Selene Von Verträumte Rose

The Crimson Gold Idol of Nocturne

Physical Characteristics:

Race: [Humie], [Mazoku]
Sex: [Female]
Hair: [Blonde]
Eyes: [Crimson]
Skin: [Ghostly]
Face: [Girly]
Height: [Average]
Bust: [Flat]
Hips: [Feminine]
Butt: [Smol]
Fitness: [Slim]

Standing at 167cm (some of the time anyways and disregarding any unfortunate accidents of birth), a delicate vessel with skin like porcelain, hair of long loose gold, and eyes like bloody roses! Somewhat pointed ears that can catch the sound of a pin dropping with complete ease! A true symbol of vampiric majesty given cold and perfect flesh!
Once, my form was truly splendid, drawing covetous gazes from men and women alike but ever since those Mazoku genetics of mine began to assert themselves, I've found that my figure will fill and deplete with the amount of Arka I have stored within my body! Vexing but never much of a problem so long as I'm careful, which is not great but good enough! The demoralizing effect of being forced into the body of a stripling girl is damaging enough to my psyche...
Finally, there are the parts that I keep hidden under illusions...Horns that are curling and grooved, reminiscent of some strange goat's, if the noble beast's horns were jet black and always slightly warm to the touch despite the usual chill of undeath. If there's any consolation, they're not quite large enough to get in the way of my day-to-day. The wings are membranous, even leathery, reminiscent of the adorable bats I keep as pets! iI'd be happier if there weren't six of the bastard things coming out of my back though! And then there's the tail! A whip-like and sinuous thing that terminates into a pointed tip. Usually kept wrapped around my leg or around my waist as a belt if I don't feel like disguising it. Any information that you hear about it opening up into some strange orifice is a filthy lie!


[Arka Tanks x4]
[Semen Demon]
[Curse of A Thousand Maidens]
[Hyper Fertility]
[Life, Uh, Finds A Way]
[Breeding Season]
[Resting Smug Face]
[Localized Regen]
[Love Nectar]

O-okay, look. Mazoku genetics are a mysterious thing. Th-their Celestial nature m-means that the designs that went into their creation are beyond our limited c-comprehension! As such, I have curious...needs, habits, and appetites that seem strange and l-lewd but are perfectly normal! Recent accidental consumption of demonic entities did nothing to help! N-now! It's best that we not linger on these and move on! Y-yes, right now! STOP READING!


[Tasty Fate]
[Monster Mash x1] + [Ubermensch]
[Unusual Eyes]
[Vampire] + [Vampire Lord]
[Arithmomania] + [Invitation]
[Demon Core]
[Mushi] + [Sleigh Beggy]
[Wings] + [Seraph x2]

While I'm only half of one, my Mazoku heritage is especially strong, I've found! Nothing a-a few layered illusions won't fix, though! Stacking them really helps with the A-[Arka Tanks] issue that would otherwise make me look like some kind of Elven b-broodmother too.
Though I am exceptionally proud to be of Nocturne's night-bound nobility, I will admit that there are some misguided few that will not bow their heads before their betters as they should and would even bare weapons against me. For that, I've gained a curious ability to change my body and mimic that of a wingless Tenshi. Keeping the prey unaware until it's time to strike is natural for a predator such as myself! Don't bother asking where the halo comes and goes, I'm not too sure myself and I can never seem to get rid of the thing in my other form after a certain cupid put it on my head...


[Perfect Pussy]
[Lovers Lab]
[Porn Physics]
[Divine Pregnancy]
[Back Support]
[Mr Clean] + [World Clean]
[Void of Corruption]
[Tamed Shark ]
[Flavour Town]
[Long Tongue]
[Tail Pussy]


Spawn Point:


Player Count:

[10,000 People]


[Mastema - Arbiter of Sanctuary]

Afterlife Timer:

[1 Year]

Death Mods:

[Chosen] + [Corrupted Vision]
[Aww Shit]
[Here We Go Again]
[Convenient Backstory]
[Imōto Apocalypto] + [Imōto Kataklizmo] + [Imōto Armageddon] + [Onee-Chan Ichiban]
[Equivalent Exchange] + [Death Parade]

My mouth might have written a few checks after a recent brush with death b-but on the bright side, the length of my stay in the afteerlife doesn't matter if I never die!


