Guide based on ULMF FOBS thread -



Black Stone (needs Kappa Dash):

in the second area of the Great Tree, jump onto the oddly dark, vine-covered wooden block and
press UP. You will enter a secret room, where the Black Stone is hidden.

Bench Wolf:

you can find her in multiple locations. Masturbate in front of her to get a footjob.
Second Animation: in the Nightmare Mansion, go to the last door of the hall, and you'll find her
panel sitting on the table.


Green Forest
Slime Girl:

the very first Slime you meet serves as an introduction to capturing, so she doesn't actually put
up a fight. Hit her once, and she will stand up and offer a hug. Hit her again, and then two
more times, and she will stand up, dazed and ready for grabs.
Second Animation: in the Secret Garden, in the area with the many Caterpillar Girls, stay on the
low path from the entry, and move to the right until a dead end. Use double jump to get into a
hidden path within the wooden wall, and follow it until the end for the panel.

Amazoness/Tribal Girl:

a deceptive enemy with a huge mask who throws rocks at you. Hit her a few times until she falls
over, then approach her. She will immediately throw you down and fuck you. After she's done with
you, she can be captured.
Second Animation: In the first area of the Great Tree, go to the save point. Directly below it,
you can move through the wall on the right to collect the panel.

Ant Girl:

can only be captured if there's another moster girl close to her. Initiate sex with a monster girl
in her close vicinity, and if she starts to hold her abdomen with an aroused expression, quickly
free yourself and hit her, and she'll be ready for capture.

Monkey Girl:

just hit her until she collapses. There's no big trick to this, as she's meant to be kind of a
first boss.
Second Animation: in the Dream Mansion, go to the Thwomp Room. Dodge the first two and jump up the
shaft right afterwards with a heart on the wall block. You'll enter a secret attic with her panel.

Kappa Girl:

jump over her rush attack and hit her in the back. She'll stumble over and you can get her.
Second Animation: at the bottom of the mannequin storeroom. Make sure you solved the puzzle so you
don't get stuck.

Bunny Girl:

just like the Ant Girl, you need another monster girls close to her. Which is easy, since Bunny
Girls are often found in groups. Have one service you while the other watches with a heart bubble
next to her. After the first round, simply do it again in front of the same Bunny Girl and her
heart bubble will turn into an exclamation mark. Finish and pick her up.
Second Animation: in the Secret Garden, find the place with the Maneaters, and use the double jump
on the right to get past the wall and get the panel.


The Great Tree
Mushroom Girl (needs Masturbation skill):

don't attack her. Simply cum on her three times, and she will surrender herself to you.

Gnome Girl (needs Masturbation Skill):

she will hide underground and suddenly emerge as you walk through her little area. Attack her and
she will hide underground again, only to emerge at another spot again. Once she's behind you,
begin masturbating, and she'll watch you with hearts around her. As soon as she slips below ground,
jump to the opposite direction you were facing to avoid her grab, and hit her in the back of the
head. Do this three times in total, and she can be captured.

Slug Girl (needs Kappa Dash):

wait for her to try and rush you with her open body, then use the Kappa Dash to slam right into
her. After you free yourself, you can collect her.
Second Animation: in the Ancient Ruins, find the room filled with rubble. Hit the rubble with the
Kobold Hammer, but be careful not to break too much. Jump into the darker part of the ceiling to
find a secret room with the panel.


The Wasteland
Cat Girl (needs Masturbation Skill):

masturbate until right before climax, then attack her. She will jump back, and then pounce on you.
As soon as she straddles you, you'll ejaculate, and after a moment of disappointment, the Cat Girl
will commence a second round. After she's done with you, pick yourself up and then her.
Second Animation: grab the panel after winning against the Shadow Demon.

Lopbunny Girl/Wild Rabbit Girl (needs Amazon Sprint):

run after her and hit her in the back three times, and you can claim her.
Second Animation: in the Snowy Plains, enter the room of the Bees, and jump into the wall next to
the Bench Wolf. You'll enter a small hidden passage with the panel at the end.


run up to her and hit her three times. Instead of "BOO!", she now throws hearts at you. Get some
distance to her, then let a heart hit you. Now free yourself from the hypnosis right before you
reach her, and then SMACK THAT BUTT and grab her.
Second Animation: Beyond the lair of the Wolf Girl, use the teleport at the rightmost end of the
room to enter a small room holding her panel.

Cat Magician:

wait for her to charge her magic attack, then keep hitting the ball until it blows up in her face,
and she can be collected.


