.
101 H: The Avian Uprising ends, with a deal struck between the Takane faction of recently-deposed Hawkrose Takane and the Shishiro faction to let the avian races occupy the northern island of Savan, under the recently-crowned Bolion Shishiro's rule.
103 H: The Consejo de Azur is convened for the first time to have a cohesive government in the nation.
135 H: Kizuna Ai is born.
140 H: Negazion under Tyrannus Maopla launch an invasion into the rest of Aurorai
141 H: Nero Eternalis is occupied by Negazion
143 H: Polaria and Blancopolis declare war on Negazion
aaa H: The Valkyries are formed by the Polarian King, with Kizuna Ai selected as leader.
144 H: Atlantis attacks Diarnuit, bribes Anakondia to supplant its numbers.
145 H: Atlantis forms an alliance with Negazion, Diarnuit and Savan jointly declare war on Atlantis
150 H: Cita Azur occupied by Atlantis.
154 H: Diarnuit, Savan, Blancopolis, and Polaria join forces.
aaa H: Negazion and Atlantis join forces, Anakondia stays "neutral". (But just really accepting offers from who benefits them better)
aaa H: Coerce Cita Azur and Nero Eternalis to join them.
220 H: Negazion loses Nero Eternalis to Blanc and Polarian forces.
235 H: Atlantis lost Cita Azur to Diarnuitian and Savanese forces
312 H: Kizuna Ai defeats Tyrannus Maopla at the siege of Blackstar Castle.
314 H: Diarnuitian, Savanese and Azurian forces rout the last stand of Neptune Castle.
315 H: Last pockets of resistance eliminated all over Aurorai.
316 H: The Sinking was enacted by the Celestium as punishment for Negazion and Atlantis, drowning the majority of both nations.

330 H: Nero Eterna and Cita Azul are recognized once more as autonomous states.
356 H: Kizuna Ai laid to rest after dying of old age and battle wear
aaa H : Fallen Star Graveyard constructed around Kizuna's body.
357 H: Kizuna declared a hallowed figure by all of Polaria
360 H: Phoenixes and dragons break away peacefully from Diarnuit
361 H: Stadt Des Feuers is formed, with Kohryu Shenloong as its first leader.
508 H: Last of the Polarian Valkyries dies in peace.
562 H: Guild Tempus is formed with Chromus Kronoious as its first Guild Leader, with its primary purpose being to protect travelers and remote towns from banditry and robbery.
593 H: Sora Tokino is born in Holopolis.
604 H: Botan Shishiro ascends the Savanese throne from her father, Leoru Shishiro.
610 H: King Yagoo ascends the throne from his father, the former King Covaki.
611 H: Covernius appears in King Yagoo's dream to tell him to establish an order of extraordinary people across Aurorai.
612 H: Coco Kiryu is selected as the second ruler of Stadt Des Feuers.
616 H: The Order of Iridescent Guardians is formed by King Yagoo, selecting Sora Tokino as its first member of many.
aaa H: Additional members were later added: the advanced golem Roboco and the shrine maiden Miko Sakura.
617H: The first brigade of many of The Order is named. The brigade was simply dubbed The First Brigade.
aaa H: Rumors surface that there was a supposed 6th member of the first Order brigade, who suffered a very grim fate. This persists as a grim tale.
aaa H: The Order expansion continues, launching Second Brigade. Savan Royal Council member Mio Ookami also inducted along with royal knight Korone Inugami and her childhood friend Okayu Nekomata.
618-622 H: The Fantasia Brigade debuts with five people, the Quad Force Brigade debuts with five new ladies too, the new Red Division debuts with the Honse and Hwanse brigade, with three women each. Islander division is launched with the Astrakinse Brigade, as well as opening the new Einher branch, launching the First Squad to far less fanfare and even scorn from some sectors, mainly from Blancopolis. Prior female Guardians are then designated in the Valkr branch, named after the Polarian Valkyries of old.
619 H:The Red Coup erupts, then-Bishop Damaso leads the coup with a brash, bold doctrine about genders mingling and who in The Celestium is "worthy" of worship. They declare Fantasia Brigade "worthy ambassadors" to their cause.
620 H: The Red Coup swiftly and violently ends with then-Bishop Damaso ascending to Grand Pontifex after the previous Grand Pontifex Obisco stepped down in light of Damaso's men occupying Corte Blanca by force.
621 H: Grand Pontifex Damaso orders all treaties with Polaria null, demanding that the Einher branch of The Order be removed. Polaria, under King Yagoo's order, refuses the demand.
aaa H: Grand Pontifex Damaso declares all Einher Guardians of The Order persona non grata and declared that harm to them by Blanc citizens, as well as other nations' citizens will be rewarded. The Curia then begins harrasment brigades against all Valkrs actively interacting with the Einhers.
623 H: Vermel Darkstar challenges the reigning Tyrannus Noxus Blacknova to a fight to the death for the throne of Negazion after Rojoris visits him privately in his chambers in humanoid form.
aaa H: Vermel Darkstar wins the duel, ascends the Negazian throne, styling himself Tyrannus Rojo, claiming to be chosen by Rojoris himself
624 H: Honse and Hwanse brigade goes missing in action. Was revealed later that some defected to Negazion to attack a member each of the First Brigade and the Quad Force Brigade.
625-628 H: The Order gains widespread fame and adoration. Suntempo Squad and TriNero Squad established under the Einher branch, Penta Brigade, widely acclaimed Mythos Brigade, and PriCo Brigade added under Valkr branch.
626H: Grand Hydra Karonda ascends the Anakondian throne.
627 H: A Guardian from the Penta Brigade was reported KIA a mere week into her duty running afoul of Blancopolis soldiers not recognizing her place as a Guardian. The attack was allegedly for past infractions of the Red Doctrine.
628 H: The Celestium bickers over the state of Aurorai's mortals. Rojoris deems Aurorai too soft after centuries' worth of peace, to which Covernius and Auroia protest.
629 H: Regis Altare inherits the top position of the Tempus Guild from his mentor, Polaris Tempest.
aaa H: Grand Pontifex Damaso declares both the Tempus Guild and the Einher division of The Order heretics, along with those who actively mingle with them.
630 H: Rojoris takes on the rest of the Celestium, fatally wounding Nijongis and Auroia, heavily wounding Covernius. Absorbing the slain Celestians' power, the Dark Aurora is let loose and is sighted all over Aurorai
aaa H: Negazion under Vermel Darkstar invades Aurorai, Covernius beckons two of his surviving children with Auroia to aid the mortals, Irys and Omega, and give them the promised weapons to bring down Rojoris

