My name is Amia or Shelly, but you can also address me as Connie, Vee or Vita among other names. I use she/they pronouns only. Knowing this, please do not misgender me even as a 'joke'. I am Belgian and English is not my first language. Due to this, there will be errors / misspellings present in my messages.

I list publicly that I have professionally diagnosed BPD, which affects my interactions. I am also the MinoMizu CEO and do not share this role. If you claim to be the biggest MinoMizu fan, I will block you for my own comfort.

DNI basic criteria, fakeclaimers & fans of freak media (Okegom, Ranfren, TCOAAL, etc). Other than that, I'm fine with anyone interacting!


Pub: 30 Dec 2024 22:00 UTC
Views: 17