Imagedescription imagedescriptionimagedescriptionimagedescription

Dear Gradient Joe,

I have no idea if you will find this message, but if you do, I just want to say I love you. While this is not a love letter, I want you to know I put my whole heart into writing this one rentry for you. While I cannot show you my affection through my actions and how I am not the best with words, I think you know me enough to get all the affection the way I mean it. Not sure when you will see this, but I am sure you will dm me about it with something nice to say. I will react positively in the way I always do, with a violent message, as I always do to show my affection and joy to you. You are the best person I have ever met, and I really enjoy speaking to you. This may be the first time I have written something nice, without anything mean or violent in it, and if anybody should be the first to recieve it I think it should be you. As you are the joy of my life, the reason I opened up, the reason I became who I am, and the reason I am still here today. I will be with you every step in your life, every up and down, like how a swan will stay with it's signifigant other and once one is dead, will not find a new one but be loyal to them. Till death do them part, the afterlife will reconnect them, just like how we will be. You showed me what I was worth, what I could show, what people were worth. I love you so much, you are my joy, the one I love, and I sincerely love you. The day we see each other is a day I cannot wait for, the day I can be with you forever is a day I hope will come soon. ImagedescriptionImagedescriptionImagedescriptionImagedescriptionImagedescriptionImagedescription

Very sincerely, Your familiar foeimagedescription

Pub: 11 Oct 2023 21:36 UTC
Edit: 11 Oct 2023 22:48 UTC
Views: 137