The game is currently in 630 Holomini.

The Nations of Aurorai


Capital: Holopolis
Current Leader: King Covigo(16th)
Exec. Center: Castle Crystale
Established: 1 H

Found in the center of Aurorai, Polaria is home to the biggest amount of mortals in the land, a big percentage of such being humans. Has a temperate climate excellent for farming or city life. Throughout the Holomini years, the country's leaders have enjoyed their inputs being followed by the rest of Aurorai. They also have appointed their own King/Queenhand, a trusted ally to oversee the daily operations of the castle and assisting the King/Queen. Kizuna Ai and the First Knights from the olden days of The Great Aurorai War trace their origins here. Polaria is reputed as the place to make it big although its cities may be too busy for someone not too used to them. Polaria lacks a distinct niche when it comes to their exports, but the famous Kovalskia Metalworks call it home. Units hailing from here are Sora, Shion, Noel, Temma, Luna, Miko and Amelia, as well as most of Guild Tempus.


Capital: Leongrad
Current Leader: Queen Botan Shishiro(14th)
Exec Center: Lion's Keep
Established: 2 H

The vast flatlands of Savan provide a home to a myriad of people endowed with animal features and abilities. Queen Botan is the 9th ruler from the old Shishiro line overall and 7th since the Avian Uprising. Hawkrose Takane was the 3rd and last Savan ruler from the Takane line which took power during the Avian Uprising. The uprising ended with the remnants of the Takane faction and the Shishiro faction signing a ceasefire in 101 H in exchange for them being granted a mountainous island to call their home, under Shishiro rule. The island is named after their family name, a new province ruled by succeeding Takanes. The King or Queen has a Council of their own choosing guiding her decisions, which still continues to this day. Cities are sparse and less sophisticated because the people value their rolling plains, which is home to most of their hunt and plant food. Naturally, Savan has capitalized on exporting meat from their lesser animal counterparts, becoming very famous for its quality. Units from this nation include, aside from Botan herself: Pekora, Korone, Mio, Shien, and Fubuki.


Capital: Le Eclipse
Current Leader: Uriel Amane(8th) (angel)
Exec. Center: Eclipse Sanctuary
Established: 2 H

Divided into the rough-and-tumble steampunk West and the high-fantasy magitech East, Diarnuit is truly the picture of night and day making one whole. Humanoids like elves of differing creeds, all types of fairies, dwarves and orcs of varying types would be all found in the country. Angels in particular are held in high regard in Diarnuit, essentially becoming the ruling class. Angels have won all but one Sky Council election, including this current one. Cities here are of remarkable quality for both halves of the nation, be it the mighty engines that power the West, or the magics that power the East. Diarnuit is the highest nation in terms of above-sea levels, which contributes to a cooler climate than expected even for the seaside areas in the East. To promote unity in spite of the difference and division, the Sky Council holds a yearly contest of might and wit called The Eclipse Olympiad and Fair. The event hosts the best magitech from the nation as well as new innovations. Units like Lamy, Kanata, Aki and Flare, come from here.

Cita Azur

Capital: New Poseidon
Current Leader: Councillor Dolph (13th since freed, 22nd overall)
Exec. Center: The Marina Hall
Established: 46 H

First discovered by seafarers from Polaria, Cita Azur is haven for all people plying the seas. Merchants, fishermen, pirates and just about all manner of ship-using profession regard Cita Azur as the center of such things. Chief among such denizens are the Houshou Pirates, established in 585 H by Marn Houshou, ancestor to the current leader Marine who appears as a unit. When The Sinking happened, what little of the Atlantean population that was left found refuge here. Such refugees include Atlantean royalty Gura Gawr, who also appears as a unit. When it comes to coastal getaways, Cita Azur is nigh-unbeatable in sheer beauty of its coasts as well as the warm, balmy climate befitting its location and height above sea. Another benefit of their climate is their impeccable vegetables and herbs, regarded by cooks all over Aurorai highly.

