Chapter 1: Workshop
Shizuka: Ehh!? You can't go because you have work!?
Kokona: Yeah... I forgot that I had already made plans, so they put me on a shift...
Shizuka: Gosh, you really have no sense of self-management... You need to start telling me and have keep track of your schedule.
Shizuka: Are you going to be alright? You even said that this is your chance to broaden your horizons in acting!
Shizuka: You're not going to get a chance to be taught by this person again, you know?
Kokona: Yeah... I want to go, but there's no one else who can cover the shift.
Kokona: The owner is usually quite flexible with my shifts, so I don't want to make any more trouble for them...
Kathrina: What was that just now? I could hear Shizuka's voice from all the way down the corridor.
Shizuka: Get a load of this, Kathrina! The 3 of us planned to go to the workshop today, right?
Kathrina: Right. The one where the famous pantomime performer is going to give a lecture?
Kathrina: Kokona say the flyer for it, and made a big fuss about wanting to go...
Kokona: whimper
Kathrina: Why are you whimpering like a dog...
Kathrina: Huh? Don't tell me you're not able to go?
Kokona: Waaahh! I'm sorry.
Shizuka: Gosh, I hope you've learnt your lesson to keep in mind what shifts you're working! It'll just be me and Kathrina going now.
Kokona: Ok... Ah, but it'll be rude to for them to be down a person... Could someone possibly go in my place?
Shizuka: That's true. Let's ask around while we're here.
Chisa: So that's why you've called me here.
Kokona: Sorry for calling you out all of a sudden.
Panda: No-no. This is a perfect oppurtunity for Sassu. She's got a strong interest in pantomime after all.
Chisa: Yeah. When I heard about the workshop, I kicked into high gear.
Kathrina: As expectesd of the jack of all trades... Doesn't take much to get them involved.
Shizuka: Well that worked out in the end.
Kathrina: It's a shame that Kokona can't go... Oh well, we can tell her all about it when we come back.
Chisa: Leave it to me. I'll show you all the secrets of the performance arts.
Kokona: ALright, I look forward to it.
Kokona: It's almost time, isn't it? Y9ou guys should head off.
Shizuka: ...
SHizuka: (We're about to leave, but I don't think us three have ever reallyi gone out together.)
Shizuka: (Maybe it's because Kokona isn't around? It's making me a bit restless...)
Shizuka: Kathrina is calm...
Shizuka: (Sasuga's dozing off... Doing as she likes as usual, just relaxing.)
Shizuka: (Everyone's like their usual self.)
Kathrina: What's going on with you? You seem restless.
Shizuka: Ah. Nothing, I just thought that it's not often the 3 of us are together like this...
Kathrina: That's true. Whenever you're going out, you're usually with Kokona.
Kathrina: Are you feeling anxious without your partner?
SHizuka: That's not it. It's just that there's not much to talk about... Since the two of us usually just speak to each other.
Kathrina: You don't have to force yourself to speak with us. I didn't think you were the type to do taht sort of thing anywayas.
Shizuka: I'm not forcing myself. I just thought that it would be could to learn more about people outside of myself and Kokona.
Kathrina: I see...
Kathrina: ... Well, you can talk about theater with me. Like being a reference to participate in plays.
Shizuka: Stoic as always.
Shizuka: Well, I also need the same here too.
Kathrina: Fufu. I'm sure we can have a meaningful discussion about that then.