The Beach
Shark Girl (needs Masturbation Skill):

once again, you need another monster girl alongside this one. Have one Shark Girl hit you with her
bubble while next to another one, then let her fuck you. After she's done, quickly ejaculate onto
the one with the heart bubble and you can take her with you.

Coral Girl (needs Masturbation Skill):

attack her until she starts glowing, then ejaculate onto her and she can be pocketed.

Snail Girl (needs Masturbation Skill):

ejaculate onto her the moment she emerges from her shell and you got her.

Octopus Girl:

cannot be captured.


Secret Garden

jump over her wind attacks and hit her while she still has her attack pose. After three hits, she
will retaliate with a dash attack that you can also jump over. Continue until she falls to her
knees, and she's yours.

Dragon Girl (needs Wild Slash and Masturbation Skill):

hit her with the Wild Slash between her tail swipes. Once she starts panting, ejaculate onto her
and she will give up.
Second Animation: after hitting the secret switch in the Hunter Lizard's house, move to the left
of the harpy are and go to the left side end of the next room. The panel sits right atop a small

Nymph (needs Masturbation Skill):

ejaculate onto her without getting hit by her music notes. Then masturbate in front of her until
she opens her arms to receive a second load. Grant her wish, and you can take her.


Cannot be captured.
During her boss fight, wait for her charge to finish, then jump over her dash
attack five times. When she's exhausted, hit her. Rinse and repeat. Do not attack her when she
takes a defensive stance and glows, otherwise it's immediately Game Over for you. Instead, wait
for her to charge up again, and she will fail, at which point you can hit her. Keep going until
she gets tired and escapes. Afterwards, you can have fun with her at her lodge.


cannot be captured.

Caterpillar Girl:

cannot be captured.


Poison Swamp
Zombie Girl:

wait for her to puke a slime ball at you, then hit her while your vision is inhibited. Once the
screen clears up, you can capture her if you managed to hit her blindly.

Gaki/Hungry Girl (needs Slime Wall and Masturbation Skill):

ejaculate onto her face, then use a Slime Wall the moment she dashes at you. The timing can be
finnicky, but if done right, she will bounce off the Slime Wall and be ready for capture.

Swamp Lizard:

she will emerge from below when you move past her. Once she's out of the swamp, hit her. Do this
three times, but make sure that the third hit lands from behind to cut off her tail. Once that's
done, she's ready for pickup.

Cockroach Girl (requires Masturbation Skill):

make it past the cockroach feeding grounds (the grass will show which platforms you can walk on),
and go into her room indicated by the mushrooms on the ground. Masturbate in fron of her, and she
will immediately surrender to you.

White Hunter:

cannot be captured.


Ancient ruins
Cat Thief (needs Masturbation Skill):

hit her five times, until she falls to the ground. Masturbate in front of her, and she will
invite you to do her. Take her up on the offer, but make sure to have full health when you do.
Otherwise, she will squeeze you dry and kill you. After proving your superior stamina, she will
give up.
Second Animation: right after finishing the Six Butts, you get the panel as a reward in the next

Automaton (needs Wild Slash):

when she raises her arm cannon, keep hitting it with the Wild Slash until it blows up, and you can
take her.

Imp Girl (needs Masturbation Skill):

masturbate until right before climax, then hit an Imp Girl. She will shoot a homing ball at you,
so simply try to get some distance before it knocks you down, preferably on the ihhger platforms
where she cannot reach you. After the third hit, she will fall to the ground. Ejaculate onto her
before she disappears, and she's yours for the taking.
Second Animation: in the first area of the Wasteland, break the wall below the save point with the
Kobold Hammer, Kappa Dash through the nook, and move to the right until you find a teleporter.
Walk under the wood plank into the wall and you will be transported into a secret room with the

Kobold Girl (needs Masturbation Skill):

ejaculate onto her three times. After the third shot, she will pounce on you and get her fill.
Once she's done, you can take her along.

Mud Golem (needs Shout and Masturbation Skill):

ejaculate onto her, then use two Shouts to put her in a daze. Afterwards, you can pick her up.

Pink Slime:

cannot be captured.

Kitsune (needs Wild Slash and Kobold Hammer):

attack the slightly shivering stone to uncover the Kitsune. Attack her again and she will
disappear, only to transform into a giant rock to crush you from above. Move aside and hit the big
rock with Wild Slash until you can see dizzy stars on the rock. Quickly swith over to the Kobold
Hammer and hit the rock to knock Kitsune out of her transformation and capture her.


Paradise Cave
Wolf Girl (needs Shout, Amazon Sprint, and Kobold Hammer):

use Shout on the house to rudely wake the Wolf Girl from her slumber. She will jump at you five
times, and without the Amazon Sprint, she WILL catch up to you. Run away from her until she's
done, then immediately hit her with the Kobold Hammer. Rinse and repeat, and after three rounds,
you'll knock her out and capture her.
Second Animation: after defeating the Puppeteer Girl, the panel will be in the next room.

