Pushing him wouldn't achieve anything.
However ramming had extra effect on me too.
I was in great deal of pain, my side exploded in pain, my hands were numb from the pain. It felt like I've been immediately hit back, even though Steve has fell on his side.
While he was slowly standing up, I was clutching my side, and wincing in pain.
This ridiculous attempt to show him who's the up dog here was pricey to say the least.
However before he could stand up completely, the kid hid behind me and handed me his leash.
"Oh, he's protecting the young one" Katie noticed.
"Easy there Runner." He said, not sure what to think about the situation. He kept glancing at my right hand.
I looked at my right hand which was hurting like crazy. The blister on my palm was punctured. It must have happened accidentally, when I clenched my fist from pain in my side.
Puss was leaking on the floor and I hissed through clenched teeth.
"Katie call Lena, he needs patching up." Steve said.
The Kid was still hiding behind me. And I was looking at the Steve. My look transcended any need for language. It simply stated that I will defend the kid to my last dying breath.
"Easy Runner, I didn't mean to scare you or your kid." he tried to calm me down.
Like I was some scared animal, I was the last broken remnant of humanity's pride.
Cat picked up the phone, saying something about injured humans.
Steve was slowly approaching. I had no problems with him now, but he must understand that I am responsible for the kid and I'm not going to throw him to wolves, be they on two or on four legs.
When he came closer, I allowed him to grab my leash.
"Good boy, Runner." He said, but didn't try to pet me.
"Let's go" He said and gently pulling my leash, I started walking and so did the kid, who was hiding behind me.
Before too long, we arrived at the solitary cell.
It went on just like I've planned it.
I needed medical attention, and I wanted to ensure that I won't lose the kid.


"So let me get this straight. You really want to keep Runner for yourself?" Boss asked for the second time, this time he was however sitting in his chair, leaning backwards.
"Not only that, I want to train him to help me with my work." I confirmed his suspicion.
"Why would you need Runner as an assistant" He wasn't going to leave it at that.
"He's fast, he's strong, and he already assisted with the rabid human. Plus, he's not the couch human. He's the outside human and a roamer too. He'll run away if somebody else adopted him in a matter of days." I explained and he seemed to be taken aback by the last statement.
"How can you be so sure?" He asked, and I was already prepared for that.
"Because he already ran away from me, he returned in the morning, injured and with the kid." I said, and now to deliver the killing blow.
"He returned to my house, while he could just leave." I said while relaxing a little. I wanted to look at Runner but the blinds in the office were down and I couldn't hear anything from outside.
"This might still work" Boss mumbled to himself, while looking at his hands.
"And how can you be so sure he'll obey you?" This question was warranted and just like before she was already prepared for it.
" because he did everything I ordered him to do. " I lied, but it was calculated risk.
"Really? Everything?" The boss raised an eyebrow.
"There is an exception, he doesn't allow me to hold his leash alone, but I think its more of a personality quirk rather than act of disobedience." I said.
"To think you would change your mind practically overnight, he must have made quite an impression on you" boss smirked.
"He did" I concurred.
"I tell you what. I cannot risk him with you on the field right now, however. I can't really stop you from adopting him. What if he goes through the training? Then he might be able to work with you. What do you say? can he be trained? Is he smart enough for that?"
"Of course" I didn't hesitate.


"Then I congratulate you to your newest adoption." The boss said and extended his arm.
I gave him a firm handshake and thanked him with a simple "Thank you."
"I'm going to adopt the kid too." I added while getting my paw back from the handshake.
"Please, take as many as you want" He joked. and I laughed, knowing that I'll use this exact sentence against him in a matter of minutes, maybe in an hour.
"So, lets see how is our newest potential recruit doing." His mood changed, maybe he thought that he'll get more recognition from the public by catching the human menace and converting it into a 'police human' of sorts.
When we left the boss' office back to the main office bloc, I realized that certain human with a kid was missing.
"Where's runner?" I asked Katie with a rising fear in my voice.
"They took him back to the solitary, he managed to hurt himself." Katie explained, and I knew that my speech about how smart Runner was is slowly being dissolved.
"What? how?" I asked.
"Steve grabbed the kid's leash and Runner got all protective." Before she could continue, I gasped "What? there was a fight?" Boss asked.
"No, he just pushed Steve with his shoulder." Katie said it like it was a shoulder pushing that happens in overcrowded bus.
The boss was to my side so i couldn't mouth the 'thank you' I wanted. If Runner was injured, i guess he must have rammed Steve pretty hard.
We then changed course towards the solitary.
When I entered the cell, Runner was sitting on a stool, half undressed. with kid laying on the bed. Lena was by Runner's side and Steve was standing behind him, however he did not touch him.
"How is he?" This time boss asked.
"He has second degree burns on his hands, and a blister ruptured, his side seems to be doing okay." Lena said, and I looked Runner in the eye.
"What did you do ?" I said in overly accusing voice.
He lowered his head down, like a beaten dog. I was hoping he would catch on, but this surprised even me.


I tried my very best impression of a sad human. I even avoided her look. I don't know what conversation they had with the boss.
However Judging from the fact that the boss was here, meant that he's going to see how I act. So I have to do the absolute obedience act.
"It might be my fault, he was only protecting the kid." The wolfy said. I was surprised. My only goal was to let people know that the kid is with me and to get the solitary sentence. The Medical attention was a pleasant extra bonus.
The kid fell asleep and I can't blame him, I would go to bed too if I could.
"All done!" Lena announced and stepped away from me.
Before I could realize what was going on, I was pulled by the leash from my chair.
Lizzie brought her face close to mine and said.
"Don't do that again, now dress up and don't cause any trouble!" she said. Man she was getting scary, especially now when she knew that I wouldn't disobey.
I lowered my head and avoided looking her in the eye.
She then let go of the leash and I slowly started to redress, eyes on her.
"Very impressive" the boss said.
I was zipping myself up and stood up.
"Lets go." Lizzie ordered and I looked at her, and then clicked my tongue several times, looking at the bed. The little kid was watching the scene from under the blanket, but when he heard me, he scampered from under the blankets and right to my side.
I held both my leash and his leash in the same hand I started walking after her.
"Once he feels that the kid is safe in my house, he'll be ready." She said, and now I was getting curious. I wasn't aware of being ready for something, besides, I'll need to find the other kid.
"Very well, Steve, you and Lena will help Lizzie take photos of them for the Ownership licences. Bring the adoption forms to me, I'll make sure they are approved by the end the day." Boss decided, which was a huge victory.
"then you can go home and train him, but tomorrow I want you in the office." Boss decided.


