Kauket/Anton/Elliot British bisexual | polyamorous | demiaroace taken by my gf and bf!!! asd,adhd,anxiety,bpd,ptsd,depression Hobbies:gaming,drawing,animating

Likes Dislikes
videogames assholes
my friends grass/j
calling on vc allistics
drawing the government
anime/vocaloid the police
old internet/2000s internet right winged assholes
creepy thingz most straight people
i have autism so be wary if i need clarification, racists, homophobes,ableists,conservative,lesboysupporter,endogenic/endo supporter
id also appreciate the use of tonetags and allowing the use of it so i can get how you're tryna say something to me and so i can give myself reassurance im telling you something the right way, and who knows it might help you personally as well! transphobes, proshippers,commshippers,darkshippers(only if you like illegal ones),extreme christian
I also heavily swear and i will make suggestive jokes on occasion do not interact if you are below the age of 14 or over the age of 20

Links Kins | my flags | personality quizzes

Pub: 27 May 2024 01:24 UTC
Edit: 04 Sep 2024 13:36 UTC
Views: 428