Exchange of wisdom between Hagu and Writhaven

It had been a long and strenuous journey for the Scholars of Writhaven, but despite the exhaustion that the books they carried brought them, none were dissatisfied, for their goal was the forbidden library of lost knowledge deep within /hag/ lands. They all were eager and giddy as they imagined all the unknown tomes that they would soon get to read.
They finally were about to reach their destination as they went out of a forest and across large fields of grain, surrounded by a small town, lay the monument of wisdom they were seeking. A building so grand in scale it could house the population of a city itself.
As they approached the library, the townsfolk, dressed in robes that covered their whole bodies, looked at them with curiosity and seemed to follow them along. Not eager to aggravate the locals, the scholars simply moved along and tried their best to ignore the happenings. As they reached the closed entrance of the library, yet another robed figure approached them and a soft voiced began to greet the scholars.
"Welcome men from far away, may i inquire as to what it is that you are seeking in this place?"
"We thank you for the welcome! We have heard of this grand library and come to read upon its treasures."
"Ohh, is that all? If it's reading that you seek, that do you not carry enough for that with yourself?"
"These are gifts we brought with us to the library, our research into the matter has made us learn that it is custom to share knowledge of our own, for the gift of knowledge we are to receive."

At these words spoken, the townsfolk that followed behind the scholars began to express their happiness loudly and the robed woman they were speaking to, began to smile herself.
"It fills us with joy to learn that you seek to share in wisdom together and are not simply trying to gain in selfish greed. We shall welcome you as fellow scholars among us."

With a gesture from the robed figure, the townsfolk began to move the big doors of the library posthaste with excitement, as they all themselves were scholars of the library themselves, they could barely await what was about to come. The foreign scholars of Writhaven were gestured to enter, and others would take the books they brought to bring to tables on the side.
"We shall confirm the contents of the books you have brought to make sure they truly fulfill the criteria, but before that there is something else we must do."
"I guarantee we have brought only the best books of Writhaven with us! What else is it that you seek from us?"
"You see, as this library is ours to protect, we first need to search your bodies for any dangerous items to make sure there is no danger for the tomes. I can understand this might seem a tad embarrassing, so to make you feel more at ease, we too shall lay ourselves bare before you."

With a coquettish smile, the robed figure opened up her robe and let it slide to the floor, exposing herself fully naked under it. The rest of the woman followed suit, and the Scholars of Writhaven were quickly surrounded by naked hags on all sites. Not sure where to look and full of embarrassment, they spoke.
"I promise there is no need for this! We have only come with good intentions and have brought no dangerous items along with us!"
"Ohh? But i am not so sure about this, it seems you are hiding something pointy in your pants, we must investigate this thoroughly!"

And as some of the naked hags began closing the door of the library again behind them, as the exchange of wisdom was about to commence.

Pub: 11 Dec 2022 15:32 UTC
Edit: 01 Jan 2023 01:04 UTC
Views: 214