The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, I got sat down at the chair with blue background and made to look at the camera.
The kid had some problems looking the right way, but they eventually managed to snap the right picture.
Then they brought us to the lobby again, and Lizzie stood in front of the forms and was uncertain about something.
"Well, Runner is a good name for a human but what about the kid?" She was wondering, and then looked at the kid by my side.
We were standing right behind her, doing sweet FA.
"He looks like ...hmm...Adolf" Katie said and Lizzie looked at the kid and said "Yeah.
Thats the point where I had to start coughing uncontrollably, no way I'm letting this Aryan kid with blond hair and blue eyes get named "Adolf"
Lizzie picked up on my coughing fit and after a while decided for "Nathan"
Now the paperwork was done and we were free to do whatever we wanted.
That could only mean the visit to the station was over and the three of us left. Just like before we were went to our designated seats, and drove off.
I wasn't happy about this, but what could I do?
"So about the other kid" I tried to approach the subject.
"Not today, tomorrow. Without Nathan." She said while keeping her eyes on the road, and I already started wondering about how the hell are we going to keep Nathan from doing anything.
However when we pulled up, and I looked out of the window, I couldn't help but say "Oh shit"
This can't be true, this can't be true!


To Tame a Human
Chapter Eleven: There goes the neighborhood

I recognized her. There was no denying it, and the open doors right behind her were spelling certain doom for me.
Not knowing what might be even worse, and not willing to find out, I ducked in my seat.
It was too late.
"Hey Nona!" Lizzie said to the neighbor, right when she got out of the vehicle.
"Hello Lizzie, how are you?" Nona responded.
I was trying to avoid showing my face, but I already noticed what Nona was wearing.
A pink elastic T-shirt with floral pattern under the low cut neck, straining to keep her huge feminine charms. yet elastic enough to hug her hourglass figure.
Black shorts with pink spiral patterns, It made you wonder if she was wearing this provocative clothing for lucky someone, or if she really did come only for the newspaper.
The pink with black was interesting color choice, even more interesting if the owner of these clothes had white fur with black stripes.
"Who's this little cute human?" She asked looking through the window at Nathan.
"This is the newest addition to my family, his name is Nathan and he's still a little scared."
He's not scared, as long as there is a glass window between him and the other furries, he has no problem pushing his face against the glass in an attempt to look at them.
If the glass would suddenly disappear, he'll be hiding right behind me.
"Oh, you've got two?" God damn it. She noticed me.
"Yes, the big one is Runner, the newspaper called him Human menace, maybe you've heard of him." Lizzie said, while walking around the car to open my doors. I got out and turned around, to face the Zebra from yesterday. Hoping that she was intoxicated enough to not remember me
"It's you!" Well fuck!
"What?" Lizzie asked, and I wanted to give her a knowing look, but the Zebra was advancing towards me in an incredible speed.
Oh shit. This is going to get serious at a very short notice!
She was right in front of me


Out of fucking nowhere, my whole world has disappeared in an instance.
Only to be replaced by slight discomfort. Somewhat pleasant feeling of elastic material on my face, and through that the squishy feeling you get when you get a face full of boobs.
"I thought I would never see you again" she said, hugging me even tighter.
The way she pressed me into her would be very pleasant and affectionate, or even erotic if it wasn't for the pain from the bruise and not to mention the hands.
"What are you talking about?" Lizzie asked, while I was trying to desperately struggle free.
The pain was one thing, but the sudden restriction of my respiration was a bigger problem. I couldn't breathe!
"I've met him yesterday on the street, he saved me from a horrible fate at hands of some thug!" She explained as I was trying to place something between her T-shirt and my face to allow breathing.
"Not only did he save me, he even brought me to a police station, such a smart boy!" She said nuzzling my hair.
I managed to lodge my left hand between her left boob and my face, pressing in an attempt to get the air.
"He went missing yesterday, but are you sure its him?" Lizzie asked. I wasn't sure if she was ignoring my struggle or if she thought I was horsing around and not trying to avoid death by boobs
" Of course its him, he even has the same clothes. Look, he likes me too!" She said and as I was finally managing to get free, my hand which was hurting like all hell broke loose was pushing even more.
"Ah" she exhaled, and I grunted, not in arousal, but from pain.
Meanwhile Lizzie extracted Nathan from the car and said "That's enough, give him some air."
So she knew I was struggling for air? She decided not to help me in this desperate situation? Was she thinking that I enjoyed this or something?
The mountain suddenly let go and I was free. My bandaged hand hurting, my side hurting, and me gasping for air.
"If I knew he was up for adoption, I would have adopted him myself." She said.


"He wasn't for adoption. It's more of a perk of my job that I can keep him. He's going to be trained for police human." Lizzie said, now standing by my side while the kid was hiding behind me.
"Police human? Never heard about that before" Nona admitted, however her lack of knowledge didn't stop her from petting me.
I was afraid that any attempt to avoid or fight back against the petting might endanger Lizzie's new ownership of me, and myself, because my struggling a few moments ago was mistaken for affection.
"There are few smart humans who can help catch criminals and stuff. Humans are fast and they have incredible stamina." Lizzie explained.
I didn't mind explaining that to Nona, but the way she petted me harder after Lizzie said the Stamina part.
"Well, you mister, have my full support." She said, as she looked me in the eye.
"If you ever need help watching him, or the kid, don't hesitate to ask me." She offered her services generously.
"Thanks Nona" Lizzie said and started walking towards the doors.
I turned too but I was grabbed from behind and hugged one more time.
"You're welcome in my house any time" she whispered as she nuzzled the side of my face.
Before Lizzie opened the doors the hug was finished and she started walking towards her house, which was right next to ours.
I feel violated. Not to mention that this traitorous erection which was slowly subsiding.
I knew it was quite some time, and that I was susceptible to heavy petting, and that she smelled nicely.
But what the hell Dick? What the hell?
As the doors closed behind me, and Lizzie and Nathan entered the corridor, she turned to me.
"Did you really save her?" She asked curiously.
"I did, the guy was ready to rape her." I replied.
"Wow, so not only you were a human menace, you are also a vigilante?" Now she was mocking me, or at least I thought so.
"I'm not a vigilante." I protested, true I saved her, true I could have walked away and allow her to be raped.


