Anon's Stalker

Chapter 3


The next evening arrives with you wandering up and down the block looking for the bowling alley.
You're not in a great part of the city and GPS is being spotty.
You're on your third pass about to call David when you spot a sign at the entrance of a dingy alleyway.
"Bowling Behind the Alley" with an arrow pointing down the badly lit path between the buildings.
Now you understand the name. It's a gimmick.
You hope your stalker would swoop in and save you from the impending awkward encounter with Kacia after turning her down but it's too much to ask for.
David and Kacia are getting shoes fitted while Pam pays for the lanes.
You greet them and turn your attention to the clerk to get your shoes fitted in a bit to avoid directly interacting with Kacia.
She must also want to delay the inevitable awkwardness. "I'll go get some drinks before we start."
You, Pam, and David gather at the lanes you've rented.
Pam and David on one team, you and Kacia on the other.
"You're going to say yes right?"

"I still don't get it but I trust you as long as you say she wont get hurt."
"She wont as long as you don't do anything else dumb."
"Alright, alright."
"Hey, question though-"


"Is it Brianne?"

"What about her?"

"Is she who you said was interested?"

David snorts and then laughs. "No way man did you hear anything she was saying yesterday? She's so deep into that 'men's rights' shit she would never!"
Pam swats his shoulder. "Hey, she might have some strong opinions but she's still my friend, be nice."
"She's plenty nice, I just wish she would talk about anything not political sometimes."
Pam silently concedes his point.
A moment later Kacia arrives with a pitcher of beer and a stack of cups.
Shes doesn't really directly acknowledge any of you when she sets down the pitcher and divvies out the cups on a table.
David says she will ask you out again but you really want to rip off the bandage.

"Hey Kacia?"

She finally acknowledges you but looks more at your forehead than at you.

"I've had a change of heart. If you're still interested in getting coffee I'd love to."

She swells right away. "Awesome! Sorry I put you on the spot yesterday."

"No, it's fine. I should have said yes the first time."

Pam pulls a ball out of a bag she brought with her.
If she is bringing her own ball from home you're going to have a challenge.

It was an insurmountable challenge.
Pam showed the rest of you up. You even asked her if she plays in a league.
Apparently she did in college.
David was no help to her but she didn't need it to beat you and Kacia.
If he managed just to keep the ball out of the gutter he would cheer and Kacia would clap politely.
Half way through the night he started getting silly and doing things like facing away from the lane and bowling between his legs.
It was the only strike he got that night.
You were just average.
Kacia had a bit more grace in throwing the ball which translated into a better score but the two of you still couldn't take down Pam.
Kacia went back and forth with you on favorite movies in between bowling.
Most of her favorites were documentaries.
She went on for a while about a documentary about wolf who liberated a bunch of males during the troubles.
A lot of her favorites seemed to have a theme to them.
Rom-coms where a spunky outgoing anthro girl drags an introverted loner outside and rehabilitates him.
A sci-fi flick about alien lizard girls taking over the world.
A movie about an anti-hero anthro who saves a bunch of men from human trafficking ("She's literally me!")
Plenty of movies still have claiming as a minor theme but in nearly all of her favorites it was a major theme if not a central point.
Of course you would know. You've seen all of them.
You agree with her on the quality of her favorites but try to hedge your level of love for them.
You don't want to come off as a weirdo.
As the end of the evening approaches the two of you are so engrossed in conversation that Pam has to remind either of you to take your turn a few times.
Eventually your time on the lanes have run out and you start saying your good byes
Pam takes her win well.
David is smug and takes another playful batting from him and a reminder that he didn't help at all.
Kacia was just glad to be there and is looking forward to seeing you again after exchanging contact info.
You enjoyed the night with her but feel conflicted.
It's not like your relationship with her is going to develop.
You hit the head while the other three are turning their shoes in.
When you come back out Kacia is waiting for you.
She points towards a small alcove with a few arcade games squeezed inside. "Hey before you go I saw they had Time Stoppers in the arcade. I haven't played since I was a kid. Do you want to play with me?"
Her excitement is admittedly cute. You can't say no.
Eventually you hit another game over screen and while she fishes for change you notice an employee pointedly sweeping up near you.
You decide to end the game there but on your way out you realize you never returned the rented shoes.
The two of you say your final goodbyes for the night and you pop back in to get your shoes and head out.
The sun has already set long ago and the hour is deep into night time.
As you make your way down the alley a door just ahead of you slams open.
A rough looking boar in a stained tank top drunkenly stumbles out with an angry possum wearing an apron at her heels.
"Sandy you git your ass back here! You didn't pay yer tab again!"
"Aw fuck you Marg I'll pay next time, you know I'm good for it."
"You've been sayin' that for months you slob!"
It's at this moment that they both notice you.
The boar has a strange look in her eye.
The possum is the first to say anything. "Stop gawkin' boy, scoot!"
Not really anywhere to go but past them so you try to hurry around the boar, but she stops you.
"Now hold on there, handsome. No need to run away so fast."
She is completely incapable of putting on any charms and her drunken state only makes it worse.
You try to say something about needing to get to work tomorrow but she puts a massive hand against your chest and slams you into a wall.
You're stunned but you can make out the possum shouting something at the boar.
The sour musk of the boar is almost overpowered by the awful stench of alcohol on her breath.
"Nuh-uh I'm tired of boys running from me."
With that she presses her snout against your face and forces her disgusting tongue into your mouth.
You retch and try to turn your head away but she grabs your throat and jaw with a meaty hand and holds you in place, threatening to throttle you.
You try to push her away but only manage to kneed her sweaty, doughy tits.
This seems to encourage her even further.
She finally pulls back and as you are sputtering and gasping for air she turns up the heat.
"You really like that don't ya, hot stuff! Maybe I'll just claim you right here!"
You pull at the arm holding your head to the wall desperately but you're no match for her.
She pulls you towards her by the neck and her maw dives onto your shoulder.
Her flat teeth thankfully don't puncture your skin but the extreme pressure has you screaming in pain.
You redouble your efforts to break her off of you but she only squeezes tighter on your neck and shoulder while shaking you back and forth.
You can distinctly hear the possum shouting "Sandy what the fuck!" over your wailing.
Suddenly your whole consciousness is filled with the distinct feeling of her tusk piercing the skin of your neck and sliding smoothly into your throat.
Your fight ends there.
Your wish to get claimed was granted by an evil genie in the most malicious way.
You got what you asked for and now you're fucking dead for it.

That's as much as you can remember when you wake up in a foreign bed surrounded by beeping machines and tubes sticking out of every part of you body.
You feel like shit.
Weak, worst hangover of the century, violated.
You can almost still taste her in your mouth.
one of the machines is sounding an alarm and a few moments later a ferret in a white coat arrives to silence it.
"Mr. Mous, you've had quite a scuffle. How do you feel now?"
You only groan in response, not having the energy to respond verbally.
"We don't have an emergency contact on file for you. Is there someone you would like us to get a hold of?"

"Phone... Please."

She leaves your field of view for a moment and returns with your phone. You barely have the strength take it from her but you manage to open up David's contact and hand it back to her.
"We can contact this person for you. In the meantime you've lost a huge amount of blood so I'm going to up your medicine so that you can rest and recover, okay?"
You nod weakly.
She presses a button on one of the machines by your bed and you feel yourself quickly succumb to the medicine.

Pub: 14 Mar 2023 02:14 UTC
Edit: 14 Mar 2023 02:16 UTC
Views: 1277