Nero Eterna

Capital: Yozora Eternus
Current Ruler: Death Muertos (13th)
Exec. Center: Notte Piu Nera Cathedral
Established: 16 H

A breakaway from Negazion, Nero Eterna gives demons, imps and the like a home. Most elder magic is said to have originated in this swampy, humid and wet lowland. Rivers snake through the marshland making for a very humid climate especially on the seaside western parts. Denizens make their homes from the imposing and scary-looking trees in their dominion, if not from the relative highlands surrounding the mountain range. The nation has the lowest above-sea levels of all Aurorai, with their highest flatland being equal to average Aurorai above-sea level height. The Fallen Star Graveyard resides here, resting place of many a famed individual, like Kizuna Ai and the First Knights. In recent times, the pickle and preserve industry has been gaining traction enough for all of Aurorai to notice. Units from here include Ayame, Towa, Choco, Calliope and Oga.

Stadt Des Feuers

Capital: Flammiena
Current Ruler: Coco Kiryu (2nd)
Exec. Center: Hall of Flame
Established: 351 H

The youngest nation of all Aurorai, Stadt Des Feuers is located in a small island state off the coast of Cita Azur. The island they reside was all that was left of the old nation of Atlantis, banished to the depths as punishment for their crimes in The Great Aurorai War. Weather here is warm and balmy but not humid which the residents are thankful for due to the island in its current form having high above- sea levels. Dragons and phoenixes chiefly reside here in peace along with their followers, mostly Polarian natives. Aside from Coco, Kiara also appears as a unit as well as her Kiara's Fighter Phoenix squad; a small squad of phoenixes and fiery-hearted warriors in general under her name.


Capitol: Citablanca
Current Ruler: Grand Pontifex Damaso (36th)
Exec. Building: Corte Bianca
Established: 1 H

A theocratic nation, Blancopolis originally was the place that ardently worshipped the entirety of The Celestium. Formed just after Polaria, its tied with it for being the oldest established nation of Aurorai. In 619 H, a new doctrine was rapidly spread to the citizens that enforces strict gender rules and segregation propagated by the then-Bishop Damaso. Shortly after swiftly and ruthlessly ascending the throne in 620 H, radical changes were implemented in the nation. Major of such changes included every male and female interaction that is not by blood nor adoption is screened and monitored carefully by a board of priests per town and city. Women in particular are forced to serve the clergymen and cater to their every whim while men were treated as expendable bodies, toiling the vast state-owned farms, building new temples, running security in the clergy's properties, and other hard labor, including fighting conflicts if their masters demands it.


Capitol: Jaggeskal
Current Ruler: Grand Hydra Karonda (12th)
Exec. Building: Cobra Hall
Established: 17 H

Home to a group of united snake-like amazonic wartribes, Anakondia's marshy islands saw almost 2 decades of violent war amongst the tribes ever since the start of the Holomini years. Ever since the end of the Snake Wars, the ruler has always comes from the Blue Anaconda tribe, only ever challenged remotely by the Red Viper, Purple Adder and Black Boa tribes. Later, they are joined by the Yellow Kraits, a group of disgruntled females mainly from Polaria and Cita Azur. Unlike most nations, women are the dominant gender in its societies, with laws and rights catering to the feminine wiles more. The nation is at its most dangerous at the time of The Ovulation, a long ritualistic hunting session spanning the whole month of Virgo where they kidnap any male they come across for slavery and breeding purposes; more so than they usually do any other time of the year. The tribes agree on one thing: women are the superior race of Aurorai. They believe that the female Guardians are not enforcing their "superiority" harder on the land and on their "lesser" male peers.


Capitol: Direcore City
Current Ruler: Vermel Darkstar(18th)
Exec. Center: Blackstar Castle
Established: 7 H

An enigma of a land, Negazion is a barren chain of 3 islands in its current form. Sunk in a great flood for their agression in the Great War, Negazion's landscape is a shadow of their former glory: wide and abundant dunes that rival that of Diarnuit's in sea-level. Today, it's dull yellow sands send a harsh greeting to anybody who dare visit, as well as chronicle the various magical experiments the government made to improve their surroundings for food. Negazian military brass will push relentlessly for any advantages they can use to get back at the Aurorai mainland; monstrous weapons, overt and covert operations all across Aurorai, and a myriad of fearsome dark spells not even the shamans of Nero Eterna dare invoke. Principal among these is dark spell called Dox Majica, a spell only the highest and most decorated of Negazian royal mages can wield without major repercussions including their own life or sanity. This evil spell feeds on the negative emotions and memories of the victim and drains all positives out, leaving the victim blanked out while they experience all possible worst-case scenarios in their life. In the catacombs of Blackstar Castle, the royal mages and alchemists have mastered the science of cloning, which they use to supplant their military numbers including war beasts like horses, pegasi, and wyverns. Ruling succession is a very serious and violent matter, being decided by a duel to the death between the reigning Tyrannus and the challenger. All citizens here have been mandated to not know the history of Aurorai save for their origin, the Great War(highlighting their victories), their defeat, and their efforts to even the score. Being in the military in this nation grants perks normal citizens do not have access to, which only lengthens as they rise up the ranks.