"Of course you are, the one who lurks in the darkness, the protecto...wait did you say she was almost raped ?" Wow Lizzie, aren't you rather quick.
"Yes, raped, you weren't listening were you?" I asked her, as we slowly moved towards the living room.
"I'm sorry, I'm trying to remember where is the human trainer."
"Human Trainer?" I asked, still not sure what she was going on about, maybe she really meant what she said to Nona.
"Am I really going to become policeman?" I asked, not actually believing that they would give me uniform, pistol, baton and cuffs, and I would go around catching the criminals.
"Of course not. I talked to my boss and he said that if you pass the police human training he'll allow you to help me with my job."
Wait a second. So I am going to be trained as a police dog, so I could help her catch other humans?
The more I looked at it the less I liked it, but the real atom bomb is going to be dropped in two minutes and four seconds.
"Oh now I remember" Lizzie said and took her mobile phone, dialing a number and then waiting.
Meanwhile I decided that it was about time to show Nathan the biggest wonder in the history of humankind... Furrykind too.
"Now Nathan, this is TV" I announced as I pressed a button on the remote, trying to turn it on.
Nothing happened. I checked the remote, and then pressed the power button. It was one of those TV's where the pressing of power button on remote was the only way to turn it on with remote.
I hated this feature, but then again, the picture of a singer, presumably antelope or something like that, dancing with two buff elephant guys by her side.
I quickly turned down the volume, so she could continue with her call.
Few seconds later, she put it down.
"Well, he has a place for you, but he'll be free in two days." She said, looking at me with troubled expression.
"So ?" I asked, not really getting it.
"So? I have to be in the office tomorrow" She said, like it was some kind of problem.


Now I get it, she's afraid that I'll piss on the carpet or something. "Don't worry then, Nathan and I will hold the fort, I'll make sure nothing goes wrong."
"Look Runner, I know you are smart, but you have to realize that I cannot leave human alone until he is comfortable with the house" She said, and I was still not getting it.
"I'm comfortable, and I'm sure Nathan is too" To emphasize the point I petted the couch on which I was sitting. Nathan was paying us no attention as he was studying the TV from side, trying to figure out how the three animals managed to get into the flat surface of the TV.
"I know you are, but it's more about what others think. My adoption might get revoked if, and I'll quote the law: 'The human is left without supervision for the acclimatization period.' Which is up to month, but the general idea is to not let the pet out of your sight for first three days." She explained, and I had this feeling of Déjá-Vu.
I knew there were shitty laws across the planet, no matter which one, Earth or whatever this one is called.
"So, you'll have to take us to work?" I guessed, and I guessed wrong, very wrong.
"I'll have to get someone to look after both of you" The sense of impending doom was more intense than ever.
If she's going to ask Nona, I'll be in big trouble. There will be a high risk of being raped and/or kidnapped. That zebra with huge tits is crazy!
"I'll ask Nona!" Oh god, oh god no!
"Please don't!" I said, how am I going to explain this? Even back home it was impossible to explain to a woman that women can rape men too.
"Why?" She asked and I pondered which words should I use to describe the problem at hand.
"She scares me!" Those were the words that came out of my mouth and I felt like an ass. Why is it so difficult to tell her 'she'll rape me!'
"She's a little big, but she means well, and she has a heart of gold." She defended her.
"She helped me out on many occasions." She went on and on.


I stopped listening after a few moments, instead listening to the music on the background.
It was impossible, because Lizzie went on about how they were great friends and how her husband left her and how hard is life for her.
"So I want you to be nice to her." She said, and it sounded like an order.
Why the hell did I tell her that I would do whatever she said?
Now it seems like I'm just intimidated by her size.
"You got it all wrong!" I tried to defend myself, but it was no good.
It was decided that Tomorrow a certain Zebra will be taking care of us, because someone made a law that's complete utter bullshit.
How unlucky can I actually get?


To Tame a Human

Chapter Twelve: Brace yourself, Zebra is coming!

The rest of the day was uneventful
That is what I would like to say. It is however not possible to say that with clear conscience.
"That's how we do it then, you'll come with me to work, find the other kid you want, and then Nona will drive you both back." Lizzie decided.
I told her that I can get home safely alone, but she wouldn't have it. I also didn't want the kid to be alone with the Zebra. However the chances of her lusting for the kid were slim, it seemed more likely that I was the main catalyst.
I opened my mouth to say something but she grabbed me by the collar and pulled me down to her face level
"I am not going to discuss this anymore" She said, almost growling.
I have never seen Lizzie like that. I don't remember saying anything that could have such an impact.
I felt like the safest way to get out of the situation was to say "Ok" and just let it go.
"Great" she said and walked away.
I was left there, wondering what the hell happened.
The evening came and she decided that we should go out and play in the back yard.
I'm not even kidding, she just came to me and said something about the kid needing some fresh air, and before I knew it. I both of us were standing in the backyard.
What the fuck is wrong with her?
The backyard was your average backyard in suburban area. Basically a fenced square, same width as the house and roughly the same length.
The only problem was the weather.
As the Christmas were probably right behind the corner, the cold weather was doing wonders to the grass. There were three plastic seats around a circular plastic table.
The whole place seemed desolate, but there was a swing made from wood.
While the circumstances were not great, it was an opportunity to try if Nathan would enjoy it.
I walked casually towards the swing, examining it first. It seemed worn down but still in useable condition.