[Fate Dynamo]
[The Adoring Fan]
[Ahegao] + [Dere Dere] + [Yan Yan]
[Chūni Deluxe]
[Conspicuous] + [Attention Whore]
[Calamity Magnet] + [Beast Bait]
[Dankest Dungeons]
[Hephaestus’ Curse]
[Reap What You Sow]
[Mark Of Failure]
[Medal Of Honor]

Oddly enough, I don't find these too bad! A few of them I'm actually rather used to! Sure, that [Damsel] thing might be a double-edged sword, that bit with the a-animals makes life a bit h-harder, dungeon exploration is right out, m-my dating prospects might lead t-to murder s-suicides, my clothes are a tad more f-fragile than expected, there's s-some crazed Chūni a-assassin out f-for my h-head, an e-elf who wants m-more than my h-head...
H-honestly, I feel th-this could be w-worse! I can still turn this a-around, bit-by-bit! It'll be good tempering myself! The strongest Vampire Lady requires an appropriate crucible!


[Hush Money]
[Tasty Prof]
[HUD] + [Status]
[Hammerspace Inventory] + [Remote Capture]
[Max Charisma]
[Destiny Drive]
[Aura’s Veil]
[Hero] + [Demon Lord]
[Soul Split] + [Wisdom Incarnate] + [Great Sage] + [Age Shift]
[Nuru Nuru~]
[Flavour Flay] + [Sensory Overdose]
[Relative Realism]
[Talk To Me]
[Final Journey]
[Divine Intervention]

Some useful boons that make life a tad better, you know? For starters, I can regain that dynamite body I was so proud of before Mazoku genetics cruelly robbed me! Enhanced sensation! Limited telepathy! Supernatural luck AND pluck! My talents blind even myself sometimes~! A few of these perks also make it easier for me to blend into crowds or split myself to be in more than one place at once! Well, blend in about as well as a diva like me can anyways! The beauty, talent, and grace that I radiate naturally dazzles and draws the eyes of all~! Ohohoho!
Tch! I guess there's that high-off-his-own-sauce idiot Tenshi too but let's not worry about him! He'll help me out of a pinch but never has anything good to say and would it kill him to sleep more?! Looks like a winged raccoon!


[Riftgate Licence]
[Servant] + [Soulbound]
[Starting Bonus]
[Infinity Bag]
[Endless Polaroid]
[A Home] + [A Manor] + [Regal Upgrade] + [Service]
[Tab Leet]
[Solar Charger]
[It’s Only Game]
[Portable Arka Core]
[Home Sweet Tome]

A bodyguard, helper, an actual home, my beautiful arka-guitar focus, and some fun little toys to keep me amused on my free time!
I've always been fascinated with the idea of the of the terrible vampire waiting for challengers to attempt to breach their castle, the setting sun above being the timer they have to defeat the vampire's loyal servants before the castle's lord descends upon them with terrible fury and bloodlust! That is not where I am right now but I hope to build up to that with this!