The Order of Iridescent Guardians

The main cast of the game. The Guardians are your key to averting this crisis and bring peace to Aurorai once more. Assembled from different walks of life by King Yagoo, they're an elite force destined to band together and save Aurorai.

Characters are ordered and grouped according to order of appearance.




The first Guardian and the main Lord of this game. Revered for her grace and beauty even in combat, all the other Guardians highly regard her and new Guardians are expected to be acquainted with her. Because of this, she rather feels cut off from the rest of her colleagues save her closest ones like Azki due to the sheer respect she commands. Sora can be rather clumsy and precocious as a child, as her longtime friend A'chan can attest. She earnestly works hard to change in her opinion, a mistaken notion. She, together with her friend A'chan and the King Covigo himself, are regarded as the Founding Triad of The Order.

Home: Polaria


Sora's long-time friend and Kinghand of Polaria. All operations regarding the Guardians are overseen by her, as well as matters of Polarian policy. She was King Covigo's first appointment as King. Hardworking to a fault, people around the castle take upon themselves whenever possible to look after her. "Looking after her" included picking her up from her seat when she just falls asleep and putting her into an apt resting place, making a hot meal occasionally, among others. For such hard work, in 628 H, a young lass named Nodoka Harusaki was appointed as her page to tend to her.

Home: Polaria

Chapter 1


A dutiful officer of the Polarian Army. She takes her job seriously, always tending to those in need with her trusty mace at her side. Born in the rural slums of Polaria, Noel took up the armor to give back to her family, especially her brother who worked as a trader of sorts. Her body growing was the source of many whispers; of ogling from boys, of jealousy from girls. Rumor has it that she does things with younger boys that are enchanted at the idea of a beauty as her being a Knight of Polaria. She has a deep friendship with her fellow Fantasia Brigade member, the elf Flare Shiranui.

Home: Polaria


An outgoing and frank elf from Diarnuit. Wanting to be different than most in her town her age, she took up the spear instead of the bow most elves would pick up. The decision baffled the academy's instructors, which rarely saw elven children as anything but bow-wielders, even those elves that used them less often. Born to the fire elf estates bordering West Diarnuit, she is as fiery like her name, never letting anybody dictate her choices and making them respect said choices. She regards the Polarian knight and co-member in the Fantasia Brigade Noel Shirogane a very trusted friend. Rumor has it that it goes deeper.

Home: Diarnuit

Chapter 2


A half-breed between a human and elf, he is half-brother to Flare, but both care not for the distinction. He cares for his family deeply, running to the aid of any of his half-siblings. They both are fathered by an elf named Laack. He is a gentleman that runs a restaurant that specializes in a type of pie called pithza; a pie that has cheese and tomato sauce smothered into it, topped with various meats, veggies and even seafood, then baked in a brick oven for a time. He also has a talent in curating music, doing so for parties done in his restaurant. His Knight colleagues make him the butt of jokes often but he takes it all in good fun. Despite all this, he makes the time to stay fit by training and exercise.

Home: Polaria


An aloof swordfighter raised in the hustle and bustle of the capitol city of Polaria. She can be single-minded, in the sense that she lets her blade do the arguing most times. In most situations, she prefers action rather than words, believing action is far more impactful. In studying the blade, her journey led her to many places all over Aurorai before getting the call by King Covigo to be an Advisor in The Order. She takes care personally of Ina and is very protective of her. She will take any length to support them and keep them from harm.

Home: Polaria


Laidback and chill, she is a priestess of the Ancient Ones, entities that power the societies of Nero Eterna. The floating tome that accompanies her; Ancena'nis, came from the Cthulu Grand Library when she wandered into the restricted version in her younger years. Her general demeanor sets her apart from her peers bar the general aversion to the outdoors. Despite the chill demeanor, she feels insecurity against her elder sister who is a respected witch doctor. She has been given leave by the Ancients to explore the world and pursue her passion: art. However, she may have to stow her brush and palette away and bring out her tomes earlier than she'd like as war looms over the horizon.

Home: Nero Eterna

Chapter 3


A tacticurn agent of The Order, he prefers empty, quiet outdoors to himself. Born to a dying mother and a no-good father in the outskirts of Holopolis to the east, Izuru tried to make ends meet at a tender age. His efforts were proven futile as his beloved mother passed at age 10. He then traveled by himself to Holopolis to look for greener pastures. Since then, he has resorted to petty thievery to not starve to death, getting with dubious crowds. King Covigo one day decided to pick him off the streets after seeing a battered Izuru reeling from a failed heist of the castle kitchen by himself. His love for the outdoors is a product of his harsh growing-up years, never knowing what a secure home looked like. He owes the King deeply for this, agreeing immediately to join the Knight division of The Order.