Trying not to think about the cold weather, I motioned towards the swing for Nathan, who had no idea about what needs to be done.
Trying more direct approach, I closed the distance and picked him up and sat him on the swing.
He instinctively clung to the ropes, and gave me a look of uncertainty.
I smiled at him, and gently pushed the seat.
He seemed to not enjoy this, as a hint of fear crossed his face.
I pushed him again. It was not the best workout session I ever had, but the movement from pushing him seemed to chase the cold weather away.
After few more swings, the uncertainty faded and he looked around, smiling.
That's the spirit, lets push the swing a little more.
The ropes were making uncomfortable sounds, but the iron construction seemed sturdy enough.
It could possibly even hold me together with the kid.
This provided some interesting ideas for working out.
It'll be good enough for pull ups, and who knows, maybe Nathan will join me one day.
For now however, let him enjoy swinging a little more.
There was a lot of time for me to think about what has transpired in the house.
What happened to Lizzie was my biggest question.
She seemed okay in the morning but slowly through the day her mood started to deteriorate, to the point where I decided that it might be prudent course of action to simply agree with her and do what she wants.
I looked at the house, which had several windows from this side, yet not a single one offered me any answers when it came to this mystery.
Laughter filled my ears, as Nathan was slowly figuring out how to swing himself a little higher.
If this continues, he might be able to swing all alone in a matter of minutes.
He was a smart boy, and with good teacher nonetheless.
If I was more agile, I would pat myself on the back.
The time went on, and on, and eventually he was swinging all alone, which allowed me to investigate the garden.
The only interesting thing I found was the somewhat hidden shed.


It wasn't really hidden, however the color was similar to the color of the fence.
The Entryway was towards the plastic seats.
I looked the doors over and they had a padlock. Heavily rusted, it seems like Lizzie didn't go to this shed often.
The fact that the wood holding the Latch at the doorframe was so rotten it effectively fell off after a little pull was a sign that she didn't come here at all.
Nathan, curious by the sudden sound of metallic clang has climbed down from the swing and was now once again right by my side.
I slowly opened the door, fighting with the hinges and wondering about the structural integrity of this object.
It was a garden shed, so I was not surprised to see the tools of the trade, including but not limited to shovel, pickaxe, rake, broom, wheelbarrow and the like.
all of the previously mentioned was in a condition that could possibly be described only with the word "poor" However, I saw a bike in the back and a plastic balloon. Very old from the looks of.
I think I'll be able to get to it, and pick it up.
This was a whole new experience for me.
You see, I didn't have any kids back home, and while I was already taking care of three kids for the past nine months, it was more about survival than playing together with them.
My whole life in this world was about survival but I wanted something different for the kids. I wanted for them to enjoy the life.
Right now, the balloon represented the fun in their lives, and I was going to get over the pile of junk and otherwise disorganized gardening tools, get it and bring it to the kids.
I am willing to fight for their ability to enjoy life, I was willing enough to enter this spider-web filled shed.
After a few more moments I succeeded.
I got the ball and I returned safely to the kid who was now studying the shovel.
As I emerged, I triumphantly raised the balloon above my head and then I threw it on the ground.


After I arranged the doors back to the 'It appears to be closed' position, I turned towards the kid.
Nathan was already holding the balloon and examined it.
I watched him trying to figure out what it was for.
He went all scientific at it. First he looked all over the surface, and found the vent, studied it, but after he figured out that he cannot push it in with his fingers, or grab it, he went on.
I interfered only when he was about to taste the ball.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for eating everything, cobwebs included, because it might increase your body resistance to diseases, but I needed the ball intact.
Snatching the ball from his hand, he looked up at me, as I took some steps away from him, and then gently throwing him the ball.
While his understanding of this activity might have been low, his reflexes were high and so at least he caught the ball.
It took some convincing but he eventually threw the ball back to me.
We played for some time with the ball before the call came from the doors.
"Come on, it's getting dark" Lizzie said and we both left the ball where it fell and went inside.
The house smelled differently when I entered. I never took Lizzie for the Incense type, but there were a lots of them, the whole house was already filled with a sweet vanilla smell.
I didn't ask, not willing to get into another fight, let alone be thrown out again.
Tonight, she went for cold kitchen, Swedish table style.
At the table she seemed completely cool, or maybe even happy. I didn't get it.
It was by the end of the dinner, when almost everything was eaten, and Nathan was filling his mouth with last piece of salad, she finally spoke up after a long period of silent household.
"So, do you mind if I give Nathan your room?" Was the silence breaking question, and I pondered the true meaning behind this one
"Well, I don't see why not, but the question is, where will I sleep?"


"There are only two beds, my king size bed and the guest room one." She said matter o-factly like it explained everything, and it sort of did.
It wasn't that big deal for me, but I was surprised she wanted me in the same bed after she found out that I am sentient being.
Sure, I would let my cat sleep in my bed once or twice, but if I found out she can understand me and is on the same level as I am, she'll have to get separate bed, or couch.
It was the couch which made me reconsider opening my mouth to discuss this.
Then, I realized just how much did I change in the previous three days.
When the hell did she turn me around her fingers? How come I do not complain when I feel the need to? Is it fear of her retribution?
I couldn't put my finger on what was making me reconsider my words of complaint.
"I'll wash the dishes" I offered, to get away from the dangerous way of thinking.
"Then I'll put Nathan to bed" She offered and we all stood up.
She made a clicking noise at Nathan, just like I sometimes did when I wanted to get his attention.
After that, Nathan went with her willingly, which was another nice surprise for me.
I thought he might have some problems with the way I introduced her, but he seemed to have accepted her quite easily.
If all humans are this easily convinced, then it might be a reason why domesticated humans are favorite pets.
After the dishes were done, I went upstairs and to the shower.
I wonder if she considered giving Nathan bath too.
As I entered the bathroom and undressed, I heard footsteps on the outside. She was probably finished with putting Nathan to sleep.
I climbed into the bath and turned on the water.
For the first time in human and furry history, I got the perfect temperature without adjusting it for at least 10 seconds.
This day shall be forever remembered as the 'mastery of shower setting's day'
When the water touched my face, a refreshing sensation engulfed my whole body.


Then came the wind and the sudden sensation of dread came with it.
I turned around to see Lizzie in the doorway, getting inside too.
"What the?" I said, as she locked the eyes with mine.
"What?" She asked, slowly undressing.
"I thought that " I wanted to say a lot of things. Last time she dragged me into the shower, but now she came here, fully knowing that I was a person and not a pet.
"Can't you wait until I'm done?" I managed to say, but by that time she was already wearing only underwear.
"I could, but I want to wash your back, and for you to wash mine again." She said, and I could swear there was something strange about her.
She undressed completely, and stood before me in her birthday suit. She then proceeded to enter the bath with me, staring at her in what could be described only as disbelief.
I was not expecting that, she got into the shower with me, and looked me from top to the bottom. It was then when I covered my nether region.
It seemed like she was completely different person, she even smelled differently. The scent was heavy and somewhat nice with a hint of vanilla in the background.
"What are you waiting for? Turn around" She said, and I turned around.
Immediately I could feel the hot water on my back, meanwhile she reached for some shower gel, possibly the one for humans.
"How come you had shower gels for humans ready?" I asked, trying to avoid the awkward silence.
"You're not the first human I brought home. I'm from animal control, remember? Sometimes we have to bring humans in our homes to get them used to the idea of home before adoption" She said but then she continued with much gentler tone "The other humans, are not like you."
I already noticed the lack of spark in their eyes, or the fact that I can talk and think things through.
"I noticed" I said, as she massaged the gel in my backs.
"Where did you get this scar?" She asked me, pushing her digit in my upper back.
"The one on the left, or the middle one?"


