FOR DUTCH AND GERMAN CITIZENS - CANADA Tourist and Business Visa / Electronic Travel Authority from Immigration and Government Office of Canada...

Address : Beursplein 1 Leeuwarden, 8900 AA Netherlands

Phone : +31 582 99 44 99

Email : [email protected]

Website :

Category : Electronic Visa

Business Hours : 24/7/365

Owner / Official Contact Name : Pollock Friedman Noel

Description :In Kanadeeske elektroanyske reisautoriteit is ferplicht foar ynwenners fan folken dy't net hoege te lestich falle mei in papieren fisum, mar weagje út nei Kanada fia de loft. Dit elektroanyske fisum is direkt ferbûn oan jo paspoart en foltôge as in koarte fisumformulier foar Kanada. It bliuwt legitime foar sa lang as fiif jier of oant jo visa ferrint, wat ek begjint. Yn it gefal dat jo paspoart ferlern is, nommen, beskeadige of opnij is útjûn, moatte jo in oare elektroanyske reisautoriteit oanfreegje. Mei in legitime Electronic Travel Authority, kinne jo besykje Kanada op ferskate gelegenheden foar koarte ferbliuwen, geregeldwei sa lang as 180 dagen foar eltse besite. By it lânjen yn 'e loftterminal moatte jo in e-postkopy fan jo Electronic Travel Authority of Online Canada Visa yntrodusearje, neist jo paspoart, oan' e grinsamtner. Wat te bringen nei de loftterminal, Hâld in sêfte kopy of ôfdruk fan jo e-post foar oanbefelling fan 'e Electronic Travel Authority handich. Garandearje dat jo paspoart oerienkomt mei it dat wurdt brûkt yn jo applikaasje foar Electronic Travel Authority. It fleantúchpersoniel sil jo visa en Electronic Travel Authority echt besjen om har legitimiteit te befestigjen. As jo ferskate paspoarten hawwe, drage dan dejinge dy't relatearre is by jo Electronic Travel Authority. Om te foarkommen fan problemen by de loftterminal, soargje derfoar dat it werkenbere bewiisnûmer yn jo e-post foar oanbefelling fan 'e Electronic Travel Authority oerienkomt mei it nûmer yn jo paspoart. Yn it gefal dat se net koördinearje, moatte jo in oare elektroanyske reisautoriteit oanfreegje. A Canadian Electronic Travel Authority is mandatory for residents of nations who needn't bother with a paper visa however are venturing out to Canada via air. This electronic visa is connected straightforwardly to your passport and fills in as a short visa form for Canada. It stays legitimate for as long as five years or until your visa lapses, whichever starts things out. In case your passport is lost, taken, damaged, or re issued, you should apply for another Electronic Travel Authority. With a legitimate Electronic Travel Authority, you can visit Canada on various occasions for short stays, regularly as long as 180 days for each visit. Upon landing in the air terminal, you should introduce an email copy of your Electronic Travel Authority or Online Canada Visa, alongside your passport, to the boundary official. What to Bring to the Air terminal, Keep a soft copy or printout of your Electronic Travel Authority endorsement email convenient. Guarantee your passport matches the one utilized in your Electronic Travel Authority application. The aircraft staff will really take a look at your visa and Electronic Travel Authority to affirm its legitimacy. In case you have various passports, carry the one related with your Electronic Travel Authority.To keep away from issues at the air terminal, ensure the recognizable proof number in your Electronic Travel Authority endorsement email matches the number in your passport. In the event that they don't coordinate, you should apply for another Electronic Travel Authority.

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Pub: 05 Jan 2025 07:37 UTC
Views: 24