Home: Polaria


Born to a family of shrine maidens, in the northern province of Iridis, hers was a simple life. As required of shrine maidens, staff lessons she took and she aced them, despite her usual antics and mannerisms. The war upended her idyllic life, forcing her to abandon the shrine she just has inherited, running to the fringes of Savan and healing injured and sick people with her staff mastery. She may be childlike in speech, but her helpfulness as well as honesty is of an adult's. She treasures her mother so much she saved up parts of her wage being a Guardian to move themselves to a better neighborhood.

Home: Polaria

Chapter 4


An erstwhile maid in Castle Crystale, she is very reserved and cannot be talked to as easily than average. Of all the Valkr Guardians, she is reputed as the most shy and introverted. Beneath the shy demeanor though lies great talent in archery, with precise aim said to rival even that of the Lion Queen herself. Bafflingly though, outside of battle, she can be the most clumsy and dull-witted in any given room. Worried for her friends in the Second Brigade, Aqua has took it upon herself to look for them, starting in Savan, where she heard her closest friend the witch Shion Murasaki ran off to after the great invasion.

Home: Polaria


A prodigy of the Polarian Magical Academy, her confidence is backed by results. Such results include topping every exam she's subjected to, to the point she gets an aceeleration to even the odds for the rest of the academy. Most who'd see her antics would regard her a brat, but under such exterior lies some insecurities, like her age and her background, which had a rough record in Aurorai's magical history. Everyday, she toils for the day the Murasaki name to be in what she deems their proper place, sullied when a rumor that their ancestor is actually an illegitimate line from another magical family's patriarch. Shion does not interact much with her colleagues except with Aqua Minato, a maid in Castle Crystale, Polaria's seat of power and her fellow Second Brigade member.

Home: Polaria

Chapter 4x

(Shinove's bio would not be present here despite appearing as playable here.)

The Aspirant
(Aka Avatar)(M/F variants)

A fan of the Guardians, they have dreamed all their lives of being called to join their ranks. They come from the latest line of a knightly House from Polaria that have lost their lives in defense of the manor in the Negazian onslaught, including them. But they get a second chance from Omega, reviving them to fight again. Now, they carry the honor of their entire knightly House and the burden of avenging his family and all who served their House.

Home: Polaria


Cheerful and eccentric but can be downright dark, he is a Knight of Polaria. Born to a family of knights, he's an only son. This has lead to him having a compulsion to name everything after himself, a habit he thankfully mostly outgrown. He is friendly towards the citizens but can be merciless against those who would threaten them. To talk to more people, he studies the different languages of Aurorai in his spare time. He also does sport hunting when he's off duty along with fellow Knights. After he and a few others on castle guard duty fled the Negazian onslaught, guilt haunts him; thinking he failed Polaria. On the run, he meets an eccentric pair...

Home: Polaria


The shy but devious heir of the Pekolands dukedom in Savan. Her career so far as a Guardian is a story of personal development, from being as closed as a clam to being more open to her peers, with their help. Moona to her is more than a retainer, being the one she trusts the most outside her own family. Meeting Moona was the big catalyst of her remarkable change in personality and attitude. With the connections she made through Moona allowed The Order to secure a deal with the widely-known Kovalskia Armories to arm them and maintain their weapons. The disturbance in House Usada after pretenders to her father's throne spurred on by Negazion made a move on her and her mother. This forced her to flee along with her trusted retainer, Moona, to not put her family in any more danger. She puts her ability to wield light magic into wacky and zany uses much to the chagrin of both her pursuers and bystanding citizens alike.

Home: Savan


Atop her pegasus, Moona is an illustration of beauty in the face of battle, her long lilac hair flowing in the wind as she swoops down upon enemies or merely ferrying her liege Pekora around. She can appear stoic but she is very helpful with people, as her liege Princess Pekora can attest. Becoming her retainer marked a dramatic turn in her personality, becoming more unabashed and open with expressing herself. To Pekora, she is more than just a retainer. She also doubles as her liaison, which helped her liege secure a deal with the famous Kovalskia Armories to arm Pekolands security personnel. Unbeknownst to most, within her is a minor moon goddess named Hoshinova, who amplifies her combat abilities, including latent magic only ever seen radiating around her. Hoshinova only ever picks one mortal vessel every generation of the Hoshinova clan they named themselves after.

Home: Diarnuit

Chapter 5


A noble-born oni swordswoman from Nero Eterna's upper echelons. Refusing to be tied down to typical Neronian nobility activities, she left the Nakiri estate despite the protests of her parents. Her father tried to prevent her journey by force but failed, with a bruise to show for it. One day, she challenged Fubuki Shirakami in a sword duel. The fight was intense, but in the end, Ayame won barely. She then soon revealed to her she's with The Order in an inn somewhere in downtown Polaria. The conversation later swung into an offer of a spot in The Order. Ayame grabbed on to the opportunity to distinguish herself from her noble-born peers back home as well as the opportunity to master her two blades, Rakshasa and Rasetsu.