"Both of them." She didn't clarify anything for me.
"Well, one's a bullet wound the left one, and the second is from glass doors." I said.
"Bullet wound?" She asked, continuing to soap up my backs.
"It was in basic training, an accident on the shooting range." I Didn't want to go into details, because to this day I still doubt that the gun misfired.
"So you were in the army?" She asked and I shook my head.
"Only the basic training, it was mandatory." I said as she was approaching my lower backs.
"army of humans. It sounds silly." She said, probably smiling behind my backs.
"Why so?" I asked
"Because its humans we're talking about, Homo Docilis. Some of them have problems opening doors." She said and It gave me a pause.
How did she call humans? Homo Docilis? Is that what the humans are here?
"Homo Docilis?" I asked, and looked around.
"Yes, Homo Docilis, that's the Latin name" she looked me in the eyes again, confused about where was I going with this.
"Do you know how the previous Homo were called?" I asked, afraid of where this is going.
She gave it a pause and looked at my chest, trying to remember something.
"Before we started domesticating them, they were called differently. it was Homo...Homo... Homo Sapiens...." The skin on the back of my head started to tingle, and I could feel the hair standing up across my whole body. If they did enslave Homo Sapiens Sapiens to the point where humans evolved into Homo Docilis...
"Homo Sapiens Neanderthalis!" She said, suddenly remembering.
"Holy fuck." I said. I didn't know the specifics, but if they started to domesticate us when we were Neanderthals, it means that I am an aberration here, because No Homo Sapiens Sapiens exist here.
"Don't worry, that was thousands of years ago." She said and reached over my shoulders with the nozzle. Washing the soap of my backs.
It is official. There are no more people like me, and I felt sadness overcome me.
She noticed it and asked "What's wrong?"


Tears were forming in my eyes, and I could no longer stem the flow.
In the past I was thinking about the possibility of being the only normal person in this place, but to learn that the evolution decided to screw us over big time.
Not to mention leaving me, the last thinking human, in this mess.
Lizzie was looking at me, holding me in half a hug while showering my backs.
"I." I started, trying hard not to let my voice shake.
"We, We were called Homo Sapiens Sapiens, the modern man, subspecies of Wise man" I said, still trying to figure out where the history took the wrong turn.
"So..." She said, looking still in my face.
"The Neanderthals were our ancestors, in my world we weren't domesticated because nobody would domesticate us. I'm special, and alone." I said, rubbing my eyes.
She smiled and hugged me. "But you are not alone Runner, I'm here for you"
I hugged her like there was no tomorrow.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine, I'll take care of that." She said, pulling her head away from me, to look me in the eyes.
"I promise" she whispered, and then out of fucking nowhere, I felt something hot touch my lips.
She kissed me, on the mouth. I was suddenly aware of everything that was happening around me, her naked body pressed into me, her breasts pressed into my chest, the water dripping from my back. Her smell, the taste of her lips, the sensation of the furry and wet paws on my back.
The kiss didn't last for long, and she pulled away first. "You smell nice" she said, and then kissed me on the cheek again.
"Ohoho" She said, looking down, at where I poked her belly, completely hands free.
"Sorry!" I immediately apologized for the boner I sprung, the despair and sadness forgotten, in it's place came shame.
"Let's go." She said, turning the water off.
"Where?" I asked dumbly as she went from the bath and handed me a towel.
"To bed of course." She said as she dried herself, starting with the bountiful breasts.


Those perfect breasts, big and shapely, with perky little nipples.
There was something with the way she was drying them, seductive, sensual.
Then she went to dry her midriff and her sides. Her tail was curving and extending in my direction. It was almost like a 'come hither' motion.
"Don't just stand there." She said, and I could swear she was challenging me.
However, trying to keep the last bit of decorum and to try once again to take the gaze off her I looked down, and made a skirt from the towel. Just like she did.
She then proceeded to take my hand and lead me outside the bathroom.
"What about the clo..." I tried to ask, but when I finished the sentence I was already in her room, and before I could say 'clothes' she closed the doors and her lips touched mine.
Her kiss could only be described as hungry, needy. She was pressing her body against mine again. Holding the back of my head and my lower backs, I could not get free, not that I wanted to mind you.
I reached around and held her tightly against me. When I touched her back, her tail immediately sprung up and grabbed my wrist, coiling around it like a hungry snake.
I continued kissing her, while thinking about what I was just doing.
The whole train of thought consisted of me trying to figure out if this is right or not.
As if she sensed my hesitation, she pushed her tongue into my mouth.
French kissing was something, but her tongue was completely different, as if grabbing onto my own tongue, scraping it.
The train of thought was derailed and the only conclusion I could draw from that was that She needed me, and I needed her.
With one of my hands being held in place, the other one wandered down, to that perfectly round and squeezable rump.
One gentle stroke stopped the onslaught on my mouth and I could hear her moan a sweet silent "ah."
She then looked at me and kissed my neck.


