I've got a lot of history with the 3DS. I've owned one since I was four years old. And let me tell you, it was magical. I had a Jet Black launch model 3DS and a copy of New Super Mario Bros. 2, Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land. These would keep me busy for a while, right? Nope. I blazed through these games in 2 weeks. I vividly remember begging my parents to buy Kirby's Adventure, but they never did. So, I just watched the trailer more than the recommended amount. So now Vegetable Valley is eternally ingrained in my head. I've played through the first level of 3D world an ungodly amount of times, and I could probably do it with my eyes closed. Although, I haven't played the game in 10 years. I'd take it on long car rides because it was so danged versatile with its options! Whether it was playing around with the built-in photo editor or recording unholy sounds with the sound editor, fiddling around with Nintendo Zone, creating abominations in Mii Maker, drawing with the notes application, or even watching Dinosaur Office from the Nintendo Video app! It HAD something for you to do. And I've just barely scratched the surface with this. The eShop had a fair number of game demos and free stuff. This console is so meaningful to me. And it holds a special place in my heart. Not just because of how much I associate it with my late father but because it's one of the first things I owned and cherished. This simple writing doesn't even begin to describe my love for this. Trying not to tear up while typing this was tough, but upon reflection, I realized how much I enjoyed those times. Even though I cannot replicate them, I am inspired to create new experiences and cherish them fully. I hope you do the same. - DTApple
Thanks for reading this far! ( ̄︶ ̄)↗

Pub: 20 Jan 2024 04:36 UTC
Edit: 20 Jan 2024 16:10 UTC
Views: 37