Home: Nero Eterna

Chapter 6


A knight of Savan, her boundless energy allows her to take an entire day's guard shift by herself and never doze off. For such a mundane species such as herself, what she can do is amazing; a product of her rigorous physical routine. She has an eccentric fascination with people's fingers, never failing to take notice whenever possible and convenient. As a dogwoman, her heightened hearing and smelling has kept the Lion's Keep own bakery safe and its wares untouched.

Home: Savan

Chapter 7


She hails from nobility in Argenia; a cold land in northeast Diarnuit. Lamy effectively juggles duty between two nations; her native Diarnuit, and her closest friend's Savan, of which said friend is Queen. It has been the subject of many a dilemma. To this day, Lamy is the only non-Savanese to hold a high position in the royal court, something that has resulted in jealous whispers around the Keep. Her gentle face and enchanting speaking voice belies the alcohol tolerance fit for a brigand, not that of a noblewoman like her.

Home: Diarnuit


After beating her male siblings for the throne, she is the first female to rule Savan. A stoic and laidback character in court, Botan can be described as nigh unflappable in every situation. Her combat skills are peerless, combining masterful archery with her innate ability to turn into a majestic and fierce white lion like the rest of the Shishiro bloodline. At court, she is always credited with being the most level-headed among the royal council when they convene to discuss Savanese affairs. In this looming war, her weak side may finally be revealed to many and her more beastly side unleashed, as the safety and wellbeing of her people grow ever more threatened.

Home: Savan


The motherly royal council to Queen Botan, she takes care of feeding everyone who works for Lion's Keep. Mio is reputed to be the most approachable member of the royal council, and for good reason. Such approachability is only rivaled by Councillor Fubuki and the Queen herself. Most of her projects are orphanages and feeding programs, a testament to her motherly nature. She also is a talented practioner in the divining arts, with tarot cards as her medium of choice. With her matured wisdom, she guides her equally matured Queen in her decisions and policies. She can prove herself in a fight with elder magic learned alongside her divining magics.

Home: Savan
(!)How to acquire: Defeat the chapter boss before the turn limit.

Chapter 7x


Hailing from Teknethal in East Diarnuit, she comes from a background of being innovators when it came to magitech not just in Diarnuit, but all over Aurorai. Not particularly inclined with the local profession, she took up dancing, enchanting crowds across Aurorai and making many a men entranced with her. She doesn't let race nor social standing get in the way of "fun"; if you prove worthy, you can get what you wanted from her. Some people whisper about this apparently promiscous behavior but Aki ignores it anyway. Her beauty isnt hollow, having the skill to project light magic through her Warp Tails, her personal hair accessory of choice.

Home: Diarnuit

Chapter 8


The First Apprentice of Nero Eterna's reigning Rex Mortis, Death Muertos. Calliope's talent and hard work make her an inspiration as well as the target of a few jealous whispers and naysayers thinking she doesnt deserve to be a Guardian. The Rex Mortis' most trusted person, she can be often seen taking over his authority whenever he's away for official business, with mostly splendid results. Calliope can quite be a perfectionist, never settling for "good enough" in everything she does. She also remembers for a long time who's who in court, separating her friends from the secret naysayers and users. Rumors are circulating Notte Piu Nera Cathedral that allegedly, she is being groomed by Death to take over as both Rex Mortis and the Head Reaper as he nears his ever-impending retirement.

Home: Nero Eterna


Carefree and happy-go-lucky she may appear, she carries a great burden. She is among the few survivors from the defunct nation of Atlantis, and even fewer remaining nobility. She came awash into Cita Azur's shores in her robes and carrying her trident, one of the few surviving pieces of Atlantean history. To her surprise, most people were charmed by her demeanor and physique, although some others have less-than-savory designs from her. This newfound popularity however was too much for her, turning to alcohol to drown out her sorrows. She is forced to run from her newfound home however as Negazian tries to round up whatever it can of it's old ally in The Great Aurorai War. She would have to put down the bottle if she were to survive.

Home: Cita Azul


Her origins are a mystery, allegedly a descendant of Covernius and Auroia. When she first came into rural western Polaria, she felt from the skies with a powerful crash similar to that of a comet. Not helping with such allegations is her beauty, said to be a result of such divine heritage. Beauty and alleged heritage however did not made life easy for her, working hard to prove the jealous whisperers and naysayers wrong. Another indicator of her alleged heritage is her celestially ornamented axe. Her axe has cut down many foes and chilling accounts from those lucky enough to tell the tale say that she did so with glee and in a vicious manner. With such skill and killing drive, she has earned the moniker "Suicopath", an apt name for her battlefield antics.

Home: Polaria

Chapter 9


A spear flier obsessed with perfection and herself, to the point it could be viewed as narcissism. A former prison warden from Blancopolis, she escaped the rampant corruption in the prison system to defect to the Polarian Coalition forces. She barely escaped with her chronomancy channeled through her heirloom lance. Revered once in Blancopolis as the finest and most sadistic Warden of Clover Island, they deemed her a traitor when she called out the cruelties of Grand Pontifex Damaso's gender segregation laws in his Red Doctrine, which she has seen herself in the Blanc mainland. Her time as Warden may have contributed to her dour and sarcastic outlook in life, but despite this, she still can be sweet about people she cares about. Contrary to her imposing demeanor, she can be emotional.