One more squeeze should do the trick, but suddenly she started to backpedal, forcefully pulling me towards the bed.
"Come" She said, and suddenly, my foot hit the bed and we both tumbled on top of it with a loud thunk as the springs tried their very best to stabilize.
Now was my chance, with my hand free from the grabby tail, I could finally go on the offensive.
Being bigger than her had its advantages, like right now. I grabbed her hair and held her head in place, eliciting another moan. I kissed her on the neck. The other hand was snaking its way from below along her sides, fingers combing through the fur, before finally reaching the breast.
My kisses went downwards too, slowly descending towards her chest.
Her hands suddenly appeared on the back of my head, hindering my movement for a second. I had to let go of her hair and in that moment she pressed my head into her right breast, while playing with the nipple on her left one. Leaving me with one hand to support myself while sucking on her beautiful breasts.
The only problem was the fur, to which I wasn't used. So instead of licking around the areolae, I concentrated on the nipple.
The sweet moans, mixed with the hands holding my head, not to mention the tail holding me like a belt, were a signal. She was ready for the main event.
"Runner" she moaned, and I raised my head to look her in the eyes.
Those beautiful black and golden eyes, her pleading look, the request left unsaid by the lips but spoken by the eyes.
"Yes?" I teased.
"I love you." She said, leaning for a kiss.
My mind wasn't that far gone into the pleasures of the flesh to simply parrot the 'I love you' to a needy woman without thinking about it.
However, there was no denying it, I liked her, I chose her for the greatest secret, that I can talk. I gave up my freedom to stay with her, there was no going around it, there are no words that could describe it better than.
"I love you too Lizzie" I said and kissed her.


The kiss will inevitably seal my fate.
The kiss will be acknowledgement that I am willing to spend the rest of my days with her, even though we will never be able to get married, or even go out together. Life of secrecy is all that awaited us, if we continue down this road.
I was willing to accept that, living on the run and in secrecy is what I've been doing for the most of my time in this world.
My hand left her nipple, and slowly started to crawl downwards, once again brushing the fur on her side, but this time the destination wasn't the squeezable butt, but her nether region.
When my hand was almost at the destination, she spread her legs, accepting my intrusion to her most sacred of places.
Consenting to the probing by my fingers, I could confirm that she was indeed ready for the main course.
"Don't tease me" She moaned, breaking the kiss.
It wasn't like me to torture the lady, so I obeyed her order.
It was time, we were both ready.
Shuffling my legs, to place them between hers.
Taking extra care not to step on the ever-present tail, we were prepared.
Prepared to do the most heinous act, in the most vile and disgusting position only the true perverts use.
With her willingness, I was prepared for some 'consensual sex in missionary position'
However, I wanted to start it with a passionate kiss. So I leaned forward, slowly. She however rushed, and our lips connected.
I slid my body lower, trying to find the opening to her chapel, to defile her, to fuck her.
I felt the heat radiated by her, my dick sliding across, missing the entrance on the first try.
No matter I wasn't going to give up.
Once again I went for it, and this time my mind went blank. It was like I have entered the heaven.
Bright light, and feeling of bliss, slowly fading away.
The heaven looked a lot like her bed, only illuminated.
Oh fuck, this isn't heaven!
Rolling to the side, holding her tightly, I engulfed both her and me in the blankets.


One look confirmed my suspicion, the Pajama wearing Nathan was standing by the light switch, looking worried and sad.
Trying my very best to calm my heavy breathing, I looked at him and asked "What? What's wrong ?"
He didn't say anything, as I expected, but he looked like he was on verge of tears, and I've remembered this kind of look.
"Did you have bad dreams?" I asked, still hugging Lizzie, who was dead silent, and hugging me.
Nathan nodded, and I knew the night was over. It was up to me to get up.
"Well, then." I said, crawling away from the blankets.
Nathan has seen me naked many times, especially when I had to dry my clothes, so there shouldn't be any problems this time around.
The shock itself managed to deflate me like a popped balloon so there was nothing he wouldn't be used to seeing. "Come on then." I said, getting off the bed, walking him out of the bedroom.
"We just need to get dressed." I said to him, but it was more of an announcement to let Lizzie know that both I and him were going to return and dressed, so we're all going to share that bed with him.
With that I walked to the bathroom and dressed myself up while Nathan waited by the doors.
I took my sweet time getting into the underwear, trying to give Lizzie as much time as humanly possible.
As I was finished, I said "Alright, lets go back." to once again announce our position and intent.
We arrived to her bedroom, and she was already dressed, and laying on the side of the bed.
I crawled in the middle, and Nathan went there too.
"Okay, now, good night" I said, laying on my back, and while Nathan didn't need any physical contact, Lizzie annexed my right hand and her tail curled on my belly.
She was still hot, and I knew I wouldn't get any sleep with this bad case of blue balls, but Nathan made it impossible to fix the situation.
Tomorrow we'll bring his brother here, so they can sleep together in one bed, so we can have peace.
And then there's the Zebra

End of chapter

To Tame a Human

Chapter Thirteen: Babysitting.

The morning came faster than I expected.
I swear I just closed my eyes, and poof, sun is shining, and I'm just as tired as I was when I went to bed.
I was staring right at the wall in front of me, trying to figure out why it seemed out of place.
After a few moments I realized that there was no tigress. Lizzie actually managed to sneak away from the bed.
'At least Nathan is still here, right?'
Turning around I confirmed that I was completely wrong about the whole situation, and that I was alone in the bed.
"Could've at least wake me up" I grumbled while getting out of the bed.
One quick dressing up later, I headed downstairs to figure out what was the big Idea.
I was in the corridor when I heard Lizzie talk, I couldn't make out the words, mostly because I was still tired.
No wonder, we almost made it yesterday. I couldn't believe that Lizzie would actually have her way with me. I almost couldn't believe I did that.
Sure, she's pretty, but she's a tiger, and I'm a human.
I like her, a lot, but what the hell came over me?
Entering the living room, I saw Nathan laying on his back in the middle of the room, watching TV.
"Then I'll drive him back" Lizzie said.
Looking to my left, I saw that she was already having a hot coffee with her Zebra friend.
"Look who has woken up?" Nona said with bright smile appearing on her face.
"Good morning Runner." Lizzie greeted me with a smile too. If this was a competition however, Nona's smile would win, and that was disconcerting.
I opened my mouth to say good morning too, only to realize that I cannot, or at least should not.
Trying my best to hide my previous intention, I faked a yawn and covered my mouth with right hand.
"Such good manners" Zebra commented, looking back at Lizzie.
"It was quite shocking to find out that the human menace was actually well behaved and trained human." Lizzie said, sipping from her cup.