Strength 2
Agility 4
Endurance 3
Combat 2
Beast Mastery 2
Bardism 5
Strategy 2
Charisma 4
Arcane 3
Illusion 3
Summoning 1
Elemental 2
Light 4
Dark 4
Luck 4
Sex 3

As you can probably tell, I was born for the stage! Song is my medium of choice and will deliver bountiful joys and withering curses as I deem fit! Or simply act as a weapon in and of itself! That aside, I am impressively fast and alluring for a vampire! Have a great grasp of Light and Dark, some skill with the Arcane and knowledge of the rudiments of Elemental magic! Lucky to boot!
S-sadly, I've found that I am every bit as fragile as I am gorgeous so investing in myself and in some competent help has been my focus as of late, if only to ensure I won't come apart at the seams if I'm tapped lightly while I try to build my immortal body up.
I-I was a tad lacking in durability in my youth but never to this extent...It likely has to do with the self-experimentation as of late...It's shameful to admit as a proud Vampire Lady but I cannot afford to go charging ahead at the head of a raiding party as would be expected of a member of my House and indeed, my own instincts beckon. I must increase my abilities as soon as I can!
H-huh? S-Sex? F-female of course! It'd just be strange to have that as a p-p-proficiency! l-let's move on, shall we?

Louiza "Loulou" Boone
*My [Servant] and first maid. Loulou is in charge of my personal protection and has faithfully kept me whole and hearty since I was naught but a girl struggling to keep up with my elder sister's raiding parties. Frankly, if she were not a Dhampir and thus unable to take on the family name, I'd consider her more of a sister to me than my actual ones!
Loulou can be...intense. A reading diet of chivalric romance romances have skewed her perceptions and expectations! She's a dumb puppy who won't strike an enemy in the back but she's my dumb puppy...

Spells & Abilities

Sanguine Lacrima

*A mainstay spell of mine, performed by sheer accident as I struck a sour note trying to play with broken, bleeding fingers. It harnesses arka imbued within sweet sound and gives it a wicked edge. As it was the only spell I truly knew growing up, long practice has gone into making it as versatile as possible and I can weave it into near anything I'm playing, provided I have a suitable focus. This allows my spells to have a more offensive quality to them, turning breathy lyrics or struck chords into piercing bolts, rending cuts, bludgeoning force!
The mechanics of it are rather mystifying even for me. Am I amplifying the sound itself to make it harmful? Am I forming some kind pocket of air that is made sharp through magical manipulation? I have no idea but I intend to investigate it thoroughly when I'm able to join (or infiltrate) a magical institution.
They often appear as shapes of auric scarlet as they fall upon my chosen target or that's how I've perceived them anyways!

Devil’s Seed

*An accident that I've managed to salvage, if only somewhat. I had hoped to strum something out quickly to help settle my mind and take my thoughts out of that damnable aching need I feel every now and again but only half-succeeded. Where a neutral "seed" should have lain in wait in my opponent's body to grow into a greater boon or withering hex, I've only managed to make them desperately aroused. Why? I'd like to know myself!
This song inflicts a Charm effect on my enemies, sapping their willingness to harm me or my (far less charming) allies, feeding on the arka saturated in my songs to exacerbate this effect and leech away at their desire to do battle.
What I had intended for it to be was a subtle curse that left behind a kernel of arka that would intensify the effects of my spells on a target, amplifying the beneficial or worsening someone's condition still further by "blooming" on contact with my magical music. A little bit of insurance against hated enemies and fair-weather friends alike.
As you might imagine, I try not to use this too much. Sure, having my foes fall to their knees to beg for release is nice but it's just a tad bit embarrassing, you know? I should see this having a greater effect once I've tweaked it appropriately...
As the whole point of the spell is for it to be insidious, there isn't much effect until it's "bloomed", in which case, I've found it tends to spark into a shower of hearts and rose petals before the target's eyes become drawn to yours truly. Assuming they weren't there already~!

Lament of Starlit Nights

*A cousin of mine once told me of a mountain in the southern lands of Nocturne that pierced high above the clouds and the Mugenmiya's conjured gloom, allowing one to see the untouched sky. Apparently, there are stars that glimmer there that shine like suns all on their own but do not correspond to any other constellation one should see on Harahel! Though, given how bright they're said to be, they might just be the last thing you see!
This spell robs the light from the eyes of it's victims, rendering them blind for a short time. I've found it especially useful when used against large groups as sudden blindness truly makes a chaotic mess of things when crossbow bolts or spears are flying about! Rather taxing when it comes to arka consumption, however.
This spell is usually heralded by several twinkling stars that quickly wink out while taking the rest of the world with it, as far as my enemies can tell!