Home: Blancopolis
(!)How to acquire: Defeat Chapter 9 within 28 turns

Chapter 10


A seemingly innocent young girl, her antics and interests belie her exterior. Born and raised in the Polarian sub-urbans, Haato can get into rather...extreme tastes. Many times she has tried to get into cooking, only to repulse her colleagues with the result. The resulting sludge was so potent, the smell alone was a fair warning about what happened. Despite it all, she is a creative mind when it comes to her studies, which she takes seriously. She has a dark side that she has named Haachama, a horrific mirror of her tendencies. This dark side is said to be able to split completely with Haato & take over Haato' body completely and utterly. The enemy would be looking to harness this dark side at their command.

Home: Polaria


Formerly a girl named Olivia, she died in a carriage accident on her way to a theatre to perform in a play. In her family's desperation, they turned to Neronian shamans to revive her. The result wasn't that perfect, with parts of her memory missing and can only vaguely recall her own name. Deciding to let go, her family let the zombie be with her new life. Unlike most zombies, Ollie is quite energetic, zooming around her village in Nero Eterna, aiding whoever she can however she could. Above all, she proves to be smart and heartful despite both lacking a living brain or heart, which is why King Covigo selected her to be part of The Order's latest Brigade.

Home: Nero Eterna
(Y/N): Y-Defeat Haachama in 25 turns/N-Fail to defeat Haachama in 25 turns

Chapter 11


A well-loved head nurse of Nero Eterna's top academy Academia Il Nero, Choco is as caring as she is beautiful. Her physique and looks have attracted quite a number of admirers but none stuck around for too long. With the ongoing civil war in her home country, the Academia has been shut down to prevent further damage. Out of a job, she then roams nearby areas to treat wounded and tend to them till they're ready to fight again. This demon isnt all beauty though, as she has demonstrated cooking skills most who have tasted her work first hand would say "top-notch". In addition, she is quite learned in her field, which is part of why she is a well-respected personality in the academy.

Home: Nero Eterna


Daughter to a fast-rising court official named Sayuri Amane and a descendant of the current Sky Regent, Kanata can appear reserved around people she doesn't know. As far back as her time with the Seraphim Officer Academy, she is reputed as "The Iron Hand" due to how much grip strength she can hold, allowing her to wield weapons efficiently despite appearing small and frail compared to most of her peers. Complimenting her meek nature is her habit to tend after her comrades in battle, being the battle medic of sorts of the squad. She can be clingy to people she admires, but she tries to keep herself reasonable and professional all the time.

Home: Diarnuit


Energetic and friendly, Towa breaks the norm from the average Neronian; that being more reserved, introvert, and averse to outdoors. Often, peers tease her as "an angel in devil's wings" with how affectionate and wholesome she can be towards people. Her wyvern, Bibi has been with her since she was a child demon, gifted to her by her dad after graduating from Minor Circle. Towa and Bibi struck together ever since, the latter part of the reason why the former took up a flying role in Nero Eterna's reserve army. With her on the back of her beloved wyvern, Towa has encountered many kinds of people, including who would end up being her fellow Guardians. Her outgoing nature helps newer Guardians to feel at home with The Order. Despite her cool, put-together demeanor, she can be a bratty mess to handle if she doesnt get her fill of sweets.

Home: Nero Eterna


Hailing from the southern capitol outskirts, Amelia can be described as "bred tough". Somehow, she has survived many hazardous accidents growing up. Adult life was just as hazardous but pays somehow, opening a detective agency to help the common folk when they cant turn to the authorities. She doesnt believe in hiring people to do the dirty work for her, taking up her trusty crossbow to fight in criminal territory. Her skills with it are above average, which pairs well with her tenacity. She does not ask for payment for customers too poor to pay, believing it wasnt just to do so. Her taking on the amount of cases she does sometimes takes a toll on her, forgetting which lead is to what case sometimes or who requested what for instance. She can be reckless too in a fight, taking on one too many enemies.

Home: Polaria
(!)How to acquire: Visit a specific house with any of Ina, Gura or Calliope


A ringmaster originating from Savan, she wasnt always the woman she is now. Years ago before she started getting into the carnival act, she got bullied by the other fennecs for gaining too much weight. Embarassed and ashamed, she thought to intensively train for the prime acts for a circus, which lost her lots of pounds. Once she got into the circus circuit, many admired her, with some going to extremes. To grant some outrageous requests sometimes, she did acts she now regrets doing for loaded but slimy clients. She quit her agency some years in, due to how much of those kinds of acts she was doing. She got to start up her own small circus when she met the Polarian King Covigo during the year he ascended the throne, loaning her a sum of gold so that she doesnt have to go to another potentially oppressive circus company. Today, the Omaru Company is slowly rising in fame as more people become aware of the performer's abilities, including the ringmaster herself.