I was just standing there, trying to figure my next course of action.
Should I go and make myself a breakfast? I'm quite hungry, but then again, I shouldn't be able to do that, so what now?
Lizzie threw me a lifeline however, by asking zebra the following question.
"Do you wanna see his table manners? He's probably hungry."
With a short answer consisting of "sure", Lizzie stood up and said "Alright, I'll prepare something for him."
With just that, she went to the kitchen, while Zebra stood up too and walked towards me.
"I really like his smart eyes." She said, while bowing down to compensate for her height.
One could easily mistake this for an attempt to just appear less threatening. However to more observant people, it was clear that it would've been much better to just bend your knees, as it would've shown WAY less cleavage!
She wasn't wearing any bra, and that was disconcerting too.
I was awake just for a few moments and already my willpower was tested. My attempts to steer my gaze clear from her cleavage were however futile. I quickly glanced down, as if to confirm that they were really that big.
They were. Quickly raising my eyes back to hers, you could see the smile spreading across her face.
"Hand" She said out of blue.
"Hand" She repeated with an expectant look on her face.
"Whats going on?" Lizzie asked from the kitchen, followed by the noise of closing the fridge.
"Did you teach him any commands? like, give hand?" Nona asked, looking in the general direction of the kitchen.
"I didn't, but maybe he knows them." She said, and I finally figured out what she wanted from me.
"Give me your hand" She repeated the command.
'Yeah, I don't think so lady.' I thought and walked around her, leaving her there just like that. I was headed right into the kitchen.
"A little moody aren't we?" Nona asked, turning around, but her attention was suddenly drawn to the Nathan, who stood up, and instinctively dusted off his pants.


It was interesting sight, seeing him dust his knees and rear, just like he did when we were living in the basement, but there was no need to do that here on the carpet.
It however gave me enough time to slip away into the kitchen.
I gave Lizzie a questioning look, because that is the loudest communication I can afford right now.
She looked at me, giving me a smile that should make me less confused about the situation and subliminally explain what was going on.
It did no such thing to me.
Lizzie walked around me with a plate on which two breads were prepared, both of them being covered in a pate.
"Come on Runner, sit down." She said in a tone that announced a beginning of the show.
Nona gave up trying to catch Nathan who evaded her skillfully and came to take a look.
I had no idea what was expected of me, so I just pulled up a chair and sat down at the table.
"Wow" Zebra exclaimed loudly while Lizzie put a plate on the table.
You could almost hear the unsaid question from Nona about eating at the table, but she remained silent.
I took the bread and proceeded to eat.
If sitting down at the table was impressive for Nona, I wonder how impressive would it be If I shown her that I can drive a car, stick or auto, It's all the same to me.
As I was chewing, a small piece of bread fell down, and I found it on my left sleeve. I then picked up the piece and placed it on the plate.
By doing this seemingly obvious thing, I earned another squeal from Zebra, this time around informing me that "he must be a genius!"
I didn't pay any attention to Nona for the rest of my breakfast, or at least, I tried to.
It's hard to enjoy your breakfast when you have two pairs of eyes glued to you, evaluating your behavior and the way you chew.
After the whole ordeal was over, I took the plate to the kitchen.
"Don't tell me he's going to wash it too?" Nona asked with disbelief on her face.
"That would be going too far now wouldn't it?" Lizzie said, pleased.


Once again I was very tempted to do something today, and it was very hard to resist doing it.
I however set the plate down without turning on the water and washing the whole thing.
I walked towards the living room but Lizzie caught my hand.
"Alright Runner, we have to go." She said as Nona returned to play with Nathan some more.
I didn't protest, anywhere she was going to take me was going to be fine as long as zebra stays away from me, and judging by the way Nathan is evading Nona, he'll be fine for quite some time too.
I was taken to the room which was previously mine, and I was collared and leashed. Even though Lizzie wasn't silent, but then again, what are you supposed to say to the "Now the collar."
Absolutely fucking nothing, that's what.
However old habits die hard, and as the leash got attached to the collar around my neck, I grabbed it.
"Really?" She asked, tired look flashing across her face.
Giving her the manliest of nods I could muster, she sighed and grabbed the leash in the middle.
"Let's go." And with that, we left the room, and went towards the exit.
"Take care" were the chosen words from Lizzie to Nona, as I was lead into the car.
This time around, it was back seat for me, and she even buckled me in.
In a matter of moments, we took off. The silence however lasted a lot longer than it needed to last.
I was the one who decided to break the silence, by asking the most important question of the century.
"So... About yesterday?" I tried a broad approach, but she looked at me through the rearview mirror and sighed.
"Where do I begin." It was obvious that she is going to beat around the bush too.
"I..." She attempted to start again, but fell silent.
"Take your time" I attempted to ease the tension, which only resulted in much thicker atmosphere.
"It's my time." She said, once again hoping that it would explain everything.
"Time for what?" I once again didn't get the memo.
"The time... I have my fertile days."


"I see" I said, although It gave no real answer to me.
"I really like you Runner." She continued, and I started to sense 'But' coming.
I waited for the but to come out and bite me in the face any second now, but nothing else came.
"How are you going to explain to your boss that you took me to pick a kid I like." Defusing the situation was the only thing I could do, and even though I chose poor alternative.
"I think of something when the time comes" She said, and I knew that there will be little to no talking with her today.
"Alright" I said, and so the rest of the trip remained silent.
Now that she mentioned her fertile days, I could finally piece the puzzles together.
She likes me, but she knows I'm a human.
Her fertile days made her a lot more amorous, so she is either trying to suppress her lust, or is thinking about the consequences of having sexual relationship with a human.
Be it what it may, it seems like Zebra had no qualms about having her way with me if I allowed her to do so.
I don't know if human/anthro sexual relationship carries the same stigma like the human/animal one in my world, and there was no way for me to get the information on my own without asking her.
However now was not the right time to do so. So instead of that I held my mouth shut until we've arrived at the pound.
Once again, she pulled her car into the empty spot, and I unbuckled myself. Things proceeded like they normally do, however this time around, we didn't head for the main doors.
She went for the rear entrance, which lead to the small courtyard. Nobody was there, and so we proceeded across the courtyard towards the entrance to the kennels, or however are the pens for humans called in this world.
As She opened the doors, I saw four huge cells, or pens, if you would like. Only two of them currently in use, on the furthest side of this room was a table with a computer.
Hiding behind the flat monitor was Lena, which surprised me and lizzie too.