Summons of a Raving Moon

Moving hearts and stirring passions is what is expected of music, no? What passion can even come close to the frenzied rage of a vampire? And what if that passion could be shared? This spell answers these questions and more, bringing out the raw primal fury that lurks behind the eyes of everything under the sky!
This spell robs it's victims of their reason, increasing the strength and ferocity of those who listen to it, reducing them to murderous berserkers. Naturally, I don't really have the desire to bolster their durability so you can expect them to hurt themselves and others as they rage for awhile! Especially funny to do to groups, let me tell ya'~!
Quite taxing on the arka reserves so I've only really ever used it a few times and I can't seem to get it work right on those with particularly strong mental defenses and iron wills. Once I do, I'm going to be an even bigger threat to all who would harm me...
Supposedly, it creates a bright red full moon somewhere behind me and in the eyes of those afflicted but that's according to Loulou. I can make sure that I'm not effected myself unless I want to be but I'm usually more focused on getting the hell out of the way!

Hell Frozen Partita

Like the freezing rain that falls near endlessly in the northern mountain borders of Nocturne, my music does not permit anything beyond itself, cracking defenses or shoring up the natural obstacles as it falls pitilessly upon the living, the dead, and everything in between. The purpose of this song is two-fold, to strengthen the bodies of my allies and to steadily leech the strength from the bodies of my foes, leaving their mortal shells feeling as brittle and sensitive to touch as frail sheets of glossy rime.

On Jet Black Wings

I have great fondness for all of Nocturne's various bat species but they all share something in common. They're quite rowdy! Flapping around in a cacophonous mess that drowns out damn near everything! But I got to thinking. With the little darling's sensitivity to sound, could one not use it as a method to control or direct them?
This spell is used to co-ordinate the swarms of enthralled bats I keep, enabling them to complete complex maneuvers as a swarm. Sadly, as individuals, they're still just flighted mammals, meaning besides the orders that suppress their breeding instincts, (VERY IMPORTANT) I can't and won't expect a great deal from them.
I've found that the larger, undead bats I keep have a habit of harmonizing with me as I cast it, to the point where the adorable little things act almost like radios. I'll have to find a way to capitalize on it later, maybe in home defense...?

Orison For The Ill-Fated

Originally a poem meant for the family who once held the Rose Manor and the rest of my House's lands. their clan and name has long since been rendered extinct by the hands of my father but I found it moving enough to transcribe it to song. Took forever to get it out of the library, no mean feat considering what hangs around there...
A solemn piece that renders the effected completely mute when it works and disrupts the flow of arka in their body to make it too volatile for them to use! Or that's what it SHOULD be doing...! I...don't have the best control of this spell yet, which is to say, I have no confidence in not causing a micro explosion when casting it, creating a risk of blowing the target and/or myself a new blow hole on every attempt. Naturally, I don't use this without Hecate's help and easy access to more arka...
I often wonder about the poor devils that once owned this manor. Supposedly the defeat and death of their Overlord through some unrelated means was what led to their destruction and some records left in the library (thankfully untouched by the years and only a little scorched) imply that the Von Verträumte Rose were a subordinate family to theirs. Judging from the blue roses that still grow in our territory, they were likely to have been accomplished alchemists. To think they would simply fade away from unliving memory so easily...Father's own transformation into an Overlord cannot come soon enough.