Fairy (needs Kappa Dash and Kobold Hammer):

attack the Fairy, dash behind her themoment she casts her binding spell. While still in the dash
animation, open the menu, switch to the Kobold Hammer, and immediately use it behind her. If
done right, she'll rebound off the ground, and then you can pick her up.

Harpy (needs Kappa Dash):

jump up and hit her, and she will fall down. On the ground, she will then either fly back up or
attempt to ram you. Perform a Kappa Dash against her ram attack, and your noggin will knock her
out, allowing you to add her to the collection.

Cyclops Mage (needs Kitsune Transformation):

when she charges up, transform into a rock to evade her gaze. Then ejaculate onto her to blind
her, and attack her to knock her onto her butt. After that, add her to the list.

Shadow Demon:

hit her four times while dodging her hands to collect her.


Underground Laboratory
Jester Girl:

deflect her three throwing knives with your attacks. If you caught them all, she'll be impressed
and throw three paralyzing knives at you. Deflect them as well, and she will attempt to throw a
bunch of knives, at which point you hit her. The knives will paralyze her, making her an easy

Test Subject (needs Masturbation Skill):

when you enter the test jail, you'll be met with a bunch of cells holding dog girls prisoner. You
need to masturbate in front of specific ones long enough to activate a timer, during which certain
barriers will be open. But be careful to stop as soon as the light above the cell turn green, or
you will instead have sex, wasting your timer and your health.
Starting from the upper left, pick the second jail cell. Then move across the platform to the
right and continue with the first cell. then move down and to the right, hit the switch and go for
the first jail cell. Then run to the right and hit the switch, and if you're fast enough, run back
left before the barrier shuts close. If you didn't make it, have sex with the prisoner here to
open the barrier. Finally, move back up and to the right and go through the door. In the next
room, you can then pick up a dog girl for the gallery.

Frankenstein (needs Amazon Sprint):

First, hit the switch in front of her cage. Then, immediately run away and leave the room. Enter
again, and a path through the wall will be open behind the cage. Proceed there and hit the switch
in the next room. When you return to the cage and hit the switch, it will break, Frankenstein will
be out of commission and can be captured.

Dark Slime Girl (needs Amazon Sprint):

run back and forth in the room and make sure not to stop. Every now and then, a slime mass will
try to snatch you, but with the Amazon Sprint, it won't hit you. After a few attacks, the actual
Slime Girl will show herself, providing the perfect opportunity to attack. Do this three times in
total, and you can take her.

Parasite Slime Girl (needs Kappa Dash):

to the lower right of the Save Room, move past the parasite, and Kappa Dash into the small entry
in the wall. Hit the switch to close the ventilation shafts, but beware that they will open up
again once you enter another room. Return and hit any parasite and let her take over. After she
seized control and realizes none of her kind are coming to join in, she will masturbate instead.
after she's done, she will collapse off of you and you can pick her up.

Shadow Tamer (needs Masturbation Skill):

ejaculate onto her, and she will catch it with her shadow instead. Then, masturbate in front of her
until you climax, causing her to climax as well. Afterwards, she's ready for the pickin'.

Alraune (needs Masturbation Skill):

hit her once, then ejaculate onto her to claim her.


Snowy Plains
Blue Oni Girl (needs Shout and Masturbation Skill):

use Shout on her to stun her, then ejaculate onto her to get her.

Leech Girl/Gigginox (needs Wild Slash):

when she sinks her tail into the ground, run back and forth until it emerges, then hit it with a
Wild Slash. The Leech Girl will retract it in pain and surrender to you.

Snow Bunny Girl:

get two of them close to each other, then let one have sex with you. Once she's done, stay lying
on the ground until the spectator comes to give you a second round. After she had her fun, you can
capture her.

Bee Girl:

defeat all bees in their cave. This will open up the barrier to the lower right, where you'll find another
bee. Ejaculate onto her and you can take her with you.

Yeti Girl:

hit her while dodging her double uppercuts. After six hits, she will surrender.


The Ranch
Cow Girl (needs Shout and Masturbation Skill)):

use Shout to nullify her bell ringing notes, until she gets angry. Ejaculate onto her face, and
she will give up.

Bamboo Spirit:

hit the bamboo pipe to provoke the spirit into attacking you. Do this three times, and the pipe
will shake a few times before she starts panicking. Let her grab you, free yourself from her, then
hit her again. Do this a second time, and after the hit, she will surrender, so go pick her up.

