Internal Politics

"The clearest signs of a civilized society are its adherence to the virtues of Liberty, Equality, and Honor"

  1. Liberty
    Every man and woman is born free, and is entitled to the fruits of his/her labour. Everyone is their own master, and may do with their bodies and lifes whatever they wish, as long as this does not infringe on the rights of others. Enslavement of people within the territories of the Serene Republic is illegal, and no one can be born into slavery on Nasfaqgian soil.
    1. Indentured Workers
      Citizens are allowed to sell themselves as indentured workers for any reason they desire. These indentured citizens are obligated to work for whomever their contract specifies until their indenture has been covered or otherwise expires, but are otherwise considered full citizens. Furthermore, any slave bought or brought into the Serene Republic by a citizen of the Serene Republic is to be considered an Indentured Worker who is freed once their indenture, defined as their purchase price, is covered or otherwise expires.
  2. Equality
    Everyone regardless of their sex, age, race, disposition, religion, ideology, family history, or wealth is equal in front of the law in the Serene Republic.
    1. Money Talks
      While on paper everyone is subject to the same laws and punishments, in truth those with connections and enough money tend to find ways to turn a harsh punishment into a symbolic slap on the wrists, especially if they are being tried in private courts. Dev Council and the Republic Proper are far more zealous in their belief in equality and justice than your average corporate city-state judges.
  3. Responsibility
    No one is obliged to bail you out of trouble, unless you have a written contract to show their obligation. A citizen of the Serene Republic is entitled to reap what they sow, both in good and in bad.
  4. Honor
    A Merchant's worth is measured in the weight of two things; His wallet, and his word. While written contracts are preferred for most dealings in the Serene Republic, logistics - or the wish to not leave an incriminating paper trail - may sometimes mean that a man must trust the word of his business partners. Nasfaqgians value oaths and promises highly, and especially formal ones witnessed by neutral parties are considered to be just as legally binding as written contracts are. A proper Nasfaqgian citizen will always try his best to follow through with what they promise, and when they cannot, they will provide an appropriate compensation for their failings.


Nationality Law: Jus Soli, Naturalization (Application, Guarantee)
Multiple Citizenship: Supported
Ethnic Limitations: None
Religious Limitations: None
Ideological Limitations: None
Revocation: Allowed by Dev Council decision

Citizenship by Application
A foreigner may be granted Nasfaqgian citizenship upon meeting certain requirements, including:

  • four years continuous residence; or
  • a total of eight years residence since age 8 with the last two years residence continuous; and
  • knowledge of at least one of the 2 languages: Kat Nol or Holodhennet.

For those married to a Nasfaqgian citizen for more than three years, the residence requirement is reduced to:

  • two years continuous residence; and
  • knowledge of at least one of the 2 languages: Kat Nol or Holodhennet.

These reduced residence requirements also apply to recognized refugees and stateless persons.
Former Nasfaqgian citizens are only required to have one year of continuous residence in the Serene Republic.
The authorities of the Serene Republic have the right to refuse an application for citizenship by application even if the requirements are met.

Citizenship by Guarantee
A foreigner may be granted a Nasfaqgian citizenship if they fulfill the following requirements:

  • a year continuous employment by a recognized Nasfaqgian corporate or governmental entity; or
  • citizenship of a foreign city administered by a recognized Nasfaqgian corporate or governmental entity; and
  • written Guarantee of Conduct backed by a recognized Nasfaqgian corporate or governmental entity; and
  • Citizenship by Guarantee fee paid by a recognized Nasfaqgian corporate or governmental entity; and
  • knowledge of at least one of the 2 languages: Kat Nol or Holodhennet.

The authorities of the Serene Republic have the right to refuse an application for citizenship by Guarantee even if the requirements are met, in which case the Citizenship by Guarantee fee is returned to the backer.

Citizen Rights

  • Freedom to reside and work. Nasfaqgian citizens have the right to reside and work in the Serene Republic. Certain non-citizens, such as lawful permanent residents, have similar rights; however, non-citizens, unlike citizens, may have this right taken away by any administrative entity, if they are, for example, convicted of a serious enough crime.

  • Freedom to enter and leave the Serene Republic. Nasfaqgian citizens have the right to enter and leave the Serene Republic freely. Certain non-citizens, such as permanent residents, have similar rights. Unlike permanent residents, Nasfaqgian citizens do not have an obligation to maintain residence in the Serene Republic - they can leave for any length of time and return freely at any time.

  • Right to own private land. Nasfaqgian citizens have the right to own and control privately owned land in the Serene Republic. Certain non-citizens, such as lawful foreign investors, have similar rights; however, non citizens, unlike citizens, may have this right taken away if they are found suspicious or if they are convicted of a serious enough crime.

  • Right to found a corporation. Nasfaqgian citizens have the right to found NASFAQ companies, which have various legal freedoms over foreign companies and individuals when operating within the Serene Republic.

  • Right to apply for the Republic Armed Forces. Nasfaqgian citizens have the right to apply to join the prestigious Republic Guard and the Republic Navy.

  • Right to apply for Republic employment. Many high ranking and important Republic government jobs require applicants to have Nasfaqgian citizenship. Nasfaqgian citizens can apply for Republic employment within a government agency or department.

Citizen Duties

  • Taxes. In the Serene Republic, everyone except those whose income is derived from tax-exempt revenue is required to pay a Republic income tax. Nasfaqgian citizens are subject to Republic income tax on worldwide income regardless of their country of residence. Foreigners are subject to Republic income taxes on revenue derived from trade, investments, or work within the Serene Republic.

Citizen Benefits

  • Consular assistance outside of the Serene Republic. While traveling abroad, if a person is arrested or detained by foreign authorities, the person can request to speak to a local Republic Consulate, if one exists. Consular officials can provide some resources for Nasfaqgians incarcerated abroad, such as translation services and assistance with navigating the local legal system. Depending on circumstance the Republic government may attempt to negotiate to purchase the incarcerated citizen's freedom and transport back to the Serene Republic. In these cases, the citizen in question is employed as an indentured worker for the Republic government until they have covered the price of their purchase and transport or their indenture otherwise expires.

  • Promise for the offer of purchase in the case of enslavement. The Republic Government offers to purchase any Nasfaqgian citizen who becomes a slave of, or indentured to, a foreign entity. The price offered depends on the circumstance of the Nasfaqgian citizen's enslavement. If the offer is accepted, the citizen in question is transported back to the Serene Republic and employed as an indentured worker for the Republic government until they have covered the price of their purchase and transport or their indenture otherwise expires.

Pub: 12 Jan 2023 23:53 UTC
Views: 84