Striding on Azurine Clouds

I've found that among the elements I have gained some understanding and control over, lightning comes to me most readily, likely a hold over from the overcharged succubus I defeated. While I'm told Wind spells are the best for improving one's speed in the air, this seems to work just fine to put some pep in one's step. I've found that I'm even able to alter the polarities and inflict a slowing effect on those I deem...less than amenable.
As one would expect, this spell wreathes it's targets in a crackling corona of violet and blue lightning that drags the benefactor forward on a bolt of electric magic, bringing the sound of rolling thunder upon stopping! Absolutely worthless for stealthy maneuvers!
Not too taxing to use but VERY conspicuous!
Maybe because it's more of a skill I assimilated into myself but I find it especially easy to use and imbue, even able to add it to certain foods and drinks! Sadly, I can only do so at half-strength to avoid spoiling any other spells or what not that might be in the consumable carrying it.

Fiendish Pinnacle: Advent of Cantillation

Another accident. It had been an attempt at simultaneous casting that went very much off the rails, causing me to lose an arm, strike everything around me stone dead, and required a month to recover from. These songs are Black Rites, far too dangerous to be used unless I've exhausted every other option to protect my life and purity! As I easily grow absentminded mid-performance and to avoid any security breaches, I have only included the most bare bones description and the feelings invoked in me during practice. The fact that I was able to articulate what I felt at all is impressive! Thoughts are difficult when using this great spell as in performing it I give way entirely to some other part of myself lost in the grips of some overpowering emotion. I have managed to use it in the throes of great anger but it was a hollow and malformed melody that failed to produce the destruction I need it to! The power I'd have access to once this is in a more stable form...

  1. The First Verse "Astrape"
    Surging Pride. Comradery. Thunder and Valor.
  2. The Second Verse "Metis"
    Heartfelt Affection. A Mother's Love. A Maiden's Heart Bared.
  3. The Third Verse "Eos"
    Chained Mania. Venom and Fangs. Forespoken Wrath.
  4. The Fourth Verse "Pandia"
    An Uncaged Heart. Irrepressible Malice. Venom and Fangs. The Thirst For Self Destruction
  5. The Fifth Verse "Hecate"
    *An Unbroken Wheel. Death and Rebirth. Stifling Silence.
  6. The Sixth Verse "Selene"
    An Arrow At the End of It's Flight. Fleeting Hopes. Oblivion.

Draining Kiss

Skill inherited from the succubus, Nevan, her ability to sap the strength of others has been added to my repertoire after I slew her and took her essence. Thankfully, it does not need an actual kiss to trigger. Any bodily contact with my victim-to-be will serve. The rub of it is that intimate contact will of course make it more efficacious. As expected of a succubus...
From some experimentation, I've found that the strength absorbed includes the arka of my targets, making this an excellent (if sensitive) way to recoup arka on the fly with no time to rest or after a large drain on my reserves.

Evil Gaze

Skill inherited from the succubus, Nevan, the beguiling eyes that succubi and vampire alike are said to have in common. While I will admit my gaze had a hypnotic effect before, Evil Gaze has certainly amplified it somewhat. As one would expect from a skill of a demon like this, seduction is what would modulate it's effects but singing will do the job just fine.
Using sight as a medium for spellcasting is common in my family and my father is especially well-known for it's use. Seeing as how I am not as blessed as my sisters in that department, sound is where my domain lies but this is a nice skill to keep in the pocket should I need something done and the usual means of coercion are unavailable to me.

Shadow Walk

Skill inherited from the succubus, Nevan, an ability that allows one to sink within and travel through shadows. Perhaps because Nevan had a better grasp of Dark magic than I but I cannot use it to flit around from shadow to shadow like she could. Improving my own skill should be able to help with that. Until I do reach that height, however, it makes for an excellent evasive skill. Allowing me to move at a much faster pace than usual by means of gliding on shadow. Even acts as a small pocket space but nothing can follow me in there without special preparation. I suppose that too will change in time.

Pub: 24 Nov 2021 07:25 UTC
Edit: 15 Aug 2022 17:47 UTC
Views: 629