Home: Savan
(!)How to acquire: Visit a specific house with either Botan or Lamy

Chapter 12


A gentle soul, she is head healer of Polaria's army and an Adviser in The Order, taking care of Kiara. Often, her family and herself would take a pilgrimage to Citablanca in Blancopolis every year for The Feast of Celestians, a week of prayer and merriment in honor of the Celestium. That stopped when in 620, Damaso assumed the title of Grand Pontifex and rewrote the festival to only include Rojoris and those who help with enforcing the cruel Red Doctrine. Believing this to be a sacrilege, she organized the old feast in Polaria in 628 H. In a fight, she is never starting one, but can sufficiently finish it with her anima and light magics. Learning anima magic along with holy magic raised a few eyebrows in her alma mater convent, but she ignored them.

Home: Polaria


An imposing hunk of a demon, Oga is quite surprisingly well-mannered. His gentle demeanor belies the fact that he actually fought in the old Great Aurorai War, making his way up from fresh recruit to a high position before the war ended. Now, he justs tends to his aged weapons and travels the land idly in search of a worthy challenge so that his battle skills do not rust. That however, is made hard when his reputation as a fierce general and an excellent fighter precedes him. He too has the booming but gentle voice to match, making most girls whenever he goes swoon for her and most men try & imitate him, to no avail. Oga however, has eyes only for a certain Polarian noble that acts rather childish.

Home: Nero Eterna


A member of the royalty and a military commander from another land beyond Aurorai, Astel washed up in the northern Blanc shores and was found by patrols. As repayment, he enlisted to serve the Blanc army before he resigned because he felt the incoming onslaught of what he deems "stuffy rules". He then made it to Diarnuit mere days before the Red Uprising erupted, citing that he does not want to be part of what comes after. Life in Diarnuit suited him well, gaining a reputation himself as quite a charming guy himself, winning over many maidens where he settled down. The past is coming back to confront him as he accepted a position as a Guardian in the Einher division of The Order, therefore putting him in Blancopolis' undesriable list.

Home: Diarnuit


A noble from Polarian lands west of the capitol called Candia. Reputed for having a sweet tooth due to her land being the center of sweet-making, she is also rather childish at a first glance earning her the nickname "Zero-Year Old Princess". Despite that however, she is extremely talented at music with the piano, often seen performing at social gatherings. In addition, she knows anima and holy magic herself, but she is really dependent on her LuKnight entourage to protect her at all times. She yearns to be taken more as a woman instead of a child in more ways than one. She is very infamous for her lack of stamina, a short trip to a neighboring town is enough to tire her for a good while. She has been working on improving this flaw just recently.

Home: Polaria

(Y/N) Y-Step on the right sight of the throne room entryway/N-Step on the left side of the throne room entryway

Chapter 12x


The soft-spoken Leader of Guild Tempus, who only has just ascended to his current position a mere year ago. Contrasting his gentle nature is his cunning and ruthless side in combat, earning the nickname "Demon Lord" from his peers. With his gunsword, he outmaneuvers his opponents with the range his weapon provides in tandem with the speed to close in for the melee attack. He also is a practitioner of close quarter combat, learning as part of his induction to Guild Tempus. He himself admits he has a lot to take in as Guild Leader what with the Grand Pontifex of Blancopolis declaring them undesirables.

Home: Polaria


The mad alchemist of Guild Tempus, referring to himself as "The Great Magni Dezmond" when it's just his guildmates in a joking manner. Magni used to be a professor at an academy for alchemists. Believing he can make his work famous through the guild, Magni traveled to Tempus Rock to sign up. His pride and joy is a maroon-colored substance called "Copium", which he says can ease any physical or emotional discomfort. Now one of the top officials of the guild, he is a staunch critic of the Red Doctrine and has had many attempts on his life.

Home: Polaria


The brash gladiator of Guild Tempus, who believes fighting cures all problems, and as such, deems himself a doctor. Beneath the brash exterior lies quite a competent singing voice, easily among the best within the guild. He would not hesitate to run to someone in need when he sees one, never tolerating injustice when he can see and act on it. If he sees fit, he could take matters into his own hands and his chain-whip, his trusted weapon ever since his gladiator days.

Home: Polaria


The elder scholar of Guild Tempus. Like his fellow guildmate Magni, he chose to defy the Red Doctrine, having fended off attempts from Blanc zealots to eliminate him. Resourcefulness and tenacity are this old man's biggest assets, owing to his love of nature and his tendency to go on long hikes on a whim. This usually happens when he's bored of either research work or managing Guild Tempus' paperwork. His interests tend to be antiquated, making him the butt of the rest of the guild's jokes. He's an undomitable spirit, refusing to be dictated by anyone else...sometimes, not even his own Leader.

Home: Polaria


The regal mage-in-study at Savan's premier magic academy. Hailing from an affluent peacock/fowl family, Reine was brought up on all the particulars of nobility, resulting into the very elegant lady she is today. Having recently been just elected into being one of the three newest Guardians under the Islander Division. Her induction into the Order and her short-so-far tenure there had opened her eyes to the responsibilities of one bearing such great power as her. To that end, her diplomacy skills have been on the rise, reaching out to marginalized groups in Savan and even Polaria, aside from honing her magics in the academy.

Home: Savan

Pub: 22 Aug 2023 15:08 UTC
Edit: 30 May 2024 08:25 UTC
Views: 712