Burn the Church

[15:04] {NARRATION} The timbre of war drums reverberated from the distance, as a warband on horseback rapidly encroached upon Aphrosian soil. The rapid clops of hooves against the prairie kicked up dust and dirt alike, with the odor of ashes and soot hanging over the horizon. Lead by their Khan, the Golden Horde's banners fluttered in the midst of their rambunctious charge.

To pillage.
To take what belonged to others, and burn down their Church.

Greeting the Golden Horde's approach was that of the fortified lines of Aphrosian knights and their allies. Both Astra and Umbra stood in perfect unison, flying their dichotomous banner as they stood ready to protect and fight for their religious state. To strike down those that they've deemed heretical, those that wished to pillage and ransack their Church.

A tale as old as time, to fight and pillage, to fight as a battle between religions.

As the forces encroached upon one another, the tension in the air thickened at the promise of a bloody combat to transpire. With bated breaths, the soldiers upon both sides held their weapons at the ready.

Awaiting the orders of their commanders.

(Leaders RP, everyone else after. Matchups follow when RPs have concluded.

[18:06] {NARRATION} The field lay before them, a blood-red expanse where diverse cultures converged, sharing a similar fate - death. Athelios stood watch, his hand gently caressing his chin, hoping that his children would prove themselves. Though the church and its surroundings had suffered damage, the infrastructure, walls, and windows stood, adorned with fleeting traces of fire that were easily extinguished.

In the end, nothing was taken. The church endured the test of time.

Amidst fallen warriors from both the Golden Horde and Aphros, with a handful of Horde soldiers retreating, Aphros and its brave warriors emerged victorious, heads held high. Their prayers, once unanswered, now found solace, proving not only to themselves but also to their god that they could weather the storm.

They proved themselves worthy of Athelios' blessings, demonstrating their readiness to confront the fiery trials of Hel and embrace the impending Twilight.

The war of religions had never been innocent, yet its outcome had become evident: Aphros had emerged as the superior faith, while the ones of the desert suffered.

Now was the time to rebuild, heal, and grow. Every battle left behind a trail of blood.

Aphros' triumph was a Pyrrhic victory, achieved at great cost.


Pub: 21 Jun 2023 08:25 UTC
Views: 134