Hunting Lizard (needs Masturbation Skill):

ejaculate onto her, which will open the entry to a room in the back of her house. Enter the room
and move to the next one to enter the arrow trap. Jump onto the woodne block directly above you
and don't move until a hole in the ground opens itself. Jump in and you'll be back in the house,
greeted by the Hunter Lizard. Ejaculate onto her again to capture her.

Red Oni Girl (needs Slime Wall and Masturbation Skill):

as soon a she makes a mad dash for you, put up a Slime Wall, and she'll get stuck in it. Ejaculate
onto her and you can keep her.

Mouse Girl:

unless you wanna continuously struggle against her, Masturbation Skill is highly recommended. She
will casually approach you, and attacking her during her walk will result in her countering and
wrestling you to the ground. Instead, attack her when she stands still. If she corners you,
ejaculate in her face and run past her. Hit her four times in total to capture her.

Red Harpy:

cannot be captured.


Dream Mansion

simply defeat all three of her and the third one will collapse instead of getting smacked away.

Mannequin Girl (needs Masturbation Skill):

in the mannequin storeroom, ejaculate onto all five mannequin. One of them is hidden on the second
level behind the wall on the right. If you missed one, trying to go to the Kappa Panel below will
trap you with the actual Mannequin Girl, stuck for all eternity (or until you reset). If done
correctly, you will be able to take the Kappa Panel, move back out, and after hearing the "unlock"
jingle, go back to the right. The Mannequin Girl will stand there, open for capture.

Bloody Mary/Claw Girl (needs Masturbation Skill):

ejaculate onto her, then masturbate in front of her while she's stunned. She will approach you and
give you a thighjob. After she's done, stand up and masturbate in front of her again. She will
oblige once more, but will let you finish inside her this time. Afterwards, wait for a few seconds
and she will surrender to you.

Puppeteer Girl:

the girl will mostly remain in the back while using her puppets to wear you down. The color of the
glow from her strings tells you which puppet she will use. Hitting it five times will disable it.
After fending off all three puppets, she will emerge herself and shoot puppet strings at you. Use
the opportunity to attack after jumping over her shot. Repeat this two more times, and the puppets
as well as the Puppeteer Girl herself can be added to your collection.

Thwomp Girl:

cannot be captured.

Wall Trap:

cannot be captured.


Nightmare Mansion
Pumpkin Ghost Girl (needs Masturbation Skill):

wait for her to stop and look in your direction while you're close to her. She will release a
small ghost that crawls across the ground and traps you on contact. During this time, she will not
be transparent, and it's your chance to hit her. She will retaliate with a vacumm rush, so be
ready for that. Do it a second time, and on the third chance, ejaculate onto her instead, hitting
her afterwards. Now you can grab her.

Bat Girl:

simply attack her, stay in place, and wait for her to teleport behind you. The moment she starts
to turn her ass towards you, jump and she will hip swing past you, and you can attack her again.
Rinse and repeat a total of 9 times and she's yours.

Dark Matter (needs Shout):

get caught by a Dark Matter and free yourself from her grab. Afterwards, use Shout on her twice,
and you can take her.

Gargoyle Girl:

in the Gargoyle Room, hit the upper right, middle, and lower left Gargoyle statues. This will
disable the trap ahead. Then, go to the right and hit the Gargoyle here. After a bit, the "unlock"
jingle will sound, and then, you can pocket the Gargoyle Girl.

Dark Bunny Girl (needs Wild Slash):

when you enter her room, hit the switch to the left to start the roulette. The monster shown will
then attack you, but with slight differences: Yamabiko will only throw hearts, the Slime Girl is
slow, but cannot be stunned, and the Bunny Girl is incredibly fast.
When the roulette shows the Dark Bunny Girl, a table will emerge from below, trapping you. Dodge
it, and hit it three times with the Wild Slash to crack it a bit. Now, let yourself get captured,
but break free from the table to stun and capture her.
Second Animation: right after defeating her, go through the door on the right. Her panel is right
on the table.

Six Butts:

the room with the six butts features a simple memory puzzle. Remember the order in which the buts
are shown on the center panel, and hit the switches accordingly. The first three rounds, you'll
have reasonable challenges for this, but on the fourth, the images flip through so rapidly that
it becomes almost impossible to follow. And you don't need to. Instead, jump up through a hole in
the ceiling that wasn't there before, and walk to the right to find a switch. Hitting it will
disable the room allow you to gather all six butts for yourself.

Pub: 16 Mar 2022 17:20 UTC
Edit: 16 Mar 2022 17:28 UTC
Views: 989