"Hi?" Lena's words conveyed greetings, while her tone conveyed question.
"Hi, where's the old goat?" Lizzie asked, while I wasted no time and walked inside, looking at the cage number one.
"You know he hates being called that, plus he called in sick today, that's why I'm here. Besides, without Runner there, the solitary is empty." She said, looking at me, and then giving me a wave.
Looking into the first cell, I found that there were mostly half naked men, half of them paying attention to me, looking at me with pleading look, reaching out to me through the bars, pressing their faces between them etc. While the other half was playing with the few objects provided for entertainment in there.
There were few balls, some water noodles and now and there, some squeaky toys.
So in short, nothing that a fully grown man would find interesting for prolonged period of time, however they had no qualms about playing with it right now, and judging by the looks of some, they were here for quite some time.
Spacing out a little, I didn't follow the conversation the two of them had, and instead moved to the second cage. Which seemed to be much more promising.
The second one seemed to contain mostly women and children, however there were two old men in the mix.
Their reaction was roughly the same as from the inhabitants of the previous one. The females were however more vocal about it, moaning was prevalent sound among the cacophony. It was a sight any pervert would pay for: Topless women pressing their bodies against bars, reaching for you in a needy manner while moaning seductively.
I however, was not a pervert. I was Runner, a proud human, or at least what was left of proud human. This sight sickened me and made my blood boil with anger, once again I was reminded that we were not the dominant species here, and that we were treated as pets, and sometimes not even that.
"So Runner, found another friend you want to take home with you ?"


'All of them' would be my preferred answer. However I knew it was impossible, so I kept looking behind the women, trying to see the kids who were hiding behind them.
It wasn't that easy. Even though not all of them were topless, looking for a kid in the sea of boobies was the weirdest thing I've done.
I found seven kids, but I was certain that there were more of them, they were just hiding, and the horde wasn't providing any help.
I had to do it the other way around, if I cannot spot the kid, he'll have to see me, or hear me first.
Pursing my lips I let out a sharp whistle, which mixed with the voices of the females. The sudden sharp sound made them gasp, duck, or even retreat further into the very spacious cage.
"What is he doing?" Lena asked, while walking next to Lizzie.
"I have no idea." Lizzie answered, and looked just as confused as Lena did.
Another sharp whistle, just to make sure that he could hear me.
In my heart, I believed that he would come from the crowd, and make his way to the front of the cage.
If that happened, it would be very easy to get him out.
However, there was no response, only the most stubborn, or possibly the most desperate females were still at the front of the cage, while the rest retreated to the back.
Now I could see twelve kids, but he was not among them.
A sense of dread was setting in my heart.
I never should've allowed his capture, I should've fought the police officer.
Last desperate whistle followed. and my hope was diminishing with each passing second.
And a lot of seconds passed, before I slumped my shoulders in defeated posture.
Maybe he was already adopted, or maybe they took him to a different shelter. I wonder how many shelters there are.
What the fuck was I thinking?
I looked behind me at the two anthro girls, who were waiting for my input.
It just flashed through my mind that these two were directly responsible for the humans in those cells.


I just looked at lizzie, not even willing to shake my head.
I went to her side, and by the way she looked at me, it was pretty obvious that my face was betraying my feelings.
"Nobody? well, we'll find you a friend you'll be happy with eventually." She said, while hugging me, even Lena came and tried to hug me while I was already being hugged.
Is this some sort of group hug?
The fur in my face and back did try to warm up my body, but I needed something else.
I wanted to find the kid.
Yet, I wasn't able to do so.
I'm not giving up on him, just to be clear, this is however the second kid I lost and let me tell you, it hurts a little more than the first kid.
After few moments, Lena let go of me, and Lizzie did too.
"I'll take him back home." She said, and with that, she started pulling me by hand towards the exit.
I gave one last look to the cells behind me, as I was leaving the humans, men and women alike, with their warden to slowly rot in their cells.
Traitor, that's the word which describes how I felt.
It felt like I am betraying the whole mankind.
The feeling sunk in even more as I looked back once again, to see dozens upon dozens of eyes looking at me with pleading look.
The eyes will haunt me, the eyes, crying out for salvation, for freedom.
Yet I denied them that freedom, I could pick one and save him or her, the doors slowly closing behind me.
With a clunk, the doors closed, and the eyes disappeared from my vision.
I obediently followed Lizzie to the car, dejected, resigned and feeling like the Traitor to my own race.
"He wasn't there" I said as the car started moving.
"What do I do?" I asked Lizzie who offered no answers.
"What can I do?" I asked her again, and we stopped on red light.
"Who caught him? It wasn't one of us was it?" She asked, looking at me through the mirror.
"I think his name was Mike, he works with you." I replied, unintentionally starring daggers into her.


I knew it wasn't her fault, and I immediately lowered my gaze.
"Don't worry then, I'll ask Mike, maybe he adopted the kid, or maybe the kid was injured and sent to hospital, that way he'll arrive to the pound when he's ready." She tried to offer me some solace.
I wanted to believe her, I really did.
There was however too much 'If' and 'maybe' in this scenario that it failed to help my mood.
With the appearance of green light, the silence returned to the cabin, followed only by the hum of the engine.
My day was completely ruined, and those eyes.

Those eyes will haunt me forever.

End of chapter.

Oh boy, was I wrong. However my devoted silence was soon met with response. " I think you are smart enough to speak. So, say something for auntie Nona. I'll give you a treat. "
Of course I will. I'll just open my mouth and ask you about the weather, thus ruining my camouflage as an ordinary human, and then I'll be sold to government that will kill me and experiment on me. Because that seems like reasonable future considering that I might get a treat. Besides, I am not interested in your kind of treats anyway.
"Don't worry, I won't tell Lizzie that you can speak." She tried and tried, and I looked away. Trying my best to act like a normal human. She however bounced her legs, trying to get my attention back.
I wasn't some kid that you can just hold on your knees! Not to mention bounce me on them!
I get it you are a big woman, but that doesn't mean you can make a grown man feel insecure about his own height!
"Just one word, please Runner." She begged. Nathan was standing right next to us and looked me with curiosity in his eyes.
I briefly considered humoring her by saying "No" and then letting it go. However, I decided against it. I wonder why can't she just accept that I'm rather smart for Homo Domesticalis. Why does she need the urge to try and make me give up my secret of being Homo Sapiens.
I just turned my head away, which ended up being a bad idea.
She pulled me closer and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Aww, you are so adorable. Adorable and smart."
This was the moment I felt violated the most, and the day with her has just started!


Pub: 02 Sep 2024 07:56 UTC
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